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March 28, 2005 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-03-28

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Monday, March 28, 2005

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Opinion 4A

Suhael Momin
considers GEO's

Arts 8A "Congeniality 2"
misses by a longshot


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L 34

One-hundredfourteen years of editorialfreedom


11 wwmichikandaily.com

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Vol. CXV, No. 106

62005 The Michigan Daily

National title slips
.away once again


team. Al
No. 3 tea
the regic
fying W
ingly ho
Caught up in the Game ihat, so
was "sup
G RAND RAPIDS - Fourteen But th
NHL draft picks, three first round- truth is
ers, two 50-point scorers, a Hobey a game
Baker finalist, a superstar goalie and the three-go,
winningest coach in Michigan history. Oh ond per
yeah, and 10 seniors. That's what made up winning
this year's Michigan hockey team. That's they cou
what this team was - a team that had the ter team
tools to win it all but once again fell short in it counte
the NCAA Tournament. team -
After the team's 4-3 loss to Colorado have bea
College on Saturday, Senior captain Eric With
Nystrom put it best: "With the talent we room thi
had in that locker room this year, any- al champ
thing short of a national championship If yo
was disappointing." now. Th
And there it is - plain and simple. coaches
Nystrom knew it, and the rest of the team don't ha
probably did, too. For students in my senior The 1
class, there has been one national champi- Arena -
onship in our time at Michigan: The field fans -
hockey team in the fall of our freshman for some
year. We go to probably the best university column.
in the country for sports, and we can't win backseat
any championships. about ass
And I have news for all of the juniors at must hav
this school: this year's hockey team was what I'v
your best shot to see a natty. The Wolver- explanati
ines were preseason No. 1 and, when the This n
playoffs came around, were playing their to win th
best hockey of the year. They brought a have bee
14-game unbeaten streak into the NCAA gan - tJ
Tournament and dismantled Wisconsin on defines n
Friday night in the first round. They had the year, we
talent to do it. But they couldn't. can't qui
With the talent we had in that locker have a fl
room this year, anything short of a nation- costs us a
al championship was disappointing, friends a
There's a tendency after a game like this our hous
to say that Michigan just got beat by a better
GSIs still
*with 'U'
afer strike
Resolved issues include
language of anti-discrimination
9 clause, child care benefits
By Ekjyot Saini
Daily Staff Reporter

fter all, Colorado College was the
am in the nation and the top seed in
on. The Tigers came from the terri-
CHA - the conference that amaz-
'uses all four of the teams in the
Four. The nation's leading scorer,
ertich, is on that team. And guess
is the second most prolific scorer
zuntry, Brett Sterling. So Michigan
)posed" to lose that game, right?
hat's taking the easy way out. The
that there is no excuse for losing
like that. The Wolverines had a
al lead just minutes into the sec-
iod, and they blew it. They were
when the third period started, and
ldn't hang on. They were the bet-
for a lot of the game, but not when
d. They didn't get beat by a better
they lost to a team that they should
the talent they had in that locker
s year, anything short of a nation-
pionship was disappointing.
u're looking for answers, stop
he players don't have them, the
don't have them and I certainly
ve them.
oss left everyone in Van Andel
- except the 100 or so Colorado
speechless and left me searching
sort of explanation to put in this
I rode home to Ann Arbor in the
of our University-rented minivan
speechless as the Michigan players
ve been on their ride home. Here's
e come up with: There is no good
Michigan hockey team's inability
he big game defines what athletics
en like in my four years at Michi-
te way the team lost this weekend
Michigan athletics, as well. Every
have teams with potential that
te make it happen. Every year we
uke loss, a bad call or a mistake that
an important game. Every year, my
nd I sit around on the couches in
e and talk about how this year is
See HERBERT, Page 7A

Elections proceed as
expected, with frontrunners
winning a majority
By Karl Stampfl
Daily Staff Reporter
The Students 4 Michigan party nearly swept
the Michigan Student Assembly elections, win-
ning all but one of the open positions, including
MSA president, which went to LSA junior Jesse
Levine, and MSA vice president, which went to
LSA sophomore Alicia Benavides.
"I am very proud of our candidates," said LSA
sophomore Stuart Wagner, Students 4 Michigan's
campaign manager. "When it really comes down
to the end of the day, our candidates were strong,
they were active in the community, they were
involved in student government and they were
committed to their campaigns."
Students 4 Michigan was founded before last
semester's election. One of the key differences,
some candidates say, between the party and its
predecessor, Students First, is that it will not ask
candidates to run as representatives of the racial,
cultural or religious groups to which they belong
- what Wagner termed "tokenism." But Levine
has said his party still aims to be representative of
the whole campus.
The team of Levine and Benavides garnered
2,008 votes, beating Rackham student Kate Sten-
vig and LSA junior Monica Smith - who ran on
the Defend Affirmative Action Party ticket - by
1,356 votes in a landslide.
Levine said his main goal as president is to pro-
tect student's rights, most notably by supporting
a $2.50 increase in student fees that would pay
the salaries of two new lawyers at Student Legal
One lawyer will deal with immigration law,
and another will deal with students' housing
rights. SLS Director Doug Lewis is proposing the
fee increase to the University Board of Regents at
its June meeting.
Levine said he plans to propose an MSA reso-
lution asking University Hospital to stop notify-
ing police when a minor who is drunk receives
medical attention because it violates patient con-
fidentiality rights and discourages students from
seeking necessary treatment.
"Students are reluctant to go to the hospital
when dangerously drunk," Levine said.
The lone seat that went to another party was
the MSA representative of the School of Educa-
tion. Education senior Andrew Jacobs of DAAP
edged out Engineering sophomore Johnny Park
of Students 4 Michigan by 11 votes.
LSA sophomore Andrew Yahkind will
serve as LSA Student Government president,
and LSA junior Paige Butler will serve as
vice president after winning their uncontested
They said they plan to focus on expanding the
number of LSA minors offered and increasing
Election Results
MSA President: Jesse evne
MSA Vice President: Alcia Benavides
LSA-SG President: Andrew Ya ind
LSA-SG Vice President:


Eric Nystrom (21) during the Wolverines' 3-4 loss to Colorado College in the second round of the
NCAA Tournament at Van Andel Arena, Grand Rapids on Saturday.

Reclassification wories those
organizing office workers' umon

Lack of detail on new system
causes anxiety among those who
fear implications of the change
By Carissa Miller
Daily Staff Reporter
Although the University's new job classification system takes
effect in just over three months, many affected employees - those
currently classified in the professional/administrative, technical,
office and allied health job families - are still unsure of whether
the change is needed and how their employment at the University
will be altered.
Over the last few months, various University units in conjunc-
tion with the Health Resources and Affirmative Action office
have worked to remap approximately 18,000 staff positions at the
University's three campuses and in its health system. According
to those heading the project, the new system - built around 20
career families through which employees are classified on numer-
ous levels - will make it easier for the University to define pay and
compare University positions to titles in the job market.
Lolly Luegge, a financial clerk at Wolverine Towers, said she

does not know how the change will affect clerical workers, and with
office and clerical workers at the University attempting to form a
union - the Union of Professional Office Workers - this is not an
untimely concern. However, members of U-POWER's organizing
committee vary on how and to what extent the system change will
influence their organizing efforts.
Because the exact nature of the new classifications will not be
known until June, it is not yet clear how the change will affect the
bargaining unit of U-POWER, which must have 50 percent of the
workers it hopes to represent sign union cards in order to have bar-
gaining power.
"I expect the reclassification to have a negative impact on clerical
workers, and I think it will change the bargaining unit, making it
more difficult for U-POWER to reach its goal," said Mike Wilkins,
who works in material services at University Hospital and is on U-
POWER's organizing committee.
He said after reclassification, more people would qualify as office
workers and therefore U-Power would have to gain more signatures
to become a union.
But other committee members, including Teresa Smith, a clerk
for the University's health system, and Deborah Smith, an outpatient
clerk at the UMH Cardiovascular Center, disagreed with Wilkins.
See U-POWER, Page 3A

After a one-day walkout last Thursday, both the
University and the Graduate Employees' Organiza-
tion have returned to the bargaining table, reaching
an agreement on a few key issues.
The University and GEO came to an agreement
on child care benefits and the language that will be
added to the anti-discrimination clause of GEO's
new contract. The clause will include gender iden-
tity and gender expression.
The inclusion of gender identity and gender
expression in the contract was agreed upon in bar-
gaining sessions in February. GEO's lead negotiator
Andre Wilson said the final wording of the clause
was not agreed upon until Friday.
The amended clause prohibits discrimination
based on "a gender-related identity, appearance,
expression or behavior of an individual, actual
or perceived, and regardless of the individual's
assigned sex at birth."
"We talked to some people at the national level -
the national TBLG task force. They felt that it would
be strongest if we went with that language," Wil-
son said. He added that the language of the clause
S closely mirrors the anti-discrimination clause in the

New ResHall president wants to focus on RAs

By Rachel Kruer
Daily Staff Reporter
LSA sophomore Darla Williams will be the face
of the approximately 10,000 students living in Uni-
versity housing, starting April 14.
As president-elect of the Residence Halls Asso-
ciation, Williams said one of her goals is to improve
RHA's relations with residential staff.
Williams said residential advisors are not cur-
rently included within the general assembly of RHA
u w M U 1

- the student government of University residence
halls that consists of 16 dorms and oversees all of
the hall and multicultural councils - because they
receive free room and board from the University.
Williams said RAs are an incredible resource
because new residents look to older students for
advice. She added that she hopes to incorporate
their input into the general assembly while being
mindful of their conflict of interest.
"(RAs) need to have a voice. They are students
like we are. They might have problems with their
employers or need help with some of their pro-


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