6A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 27, 201 the michigan daily M 1209 BROADWAY: $215 K. Tree-top condo, 2 bdrm., 1 1/2 baths., 2 lofts, fire- place. Agent: VictoriaL. Evans. 649-4752. 1209 BROADWAY: $215,900. A condo with tree-top views of forest & stream, across the street from the New Lower Town development. Walk to the Medical Center. Stroll to Kerrytown & Downtown Ann Arbor via the new Broadway Bridge. Vaulted ceil- ings, 2 lofts, roof windows embrace the natu- ral beauty. Private deck overlooks a babbling brook. Seeing is believing! Agent: Victoria L. Evans. 734-649-4752. 1995 HONDA ACCORD ELX. 130K. Great condition, leather, power locks & windows. $4,200, or best offer. Call 994-6547. CONDO IN NIELSEN Square. 2+ bdrms. 2 yrs. old. Walk to Medical & North Campus. Approximately 2,000 square feet. Listed @ $339,900. By owner. Call 734-424-0283. OWN AN ORIGINAL Stuffed Wolverine. Standing Mount. One of a Kind. 4 Feet Tall. $2,500. 888-536-6767 ext. 111. CMB MANAGEMENT Voted BEST LANDLORD BEST APARTMENTS By Current Magazine Reader's Picks 2004 & 2004 Annual Ann Arbor Guide 22 CAMPUS LOCATIONS Experience the Difference! Family Owned and Managed Apartments and Houses DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS WHEN YOU CAN LIVE WITH THE BESTI Now leasing for May and Fall 2005 741-300 www.annarborapartments.net ! 6 BDRM. apt.! 1004 S. Forest #4. $3100. Free heat, water & internet. 332-6000. !930 DEWEY Avail. 9/1/05. Furnished 5 bdrm. hse., ample prkg. $2600/mo. 1 yr. Ise. Call 734 769 6683 or sbey@comcast.net ! BEAUTIFUL 6 Bdrm. house! 932 Green- wood. $3100/mo. May lease. 332-6000. ! WALK A LITTLE, SAVE A LOT 3 bdrm., 1,200 square feet, 1 1/2 bath., A/C, prkg., ldry., from $1295. 994-5284. !! AVAIL. NOW 2 bdrm. w/ modem kitch. & bath. Prkg., from $695. Call 994-5284. !!! 1 BDRM. Apt. Fall '05. 2 blks. to Law School/B-School. Bright, clean, beautiful. Free utils. 734-320-5805.landkk(dcomcast.net !!! 1 BDRM. Apt. Fall '05. Historic Old West Side. Bright, clean, beautiful. Free heat! 734-320-5805. landkk@comcast.net !!GREAT APTS. & HSES. for 05-06!! A combination of quality and price you can't beat! We have hses. and apts. across A2 with something to fit every need. Studios, 1 and 2 bedrooms and larger available. Pick up listings today! Campus Management, Inc. 337 E. Huron. "CMI, proudly serving the Ann Arbor and U of M community for 42 years." 4Varsity Management START THE NEW YEAR OUT RIGHT! Rent a CAMPUS apartment from Varsity Management. Studios, 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom, Oversized 2 bedroom & bi-levels Available for FALL 2005! 734.668.1100 wwwvarsitymanagement.com !!932 DEWEY - A huge unfurm. 5 bdrm. hse. w/ 2 full baths. and hardwood floors through- out in the lower Burns Park area. The hse. has great access to the athletic campus and is about 5 blks. south of S. University, and the Business and Law schools. A beautiful oval- shaped etched glass panel on the front door accents the covered front porch. Ldry. and prkg. for 4 cars behind the hse. Great home for people wanting access to campus and a quieter living situation. $2,295.00. 663-4101, CMI. !!MAY LEASES AVAILABLE!! Large con- temporary 1& 2 bdrm. apts. 741-9657. $300 MOVES YOU in plus first mo. free! 1&2 bdrm. apts., from $705/mo. Free heat & lots of ammenities. Pets ok. N. Campus loc. 761-3404. *** MAY & SEPT. 05 *** 1,2&3 bdrm.apts. 1130 Oakland, 1026 Vaughn, 408 Hill, 910 Packard, 1100 Hill & More! JMS Properties. 222-9033 www.jmsprop.com *BY IM BUILDING. 8, 5, 4, 3, & 1 bdrm. apts. Free heat & prkg. 810-227-0651. 0)yl MOm OZC m Z 935 GREENWOOD, 5 bdrm. hse., 2 bath., living mm., dining rm., kitch., free ldry., $560 each. Avail. May '05.248-561-1500. AAHH! START WITH unbelievable large 2 bdrm. bi-level apts. 1.5 baths, fumished and contemporary in every way. Add FREE inter- net, FREE satellite TV, exercise facility, recreation room, study lounge with comput- ers, great location near CCRB, and free resi- dent shuttle to North Campus and you have Geddes Hill. Avail. Fall. 741-9300; www.annarborapartments.net ABSOLUTELY LARGE 4 bdrm. house in front of UM stadium, new kitch. with all new appl., refinished hardwood, new paint, refin- ished bath, wshr./dryer, ample prkg. A steal at $1600. Avail. Aug. '05. 310 Berkley. Call Dave at 734-395-6953. APARTMENTS, SUBLETS & Room- mates... List and Browse FREE! All Cities & Areas. 1-877-FOR RENT. wwwsublet.com AVAIL FALL: FURN. 2 bdrm./1.5 bath bi- level with balc. Heat, H20 incl. Covered prkg. Great loc. at 912 S. Forest. $1550/mo. 761-8220. GREAT CENTRAL CAMPUS APARTMENT LOCATIONS! 608 Monroe (Behind S. Quad) Type Price Term Eff. $680 Fall Bi-Level 1 $1000 Fall Medium 2 $1100 Fall Call Mike at 734-717-4276 or Joe at 734-604-8495 815 S. State (Between Arbor and Hill) Type Price Term Large 2 Bdrm. $1200's Fall Call Matt at 734-341-9501 711 Arch Type Price Term 1 Bdrm. Studio $680 Fall Medium 2 $1000 Fall Large 2 $1050 Fall Large 3 $1670 1 May Call Phil at 734-662-5270 Each building over $100K in capital improvements. Rent Matches 2004 Prices. Call above numbers for Appts. & Showings. EFFICIENCY IN QUIET bldg. in great cen- tral campus location near Union/Law School. New Carpet, Decorative fireplace. Ldry. & prkg. Avail. Sept. Ise. $645/mo. 761-3821. A 1220 WHITE Wonderful townhouse-style 2 bdrm. Large rooms, hardwood floors, close to campus. Fall 2005. Call 734-944-2405. apt. UM 2005 RENTALS ADDRESS, BDRM. BATH. PRICE, TERM A 811 Brookwood 6 545 Packard 3 1219 Packard 3 506 S. Fifth 2 2 1 1 1 3000 1650 1500 1150 Fall Fall Fall Fall GOT HOUSING? Fall 2005 Houses and Apartments campus rentals 734-665-8825 or www.campusrealty.com CAMPUS PARKING SPACES available for now. 665-8825. 1/2 off you Securlty Deposit 1/2 off your Processing Fee 1/2 off May* O 8100 off Septemlber* University Tower Apts. Ereeat and Water, Pool Fitnss Center and MOREL wwwmlersltteerS-mtemn Call to set up your tour today [7341 761-2810 *RgtromaictInaly Check wwwMichiganRental.com Call 734-327-0529. 3 AND 4 Bedroom apartments Available for Fall 2005! Having trouble finding a great place for you and your friends? Call Varsity today for these apartments! 734.668.1100. ! 1 GREAT off Special! 761-2680. DEAL! University Towers 1/2 Call for details at (734) . 2 BDRM. apt. ! 1004 S. Forest B1. Free heat,water & internet. $950. May lease. 332-6000. ! 2 BDRM. APT. FOR 3 PEOPLE across from East Quad. 2 prkg. spaces incl. Newly fur. & carpeted. May lease, $1300 + utils. No pets or smkrs. 769-1534 before 9p.m. ! 4 BDRM. CONDO avail. now! Utils. incl., A/C., ldry. & free garage prkg. Cable TV. $500-600/person/mo. Call 313-838-2629. ! 6 BDRM. 531 N. Main. Best deal in town! 2 bath., prkg., remodeled kitch. & bath. Avail. Sept. $2095.994-5284. 1 Bdrm. Apts. On Catherine, For Fall 2005 Copi Properties 663-5609 .J Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 Mohs scale adjective 5 It can have one hump or two 10 Treat carefully 14 "Metamor- phoses" poet 15 Ease 16 New money 17 Orr 20 Are in debt 21 Book opener 22 Make amends 23 Kind of cozy? 24 Nagano Olympic cauldron lighter 25 Or 34 Lake __Vista 35 Novel plantation 36 View 37 Outer cover 38 "Paradise Lost" figure 39 Rummikub piece 40 In the past 41 Builder's map 42 "...all snug in __ beds" 43 Ore 47 Pierre, for one 48 EMTs' destinations 49 Plays and such 52 Geological concern 55 Strong reptile 58 Oar 61 Help in a heist 62 Mountain ridge 9 Hawaiian 391 welcome 10 Confer 421 11 Bahn leader? 441 12 Muffin stuff 451 13 Time pastc 18 "Carmen," for 461 one 491 19 Archibald of the 50( NBAI 23 See after 511 24 __ Skavinsky Skavar, song Al rival of Abdul E Abulbul Amir E 25 Garfield's HC middle name 26 "Super Mario" I brother R1 27 Timber projection A1 28 In the slightest P1 29 Mongol invader SI 30 Really mad E 31 Flexible twig 32 Something old G1 33 Tractor man A 38 E-mail box GI clogger AI xwc 1 2 4 s 14 15 17 18 23 25 26 27 34 Beginning of a conclusion Rich cake Bad blood Horse of a different color Buyer's need Dull Cyborg movie prefix Blown away 52 Terminate 53 "So be it" 54 Not exceeding 55 More than just sing 56 Clued in about 57 Over 59 Hood's gun 60 Parental nicknames AVAIL.9/1/05 E. William. Efficiency 1 & 2 bedroom apart- ments with security buzzer, separate storage & laundry facilities. Gaflatin Realty Co. 734-3684)256. ***YOUR NEWLY REMODELED APT.*** "Awaits You!!!" Completely furmished with leather furmiture, glass tables and dinette! Totally new kitchens and baths.! Live in style and affordability at The Abbey, 909 Church! Call 761-8000 (Primesh.com) **2 BDRM. APTS. Recently remodeled, modem spacious kitchen w/ built-in micro. & dwshr. Beautifully fum. Private shuttle to North Campus. Pets welcome. May & Fall leases. Call 741-9657. **ATTENTION GRADS: UNIQUE studio, 1 & 2 bdrm. apts, w/spacious floor plans. Fall leases avail. 741-9300. . STUDI0,1 & 2 BEDRWOM UNITS. Furnished & Unfurnished. One block f rom UM Campus Tower Plaza. 663-1530. **NORTH CAMPUS** LARGE 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Large private balconies w/- wooded views. Private shuttle to Central and North Campus. Avail. now and Fall 05! Call 741-9300. *AVAIL FOR FALL '05.* Eff., 1 & 2 bdrm. apts., and hses. on central campus. Fum. with free water & prkg. Call 663-3050 or amvestproperty.com *AVAIL. FROM AUG. 1st. & Sept.lst. '05. Close to Med. & Central Campus. Modem 2 bdrm. Furn. & Unfum. Balc. 800 Fuller. 769-7520. fullerapartments@hotmail.com *CARRIAGE HOUSE ACROSS from CCRB, large contemporary 2 bdnn. bi-level apts. 1.5 baths, furmished, Fall leases avail. 741-9300 www.annarborapartments.net *FOR WINTER OR May lease. Great prices on Eff., 1-bdrm. apts. on central campus. Free prkg., fum. and free water. Call 734-260-3610. *'ICTORIAN HOME WITH unique 1 & 2 bdrm. apts., skylights, high ceilings, hard- wood, near business/law school. 741-9657. 2 BDRM. APT. avail. now-Aug. 825 S. Main. Rent negotiable. 734-260-3619. Space Available Now! ICC STUDENT HOUSING CO-OPS Community Living for ; University Students I :. , 3 BDRM. APTS. for Sept. '05 @ 1600 Packard. Call 769-7025, jmsprop.com 309 E. JEFFERSON Spacious 4 bdrm. apt. Hardwood floors, prkg., Idry. Avail. Fall 2005. 734-944-2405. 4 BDRM FURN. hse., John St. Ldry., avail. Fall. $2250/mo. + utils. 248-685-9085. 406 N. STATE Lovely old historic bldg. Spacious 1 bdrm. apt. High ceilings, hardwood floors, very close to UM campus. Fall 2005. Call 734-944-2405. 424 HILL, BEAUTIFUL, well maintained 6 bdrm., 2 bath. house suitable for 6-8 stu- dents. Prkg. and ldry. on site. Avail. Sept. 05; $3,300 plus utils. Call (248) 740-8409. 527 S. FOURTH Unfun. 2 bdrm. & 1 bdrm. apts., close to UM campus with Idry., prkg., A/C. Call 734-944-2405. 811 PACKARD 2 bdrm. w/ balcony. 2 prkg., no smkgpet. Btwn. East U. & State. $1130/mo. Avail. Aug. '05-'06.662-8832. 819 W. WASHINGTON. Avail. now! Large 1 bedroom in duplex. Walk to Main St. Great area. Pets ok. $700/mo. 734-395-1005. AVAIL. LARGE 2 bdrm. apts. located in the heart of Central Campus. Excellent location near the B-School. Heat, H20., prkg., A/C. Lois of amenities. Contact Michigan Realty, 734-662-5500. EHO. AVAILABLE FALL EFF., 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments, 4 & 6 bedroom houses. Call P.M.S.I. for info. (734)665-5552. BEACHFRONT TIMESHARE IN Cancun that sleeps two. Available week of 3/19/05 through 3/26/05 from UM faculty for $700. Email: merchanjuumich.edu BIG HOUSE AVAIL. Fall '05. 6 bdrm., 2 baths., lkitch. 121 Hill, $2800 + util. Call Deinco 734-996-1991. EFFICIENCIES, 1 & 2 bdrm. apt. & 3 bdrm. house. Call Michigan Realty, 734-662-5500. CHURCH ST. 5 Bdrm. hse. with prkg. May or Sept. lease 1023 Church St. $2500/mo. +Utils. Copl Properties 663-5609 BUSINESS/LAW SCHOOL: SPACIOUS 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Beautifully furnished, dw- shr., A/C & prkg. available. Call 741-9300. CAMPUS AREA APARTMENTS SPRING/FALL 2005 Wilson White Co., Inc. 734.995.9200 Equal Housing Opportunity. CORNER HOUSE APARTMENTS! Now leasing for Fall 2005. Beautiful 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. located on the comer of Washington and State St. A must see! Call 741-9300; www.annarborapartments.net EFE & 1 bdrm. apts. avail. Reduced rates & short-term leases avail. Please contact Wil- son White Co. at 734.995.9200. EHO. EFFICIENCY IN GREAT central campus lo- cation near Union, Law School. 417 S. Divi- sion. Quiet bldg. prkg./ldry. Avail Sept. lse. $630 plus electricity. 761-3821. GREAT HOUSES, GREAT APART- MENTS! !!!2005 Lease!!! ALL HOUSES. HAVE 6 LG. BEDROOMS! Plus many have studies as shown below!!!! LOCATION STDY. BATH. PRKG. TERM 927 S. State 0 2 J 4 M or S 418 E. Kingsley 0 2 4 M or S 926 Sylvan 1 3 J 6 Sept. 909 Sylvan 2 3 J 7 Sept 1012 Michigan 0 3 6 Sept M=May S=Sept. J=Jacuzzi Stdy.=Study All have been completely remodeled. Oak floors, new carpet & fum., 2 new side by side fridges, trash compactor, dwshr. 1 have central A/C, the rest have room A/C. APARTMENTS IN 2 LOCATIONS!!! 3 Min. Walk to Frieze Bldg., (E. Kingsley/ Division) 2 Historic bldgs. completely remodeled. -2 bdrm. penthouse, see all of A2, Avail. Fall. -3 lg. bdrms. w/free vanity.AvailNow, Fall -6 bdrm., complete remodel in process, Fall. Modem Apartment Building: Remodeled - 2 bdrm. culinary delight, trash compacter. 19f. of counter space, dwshr., etc. Avail. Now and Fall 3 Min. walk to South Quad 1 & 2 bdrm. 100% remodeled apts. with new fum., oak firs., new carpet, prkg., A/C, dw- shr., & cable. Avail. Now, Spring & Fall. Both apt. locations include: idry, great prkg, and heat'water Please Call: 973-7368. 0 0 41 a0 IApartments AvailablIe! I NSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: R A S T U G JA T H A N E O R O A S I R E L A X O U S E C A LL ARENA M BAR K DAYDR E A M Y A MEG DEE F A DE S 0 N T 0 N F RO O T I S F O R G O L AY I N G T H E F I E L D E V E N O U R S S E E S X E R T S P U P P Y H A G B O O E T A U I D E D O G U S H E R S 9-T O R M O U S E T R A P E E S E ANTE M I L E R M E D D E E D L E A N Deadline for line ads is 11:30am one business day prior to publication. Rates: $3.95 per line for the first issue and $1.95 per line for each additional consecutive issue. " Frequency and Bulk contracts are available- contact our staff for details " Students may receive a 20% discount when ads are placed in person with a valid student ID (non-organizational, non- business ads only) " All ads must be prepaid unless prior billing privileges have been established " We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, cash, or check " For Classified Display advertising, please call one of our Account Executives ordeditor@aol.com 6 7 8 9 10 16 19 22 24 28 29 30 35 01/26/05 11 12 13 Classification: 010 - Lost Found 020 - For Sale 025 - Parking 030 - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent 070 - Sublet 080 - Services 090 - Help Wanted 093 - Summer Employment 095 - Child Care 6 S Iday 2 lines 7.90 3 lines 11.85 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 11.80 17.70 92 6 15.70 23.55 31 40 19.60 29.40 39.20 23.50 35.25 47.00 A line 1 5 8 I: I 1'° 1 I 1 1 1 -r 1111lCYi I J OV GJ VV v '-tV Vu w -f vv I