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February 17, 2005 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-02-17

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Thursday, February 17, 2005
- Weather

Opinion 4

Zac Peskowitz
on going west

Sports 8 Cagers lose at
Wisconsin and extend
losing streak to nine

it igau~4av

Hf- 25

www.miihigandady.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 84 62005 The Michigan Daily

GARP rules that
fraternity will be on
social probation until
next January
By Carissa Miller
Daily Staff Reporter
The Greek Activities Review
Panel ruled to suspend Sigma
Alpha Epsilon from the Interfra-
ternity Council for the remainder
of the semester and upheld the fra-
ternity's social probation penalty.
This will extend SAE's probation
By Ian Herbert
Daily Sports Editor
Senior captain Eric Nystrom watched
the television with his roommates, all
Michigan hockey players at 1 p.m. yes-
terday. Junior Jeff Tambellini watched
at his house with his roommates, also
hockey players. Michigan coach Red
Berenson watched with assistant coach-
es Mel Pearson and Billy Powers in the
hockey offices at Yost Ice Arena.
They were all watching Gary Bettman,
commissioner of the National Hockey
League, do the unthinkable: cancel the
season. The announcement had been
expected for some time now because the
NHL had already cancelled over half of
the regular season. But developments
last night gave some hope to hockey
players and
fans alike "For
"I really
thought anybody
that they
were going who enjoys
to come to
something the game,
with the . h
way every- it's the
one was da
talking, and worst y
(I thought) hockey's
there was
a chance ever seen."
that the
season was
going to be
saved," said -Jeff Tambellini
Nystrom, Junior Forward
who was
drafted by
the Calgary
Flames in
the first round of the 2002 draft (10th
overall). "I was totally expecting Bett-
man to say that they were going to have
a couple games. But now it's just a total
The two sides - the owners and the
players - were closer to reaching a col-
lective bargaining agreement yesterday
than they had ever been. The players
offered to allow the implementation of
a salary cap at $49 million, something
they had rejected before. But the own-
ers would not go any higher than $42.5
million, and, the two sides stayed at an
impasse. Bettman finally decided yes-
terday afternoon to cancel the season.

"As I stand before you today, it is my
sad duty to announce that, because a solu-
tion has not yet been attained, it no longer
is practical to conduct even an abbreviated
season," Bettman said at a press confer-
ence yesterday afternoon. "Accordingly, I
have no choice but to announce the formal
cancellation of play for 2004-05."
Michigan has 10 seniors on its team,
and many of them have hopes of playing
in the NHL. Six of the seniors have been
drafted by the NHL, and Nystrom said
that the cancellation of the season is a
little disconcerting.
"My future's uncertain," Nystrom
said. "All the seniors in there who want
to keep playing - their future's uncer-
tain. We always had something to look
forward to after college - playing pro-
fessional hockey."
He added that there is always the Amer-
;- X1.I ,c T A- - th Nu1e mine.r




period to next January.
The Social Responsibility Com-
mittee, which enforces the Greek
social policy by making rounds at
parties, placed SAE - already on
probation for violating the social
policy last semester - on an addi-
tional 15 weeks of social proba-
tion for its continued negligence of
IFC's social policy. SAE appealed
the decision, resulting in last
Thursday's GARP trial.
IFC Vice President of Public
Relations Jon Krasnov said the
GARP suspension decision stems
from SAE's recent violations of
the Greek social policy and of the

IFC constitution but said he could
not disclose the specific details of
these violations.
"This decision is one of the
strongest rulings GARP has made
in recent history," Krasnov said.
He added that the suspension of
SAE from IFC has been reported
to SAE's national headquarters.
Because of the suspension, SAE
has lost voting rights in IFC. Part
of GARP's verdict also requires
SAE to make a public statement of
admonishment at an IFC meeting
in which it admits it was at fault.
SAE president Paul Mezan said
the fraternity's violations resulted

from the Greek community's diffi-
cult transition to the newly revised
social policies.
"The sanctions that have been
placed on us are a result of some of
the confusion and misunderstand-
ings that inevitably result from
such dramatic changes," Mezan
"While we ardently disagree
with the ruling of GARP, we will
adhere to their decision, and we
will continue to take measures
to strengthen our chapter and the
greater Greek Community."
Krasnov emphasized that the
ruling does not change SAE's

accountability and the fraternity
will remain under the jurisdic-
tion of all IFC and Greek policies
throughout the suspension.
"If SAE were to violate any pol-
icy again while under suspension,"
Krasnov said, "the appropriate
body will go forth with the situa-
tion in the same way as any other
The GARP board - which is head-
ed by the IFC executive vice president,
the Panhellenic judicial vice president
and an elected body of justices from
the IFC, Panhel, the National Pan-
Hellenic Council and the Multicultural
See SAE, Page 5A

The Greek Advisory Review Panel
ruled at a hearing last Thursday that
SAE will be on social probation until
January 2006
GARP also suspended SAE from
the Interfraternity Council this
SAE has lost voting rights in IFC
and must make a public statement
of admonishment

protests jail
. Proposal A, which will be on the
Feb. 22 ballot, would raise money
for an expanded corrections facility
By Rachel Kruer
Daily Staff Reporter
University alum Phil Caroll, along with two other pro-
testers, assembled outside of the County Administrative
Building yesterday to speak out against Proposal A - a
millage on the Feb. 22 ballot that would go toward fund-
ing the construction of a larger penitentiary system in the
Washtenaw County area.
If approved, taxpayers would pay an additional 75 cents per
$1,000 in property tax.
After the protest, member of the "No Giant Jail Committee"
Charles Ream and Washtenaw County resident Ramaro Srini-
vasa presented five-minute speeches expressing concern about
Proposal A to the Ways and Means Committee of Washtenaw
County - a committee of the House of Representatives that
makes recommendations on all bills to raise revenue.
Both speakers believed the proposal would further strain
the pockets of taxpayers when taxes are already high.
Ream said the proposal was on the "wish list" of the Crimi-
nal Justice Collaborative Council, a group of law enforcement
professionals and country officials. In his speech, Ream said
these "wishes" - a new jail and court building in Washtenaw
County - would cost $48 million, making it an unnecessary
burden for taxpayers.
To put this figure in perspective, Ream said Jackson County
won a similar proposal to allocate $12 million to a penitentiary
facility. Because Washtenaw County has twice as many people,
he said $24 million would be a more appropriate figure, rather
See JAIL, Page 5A

Washtenaw County resident Ramarao Srinivasa speaks out against prison expansion in a meeting at the County Admin-
istration Building yesterday.

U' institute receives $4 million donation

By Amine Tourki
Daily Staff Reporter

One of the founders of the Samuel Zell
and Robert H. Lurie Institute of Entrepre-
neurial studies has given back to an institute
that he helped create.
The institute, which was founded in 2000
by Zell and the widow of his long-time friend
and partner Robert Lurie has received a gift
of $4 million. Zell's donation will increase

the available funds of the institute and allow
it to expand its programs and reach out
across campus, said Mary Nickson, public
relations manager for the institute.
"It is an encouragement from him to us
and approval of what we are doing" said
Paul Kirch the program manager of students
programs at the institute.
Zell's gift has enabled the institute to begin
a 12-week pilot program with the National
Science Foundation's Wireless Integrated

Microsystems Engineering Research Center,
which focuses on microelectronics, wireless
communications, and micro-electromechan-
ical systems.
Kirch said the program will put students
in the front lines of assessing the potential
of research that can be done at the College
of Engineering. At the end of the program,
the students will make recommendations to
WIMS on which products will be success-
ful on the market, based on their assessment

of the market potential and the viability of
creating a venture based on the prototypes
of the research they analyzed.
"If the students find it challenging and of
great learning value, then we will expand
this program." said Kirch.
Another program that will be expanded
and fully funded with the donated money will
be the Dare to Dream Grant Program, which
distributes grants to students to complete a

Speaker: society should move
toward granting animals rights

By Pauline Lewis
For the Daily
Animal rights advocate and lawyer Stephen Wise insists that he
is involved in animal protection law - not in animal rights. He said
the law currently does not recognize the rights of non-humans and
that needs to change.
"ANn., ,-,..nimnJ rin't have nnv l al rinhts they are thinne

being seen as property into being considered humans that deserve
rights, the law should also recognize certain animals as deserving
of basic rights.
Wise's latest book, "Though the Heavens May Fall," tells
the story of how an 18th-century British court case debating
the legal status of a slave brought about the eventual aboli-
tion of slavery in Great Britain. Wise said he hopes that his
hooirs seen as not onlv a storv of nalitionism in Enoland


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