Most Michigan voters would
approve banning race preferences
The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 7
Continued from page 1
you've given the American electorate yOu
the chance to vote for black equality the
or, conversely, to vote for white privi-
lege, and you have a majority white a
state, white privilege usually winswo, ... a
BAMN national spokeswoman Shanta whi
Driver said.
"We're going to challenge them
every step of the way," she said. "We're
going to be doing an all-out, full-
fledged national campaign to defeat
this initiative." of month
For now, MCRI and its challengers "We r
are focusing on the lengthy process of plan," he
verifying the half-million signatures In ad
submitted last week. The Michigan common
secretary of state's office will perform claims ti
the official count, which could take nificant
until April or early May to complete, of Michi
said Kelly Chesney, the secretary's "The
spokeswoman. people a
The state will check each signature proposit
and petition using several tests, including Driver
whether the signer is a registered Michi- claims,
gan resident, has signed the petition only adds "ci
once and has signed it within 180 days of state co
MCRI's filing date last week. constitu
MCRI's opponents are allowed to ity regar
request their own copies of the petitions, Driver a
something that both BAMN and United signature
Michigan are looking into. Once they were pai
have copies, they are allowed to conduct gan resi
their own independent count or take those pe
their grievances to court for any number Whethi
of reasons, Chesney said. viable ha
But the volume of MCRI's submis- Undou
sion will make any challenges very dif- legal bat
ficult, Chesney added. is worde
Because its opposition has numer- phrase "
ous opportunities to challenge its peti- term thai
tions, MCRI is keeping abreast of their tions: to
actions. Over the next few months, how- ing to U
ever, the campaign will lie low and plan 55 percen
for the long haul. when to
"We don't want to leave any stone action pr
unturned," MCRI director of outreach If cha
Chetly Zarko said. "We're going to be through,
as active as we can." work to s
But Zarko added that the campaign "We'v
will "take a breather for the next couple United
is a sta
Continued from page 1 ference
Smooha also said Abbas will be From (A
different from Arafat, as he is accept- peace at
ed by the international community, it, to (A
including the United States and Isra- concessi
el. "(He is) fully accepted by every- Abbas m
body. He is also legitimate because Palestini
he was elected," he said. salem as
Or Shotan, chair of the Israeli Stu- "(Pale
dent Organization, was also hopeful said Abe
that Abbas will be a leader that can Muslim
work with Israel and the internation- "But
al community to come to a peace doesn't c
agreement. purpose
"Israel is really excited to have some- Shotar
one like (Abbas) leading the Palestin- lis have t
ians. He is someone that we hope (will) the Pales
put an end to the fighting and the vio- dismantle
lence from both sides," Shotan said. the soldie
Some Palestinian students are less Smoo
optimistic about prospects for peace. away. He
Salhi said Abbas's differences with the Israel
Arafat have been exaggerated. Israeli P
TCF The ph
Continued from page 1 people, A
no age limit. Old people, young people, those mig
rich people, poor people - anyone "It's or
could be scammed." ly think
Phishers send out fraudulent e-mails who resp
to customers from a variety of banks, but Phishe
only TCF Bank customers were affected tories a
at the University because most students them fr
use TCF Bank on campus, Adams said. For exa
"It has nothing to do with being a subscrib
TCF Bank customer," Adams said. "I get your inf
phishing e-mails from Citibank and other to chec
places. The bad guys cast a wide net. policy e
the michigan daily
y time in American history when
ve given the American electorate
chance to vote for black equality
nd you have a majority white state,
te privilege usually wins out."
- Shanta Driver
BAMN national spokeswoman
eally do need to sit down and
dition to the technical errors
in verifying petitions, BAMN
hat MCRI committed more sig-
errors that deceived the people
signature gatherers lied to
about the nature of the ballot
ion in order to get signatures,"
said. Some signers, BAMN
were told that the proposal
vil rights protections" to the
nstitution, even though the
tion already guarantees equal-
dless of race, sex and religion.
lso alleges that some of the
e gatherers - most of whom
d to do so - were not Michi-
dents, which would invalidate
her these arguments are legally
as yet to be determined.
ubtedly, there will also be a
tle over how the ballot question
d. Opponents allege that the
race preferences" is a loaded
t disguises MCRI's true inten-
end affirmative action. Accord-
nited Michigan's own polling,
nt of the public opposes MCRI
Ad it would "ban affirmative
allenging the petitions falls
both campaigns will have to
way public opinion to their side.
e got a lot of educating to do,"
Michigan spokesman David
Waymire said.
"(MCRI) is a massive intrusion in
Michigan's ability to control its local and
state government," he added, explaining
that the proposal could affect programs
that recruit women for government
contracting or white men to diversify
predominantly black police forces. Its
influence, he said, extends far beyond
the University's campus.
If MCRI is successful, the organi-
zation may move on to target other
states for similar initiatives. Ward
Connerly, the University of Califor-
nia regent who started MCRI, has
signaled his intention to move on to
smaller states, like Nebraska, if he
succeeds here.
Over the coming months, United
Michigan will put up programs and
debates to educate the public. As
November 2006 approaches, its efforts
will resemble a political campaign, and
the group will take out advertisements
to more vigorously push its agenda.
BAMN will launch "Operation
King's Dream," a reference to Martin.
Luther King Jr. BAMN believes MCRI
will harm minorities by lowering minor-
ity enrollment.
BAMN will enlist high school and
college students to go door to door
throughout the state and try to educate
the public on the issue.
"This is going to be Michigan's Free-
dom Summer," Driver said, referenc-
ing the attempts in the early 1960s to
desegregate the south and politically
empower blacks.
Jon Rogers, a Kinesiology sophomore, carves a bunny on the Diag yesterday. The Michigan ice Carving Team
is preparing for the Third Annual Main Street Ice Carving Extravaganza.
Continued from page 1
University because of it."
IFC Vice President for Public Rela-
tions Jonathan Krasnov said fraterni-
ties under the old rules often avoided
registering parties because of the lia-
bility risk and because of the restric-
tions against liquor and cups. The
changes to those restrictions, he said,
will help encourage fraternities to reg-
ister their parties.
"Now (houses) have nothing to lose
by registering," Krasnov said. "We
anticipate the registration of any event
that should be registered."
Krasnov said because all sororities are
dry, these policies only affect fraternity
parties, although they affect all members
of the Greek system. This is due to the
policy shift to greater exclusivity, which
mandates that all non-Greek attendees
be on a guest list. The number of guests
may not exceed four times the number of
sober monitors.
"The fraternities represented in the
IFC have lost approximately one thou-
sand members since the system moved
away from Greek exclusivity," Krasnov
said. "A main motivation behind (the pol-
icy change) was to entice more people to
join and to increase Rush numbers."
Krasnov said the old Rush system,
under which large parties with free
alcohol were the norm, had grown
ineffective in attracting new members
because anyone could come to par-
ties, whether or not they were actually
interested in Rushing. Under the new
policy of exclusivity, he said, there is
a greater incentive for individuals to
get involved with Rush activities, and
ultimately to join the fraternities, in
order for them to attend parties and
other events.
Brendan Dowdle, an LSA sopho-
more and Phi Kappa Psi social co-chair,
said the way fraternities approach Rush
under the new rules will be changing.
"A lot of our Rush tools were based on
having those big parties and introducing
ourselves to a lot of freshmen," Dowdle
said. "It's gonna be a completely differ-
ent ballgame now."
Schmuldt gave additional reasons
behind the changes, saying large parties
were unmanageable and unsafe due to
their size and there was too much liabil-
ity involved.
"Because we are no longer going
to supply (alcohol), we are not at
fault and the responsibility falls on
the partygoer," Schmuldt said. "Of
course, we will take action if houses
do not register parties that should be
registered, to make sure houses are
held accountable."
These actions include social proba-
tion, removal from Rush activities and
the possibility of suspension.
"These new policies reduce the risk
to us; we're basically lucky that noth-
ing has happened yet. Having parties
all the time, it's risky - when there's
a whole bunch of people, anything
could happen," Dowdle said. "Winter
semester is usually quieter than the
fall, so I guess it'll be a good time to
test this out. We'll just play it by ear
and see what happens."
h of what we see in the media
tement to overplay the dif-
between Arafat and Abbas.
rafat) who was totally against
nd made effort to go against
bbas) who is willing to make
ons," Salhi said. Like Arafat,
naintains that the goal of the
ans is a state with East Jeru-
its capital.
stinians) will have a leader,"
er Odeh, political chair for the
Students' Association.
if the (Israeli) occupation
hange there will have been no
for it," she said.
n agreed and said, "The Israe-
o change their policies toward
tinians and have to continue to
e the settlements and remove
ers and checkpoints."
ha said this might not be far
pointed to recent changes in
li government that will enable
rime Minister Ariel Sharon to
e way they suck people in."
ishers might send e-mails to 100
Adams explained, and only 75 of
ght be TCF Bank customers.
ly the ones who would logical-
we're sending them an e-mail
ond," Adams said.
ers obtain names from direc-
nd e-mail lists by buying
om a marketing association.
mple, Adams said when you
e to a magazine, it can resell
ormation. She urges people
k an organization's privacy
very time they give out their
carry out his plan to pull Israeli settle-
ments out of the Gaza Strip. "This is
good for both sides," he said.
University alum Arik Chesin, who
advises the Israeli Student Organiza-
tion and is a coordinator of the Israeli
Community of Ann Arbor, agreed,
saying negotiations will resume under
Abbas. "Trust is going to have to be
built up," Chesin said, "but at least
there is not the condition of mistrust
that was there before."
In spite of worries of violence dur-
ing the election, Palestinians and Israe-
lis alike are encouraged by the election
itself, which took place Sunday without
major problems.
"I'm happy with the elections,"
Odeh said, adding that it shows the
Palestinian people want to vote to
elect their leader.
"I think it's a great hope. I am happy
to see that Israel is not going to be the
only democracy in the Middle East,"
Chesin said.
personal information.
TCF Bank recoups losses from cus-
tomers who suffer from the scams.
"We repay them because we definite-
ly want to take care of them even though
it's not our fault," Adams said.
In response to the scams, TCF Bank
is planning to expand its program of
educational seminars at the University
on financial matters this semester from
one - a seminar targeted at interna-
tional students called "Banking 101"
- to four. The programs will start in
February, and one of the topics will be
identity theft.
Continued from page 1
Michigan secretary of state.
Despite the efforts of those opposed to race-conscious
admissions, many colleges have opted to take race into
account in order to boost the number of minorities they
admit. In 2002, 45.9 percent of whites between the ages
of 18 and 21 were in college compared to 37.6 percent of
blacks and 24.9 percent of Hispanics, according to the
U.S. Census Bureau.
Proponents of race-conscious admissions have criti-
cized Education Secretary Rod Paige, who is black, for
failing to support it. At a conference in April 2003 on
race-neutral ways of achieving diversity, Paige said:
"Those of us who are leaders in the education commu-
nity must have the courage to embrace fresh new ideas
and innovative new approaches to make a good education
system better and more accessible to all."
In 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the LSA
point-based affirmative action system but upheld the law
school's race-conscious policy, which is not point-based. LSA
now uses a race-conscious system that relies more heavily on
essays and does not use points.
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