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January 26, 2005 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-01-26

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Wednesday, January 26, 2005



- . -

Opinion 4

Daniel Adams on
Iraq's future

Arts 7 Folk rockers
Clem Snide seem
complacent on
new album


HR: 29

One-hundred fourteen years ofeditorialfreedom
www.michiganday.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 67 X2005 The Michigan Daily





By Megan Kolodgy
Daily Sports Writer
Michigan basketball coach Tommy Amaker announced
yesterday that he has suspended guard Daniel Horton from
games and practice, following Monday's arraignment on a
domestic violence charge. Amaker said Horton is suspended
indefinitely until he receives more information on the case.
"Given the seriousness and the sensitivity of the situation,
we feel it is in everyone's best interest that we suspend Daniel
pending further notice," Amaker said in a prepared statement.
"We feel that this is the right course of action at this time."
Although magistrate Michael Gattin said Horton would
be allowed to leave the state for basketball games - a privi-
lege usually denied those facing assault charges - today's
announced suspension requires that he remain behind while his
team goes on the road.
As a scholarship athlete, the guard will still have access to
weight-training and academic facilities.
"I understand the severity of the situation I'm in," Hor-
ton said yesterday in a statement. "I feel embarrassed about
it, and I'm very sorry that my family, team and school have
to deal with it too. I understand why the consequences have
happened, and I will continue to do whatever I can to help
the situation."
The charges against Horton include grabbing his girlfriend
around the neck and choking her on Dec. 10. His girlfriend
filed a police report three days later.
On Monday, Horton was arraigned by the 15th District
Court after turning himself in on a warrant for his arrest.
Horton could potentially receive up to 93 days in jail and a
$500 fine if convicted.
The suspension comes at a tough time for the Wolverines,
who have not had their lineup in tact since the beginning of
the season. Tomorrow, Michigan travels to East Lansing to
0 go up against No. 15 Michigan State.
Junior Chris Hunter has also been out since sustaining
an ankle injury on Jan. 5 in Michigan's win against Iowa.
Hunter and Horton have never been absent from the lineup at
the same time. Horton averages 13.4 points per game, while
Hunter averages 11.2 points per game.
Injuries have plagued the Wolverines for the bulk of the
season. Hunter has been out since Jan. 5, and sophomore
See HORTON, Page 7

LSA sophomore Talal Awartan works the Arab international Students Association booth at the Union at Winterfest.

Students still

By Amber Colvin
Daily Staff Reporter
The University has been unable to get
in contact with some students from the
tsunami-hit areas. As the University's
search draws to a close, 25 to 30 students
of the 850 from the region have yet to be
located, said interim Dean of Students
Sue Eklund.
She added that the names of the miss-
ing students will be released after the
search by the schools and academic
departments is complete in the next

few days. The Univers
whether the 25 to 30 s
located went home tot
tries over break.
In response to last r
disaster, the University
search of all studentsv
the 12 countries affect
including Indonesia, S
"We've repeatedly s
we've repeatedly telep
we have asked the aca
us identify whether pe

missing afiter
ity did not know not, and they've identified some students
tudents yet to be that hadn't responded to us," Eklund said.
the affected coun- The various schools, such as the.Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts
nonth's tsunami and the School of Engineering, as well
y conducted a as departments within the schools, have
who are citizens in been checking frequently with professors
ed by the tsunami, and other staff to see if students from
ri Lanka, India and these countries have been in class. If stu-
dents are still not accounted for, the Uni-
sent out e-mails, 'rsity irf ry to contact them in their
honed people and home countries.
demic units to help Another measure the University took
ople were back or to find the students was to check if the

Student writers honored
with Hopwood Awards

By Laura Van Hyfte
Daily Staff Reporter

The prestigious Hopwood Awards were given to
18 University students for their exceptional pieces
of creative writing.
The students were awarded cash prizes for their
poetry, essay and fiction selections in Rackham
Auditorium yesterday.
The Hopwood Program awarded
$7,850 total to recipients of Hop-
wood Awards and $12,000 to the "People v,
winners of other writing contests.
Winners of the Hopwood awards our class,
will join a distinguished and presti-
gious group of writers, said Andrea get judg<
Beauchamp, program associate of the basis
the English department.
Carolyn Forche, the keynote
speaker at the event, read selected personal
excerpts from several of her books,
including "The Country Between - F
Us" and "Blue Hour."
"I was very impressed with the gen-
erosity at the University. These writers
should cherish their gifts and develop
themselves. They should take them-
selves and their arts and poetry seriously," Forche said.
LSA sophomore Allison Dougherty was among
the Hopwood Award winners. She was recognized
for her piece of fiction titled "The Rider."
Participating in the Hopwood contest serves as
encouragement to write and take the trade seriously,
Dougherty said.
In December 2004, poets and creative writers
submitted their work to local judges. Winners of the


competition were selected and notified in the first
week of January.
Respected and accomplished local writers judged
the competition. After being presented with the writ-
ten works, judges reviewed the pieces and selected
those they preferred most.
English Prof. Richard Tillinghast said he felt the
manner in which Hopwood winners were chosen
was fair and beneficial to all of the participants.
"Those of us who teach
here don't judge in the con-
'ho take test; this is very strong for the
program. People who take our
es don't classes don't get judged on the
basis of their personalities.
d on This method ensures objectiv-
. thity," Tillinghast said.
The will of Avery Hopwood,
Ees. "a University graduate of the
tes. Class of 1905, dedicated one-
fifth of his estate to the Univer-
chard Tillinghast sity Board of Regents for the
English professor encouragement of creative work
in writing.
The first awards were handed
out in 1931. Today, the Hop-
wood Program offers approxi-
mately $100,000 in prizes every year to young aspiring
writers at the University.
Since the program's inception, over 3,000 writers have
been recognized, and over $2 million has been awarded.
Another Hopwood contest is held for both graduate
and undergraduate writers.
Submissions for this contest are due Feb. 8, and
winners will be announced in the second week of

students were registered for the winter
"Of course if they were not registered
there was a good chance they were not
intending to be here," Eklund said. She
noted that while the University had found
a few students that were not registered,
they were still considered to be a part
of the group of 25-30 students yet to be
Malaysian Student Association Vice
President Nur Wahab said the University
contacted her group in their efforts to
See TSUNAMI, Page 7
By Jeremy Davidson
Daily Staff Reporter
Safety and public feedback are among the
top concerns expressed by University Presi-
dent Mary Sue Coleman and members of the
University Board of Regents about renova-
tions to Michigan Stadium.
In an interview with the Daily, Coleman
said one of her top priorities is meeting stu-
dent demand for season football tickets.
"Students are what provide the great excite-
ment," she said.
Coleman and some regents also empha-
sized the importance of safety in the pro-
posed renovations.
"The stadium hasn't really been updated in
a significant way in about 50 years. We want
to make (attending games) a better experi-
ence for everybody ... and we want it to be
a safer experience for everybody," Coleman
said. "We have to be good stewards. (The sta-
dium) is a fabulous resource, and if we want
to be responsible caretakers, we have to take
care of it."
Regent David Brandon (R-Ann Arbor)
echoed Coleman's concerns about safety.
"I would like to improve the enjoyment,
comfort and safety of going to a Michigan
football game for every fan, coach and play-
er," Brandon said.
Coleman and the regents also
addressed concerns about fund-
"Whatever the plan is, it would have to be
financially feasible. That's the big question.
How are we going to pay for it all? The closed
seating is part of the plan to help pay for (the
renovations)," Coleman said.
The nronnsed closed seating - in the form

Juliana Breines, a Residential College senior, Is awarded for her poetry piece "The
Love of Three Oranges" by Prof. Nicholas Delbanco at the Hopwood Awards.

'Aviator' leads pack with 11 Oscar nominations

By Zach Borden
Daily Arts Writer
2004 certainly was the year of the biopic,
0 as the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and

and conflicted boxing trainer and the other
for Best Director. Eastwood faces some stiff
competition in the latter category, particu-
larly against Scorsese, who has been nomi-
nated for six Oscars in previous years but has

the Academy. The film garnered accolades
and prizes for Jamie Foxx's uncanny perfor-
mance as the late musician. Foxx, along with
Eastwood, is pitted against Johnny Depp for
"Finding Neverland," Leonardo DiCaprio for
"The' Aviator" and Don Cheadle for "Hontel

The nominees are ...
Big contenders



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