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January 05, 2005 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-01-05

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 5, 2005 - 3A

Students to
organize tsunami
In response to the recent tsunami
in Southeast Asia, several student
groups will be holding a meeting
tonight at 7 p.m. in the Tap Room of
the Michigan Union.
The groups - which include the Res-
idential College Republic, the Michigan
Student Assembly and LSA Student
Government - aim to organize a cam-
pus-wide fundraising event.
Exhibit features
wildlife in Alaska
The Arctic National Wildlife Ref-
uge: Seasons of Life and Land exhibit
will be on display until Feb. 9, in the
South Lobby of the Taubman Center.
California Academy of Science
officials worked to create the exhibit,
which features a tour of endangered
wildlife, terrain and isolated Inuit and
Gwich'in villages in the far northeast-
ern corner of Alaska.
Artwork conveys
values, ethics of
African peoples
The Museum of Art will be exhibit-
ing Art of the Lega: Meaning and Meta-
phor in Central Africa until Jan. 16 in its
West Gallery. The exhibit displays the
creative imagery of the Lega people of
the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The African art includes masks,
spoons, baskets and figures made from
wood and ivory.
The Lega people are known for
using their artwork to convey their
ethical, social and political values.
Woman mistakes
* intruder for her
There was a home invasion in Fam-
ily Housing during winter break,
Department of Public Safety spokes-
woman Diane Brown said.
She said a woman heard the front
door to her apartment open and thought
it was her husband coming home. She
remained in the other room and later
realized the person that entered her
home was not her husband and $200
was missing from her purse.
In Daily History
'U' is labeled
forbidden for all
Russian citizens

Jan. 5, 1955 - All of Washtenaw
County, which includes the Univer-
sity, was labeled forbidden territory to
Russian citizens.
The State Department took action
and put 27 percent of U. S. territory
- approximately 900 counties - on
the "forbidden" list. The list included 19
Michigan counties.
International Center Director James
M. Davis said the restrictions would not
affect the University. "We have no Rus-
sian citizens here as students, as far as
we know," Davis said.
Roses have never
smelled so sweet
for Schembechler
Jan. 5, 1989 - Michigan football
coach Bo Schembechler led his team
to victory after losing seven out of his
last eight trips to Pasadena.
"Losing just tears your heart out.
And I don't have that good a one to
start with," Schembechler said.
Sophomore Leroy Hoard was large-
ly responsible for the Wolverine's vic-
tory and was named Rose Bowl Player
of the Game.
Yet, Hoard was the one who caused
Schembechler so much heartache dur-
* ing the season.
He was left out of the 1988 media

Tedesco to step
down as vice
president of 'U'

By Omayah Atassi
Daily Staff Reporter
Lisa Tedesco, vice president and secre-
tary of the University, will leave her posi-
tion and resume her research and teaching
in February 2005.

After step
down, Te
co will tak
batical from
become a v
ing fellow at
Center for C
munity He

e a

T sPartnerships at
Tedesco the Columbia
University Medical Center. She will
also be a visiting professor at the
Columbia School of Dentistry and
Oral Surgery.
Tedesco willc
return to the Univer- isa has
sity in one year as a the
professor. set a g
"After my sabbati- standard
cal, I want to return
as a productive, positionC
interdisciplinary col- s
league," she said. "I president
will miss seeing the
University from the secretary
viewpoint (of vice
president and sec- Universit
retary), but work as
a faculty member - R
is a wonderful, finet
University Presi-
dent Mary Sue Coleman said Tedesco
will work with the Board of Regents
to find a successor. The details of the
process have not yet been worked
out, University spokeswoman Julie
Peterson said.
As vice president and secretary of
the University, Tedesco is the offi-
cial liaison to the Regents. Tedesco
manages communication matters for
the board.
At Columbia, Tedesco will join
Allan Formicola, director of the Cen-
ter and vice dean for Community
Health Partnerships, with whom she
has worked before.
"We are looking forwardwith enthu-

siasm to having Dr. Tedesco join us as
a visiting professor," Formicola
said in a written statement. "Dr.
Tedesco's fine accomplishments and
strong leadership skills fit in per-
fectly with the goals and initiatives
of the center. She will expand and
enrich our programs."
During her time at Columbia,
Tedesco said she hopes to continue her
teaching and research on diversity in
the health professions.
"I think this is a great way to take a
sabbatical," Tedesco said. "There are so
many things I can bring back that would
be of great benefit to our health profes-
sional school."
University Regent Rebecca McGowan
said in a written statement that Tedesco
has done an exemparly job.
"Lisa has certainly set the gold
standard for the position of vice
president and
secretary of
certainly the University,"
:l McGowan said.
"The members
for the of the Board
have relied on
ofvice her sagacity,
her understand-
and ing of this Uni-
versity and her
of the incredible work
ethic for seven
Y- very full years,"
she said.
becca McGowan The Center
University Regent for Community
Health Partner-
ships at Columbia


Michigan fans look on as Texas celebrates Its 38-37 victory over Michigan in the 91st Rose Bowl game on
Saturday in Pasadena, Calif.
Thousands offans head to
Pasadena to cheer on team

School of Dentistry and Oral Surgery
focuses on improving equitable health
care by addressing several issues,
including problems of the uninsured
and underinsured in northern Man-
hattan, providing direct medical and
dental services to the elderly in Har-
lem, conducting research and develop-
ing community partnerships aimed at
improving the health of Latinos and
blacks, increasing the cultural compe-
tency of health care professionals and
by offering technical assistance to 15
dental schools to increase access to
oral health care services and access
to careers in dentistry for underrepre-
sented minority students.

By Ekjyot Saini
Daily Staff Reporter
The first-time matchup between
Michigan and Texas on the football
field spurred students and alumni to
make the trip to Pasadena and support
the University's football team.
Although fans traveled to Pasadena
in a number of ways, many opted for
the tour packages that were offered by
the Alumni Association. The packages
included game tickets, hotel accommo-
dations, as well as other benefits, such as
an invitation to the official tailgate party
sponsored by the Alumni Association
and the Tournament of Roses parade.
The price of a standard five-day pack-
age for a single person was $1,962. Cath-
erine Niekro, vice president of marketing
and communications for the Alumni
Association said 1,300 individuals par-
ticipated in both the five-day and two-
day land/air or land-only tour packages.
This year the Alumni Association
also sponsored a pep rally the day

before the game.
"The pep rally was fantastic. The
whole team was there along with the
coaches. President Coleman was there
as well, along with the marching band
and cheerleaders," said Niekro, who is
also a member of the Board for Student
Publications that oversees the financial
operations of The Michigan Daily.
Along with the pep rally, the Alum-
ni Association held the official Univer-
sity tailgate party prior to the game.
Niekro said there was a good turnout
with 3,500 people attending the event.
Some students looked for other
options in order to make the trip to the
Rose Bowl a little less pricey.
Some students opted to buy airplane
tickets with connections in other cities
in order to offset the cost of traveling to
the game. Many students also purchased
tickets through the athletic department
instead of buying tickets elsewhere.
The University's loss, however, did
not dampen the spirits of some who
attended the game.

"It was so much fun. It was an awe-
some game. (The crowd) was electric,"
Engineering junior Andy Wang said.
In regards to the loss, Wang said he
could swear that the final field goal by
Texas wasn't going to make it.
"All the (Michigan) people started
cheering, but then the referees put
their hands up and everyone quieted
down," Wang said.
Students who attended the game
said that Texas fans had been cordial
and friendly while the usual banter
existed among the rival fans.
Business junior Bochao Zhange
said, "All the Texas fans were really
nice, I think it had to do with the
fact that it was the first time (the two
teams have) played so there was no
animosity between the fans."
Wang echoed similar thoughts
regarding the demeanor of their rivals.
"Everyone was so nice, probably
because of the whole Southern hospi-
tality. Not much gloating after the game
from the fans," he said.

O o e e a




I am an Ann Arbor businessman and a Vietnam Vet. As
such, I lived through decades of defamation by the me-
dia, entertainment and education industries. Vilification
was especially true in Ann Arbor and similar communities.
Years later, UM students began to interview us Vietnam
Vets and we learned what was being taught as history by
the offensive questions we were asked, in all innocence:
Did you murder any of your officers? Did you rape Viet-
namese women? The list goes on. In an attempt to set
the record straight, I decided to run ads that I call Food
for Thought. At the same time, I understood that some
day we would once more be at war. I was determined, as
are most Vietnam Vets, that the next generation of warriors
would not be treated as we were treated. With that in mind,
in future ads you will read of the lies told back then that are
taught as history today with the hope that you will compare
them to what is being reported on the Iraq war. I seek no
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All clinics are held at the Intramural Sports Building.
Basketball- January 5a, 6th, and 11"' at 7:00 PM
Ice Hockev - lanuarv 5th at 7:00 PM


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