2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Student kills 9 in school shooting NEWS IN BRIEF
BEMIDJI, Minn. (AP) - A high
school student went on a shooting ram-
page on this Indian reservation yester-
day, killing his grandparents at their
home and then seven people at his
school, "grinning and waving" as he
fired, authorities and witnesses said. The
gunman was later found shot to death.
It was the nation's worst school
shooting since the Columbine massa-
cre in 1999.
Students pleaded with the gunman
to stop shooting.
"You could hear a girl saying, 'No,
Jeff, quit, quit. Leave me alone. What
are you doing?' " Sondra Hegstrom
told The Pioneer of Bemidji, using the
name of the suspected shooter.
Before the shootings at Red Lake
High School, the suspect's grandpar-
ents were shot in their home and died
later. There was no immediate indica-
tion of the gunman's motive.
Six students including the gunman
were killed at the school, along with
a teacher and a security guard, FBI
spokesman Paul McCabe said at a news
conference in Minneapolis.
Fourteen to 15 other students were
injured, McCabe said. Some were
being cared for in Bemidji, about 20
miles south of Red Lake. Authorities
closed roads to the reservation in far
northern Minnesota while they inves-
tigate the shootings.
Hegstrom described the gunman
grinning and waving at a student his
gun was pointed at, then swiveling to
shoot someone else. "I looked him in
the eye and ran in the room, and that's
when I hid," she told The Pioneer.
McCabe declined to talk about a pos-
sible connection between the suspect
and the couple killed at the home, but
Red Lake Fire Director Roman Stately
said they were the grandparents of the
shooter. He identified the shooter's
grandfather as Daryl Lussier, a longtime
officer with the Red Lake Police Depart-
ment, and said Lussier's guns may have
"You could hear a girl saying, 'No, Jeff, quit,
quit. Leave me alone. What are you doing?'"
- Sondra Hegstrom
Student at Red Lake High School
been used in the shootings.
Stately said the shooter had two
handguns and a shotgun.
"After he shot a security guard, he
walked down the hallway shooting and
went into a classroom where he shot a
teacher and more students," Stately told
Minneapolis television station KARE.
Students and a teacher, Diane
Schwanz, said the shooter tried to break
down a door to get into her classroom.
"I just got on the floor and called
the cops," Schwanz told the Pioneer. "I
was still just half-believing it."
Ashley Morrison, another student, had
taken refuge in Schwanz's classroom.
With the shooter banging on the door,
she dialed her mother on her cell phone.
Her mother, Wendy Morrison, said she
could hear gunshots on the line.
"'Mom, he's trying to get in here and
I'm scared,"' Ashley Morrison told her
All of the dead students were found
in one room. One of them was a boy
believed to be the shooter, McCabe
said. He would not comment on
reports that the boy shot himself and
said it was too early to speculate on
a motive.
Schiavo ruling
still uncertain
Israel, Palestinians agree to handover
Israelis and Palestinians reached a deal yesterday about handing over
security control of the West Bank town of Tulkarem - another boost for a
fledgling peace process.
The handover could help Palestinian officials carry out a new directive restricting
weapons in the hands of militants, who insist they'll comply only if Israel withdraws
from West Bank towns.
Tulkarem is the second of five towns to be delivered to Palestinian security as part
of an agreement to end four years of bloodshed that Palestinian leader Mahmoud
Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon announced at a Feb. 8 summit. Pales-
tinian militant groups issued truce declarations last week that reinforced the accord.
Violence has dropped since the summit. But not all confidence-building
measures - transfer of the towns and release of more Palestinian prisoners
- have been implemented.
Adding to Palestinian anger, Israeli officials confirmed yesterday that the govern-
ment has approved construction of 3,500 new housing units in and around the West
Bank's largest settlement, Maale Adumim near Jerusalem, in violation of the U.S.-
backed "road map" peace plan.
Annan urges for approval of U.N. reforms
Secretary-General Kofi Annan urged world leaders yesterday to implement the
boldest changes to the United Nations in its 60-year history by expanding the size of
the Security Council, writing a new definition of terrorism and strengthening protec-
tions for human rights.
In a speech to the 191-member U.N. General Assembly, Annan called for adopting his
entire reform package at a summit of world leaders in September, and he warned countries
against treating the list of proposals "as an a la carte menu, and select only those that you
especially fancy."
Getting leaders to agree on the package will not be easy because many countries have
opposing views on issues ranging from reform of the powerful Security Council to creation
of a new Human Rights Council to increasing development assistance to poor countries.
The timing of Annan's appeal also raised some questions, coming just before for-
mer U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker releases the results of an investiga-
tion into the activities of Annan and his son, Kojo, in relation to the scandal-ridden
U.N. oil-for-food program in Iraq. Kojo Annan worked in Africa for a company that
had an oil-for-food contract.
Rice threatens int'l sanctions on North Korea
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice hinted yesterday that North Korea
faces possible international sanctions if it flouts a diplomatic effort to halt
its nuclear weapons program.
Rice also delivered subtle rebukes to China for raising the stakes in the
perennial standoff with Taiwan and for the communist country's limitations
on religious freedom.
. "I made the point ... that I do hope there is an understanding that religious liberties
are not a threat to changing societies," Rice said at a press conference.
Rice said she asked Chinese leaders for more help to bring the North Koreans back
to the six-way weapons talks. The Pyongyang regime has said it already has at least
one nuclear weapon and has given no indication it is ready to bargain further.
High court won't hear 9/11 suspect's appeal
The Supreme Court yesterday rejected terrorism suspect Zacarias Mouss-
aoui's attempt to directly question three al-Qaida prisoners and cleared the
way for a trial of the only U.S. defendant charged in connection with the
Sept. 11 attacks.
The ruling allows the government to proceed with plans to seek the death
penalty if Moussaoui is convicted of participating in an al-Qaida conspiracy
that included the 2001 airplane hijackings.
The Justice Department said it would file a motion as early as of today,
suggesting a trial date in Alexandria, Va.
Judge hears arguments
three days after feeding
tube was removed
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - Armed with a
new law rushed through Congress over the
weekend, the attorney for Terri Schiavo's
parents pleaded with a judge yesterday to
order the brain-damaged woman's feed-
ing tube reinserted. But the judge appeared
cool to the argument.
U.S. District Judge James Whittemore
did not immediately make a ruling after the
two-hour hearing, and he gave no indica-
tion on when he might act on the request.
The hearing came three days after the
feeding tube was removed. Doctors have
said Schiavo, 41, could survive one to two
weeks without the tube.
The hearing also followed an
extraordinary political fight that con-
sumed both chambers of Congress and
prompted the president to rush back to
the White House.
During the hearing, David Gibbs, an
attorney for the parents, said that forcing
Schiavo to die by starvation and dehydra-
tion would be "a mortal sin" under her
Roman Catholic beliefs.
"It is a complete violation to her rights
and to her religious liberty, to force her in
a position of refusing nutrition," Gibbs told
But the judge told Gibbs that he was not
completely sold on the argument. "I think
you'd be hard-pressed to convince me that
you have a substantial likelihood" of the
parents' lawsuit succeeding, said Whit-
temore, nominatedeby former President
Clinton in 1999.
George Felos, one of the attorneys for
husband Michael Schiavo, told Whittemore
that the case has been aired thoroughly in
state courts and that forcing the 41-year-old
severely brain damaged woman to endure
another re-insertion of the tube would vio-
late her civil rights.
"Every possible issue has been raised
and re-raised, litigated and re-litigated,"
Felos said. "It's the elongation of these pro-
ceedings that have violated Mrs. Schiavo's
due process rights."
Terri Schiavo's feeding tube was
removed at 1:45 p.m. Friday, the third such
time it has been disconnected. On both
previous occasions, the tube was re-insert-
ed by court order.
The House, following a move by the
Senate, passed a bill Monday to let the
parents ask a federal judge to prolong
Schiavo's life by reinserting the tube.
President Bush applauded the dramatic
legislative maneuver.
Ten-year-old Jessica Greene, left, and Father Peter West of the Priest for Life
Organization, carry signs into Gov. Jeb Bush's office in hope of meeting with
the governor to express their views on saving Terri Schiavo.
Fighting Stigma with Knowledge and Understanding
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