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March 21, 2005 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-03-21

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Monday, March 21,2005
News 3A Experts on censorship
debate FCC policies
Opinion 4A Jasmine Clair: MSA
hopefuls get dirty

One-/zundredfourteen years of edit'orialfreedom




8A The Ann Arbor Film
Festival delights
audiences with
approachable cinema


0 www.michirandaily.com

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Vol. CXV, No. 101

02005 The Michigan Daily

GSIs likely to walk out Thursday

GEO president says official,
bindino vote is likely to
mirror today's informal one
By Eljyot Saini
Daily StaffReporter
Members of the Graduate Employees' Organi-
zation overwhelmingly voted by mail to authorize
a walkout on Thursday. Members voted 550-55 in
favor of a walkout. A final, binding vote will be
taken at a membership meeting on Wednesday.
GEO president Dave Dobbie said this vote is a
pretty clear indication of what the outcome of the

final vote will be.
"If the University doesn't make significant prog-
ress between today and Wednesday, (members) are
going to feel negatively," he said.
Dobbie has also indicated that GEO members
will consider an open-ended strike beginning on
April 4 if progress is not made in negotiations after
a possible walkout.
"We certainly wouldn't want to go on an extend-
ed strike. Our members would not (authorize a
strike) if they thought the University was bargain-
ing in good faith," Dobbie said.
GEO is circulating an e-mail among students,
staff and faculty indicating the possibility of a walk-
out on Thursday and requesting that the University

community honor the picket line if a walkout occurs.
The e-mail also outlines some of the key issues,
including health care and wages, on which the Uni-
versity and GEO have failed to reach agreement.
Dobbie said many members have voiced concern
about the University's proposal regarding health-
care decisions. He added that the University has
been unwilling to negotiate health-care benefits.
"(The University) wants to reserve the right to
make changes to health care, such as change our co-
pays and exclude benefits," he said.
GEO has proposed the idea of a "designated ben-
eficiary" - an adult who would receive the same
benefits that GEO members receive. GEO members
would be able to designate individuals who share

certain aspects of their lives, such as a child or bank
account, to receive these benefits. Same-sex ben-
efits are currently given to partners of all University
employees, but GEO says the change would protect
benefits from future challenges based on the amend-
ment to the state constitution that defines marriage
between a man and woman.
The University, however, has been reluctant to
discuss the designated beneficiaries, citing concerns
of cost - the idea would add more people to the
existing benefits system - and implementation.
Another area of concern has been wages. The
University - which has proposed extending the
contract period from three to four years - has pro-
posed a 2-percent increase in each of the first two

years of the contract and a 2.5 percent increase in
each of the other two years. According to GEO, that
would amount to a pay increase to $14,250, $14,500
and $14,900 over the next three years. GEO has pro-
posed an increase to $16,000, $17,000 and $18,000
over the same period. GEO rejects the University's
proposal for a four-year contract period.
University spokeswoman Julie Peterson said
both the University and GEO have reached
approximately 10 tentative agreements. The
inclusion of gender identity and gender expres-
sion into the nondiscrimination statement of
GEO's contract was an issue of contention
between the University and the union that has
been resolved.

'Faculty rate
Coleman, other

Most U' leaders received
negative marks for how
well they consult faculty
when making decisions
By Karl Stamnpfl
Daily StaffReporter
University faculty gave University
President Mary Sue Coleman high marks
for actively promoting a positive environ-
ment for scholars but were less positive on
other aspects of her presidency, including
whether she adequately consults faculty
before making important decisions. The
results came from a survey by the Faculty
Senate that polled instructors about Univer-
sity administrators. Coleman's score for the
faculty's confidence in her overall leader-
ship was 3.72 out of 5.
In the online survey, which 28 percent of
faculty members took last semester, ratings
on areas of administrators' job performance
ranged from 5, indicating strong approval,
to one, strong disapproval.
Survey participants gave Coleman an
average score of 2.99 out of 5 when asked
to grade whether she "actively promotes
an environment for teaching excellence"
- the category in which Coleman earned
the lowest rating. University Provost Paul
Courant, the second most powerful admin-
istrator, also received his lowest marks in
this category, scoring a 3.15. The trend con-
tinued with Terrence McDonald, LSA dean
(3.25), Medical School Dean Allen Lichter
(3.21), School of Engineering Dean Stephen
Director (2.01) among many other college
deans. The trend suggests a campus-wide
dissatisfaction among faculty about its level
of input during administrative decision-
Coleman's second-lowest rating was
her promotion of diversity among students
and faculty, earning her a 3.04, though she
has been an outspoken critic of efforts to
abolish the University's affirmative action
Coleman's highest score, 4.13, was given
for whether she "effectively represents the
interests of the University to the (University
Board of) Regents and state officials."
The faculty also credited Coleman for

Leader watch
Faculty rated top-
ranking administrators
on a five-point scale on
overall confidence In their
School of Music Dean
Karen Wolff - 2.42
School of Dentistry Dean
Peter Polverini - 2.25
Astronomy Department
Chair Douglas Richstone - 2
School of Education Dean
Karen Wixson - 1.75
her work in successfully raising funds for
the University. At a time when the Uni-
versity's budget has been under pressure
as a result of Gov. Jennifer Granholm's
cuts to higher education, Coleman earned
her second highest score (4.1) in this area.
Since she became president, Coleman has
promoted The Michigan Difference cam-
paign to raise $2.5 billion for the University
through private donations.
Coleman's score of 3.72 in the category of
"inspires confidence in leadership overall"
was comparable to other top-ranking Uni-
versity administrators, including Courant
(3.71), McDonald (3.8) and Lichter (3.96). It
was almost 1.5 points above Director (2.43)
but lagged behind others, such as School of
Public Health Dean Noreen Clark (3.38).
A committee formed by the Faculty
Senate to create the survey will present
a report on its results to the Senate Advi-
sory Committee on University Affairs at
this afternoon's meeting. The committee's
report questions the leadership of many
deans and suggests conducting the survey
Faculty members gave a number of rea-
sons that 62 percent of faculty did not par-
ticipate in the survey, including concerns
about the security and anonymity of the
survey. According to the report, one faculty
member was worried that his or her identity
See RATINGS, Page 7A

Hundreds of students volunteer for Dance Marathon In the Indoor Track Building on Saturday.


By Magaly Grimaldo
Daily Staff Reporter

Along with her husband and her five-year-old
twins Joshua and Connor, Lori Zack attended
Dance Marathon for the first time to support the
team that would be dancing for one of her sons,
who has been receiving therapy since the age
of one. Joshua has been in occupational, physi-
cal and speech therapy at Beaumont Hospital in
Royal Oak since January of last year.
"The insurance will not pay for the therapy, and
Dance Marathon has helped reduce the cost and
allowed for him to be involved in his therapies,"
Zack said.
More than 50 families were present at Dance
Marathon in the Indoor Track Building this week-

end, cheering on the more than 700 dancers who
participated in the 30-hour marathon. The mara-
thon was the culmination of a series of events rais-
ing money for pediatric rehabilitation.
Dancers raise money throughout the year and
are expected to do so before participating in the
marathon. This year over $300,000 were raised.
The rules of Dance Marathon are very simple
but challenging: The dancers could not sit, kneel
or lean for 30 hours. While their task was difficult,
dancers had overwhelming support from "moral-
ers" and their teams.
"My role as a moraler is to keep the dancers'
spirits up. I provide them with support, massages
and whatever they need to keep them going," said
LSA senior Nilay Parikh.
During the event, performances on the stage

included dance competitions, battle of the bands,
line dancing and games.
Among these performances was a student group
performing Middle Eastern dances.
"The Arabesque dancing group has been prac-
ticing since November for this performance. It's
exhilarating to be here, even if you are tired.
You see all the smiling faces around you, and it
encourages you to stay on your feet 'till the last
hour," said LSA freshman Ameera David, a mem-
ber of the group.
Other activities took place on the main floor.
There was a video game station, an arts and crafts
section and different sports. The participants were
provided with food and free gifts donated by local
caterers and corporate sponsors.
See DANCE, Page 3A

Protesters take
on A2 to protest.
*Iraq policies
Rally one of many organized globally to -
protest the Bush administration's handling
of Iraq and the Middle East in general
By Olga MantlIla
For the Daily

Dingell criticizes Bush for

stalling on Social

Congressman says
reforms should be
debated, but not on
the President's terms
By Justin Miller
Daily Staff Reporter
U.S. Rep. John Dingell (D-
Dearborn) criticized President
Bush's ideas for Social Security
yesterday in the Michigan League,
after saying in an earlier interview
that the president has not yet pre-
sented a plan.

talked about
putting all
options on
the table,
because I
fully under-
stand the
tion must
work with
the Congress Dingell
to perma-
nently solve Social Security," he
The president's principle rests on
his assertion that Social Security
system will begin to run an annual

picked "worse-case" scenarios
about Social Security's outlook
and while the system faces future
dangers, they can be addressed
with minor adjustments.
Dingell said he would eliminate
the $90,000 payroll cap and is
open to changing the way benefits
"I think in fairness it's some-
thing we should discuss, but it's
not something the salvation of the
system depends on," Dingell said
of indexing.
Bush and Dingell agree on the
need to consider changes to the
payroll cap and benefit indexing

Ann Arbor residents took to the streets yesterday to protest the war
in Iraq in a peaceful demonstration that marked the second anniver-
* sary of U.S. military presence in Iraq. Hundreds of demonstrators
marched through downtown Ann Arbor flashing peace signs. banging

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