Monday, February 7, 2005
News 3A Members of fraternity
prepare for journey
Opinion 4A
Sports 1B
Dan Shuster: The
Democrats are on the
wrong side of history
Hockey team gets
all tied up
T14A 1:
L! W/'34
One-hundredfourteen years ofeditorialfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 76 82005 The Michigan Daily
LEO to hold informational picket
Lecturers' union reacts
after U' misses noncontractual
deadline on evaluation criteria
By EkJyot Saini
Daily Staff Reporter
Lecturers will stage an informational pick-
et later this month in response to the Univer-
sity's failure to comply with a deadline the
lecturers' union requested, said Bonnie Hal-
loran, president of the Lecturers' Employee
Organization. The Ann Arbor Campus Coun-
cil of LEO met Friday and confirmed that
they would take action on Feb. 22 by passing
out informational fliers to students and pass-
ersby outside of University buildings. Most
details of the picket have yet to be decided,
Halloran said.
She added that she hopes this will further
press the University to move forward on the
implementation of last year's contract.
The University and LEO are continuing their
squabble over last year's contract and the Uni-
versity's alleged failure to comply with certain
provisions of the contract regarding performance
evaluation of lecturers.
LEO requested that by Feb. 1, the University
provide it with the criteria it uses when evalu-
ating lecturers and considering them for hiring
and promotional purposes. LEO also requested
a list of lecturers that need to be reviewed for
performance evaluations this year. The Univer-
sity, however, did not comply with the requested.
deadline because it was a not an agreed-upon
contractual date.
University spokeswoman Julie Peterson said
the development of evaluation criteria is a
long process and requires work to be done
on a department-by-department basis within
each of the colleges at the University. Some
departments previously had criteria in place,
while others are in the process of creating it.
"It's an incredible amount of work and it
is taking longer than we expected," she said.
"We are doing the best we can."
She said that individuals from these depart-
ments were working closely with each college
and members from the Academic Human
Resources Department to create the criteria.
Some of the colleges, such as Nursing, the
College of Engineering and the Residential
College, within the University have provided
LEO with performance criteria while others,
such as LSA, have provided vague informa-
tion, Halloran said.
"There was been some movement on the
part of the University, but they are baby
steps," Halloran said.
A contract settlement was not reached by LEO
and the University until last June, when negotia-
tions had failed and one day walkout was staged
last April.
SAE may face
expulsion from
frat council
By Melissa Benton
and Jameel Naqvi
Daily News Editors
After hosting a party in violation of
Greek policies, the Sigma Alpha Epsi-
lon fraternity is reportedly in danger of
being kicked out of the Intrafraternity
Council. The charges are still under
investigation, but a hearing will be held
to determine if SAE will be allowed
to remain in IFC, said a source that
wished to remain anonymous.
SAE was not permitted to have the
party because it is currently on social pro-
bation because of an attempted break-in
to another fraternity house by SAE mem-
bers last year. SAE may also have been in
violation of the IFC's newly implemented
party policies which seek to curb illegal
behavior at Greek parties.
In response to breaking the guidelines
of its probation, SAE's national chapter
has kicked out all of the junior and senior
brothers in the fraternity, the source said.
IFC officials said they would not com-
ment on an on-going investigation. The
Greek Activities Review Panel - the
judicial board that presides over the Greek
system - will conduct the hearings.
The new party policies mandate that
any event taking place on chapter prop-
erty where more than 25 women are pres-
ent and where alcohol is allowed must be
registered by the IFC. The new policies
also require that a member of the Social
Responsibility Committee must be pres-
ent at the door, and the fraternity must
supply a certain number of sober party
monitors. The policy changes went into
effect Jan. 1 for all fraternities.
SAE's alleged violation of IFC's new
rules for parties is not the first time the
house has run afoul of authorities.
Last spring, a member of SAE faced
rape charges that were dropped when
his accuser admitted the sex was con-
sensual. However, the Ann Arbor Police
Department continued to investigate SAE
because of reports that the house served
alcohol to minors at the party where the
incident occurred.
In February, SAE members vandal-
ized the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity
house in an attempt to force their way in
- breaking 16 windows and assaulting
a student outside the house. Joel Stone,
former president of Alpha Tau Omega,
concluded that two members of ATO also
contributed to the destruction of DKE
property. IFC ruled that SAE must pay
half of the damages to the DKE house,
hold a charitable event and issue a formal
apology to DKE.
Sx New England
Patriots head
coach Bill
Belichick is
; $ ' + ° rdoused after
t kthe Patriots
beat the Phla-
delphia Eagles
24-21 in Super
'' Bowl XXXIX
last night, at
Alltel Stadium
in Jacksonville,
Fla. At right
AHOis Belichlck's
Panelists discuss
dynamics of
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) - Dynasties
don't have to be perfect or pretty. They just have
to win - like the New England Patriots.
The Patriots won their third Super Bowl in
four years with a dominant second half last night,
wearing down the Philadelphia Eagles 24-21.
It wasn't overpowering, and at times it was
downright ugly. But it was more than enough to
match the Dallas Cowboys' run of the 1990s and
certify the Patriots of Bill Belichick and Tom
Brady as the NFL's latest dynasty.
"To me this trophy belongs to these players,"
Belichick said. "They met all comers this year,
a very challenging year. We're thrilled to win.
These players played great all year, their best
in the big games and they deserve it, they really
deserve it."
With MVP Deion Branch tying a Super Bowl
record for receptions with 11, Brady efficiently
running the offense and Rodney Harrison spark-
ing a smothering defense, the Patriots (17-2) won
their ninth successive postseason game. That ties
the record of Vince Lombardi's Packers of the
1960s, and there's hardly any better company a
team can keep.
The difference once again was an Adam Vina-
tieri field goal, this one a 22-yarder with 8:40 to
go. New England won its other two Super Bowls
by the margin of Vinatieri's last-second kicks.
This time, the Patriots sealed it with a stop.
Philadelphia (15-4) got the ball back at its 4
with 46 seconds remaining. It was hardly enough
time and far too much territory to cover against
such a formidable foe.
Harrison got his second interception with 9
seconds remaining to end it.
Playing before a sea of mostly green jerseys
in the crowd of 78,125, the Patriots made sure
Philadelphia would not get its first pro sports title
since 1983. Indeed, it's been 45 years since the
Eagles won the NFL crown. And even though
they made it to the Super Bowl for the first time
in 24 seasons - after three straight conference
championship flops - their season still ended in
Weekend cor
draws Asian b
leaders, econo
and 'U' profes
By Amine Tourki
For the Daily
The Philippines'
the United States told
Stephen M. Ross Sch
that the future of eco
ment lies in Asia.
Ambassador Alber
delivered the keynote
day at the 15th
annual Asian'
Business Confer-
ence where Asian
business leaders, '
entrepreneurs and
academics gath-
ered to talk about
market opportuni-]
ties for the United
States in Asia.
Del Rosario
said trade with
and among South
and East Asian
nations has sur-
passed transatlantic t
He focused on Sou
best route to develop
country's aspirations
reference its citizens' command of English.
But on the Korean panel, former
busineSS Korean Minister of Information and
nistS Telecommunication Sohoon Bae said
it was to the benefit of the United
ssors States to shift production to Mexi-
co, because sooner or later, cheaper
Mexican products will take over the
U.S. market. He said that southeast
Asian countries and Korea should
ambassador to promote intra-Asia consumption,
d students in the despite their deep resentment of
Tool of Business Japan's imperialism in the region in
nomic develop- the 20th century.
Political science Prof. Meredith Woo-
t del Rosario Cumings, the moderator of the Korean
speech Fri- panel, pointed out that Korea and Japan
will still be of great
economic impor-
"We el dthetance in the future
"We helped the because, among
U.S. meet a shortfall other reasons, they
are not reliant upon
with 7,000 Filipino foreign invest-
ment for economic
nurses and teachers." growth. The Korean
information technol-
- AlertdelRosrio ogy sector grew by
-AlbertdelRosario 31 percent last year
Filipino ambassador to and the country has
the United States the most advanced
Internet infrastruc-
ture, she said.
Former 'U' students join Peace Corps
U University among highest
producers of students who
join the peace organization
* By Julia Heming
Dainy StaffRenorter
involved internationally, and it gave me more focus to
get involved in international health," she added. Dick-
son also said she now considers the people that she
worked with in the Peace Corps to be her family.
With the economy not robust, graduating seniors at
the University often look for alternative options to the
lob market. The Peace Corps. a federal government
S1ru x
Number of
rade in volume.
theast Asia's
ment, his
and the strong
Japanese Panel moderator and Political
science Prof. John Campbell agreed with
Woo-Cumings about the importance of
the economies of Korea and Japan and
1. U, Wisconsin - Madison 129