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February 18, 2005 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-02-18

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February 18, 2005


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Opinion 4

Jeff Cravens: why
real men cry

Arts 7 South African choir
performs at Hill

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One-hundredfourteen years ofeditorialfreedom
www.michzgandady.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 85 ®2005 The Michigan Daily

B-School facelift


cost $145m

Proposed renovations
would include U-shaped
classrooms to encourage
student participation
By Karl Stampfl
Daily Staff Reporter

Five months after receiving the high-
est-ever donation to the University from
alum Stephen Ross, the Business School
that now carries his name announced its
plans for a $145 million renovation.
The University Board of Regents
* approved a proposal for the business
school to renovate its facilities yester-
day. Plans include new classroom space
designed to fit the school's participa-
tion-based curriculum and a student
commons. In addition to renovation to
existing facilities, plans will most likely
include demolition, as well as new con-

A definite timeline has not yet been
established, but work may begin as early
as the summer of 2006, Business School
Dean Robert Dolan said.
Of the $145 million price tag, $75
million will come from Ross's $100 mil-
lion donation to the business school last
fall. The other $25 million from Ross's
donation will be placed in the Business
School's general fund.
The school hopes to raise another $40
million before construction begins and
to raise the remaining $30 million dur-
ing the process. Dolan expects that most
of that money will come from alumni
of the Business School, and the rest will
come from corporate donations.
The renovations were needed, Dolan
said, because of business education's
shift from lecture-style classes to a for-
mat that involves discussion, teamwork
and advanced technology.
New 85-seat, U-shaped classrooms

will be designed to encourage participa-
tion from students. Some will include
separate rooms, attached to the main
seating area, that can be used for the
types of interactive group work that the
Business School is known for.
"Classes often need to break into small
teams and (then) come back together as
a class," Business School spokesperson
Cynthia Shaw said. "The classrooms
arrangements right now don't really sup-
port that."
Business School junior Diana Bejasa
said many of her classes operate under
that format and that the new rooms
would be helpful.
"It's really annoying when you're
doing group work and you hear other
groups talking," she said.
The student commons may include a
lounge area and cafe. It would serve as
a central gathering area in a visible loca-
tion in the center of the Business School

The proposed reno-
vations will cost the
University $145 mil-
lion, $75 million of
which will come from
alum Stephen Ross.
Other possible
facilities include new
faculty offices, an
auditorium and a clus-
tered location for stu-
dent services, such as
admissions, financial
aid and academic



GOP race
for governor
ramps up
Candidates for governor
critical of Granholns stance on
education and fixing the economy
By Justin Miller
* Daily Staff Reporter
Michigan's Republican Party is gearing up to take
back the governorship after losing it to Gov. Jennifer
Granholm more than two years ago. With the primary
election still 18 months away, some less prominent can-
didates have announced that
they are running.
While big names such as
billionaire Richard DeVos
and University Regent David
Brandon (R-Ann Arbor) have
only been rumored to be
considering a run, state Sen.
Nancy Cassis (R-Novi) and
state Rep. Jack Hoogendyk
Rep. Jack Hoogendyk (R-Portage) have announced
(R-Portage) their candidacies. Another
state legislator, Sen. Valde
Garcia (R-Howell), said he is
strongly leaning toward run-
Cassis, a former educa-
tor who represents the Novi
district, said she is running
because she feels the state is
in trouble.
"From an economic stand-
point, we are still struggling,"
Sen. Nancy Casis Cassis said. "You can't keep
(R-Novi) blaming the federal govern-
ment when you don't have
your own house in order."
Michigan's unemployment
rate stands at 7.3 percent, the
second worst in the nation and
about two points higher than
} > the national average. Although
the state lost fewer jobs in
2004 than it did in 2003, both
years were marked by con-
Sen. Valde Garcia secutive job losses. The state's
(R-Portage) struggling economy is shap-
ing up to be the main issue of
the gubernatorial election, as
it already is for Granholm's legislative agenda.
Granholm's plan to revitalize Michigan's economy
focuses partially on encouraging all students to pursue post-
secondary education, something Cassis disagrees with.
"There is a need in Michigan to dignify the fact that
there are young people that do not want nor do they
need four years of college to be successful in life.
What they need are more opportunities for vocational
high schools and technical programming right after
high school. I support those who really want to invest
See GOVERNOR, Page 7


will not
By Karl Stampfl
Daily Staff Reporter
Quashing speculation that the University
would have to increase tuition in the middle
of the semester to compensate for state bud-
get cuts that it was promised would not hap-
pen, University President Mary Sue Coleman

announced yesterday
the same until the
Last week, it
appeared that
mid-year hikes
were likely after
Gov. Jennifer Gra-
nholm announced
an executive order
that would take
$5.6 million from
the University's
appropriations as
part of a $30 mil-
lion higher edu-
cation cut. This
violated the last
year's agreement
between the Uni-
versity and the
state that if tuition
were kept below
the rate of infla-
tion, more cuts to
the budget would
not be made.
"We believe it
would not be fair
to our students

that tuition will remain
end of the semester.
"We believe
it would not
be fair to
our students
and families,
at this late
date, to
institute an
- Mary Sue Coleman
University President

Members of the Influx: Tasa Dance Troupe preform at Fusion in the Power Center yesterday.

'U' librarian steps down
from position, citing health

By Amber Colvin
Daily Staff Reporter
University Librarian William Gosling will step down from his
position on April 1, the University announced yesterday. After
fully recovering from a major surgical operation a year ago, Gos-
ling said he has not regained his previous energy level and decided
to step down from the position.
Gosling has held the position of University Librarian for eight
years, putting him at the head of 20 University libraries, including
the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library and the Shapiro Undergrad-
uate Library. During his term, the Library has undergone major
technological change, including expanding its digital offerings

and enhancing access to the materials in the collection with a new
catalog system. Under Gosling's leadership, the University was
also one of five institutions selected by Google for a digital con-
version of its entire collection.
A national search for a new librarian will start shortly, Courant
said, beginning with nominations for membership on the search
advisory committee and discussion of issues the Library will face
over the next decade, said University Provost Paul Courant.
Gosling will move to a new position as curator of the Children's
Literature Collection in the Special Collections Library and will
also support the library's fundraising programs. Gosling said it
was time for a less stressful job, but that it had been an honor

and families, at this late date, to institute an
unexpected mid-year tuition increase," Cole-
man said during yesterday's University Board
of Regents meeting.
She said there were two reasons the Uni-
versity decided not to increase tuition: The
school year is already almost two-thirds com-
pleted, and Granholm's proposed cuts have
not yet been approved.
"The situation with the state is very fluid,"
Provost Paul Courant said. "We'll know more
as time goes by."
Over a three-year period, the University's
general fund will be reduced by more than
$50 million for its three campuses combined,
if the proposed budget cuts pass.
If the University had decided to raise
tuition, the state would have somehow pun-
ished the University, Courant said.
To make up for the gap in its budget, the
University plans to use the money that the
state returned when it reduced the cut from
5 to 2 percent last year - a move in which,
as University spokeswoman Julie Peterson
described it, "the state gave us the money,
took it away and then gave it back."
The University had been planning to use

Corporations work to improve business standards


SOLE voices opposition
to Coca-Cola_ neccisin-'

from corporations facing heavy criticism, to
try to bridge the gap between business interests
and social icontaihility.

The featured panelists were Starbucks Direc-
tor of Environmental Affairs Ren Packard.

smaller companies, who are perhaps more
irresponsible in their business practices, but
iwnored according to the nanelists.


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