Thursday, January 27, 2005
News 3A 'U' readies for annual
blood battle with MSU
Opinion 4A
Sports 5A
Joel Hoard on the
perversion of science
in the classroom
Harris leads Cagers
into East Lansing
E 4311 tqtl4augl
One-hundred-fourteen years ofeditorialfreedom
www.mic Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 68 2005 The Michigan Daily
Over 30
in Iraq
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - A U.S.
helicopter crashed in a desert sand-
storm in the early morning darkness
yesterday, killing the 30 Marines and
one Navy sailor aboard. Six other
troops died in insurgent ambushes
in the deadliest day for Americans
since the Iraq war began nearly two
years ago.
Only days before Iraq's crucial
elections Sunday, militants set off at
least eight car bombings that killed
13 people and injured 40 others,
including 11 Americans. The guer-
rillas also carried out a string of
attacks nationwide against schools
that will serve as polling centers.
In Washington, President Bush
called on Iraqis to defy terrorism
and go to the polls despite relent-
less insurgent attacks. He said it
was a "very discouraging" day when
the U.S. death toll for the war rose
above 1,400.
The CH-53E Super Stallion was
carrying personnel from the 1st
Marine Division on a security mis-
sion in support of the election when
it went down about 1:20 a.m. near
the town of Rutbah, about 220 miles
west of Baghdad, the military said.
The crash occurred during severe
weather, but its cause was still under
investigation, said Army Gen. John
Abizaid, chief of U.S. Central Com-
mand. An Accuweather map showed
sandstorms yesterday in the western
region of Iraq near the Jordanian
border where the crash took place.
A search and rescue team was at
the site. The victims were 30 Marines
and one sailor, said Lt. Gen. John
Sattler, the top Marine commander
in Iraq - the most American ser-
vice members to die in a single inci-
dent since the March 2003 invasion
of Iraq.
The deadliest previous incident
. for U.S. troops was also a helicop-
ter crash: a November 2004 collision
of two Black Hawk helicopters that
killed 17. Before yesterday's blood-
shed, the most Americans killed in
one day came on the invasion's third
day - March 23, 2003 - when 28
troops were killed during the U.S.
military's drive to take Baghdad and
topple Saddam Hussein.
The U.S. military has not seen
such a high loss of life in one day
in 15 years - since an explosion
ripped through a gun turret on the
USS Iowa during a training exercise
in the Caribbean in April 1989, kill-
See IRAQ, Page 7A
Quad plan approved
Regents agree to build
$137 million building
By Aymar Jean
Daily Staff Reporter
Advancing further its plan to
revamp on-campus housing, the
University received approval from
the Board of Regents yesterday for
the North Quad Residential and
Academic Complex, a combination
of student housing and academic
offices set to open in 2008. The
approval comes in spite of protests
from some community members
and historic preservationists, but
with the support of prominent stu-
dent organizations and neighbor-
hood associations.
The new residence hall would be
the first constructed at the Univer-
sity in over 35 years and is a major
endeavor under the Residential Life
Initiatives - a long-term plan to
renovate and modernize on-campus
housing at the University.
Under the current project for-
mally approved yesterday by the
regents, the architectural firm Ein-
horn Yaffee Prescott based in New
York - which renovated Mason
and Haven Halls in 2003 - would
develop the $137 million complex
where the Frieze Building is cur-
rently located.
But in order to accomplish this,
the Frieze Building must be com-
pletely demolished, including its
historic fagade on State Street,
said University President Mary Sue
Coleman and other University offi-
cials. Razing the building - most
of which was built in 1907 - will
cost an additional $5 million. The
University will try to preserve
the adjacent Carnegie Library on
Huron Street - also built in 1907
- but cannot guarantee its pres-
The residential portion of the
building will include 500 suite-
style living spaces in various con-
figurations, dining facilities and
other amenities like film-editing
labs and viewing rooms.
Hoping to forge an intellectual
crucible where students and fac-
ulty interact outside the classroom,
administrators and developers will
also house three academic units
in the building: Film and Video
Studies, Communication Studies
and the School of Information, a
graduate program. The Language
Resource Center, currently housed
in the Modern Languages Building,
will also relocate to North Quad.
"The essential theme for North
Quad is really that learning takes
place everywhere," University
Housing Director Carole Henry
A critical aspect of the new com-
plex, which Coleman said would
be a "gateway to the University,"
is the use of cutting-edge technol-
ogy. Administrators consistently
described a technology-saturated
space that would match the skills
and wits of tech-savvy students.
The building's amenities will
focus on media and information
studies, using high technology
- like live interactive video - to
reach out to other students interna-
tionally. The presence of the Lan-
guage Resource Center is intended
to facilitate this global outreach.
"Language understanding is the
gateway to cultural understanding,"
LSA Dean Terry McDonald said.
Among the many ideas adminis-
trators proposed by administrators
The Carnegie Library, a portion of the Frieze building which faces Huron Street, may be demolished under the
University's current plan to build a new residence hall on the building site.
Possible destruction of library angers some in community
By Aymar Joan
Daily Staff Reporter
Although administrators have placated
preservationists opposed to the demolition of
the Frieze Building by promising to save the
Carnegie Library located next to it, University
President Mary Sue Coleman said the preser-
vation of the library is no longer a definite.
In an interview with the Daily, Coleman said
the library's future was less certain, a notice-
able break from her previous statements.
"I just don't know how feasible that's going
to be," she said in regards to preserving the
library. "We've asked the architects to con-
sider (salvaging Carnegie), and that's what
they're doing," she added.
The University building "has a long histo-
ry" because it was one of hundreds of libraries
founded from Andrew Carnegie's fortune and
charity in the early 1900s, said Diane Brown,
spokeswoman for facilities and operations at
the University.
But historical preservation was not a top
priority in selecting the architect, Coleman
added, though the selected firm, Einhorn
Yaffee Prescott ,is skilled in the practice, hav-
ing renovated buildings at Harvard and Princ-
eton Universities.
On the future of the Frieze Building, admin-
"We've asked the architects to consider (salvaging
Carnegie), and that's what they're doing"
- Mary Sue Coleman
University president
istrators at yesterday's University Board of
Regents meeting said it would most certainly
be demolished to the dismay of community
members vehemently opposed to the plan.
The Frieze Building and Carnegie Library,
they -believe, are historical landmarks that
should be preserved to the greatest extent pos-
sible. Under the current plan, the University
must eliminate Frieze and could potentially
eliminate the library, ridding the area of two
buildings both approaching their 100-year
The University originally said it would pre-
See LIBRARY, Page 7A
'U' endowment fund receives
$700 million in last fiscal year
By Adhiraj Dutt
Daily Staff Reporter
The University added nearly $700
million to its endowment fund dur-
ing the last fiscal year, according to
a report released this week by the
National Association of College and
University Business Officers.
The endowment, which is comprised of
funds donated to the University, grew by
20.2 percent due to increased donations
and increased returns on investment, Uni-
versity spokeswoman Julie Peterson said.
"We're a good University, but with
our donor support, we are able to be a
world-class university," she said.
With a total endowment of $4.1
billion, the University has the 11th
largest endowment in the nation,
and its 20.2 percent return is greater
than the 15.1 percent average return
achieved during the past fiscal year,
which ended on June 30, by all col-
lege endowments surveyed by the
The investment returns generated by
endowments are an important source
for private universities as well as pub-
lic ones, NACUBO president, James E.
Endowment Funds: End of Fiscal Year Market Value
$1 .0
85 '90
English lecturer Gene Laskowski voices his opinions at the Lecturers' Employee Organization meeting In
Angell Hall last night. LEO met to discuss its contract with the University.
Distinguished professor dles
versity did not have the $327 million
that the state provided last year, the
endowment would need to total $10
billion in order for the University to
have enough funds to make up for the
loss, Peterson said.
In order to maintain the endowment,
contributed funds are kept as part of.
the principal - the initial endow-
ment - and the University spends the
return on the principal.
Of the $100 million University alum
In order to achieve this assurance,
the endowment is operated under a
long-term investment strategy, and
only 5 percent of the average market
value of the endowment over a three-
year period can be spent every year,
according to the University's finan-
cial report.
The endowment cannot be used
to lower tuition but must be spent
according to donors' instructions.
Still, it does help ameliorate the Uni-
By Abbv Stasseon
to Engineering students by Stephen
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