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February 21, 2005 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-02-21

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Monday, February 21, 2005
News 3A Publication
to promote
'progressive' views


ID ff4
.4$ttan 43
£ Iitti

Opinion 4A
Arts 8A

From the Daily: More
jails not the answer
Keanu Reeves stars
in mediocre sci-fi
thriller 'Constantine'

K h 5

One-hundredfourteen years ofedtorialfreedom

www.micAigandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan . Vol. CXV, No. 86 @2005 The Michigan Daily

' '


One fraternity has been
expelled, while two others and
one sorority must submit to
hazing education programs
By Abby Stassen
Daily Staff Reporter
After an investigation into the fall allega-
tions of hazing in the Greek community, the
University released the investigation results
Friday and found three fraternities and one
sorority guilty of hazing.
Some types of hazing confirmed by the
investigation included "smoking marijuana,

induced consumption of food, blindfolding,
dressing in arguably humiliating costumes,
theft of property and trespassing." Accord-
ing to the report, heavy alcohol consumption,
humiliation and psychological harassment
also occurred. However, the investigation
did not find enough evidence for some of
the accusations, including "pledges being
placed in the trunks of cars; pledges being
stripped to their underwear and left in a cold
room; non-consensual sexual behavior; the
theft of a road sign as a pledge requirement;
and incidents of paddling and beating."
Last semester, the University received
tips about instances of hazing within differ-
ent fraternities and sororities and conduct-
ed an investigation, as did the Ann Arbor

Police Department, to discover the validity
of these accusations.
While the AAPD could not act on the
charges because no physical harm was
inflicted - a requirement for prosecution
under state law - the University's investi-
gation examined aspects of the hazing that
violated the Statement of Student Rights
and Responsibilities and mandated punitive
measures for those Greek houses that had
hazed pledges. The national chapter of the
fraternity or sorority imposed some punish-
ments, and IFC spokesman Jon Krasnov said
the Greek Activities Review Panel was also
proactive in determining what disciplinary
measures should be taken.
According to the hazing report, Alpha

t on hazing
Epsilon Phi was placed on social probation
and must increase mandatory education as E M
well as revise the new member education
program - an educational experience for N Delta Sigma Phi is no longer a
pledges in which they are taught the his- fraternity at the University
tory and values of the fraternity or sorority.
Fraternity Sigma Nu's national organization Alpha Epsilon Phi is on social
questioned chapter members on an individu- probation and must educate its
al basis to see if they were representative of members about hazing
the fraternity's values and imposed leader- 0 Zeta Beta Tau must pay a fine;
ship training and the prohibition of alcohol its members must attend a hazing
consumption for a term. Zeta Beta Tau was worksho
fined, and the members must attend a risk w
management workshop. Delta Sigma Phi Sigma Nu members cannot
received the most severe punishment - its consume alcohol in the fraternity
charter was revoked and it is no longer a fra- house for the remainder of the term
See HAZING, Page 7A

Horton out
for remainder
of season

Horton will miss a total
of 17 games due to the
suspension and his knee
injury earlier this year
By Eric Ambinder
Daily Sports Editor
The Michigan men's basketball
program announced yesterday that
junior guard Daniel Horton will be
suspended for the rest of the season.
Horton pleaded guilty to a mis-
demeanor domestic violence charge
on Feb. 14 and had been suspended
from the basketball team since Jan.
25, a day after he was arraigned in a
Washtenaw County courtroom.
"As we stated all along, we under-
stand the seriousness and sensitiv-
ity of this situation," Michigan coach
Tommy Amaker said in a statement.
"As with all our decisions, we will do
what we feel is right."
Horton, a Cedar Hill, Texas native,
will be allowed to participate in team
activities and can practice with the
Wolverines throughout the duration
of the season, but he will not play in

"This has been a very difficult
time, and I've learned a lot," Hor-
ton said in a statement. "I'm grateful
for the chance to get back with my
Horton will miss 17 total games
for the Wolverines this season - 11
because of the suspension and six
because of a knee injury suffered ear-
lier this year.
Amaker notified the team about the
decision on Saturday.
"I think they obviously were disap-
pointed, but they certainly understood
it was a very sensitive and serious sit-
uation that we were involved in with
Daniel," Amaker said.
Amaker said he has been pleased
with Horton's personal growth and
progress throughout the ordeal, and
he added that the program's decision
to allow him to participate in team
activities stems from its focus on
Horton's personal well-being.
"In relation to our players and our
program, we're always going to do
what we feel is right," Amaker said.
"Sometimes we're not in the business
See HORTON, Page 7A

'U' agrees to
rights for GEO

LSA senior and V-Day member Kyle Stock is reborn as she steps through a giant vagina during a rally to promote
awareness of violence against women on the Diag Friday.




By Kim Tomlin
Daily Staff Reporter
If you think the large vagina replica was the only highlight of
the V-Day Campaign rally last Friday afternoon on the Diag, think
again. Enclosed by red caution tape that read Rape Free Zone,
campaign speakers shared personal opinions and poems to bring
awareness to the problem of violence against women.
Speakers yelled their demands for sexual equality into the
microphones and voiced their refusal to fear the fight to gain it.
Supporters of the event and interested passersby braved the freez-
ing cold to listen to speakers and explore the booths of other orga-
nizations that came out in support of V-Day.
The rally was part of a number of events held as a precursor to
weekend performances of Eve Ensler's Vagina Monologues, a play

about women claiming power over their bodies.
One supporter who helped run the event was co-producer and
V-Day Campaign member, RC junior Ruthie Freeman. Freeman
said she became an active member of the campaign from day one
of her freshman year at the University.
"I couldn't ignore violence against women anymore," she said.
Today, Freeman said she hopes the event will raise awareness
that violence against women does, and is, happening on a local,
national and international level.
"Worldwide, it is fairly pandemic. On a global scale, one in
three women will experience violence. On a more local level, one
in four women on college campuses will be sexually assaulted in
the four years she is there," said Freeman.
According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and
See V-DAY, Page 3A

Contracts with
GSIs will prohibit
discrimination on the
basis of gender identity
By Karl Stampfl
Daily Staff Reporter
The University and the Graduate
Employees' Organization came one
step closer to finalizing the new gradu-
ate student instructors' contract last Fri-
day when the two sides agreed on one of
the issues previously in contention.
Less than a week before the contract
expires, the Uni-
versity's bargain- is
ing team approved 'What isd
GEO's proposal i
to add language is that they
to GSI contracts
prohibiting dis- separate g
crimination on identity an
the basis of gen-
der identity. The expression
language will be
aimed at protect-
ing transgender
employees from

"We're glad to hear there's been some
progress," said GEO President Dave Dob-
bie about the University's approval of the
new language. "The Provost's own TLGB
taskforce recommended that gender iden-
tity and gender expression be added to the
University bylaws. We hope that happens
soon and think it only makes sense to fol-
low these recommendations in our con-
tract as well."
University spokeswoman Julie Peter-
son said the University thinks it has made
significant progress and that the inclusion
of gender identity in the contracts was a
major breakthrough in the negotiations.
"That was a major piece of progress for
us to be able to go
to the table and be
sappointing able to offer that,"
she said.
would Originally,
the University
nider said it would not
Sgenderinclude gender
identity in GEO's
contract because
the term was
not yet included
- Andre Wilson in the Univer-
Lead negotiator, sity bylaws. But


Recent survey could spell economic woes

Decline in consumer

Consumer spending comprises nearly 70 percent of

showed that wholesale prices for goods - excluding

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