f. 6A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 10, 20( the michigan daily ALBUQUERQUE HOME FOR professional couple. 8 rooms +, quiet neighborhood. Glassed porch and studio attached to garage. Lg. walled yard, stained glass in living room. Not far from University. Call 505-256-7155 or 734-302-0012. CONDO IN NIELSEN Square. 2+ bdrms. 2 yrs. old. Walk to Medical & North Campus. y.Approximately 2,000 square feet. Listed @ $339,900. By owner. Call 734-424-0283. AVAIL. NOW ASSIGNED prkg. Close to campus. For info. call 996-2836. CAMPUS PARKING SPACES available for now. 665-8825. 1 Bdrm. Apts. On Catherine, For Fall 2005 Copi Properties 663-5609 !!!AVAIL. NOW, 1 bdrm. apts., sunny, haid- wood firs., $765/up in charming hse. (lovely flower beds), 4 short blocks to Frieze bldg. Effs., 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. JanMay/Sept. '05. 741-8882/717-1110. a2apartments.com !!ATTN. GRADUATE STUDENTS!! 721 Church Street for Fall 2005. Beautiful I bdnm, apts. in charming Tudor style home. Hardwood floors, quiet atmosphere, parking., laundry. Free Heat, H20, parking. No pets/no smoking. Across from E. Quad. Call Bobbie 877-426-1360. !!ROOMS IN CHARMING historic homes. Close to campus. $415 to $625. Short term lease possible. Avail. now or later. 741-8882 or 717-1110. annarborooms.com ***MAY&SEPT.05*** 1,2 & 3 bdrm. apts. 1130 Oakland, 1026 Vaughn. 408 Hill, 910 Packard, i100 Hill & More! JMS Properties. 222-9033 www.jmsprop.com AVAIL.9/1/05 E. William. Efficiency 1 & 2 bedroom apart- ments with security buzzer separate storage & laundry facilities. Gallatin Realty Co. 734-368-0256. ***AVAIL*NOW*** @ 910 Packard. Rent neg. Call 222-9033. ~W~N0Ve ***FOR RENT. 702 Tappan, across from B- School. 5 rooms, $3,495/mo. Call 248-332-4444, ***YOUR NEWIY REMODELED APT.*** "Awaits You!!!" Completely furnished with leather furniture, glass tables and dinette! Totally new kitchens and baths.! Live in style and affordability at The Abbey, 909 Church! Call 761-8000 (PRimesh.com) **2 BDRM. APTS. Recently remodeled, modern spacious kitchen. W/built-in micro. & dwshr. Beautifully fur. Private shuttle to North Campus. Pets welcome. May & Fall leases. Call 741-9657. **ATTENTION GRADS: UNIQUE studio. I & 2 bdrm. apts. w/spacious floor plans. Fall leases avail.741-9300. ApOartments Available! !1 BDRM. apt. Beautiful! 715 Arbor, #2. $575. Free water. May lease. 332-6000. !1,STUDIO,2&3BedmomApts.available for 2005. Free Heat & Water, Furnished. Located on CENTRAL CAMPUS University Towers 536S. Forest (734) 761-2680 wwwUniverstytowers-mi.com 2 BDRM. apt. Beautiful! 1004 S. Forest B 1. Free heat & water. $950. 332-6000. 5-6 BDRM. Homes. Very close, clean, re- modeled. 837-3396 or see UMrentals.com 6 BDRM. apt. Beautiful! 1004 S. Forest #4. $3100. Free heat & water. 332-6000. ! BEAUTIFUL 6 Bdrm. house! 932 Green- wood. $3100/mo. May lease. 332-6000. !! FALL 2005 !! 715 Church St. You have to see it to believe it! Incredible " loc., beautiful, quiet 1 bdrm. apts.! Spacious enough for 2 people. Fum., ldry., free easy in/out prkg. Free Heat and H2O. No pets, no smoking. Call Bobbie 877-426-1360. !!MAY LEASES AVAILABLE!! Large con- temporary 1& 2 bdrm. apts. 741-9657. 15 OIFFERENT LOCATIONS ! CHOOSE FROM EFFICIENCIES, 1,2, AND 3 BEDROOMS, SI-LEVELS AND TRI-LEVELS TOO! iPRIME S T U D E N T H 0 U S I N G, I N C. Call today for an appointment and visit our website! 734-761-8000 www primesh.com 'Anenitiesvary bylocation 424 HILL, BEAUIFIL, well maintained 6 bdrm., 2 bath. house suitable for 6-8 stu- dents. Pr-kg. and ldry. on site. Avail. Sept. 05: $3,300 plus utils. Call (248) 740-8409, 527S. FOURTH Unfum. 2 bdrn. & l bdrm. apts., close to UM campus with Idry., prkg., A/C. Call 734-944-2405. 811 PACKARD 2 bdxm. w/ balcony. 2 prkg.. no smkg./pet. Btwn. East U. & State. $1130/mo. Avail. Aug. '05-*06. 662-8832. 819 W. WASHINGTON. Avail. now! Large 1 bedroom in duplex. Walk to Main St. Great area. Pets ok. $7(X)/mo. 734-395 1(X)5. 935 GREENWOOD, 5 brm. hse., 2 bath., living mi. dining nn., kitch., free dry.. $560 each. Avail. May 05. 248-561 -1500). ??? SAVE BIG ??? REDUCED RENT! 415 Hoover.... Newly remodeled! Move in today. Call 761-8(XX), primesh.com AAHH! START WITH unbelievable large 2 1xlrn. hi-level apts. 1.5 baths. furnished and contemporary ini every way. Add FREE inter- net. FREE satellite TV exercise facility, recreation room, study lounge with comput- ers, great location near CCRB, and free resi- dent shuttle to North CamptIs and you have Geddes Hill. Avail. Fall. 741-9300: www.annarborapartments.net ABSOLUIELY LARGE 4 bdrm. house in front of UM stadium, new kitch. with all new appl., refinished hardwood, new paint, refin- ished bath, wshr./dryer, amlple prkg. A steal at $1600. Avail. Aug. '05. 310 Berkley. Call Dave at 734-395-6953. APARTMENTS, SUBLETS & Room- mates... List and Browse FREE! All Cities & Areas. 1-877-FOR RENT www.subletcom AVAIL FALL: FURN. 2 bdnm./1.5 bath bi- level with balc. Heat, H20 incl. Covered prkg. Great loc. at 912 S. Forest. $1550/mo. 761-8220. AVAIL. FOR SPRING and Fall '05. Eff., one, & two bdrm. apts., and hses. on ctrl. campus. Furn. with free prkg. Call 663-3050 or amvestproperty.com AVAIL. LARGE 2 bdrm. apts. located in the heart of Central Campus. Excellent location near the B-School. Heat, H20., prkg., A/C. Lots of amenities. Contact Michigan Realty, 734-662-5500. EHO. AVAIL. NOW Iroom, I bdrm. & 2 bdrm. apts. Great loc. Rent range $375-$995. 996-2836. AVAIL. SEPT. 1, 2005 for 1 yr. Ise. 5 bdrm. hse. Rent: $2600/mo. 930 Dewey (near ctrl campus). Ample prkg. Contact Susheel Bery at sbery@comcast.net or 734-769-6683. AVAILABLE FALL EFF., 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments, 4 & 6 bedroom houses. Call PMSI for info. (734)665-5552. BIG HOUSE AVAIL. Fall '05. 6 bdrm., 2 baths., lkitch. 121 Hill, $2800 + util. Call Deinco 734-996-1991. BUSINESS/LAW SCHOOL: SPACIOUS 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Beautifully fumished, dw- shr., a/c & prkg. available. Call 741-9300. CAMPUS AREA APARTMENTS SPRING/ FALL 2005 Wilson White Co., Inc. 734.995.9200 Equal Housing Opportunity. 5 Bedroom Houses For 2005 Copi Properties 663-5609 CAMPUS AREA, LG. 6 bdrm. hse. Ldry. & prkg. Avail. May. $2200/mo. 973-6499. CORNER HOUSE APARTMENTS! Now leasing for Fall 2005. Beautiful 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. located on the corner of Washington and State St. A must see! Call 741-9300; www.annarborapartments.net EFFICIENCIES, 1 & 2 bdrm. apt. & 3 bdrm. house. Call Michigan Realty, 734-662-5500. GOT HOUSING? campus rentals 734-665-8825 or www.campusrealty.com. JANUARY AVAILABILITIES Eff. & 2 bdrn. apts. avail. Reduced rates & short-term leases avail. Please contact Wil- son White Co. at 734-995-9200. EHO. LARGE FOUR BDRM. hse. 2 bath., ldry. & prkg. on premises. Highspeed Internet/cable hookup. Close to Yost Arena/IM bldg. Avail. Aug. 05 - Aug. 06. $2050/mo. 734-717-6913. LEASING FOR FALL '05. Efficiencies 1 bdnm., 2 bdrm., 618 & 624 Packard & 820 Ann & S. Main. 734-260-3619. a6 LARGE FURNISHED 2 & 3 bdrm. apis. on S. State, Near UM bus stop, 5 min. to Mich. Union. Avail Now, Summer, Fall '05. Heat & water incl. Balc., A/C, Prkg., Ldry. $900 -$1450. No smkg./no pets. 734-9963539 or 734-678-7250. ehtseng@comcast.net MCKINLEY STREET: SPACIOUS 1 & 2 bdrm. apts., bay windows, fireplace, balc., a/c, covered prkg. A private shuttle :to North Campus. Fall leases avail. 741-9300. NEAR KERRYTOWN! GREAT location! Spacious studio & I bdrm. apts. Avail. Fall! 941-9300. NEAR UNION: LARGE contemporary stu- dios, I bdrms. & 2 bdrms. Fall and May leases available. 741-9300. www.annarborapartments.net PETS WELCOME: CONTEMPORARY 1 & 2 bdrm. apt. Great campus locations. Call for details 741-9657. RIVER'S EDGE APARTMENTS! 1 mo. free! Why pay the high A2 prices? Ypsilanti is only 15 min. drive to campus. Leasing now! 1, 2, & 3 bdrms. From $595. Free Heat & Water. 487-5750. Virtual tours and apply online at www.riversedge.org ROOM AND BATH. avail. in 2 bdrm., 2 bath. condo. Great loc. $450/mo. inl. utils. & cable. Free wshr./dryer. 677-3115. UNFURN. EFF. & 1 bdrm. apts., close to UM campus with hardwood firs. & older houses with charm. Call 734-944-2405. CAMPUS ROOMS AVAILABLE - January Have your own room in a great 2 bdrm. apt. Call 734.668.1100. FURNISHED CAMPUS APARTMENTS AVAILABLE NOW! Large 2 bdrm. apts. in modem buildings. Call 734.668.1100. UNIVERSITY TOWERS SUBLET. 2 bdrm. apt. $750/mo. Jan. - Aug., obo. Avail. now. Call Bob at (858) 551-0171 or (858) 366-3727. On Site Laundry Fully Furnished Studios to 3 Bedrooms Leasing for Now S Fall! Call (734) 761-2680 for a Tour www.universitytowers-mi.com I STUDIO,1 & 2 BEDROOM UNITS. Furnished & Unfurnished. One block from Tower Plaza. UM Campus 663-1530. , **NORTH CAMPUS** LARGE t & 2 bdrm. apts. Large private balconies w/- wooded views. Private shuttle to Central and North Campus. Avail. now and Fall 05! Call 741-9300. *AVAIL. FROM A UG. 1st & Sept. 1st 05. Close to Med. & Centml Campus. Modem 2 bdrm. Furn. & Unfurn. Bale. 800 Fuller. 769-7520. fullerapartmentsadhotmail.com *BY IM BUILDING. 8. 5, 4, or 3 bdnn. apts. New carpet. Free heat & prkg. 810-227->51. *CARRIAGE HOUSE ACROSS from CCRB, large contemporary 2 bdrm. bi-level apts. 1.5 baths, furnished, Fall leases avail. 741-9300 www.annarborapartments.net *FIRST MONTH FREE for winter lease. Great prices on Eff., 1-bdnm. apts. on ctrl. campus. Free prkg., furn. and free water. Call 734-260-3610. *VICTORIAN HOME WITH-unique 1 & 2 bdrm. apts., skylights, high ceilings, hard- wood, near business/law school. 741-9657. Varsity Management START THE NEW YEAR OUT RIGHT! Rent a CAMPUS apartment from Varsity Management. Studios, 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom, Oversized 2 bedroom & bi-levels Available for FALL 2005! 734.668.1 100 www.varsitvmanacement.com I ROOM IN 5 bdnn. house. Central campus. Ldry. Avail. Now! Price neg. 426-9485. 11(4PACKARD Spacious unfurn. 2 bdnn. apt. Hardwood floors, bay window, 2 bath., fireplace. Close to campus. Fall 2005. Call 734-944-2405. 1220 WHITE Wonderful townhouse-style 2 bdirm. apt. Large rooms, hardwood fxrs, close to UM campus. Fall 2005. Call 734-944-2405. 2 BDRM. APT. avail. now-Aug. 825 S. Main. Rent negotiable. 734-260-3619. 309 E. JEFFERSON Spacious 4 bdrm. apt. Hardwood floors, prkg.,ldry. Avail. Fall 2005.734-944-2405. 4 BDRM. AVAIL. NOW. 808 E. Kingsley. Ldry., & free prkg. for 2 cars. Utils. incl. $1595/mo. 248-8954818. 406 N. STATE Lovely old historic bldg. Spacious I bdrm. apt. High ceilings, hardwood floors, very close to UM campus. Fall 2(X)5. Call 734-944-2405. 921 E. ANN Must See! 9/05 - 8/06. 7 person hse. $4(X)/mo. Incl. prkg./ldry. 223-1257. COLLEGE CLEANERS: PROF. Dry Clean- ing & Ldry. Free summer storage. 715 N. University next to Hill Auditorium. 662-1906. THESIS/ BOOK EDITING. Language, orga- nization, format. All disciplines. 25 yrs. exp. 996-0566 or writeon@htdconnect.com WINTER AND OR Spring Sublet Ideal free prkg., dry. $350/mo., neg. 313-402-5308 or ngkazzi@umich.edu loc., Call al Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis a0 22 distinctive campus locations, studios to seven bedrooms. Contemporary in every way - Ask about the Free Internet and Free Direct TV - Exercise Facility - Study Lounge w/computers - Recreation Room - Complimentary Resident shuttle around Central and North Campus 741-9300 Le o~n n a (Extended Hours) w ww.annarborapartments.net OM a°3C m Z 0l MBARTENDER TRAINEES $300!!! a day potential, Age 18+ ok. No experience neces- sary, training provided. 800-965-6520x125. ASSISTANT IN RESEARCH. Work-study only. Duties include but not limited to: word processing, data entry, photocopying, web de- sign, graphics & slide production, and filing. Applicant will process lab correspondence, perform library lit. searches, locate & obtain journal articles, and use a number of soft- ware applications (MS Office Suite, MS Front Page, WordPerfect, Medline, Power- Point, Endnote, etc.). Familiarity with PCs nec. Position is part-time. Chris 647-6383 or edevrie@umich.edu COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE LOOKING for undergraduate student to work Mon. after- noons, Tues. and Thurs. Assist with reading and clipping newspapers, and various office work. Send resume to kelger@umich.edu DRIVERS WANTED TO deliver food and market for 16 restaurants. Tips paid daily. Flex. sched. Use own vehicle. Call 734-531-2130. a0 ACROSS 1.Jazz group 6 Goblet part 10 Anicent France 14 "Fidelio," for one 15 Left 16 Disney World attraction 17 Student swimmer's aid 19 Latin lover's word 20 Did away with, as a dragon 21 El Dorado's treasure 22 Sacred song 23 Unrefined appreciation for a looker 26 Had a hunch 30 They keep things all to themselves 31 Shun 32 "Amscray!" 34 Miniature racer 38 Visibility improver in the rain 41 Blackthorn fruit 42 Diarist Frank 43 Castle of dance 44 Grand-scale tale 46 Salad follower 47 Community help for the needy 52 Up in the air 53 Primitive home 54 One of 16 in a cup: Abbr. 58 Cheney's predecessor 4 Witches' concoction 5 Dinghy propeller 6 Curved ice cream pattern 7 __ seven: 6:50 8 Subj. including grammar 9 Peaks: Abbr. 10 Hula dancer's garb 11 Shoot toward 12 Politico Mo of Arizona 13 "I'll do it" 18 Cord contents 22 Porky or Babe 23 Marries 24 Entire 25 Parka feature 26 Lumberjacks' tools 27 Fiendish 28 Verboten act 29 Prescription drug concern 32 Starting from 33 Coop layer 35 Mimic 36 Actress Russo 37 Sycamore, for one 39 Head covering 40 One-eyed flirtation 45 Vanna's coworker 46 Art deco illustrator 47 Conestoga, e.g. 48 Get hitched hastily 49 Traditions 50 Snivel 51 Perform better than 54 Drive-_ window 55 Shopper's burden 56 Thin strip 57 Writing tools 59 Player "on first," in a routine 60 Actor Holbrook 61 Seek the affections of i 0l ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: R E P O T V V C R E T R E E A R L O H A R A R O U X T R E S P A S S E S A S S T MA IV O I D C O P A C S I S C A N T C O N S T R A I N A H I A S L L I L A C Y E L P P I A F A G E N T S P A N G L I S H ISM E A R T O U R T O G O M A R L O N E A N E W U N AM U S I N G C R A T E G I S D A L I E R OD E G L U M L O C O M O T I V E L O R D E V E R T O M E N EWE S S E R B S R E N D Deadline for line ads is 11:30am one business day prior to publication, Rates: $3.95 per line for the first issue and $1.95 per line for each additional consecutive issue. * Frequency and Bulk contracts are available- contact our staff for details " Students may receive a 20% discount when ads are placed in person with a valid student ID (non-organizational, non- business ads only) " All ads must be prepaid unless prior billing privileges have been established " We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, cash, or check " For Classified Display advertising, please call one of our Account Executives xwordeditor@aol.com 01/07/05 112 113 I I f t 8 20 26 27 28 31 1 6 1 1 I 11 CMB AAGEN Voted BEST LANDLORD BEST APARTMENTS By Current Magazine Reader's Picks 2004 & 2004 Annual Ann Arbor Guide 22 CAMPUS LOCATIONS Experience the Difference! Family Owned and Managed Classification: 010 - Lost Found 020 - For Sale 025 - Parking 030 - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent 070 - Sublet 080 - Services 090 - Help Wanted 093 - Summer Employment 095 - Child Care 23 24 2s5 29 30 32 33 34 39 40 I day 2 lines 7.90 a6 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 11.80 3 lines 4 lines 1 .85 15,70 23.55 31.40 19.60 29.40 39.20 23.50 35.25 47.00 35 3r 13 3.60 100 - Tickets & Travel I I