6 - The Michigan Daily - Friday. January 21, 2005
the michigan daily
*2 0
CONDO IN NIELSEN Square. 2+ bxrms. 2
yrs. old. Walk to Medical & North Campus.
Approximately 2,000 square feet. Listed @
$339,900. By owner. Call 7344240283.
OWN AN ORIGINAL Stuffed Wolverine.
Standing Mount One of a Kind. 4 Feet Tall.
$2,500.888-536-6767 ext 111.
now, 665-8825.
! 1, STUDIO, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts.,available
for2005. FreetHeat& Water,Furnished.
University Towers 536 S. Forest
(734) 761-2680
I/2offsecuritydeposit! Limited timeonly.
. 2 BDRL apt,! 1004 S. Forest B1. Free
heat,water & intemet. $950. May lease.
! 2 BDRM. API. FOR 3 PEOPLE across
from East Quad. 2 prkg. spaces incl. Newly
fare. & carpeted. May lease, $1300 + utils.
Nopets orsmkrs. 769-1534before 9p.m.
! 4 BDRM. CONDO avail. now! Utils. incl.,
A/C., ldry. & free garage prkg. Cable TV.
$500-600/person/mo. Call 313-838-2629.
! 6 BDRM. 531 N. Main. Best deal in town!
2 bath., prkg., remodeled kitch. & bath.
Avail. Sept. $2095. 9945284.
! 6 BDRM. apt.! 1004 S. Forest #4. $3100.
Free heat, water& intemet. 332-00.
5 Bdrm. hse. with prkg.
May or Sept. lease
1023 Church St. $2500/mo.
+Utils. Copi Properties
!930 DEWEY Avail. 9/1/05. Fumished
5 bdrm. hse., ample prkg. $2600/o. 1 yr
Ise. Call 7347696683 orsbery@comcast.net
! BEAUTIFUL 6 Bdrm. house! 932 Green-
wood. $3100/mo. May lease. 332-6000.
22 distinctive campus locations,
studios to seven bedrooms.
Contemporary in every way
- Ask about the Free Internet
and Free Direct TV
"Exercise Facility
- Study Lounge w/computers
- Recreation Room
- Complimentary Resident
shuttle around Central
and North Campus
r *I 741-9300
A (Extended Hours)
!! 535 WALNUT. Beautiful, clean 6 bdrm.
house. 6-7 persons. Partly fum.; new kitch.,
ldry., hardwood floors., carpeted bdrms., 2.5
baths, 5-6 prkg. in drive. Close to campus,
UM hospital. $3600/mo. Call 546-0426.
AVAIL. NOW 2 bdrm. w/ modem kitch.
& bath. Prkg., from $695. Call 994-5284.
!!! 1 BDRM. Apt. Fall '05. 2 blks. to Law
School/B-School. Bright, clean, beautiful.
Free utils. 734-320-5805.landkk@comcast.net
1 Bdrm. Apts.
On Catherine, For Fall 2005
Copi Properties
!!FALL2 !7!2005 !715 Church St.
You have to see it to believe it! Incredible
loc., beautiful, quiet 1 bdrm. apts.!
Spacious enough for 2 people. Fsua., ldry.,
free easy in/out prkg.
Free Heat and H20.
No pets, no smoking.
Call Bobbie 877-426-1360.
!!! 1 BDRM. Apt. Fall '05. Historic Old West
Side. Bright, clean, beautiful. Free heat!
734-320-5805. landkk@comcast.net
!!!AVAIL. NOW, I bdrm. apts., sunny, hard-
wood firs., $765/up in charming hse. (lovely
flower beds), 4 short blocks to Frieze bldg.
Effs., 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. Jan./May/Sept. '05.
741-8882/717-1110. a2apartments.com
temporary 1 & 2 bdrn. apts.741-9657.
!!932 DEWEY - A huge unfum. 5 bdn. hse.
w/ 2 fll baths. and hardwood floors through-
out in the lower Bums Park area. The hse.
has great access to the athletic campus and is
about 5 blks. south of S. University, and the
Business and Law schools. A beautifal oval-
shaped etched glass panel on the front door
accents the covered front porch. Ldry. and
prkg. for 4 cars behind the hse. Great home
for people wanting access to campus and a
quieter lvng situation. $2,295.00. 6634101,
721 Church Street for Fall 2005.
Beautiful 1 Ilxm. aptsc in charming Tudor
style home. Hardwoodfloors, quiet
atmosphere, paring., laundry.
FeHeat H2, parking
Nopets/no smoking.Acrssfro E.Quad.
Call Bobbie 877-426-1360.
!!GREATAPTS. & HES. for05-06!!
A combination of quality and price you can't
beat! Wehavehses.andapts.acrossA2
with smething tueft every need. Studios, 1
ad 2 bedoms and largeravailable. Pickup
listingtoday! CampsManagement,nc.
337 E. Humn.
"CMI, proudly serving theAnnArbor and
U of M community for 42years."
$300 MOVES YOU in plus first mo. free!
1&2 bdm. apts., from $705/mo. Free beat &
lots of ammenitis. Pets ok. N. Campus loc.
*** MAY & SEPT.05 ***
1,2 & 3 bdrm. apts.
1130Oakland, 1026 Vaughn, 408 Hill, 910
Packard, 1100 Hill&More!
JMS Properties. 222-9033
E. William. Efficiency I & 2 bedroom apart-
ments with security buzzer, separate storage
&laundry facilities.
GallatinRealty Co.
***FOR RENT. 702 Tappan, across from B-
School. 5 rooms, $3,495/mo. Call
***ROOM FOR RENT in mansion. Free
util. & intenet. 1043 Baldwin. 332-6000.
**2 BDRM. APTS. Recently remodeled,
modem spacious kitchen w/ built-in micro. &
dwshr. Beautifully fum. Private shuttle to
North Campus. Pets welcome. May & Fall
leases. CAll 741-9657.
5 Bdrm., 1.5 Bath. House with Prkg.
May or Sept. Lease
1107 Prospect. $2500/mo.
+ Utils. Copi Properties
Completely fumished withleatherfumiture,
glass tables and dinette! Totally new kitchens
andbaths.!Liveinstyleandaffordability at
The Abbey, 909 Church!
Call 761-8000 (Primesh.com)
1 & 2 bdrm. apts. w/spacious floor plans.
Fall leases avail. 741-9300.
bdrm. apts. Large private balconies w/-
wooded views. Private shuttle to Central and
North Campus. Avail. now and Fall 05! Call
*AVAIL. FROM AUG. 1st. & Seplst. 05.
Close to Med. & Central Campus. Modem 2
bdrm. Fum. & Unfum. Bac. 800 Fuller.
769-7520. fullerapaments@hotmail.com
Call today for an appointment
and visit our website!
L Amenities vary by location
811Brookwood 6
545 Packard 3
1219 Packard 3
506 S.Fifth 2
2 3000 Fall
1 1650 Fall
1 1500 Fall
1 1150 Fall
Check www.vlchigaRental.com
Call 734-327-0529.
3 MIN. WALK to Frieze Bldg.,
2 Historic bldgs.completely remodeled.
-2 bdrm. penthouse top flCr, see all of A2,
avail, fall.
-2 bdrm .lowerlevel, very pular cute, Fall.
-3 1g. bdrms. just remodeled re/vanity.
- 6 bdrm., complete remodel in process, Fail.
Modern ApartmentBuilding: Remodeled
- 2 bdrm. culinary delight, trash compacter.
19 ft ofecounter space, dresbe, etc.
I isAvai now,2 areAvail. Fall.
/Ory., Great Prkg., Hea/water incl., E.
Call 973-7368.
3 MLN. WALK to South Quad, 1 & 2 bdrm.
100% remodeled apts. with new fum., oak
firs., new carpet, prkg., ldry., A/C, dwshr., &
cable. Avail. now, Spring & Fall. 973-7368.
Special- Just finished remodeling 1 bdrm. &
2 bdrm. Avail. now 973-7368.
Spacious 4 bdrm. apt. Hardwood floors,
prkg.,ldry.Avail.Fall 2005.734-944-2405.
Unfun. 2 bdna. & 1 bdrm. apts., close to
UM campus with ldry., prkg., A/C. Call
811 PACKARD 2 bdnn. w/ balcony. 2 prkg.,
no smkg./pet Btwn. East U. & State.
$1130/mo.Avail.Aug. '05-06.662-8832.
819 W. WASHINGTON. Avail. now! Large
I bedroom in duplex. Walk to Main St. Great
area. Pets ok. $700/mo. 734-395-1005.
921 E. ANN. Must See! 9/05 - 8/06. 7 person
hse. $4000/mo. Incl. prkg.dry. 223-1257.
935 GREENWOOD, 5 bdrm. hse., 2 bath.,
living m., dining rm., kitch., free Idry., $560
each.Avail. May '05.248-561-1500.
AAHH! START WITH unbelievable large 2
edn. i-evel aps 1.5 baths, furnished nd
contemporary in every way. Add FREE inter-
net, FREE satellite TV, exercise facility,
recreation room, study lounge with comput-
ers, great location near CCRB, and free resi-
dent shuAle to North Campus and you have
Geddes HillAvail Fall. 741-9300;
ABSOLUTELY LARGE 4 bdrm. house in
front of UM stadium, new kitch with all new
appl., refinished hardwood, new paint, refin-
shed bath, ws%/dryr ample prkg. A stal
at $160. Avail.Aug r05. 310 Berkley. Call
Dave at734-395-6953.
mates... List and Browse FREE! All Cities &
Areas. 1-877-FOR RENT. www.sublet.com
AVAIL FALL: FURN. 2 bdrm.1.5 bath bi-
level with balc. Heat, H20 incl. Covered
prkg. Great loc. at 912 S. Forest. $1550/mo
AVAIL. FOR SPRING and Fall '05.
Eff., one, & two bdrm. apts., and hses. on
ctrl. campus. Fum. with free prkg. Call
AVAIL. LARGE 2 bdrm. apts. located in the
heart of Central Campus. Excellent location
near the B-School. Heat, H20., prkg., A/C.
Lots of amenities. Contact Michigan Realty,
AVAIL. SEPT. 2 Bdrm. apt in Great Central
Campus location near union/Law school.
One Bdn. is HUGE. Newly Carpeted. Ldry.
& prkg. avail $1065+ electricity.761 3821.
AVAILABLE FALL EFF., 1, 2, 3 bedroom
apartments, 4 & 6 bedroom houses.
Call PMSI for info. (734)665-5552
BY IM BUILDING. 8, 5, 4, 3, & bdm.
apts. Free heat & prkg. 810-227-651.
6 STUDIO1 & 2
Furnished & Unfurnished.
One block from UM Campus
Tower Plaza. 663-1530.
itch., t., &dirpt7150. An,$722ng.
as el ci. Prg avail. fr $22/mo. Shur
term lease avail. Call today, 996-1991.
Address Type Bdrm. Price
521 Linden House 6 $3400
Parking for 5 cars. A/C, 2 fridge.,ldry.
Call 734-998792 or 734-649-5549 for info.
that sleeps two. Available week of 3/19/05
through 3/26/85 from UM facraty for $700.
Email: merchanj@umich.edu
BIG HOUSE AVAIL. Fall 05. 6 bdrm., 2
baths., lkitch. 121 Hill, $2800 + util. Call
& 2 bdrm. apts. Beautifully furnished, dw-
shr.,A/C &prkg. available. Call741-9300.
Equal Housing Opportunity.
CAMPUS AREA, LG. 6 bdm. hse. y &
prkg.Avail.May.$2200/mo. 973-6499.
leasing for Fall 2005. Beautiful 2 & 3 bdrm.
apts. located on the corer of Washington
and StateSt.Amustsee! Cal741-9300;
On Site Laundry
Fully Furnished
Studios to 3 Bedrooms
Leasing for Now 6 Fall!
Call (734) 761-2680 for a Tour
EFE & 1 bdrm. apts. avai Reduced rates &
short-term leases avail. Please contact Wil-
son White Co. at1734.995.9200. EHO.
EFFICIENCIES, 1 & 2 bdna. apt & 3 bdm.
house. Call Michigan Realty, 734-662-5500.
EFFICIENCY IN GREAT central campus lo-
cation near Union, Law School. 417 S. Divi-
sion. Quiet bldg. prkg.dry. Avail Sept. Ise.
Very 1g., 6Bdrm. Apt
+ Study and 2 bath. Prkg.
Sept. Ise. 423 Hamilton, Apt. #1
$2700/mo. + Utils.
EFFICIENCY IN QUIET bldg. in great cen-
tral campus location near Umo/Law School.
New Carpet, Decorative fireplace. Ldry. &
prkg. Avail. Sept lse. $645/mo. 761-3821.
Fall 2005 Houses andApamrents
campus rentals 734-665-8825 or
GRAD. STUD.: NEW 2 bdm. condo, A/C,
dwsh., microwave, wshr./ dryer, 2.5 bath.,
garage, callAnnArbor Realty 663-7444.
LARGE 1 BDRM. Apt in Great Central Cam-
pus location near Union/Law School. Hard-
wood floors, decorative fireplace. Ldry. &
Prkg.Avail. Sept.Lse. $780 761-3821.
LARGE FURNISHED 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. on
S. State, Near UM bus stop, 5 min. to Mich.
Union. Avail Now, Sumer, Fall 0$
sater icl.. Balr., A/C, PRkg, -dry. $00
-$1450. No smkg./no pets. 734-996-3539 or
734-678-7250. ehsng@co mlcastet
6V Va r sity
Rent a CAMPUS apartment from
Varsity Management.
Studios, 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom,
Oversized 2 bedroom & bi-levels
Available for FALL 2005!
www.va rsitymmangement.com
LEASING FOR FALL '05. Efficiencies I
bdm., 2 bdrm., 618 & 624 Packard & 820
Ann & S. Main.734-260-3619.
bdrm. apts., bay windows, fireplace, balc.,
A/C, covered prkg. A private shuttle to North
Campus. Fall leases avail.741-9300.
Spacious studio & 1 bdm. apts. Avail. Fal!
!!ROO MIN C(HARMING historic homes.
! WALK A LITTLE, SAVEA LOT Close to campus. $415 to $625. Short term
3 bdrm., 1,200 square feet, 1 1/2 bath., A/C, lease possible. Avail. now or later. 741-8882
prk., ldry., from $1295.994-5284. or 717-1110. annarborooms.com
CCRB, large contemporary 2 bdrm. bi-level
apts. 1.5 baths, famished, Fall leases avail.
741-9300 www.annarborapartments.net
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle aFIJsT MONTH FREE far winter lease.
Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis Great prices on Eff., 1-bdrm. apts. on ctrl.
ACROSS 6 Kevin Eubanks is 41 Tube in a 53 "Please, I'd like campus. Free prkg., fure. and free water.
1 It'sfolded and the bandleader handbag, often to' Call 734-266-3610.
filled on his show 43 Art that requires a 55 Upholstery *VICTORIAN HOME WlTH unique 1 & 2
5 Petstore brand 7 Heart folder braid bdrm. apts., skylights, high ceilings, hard-
9 Young tenders 8 Best 44 Like the Roman 57 Where to see wdneaptseslighshi lings,-hard-
14 Site of a WWII 9 Massless particle numeral MDs and RNs wood,nearbasiess/aw schoot.741-9657.
turning point 10 British royal who system 58 Went right 1003 PACKARD 4 bdrm. $1790. Prkg.,
18 Ptdon the books competed in the 45 Sheknows 59 Articles online ldry. 116 N. State 1-2 bdrm. $760-1010.
17 Orlando suburb 1978 Olympics whts 80 Chances to gel rgIr.9640 rkio2&mi~o
_ Springs 11 Jomo Kenyatta happening pics P6kg, dry. 996-4505 orhkian22@gmail.com
18 Source of Int'l Airport city 48 Mayan structure 61 Jilted gal's 1104 PACKARD
strength 12 Behave 49 Fall on the road, disgusted Spacious unfurn. 2 bdrm. apt. Hardwood
19 Bill Cody, e.g. 13 Mud flat? perhaps comment floors, bay window, 2 bath., fireplace. Close
21 Carol opening 15 Find __ for: toc Fall2005 Call734-944-2405
22 According to match ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: canea. . .
23 Life sources 20 Shipping carton M A S S U M O B O O M S 1220 W
26 Gray head no. Wonderful townhouse-style 2 bdrm. apt.
27 Twin in a 24 Shop cleaner G A I TsA T,wP U T I L E hos 2 edna. t
perennial best 25 Is fortwo? R O M E L A T E S O L V E Largeru F , adwo loors, close to CM
seller 28 Put in A R E W E T H E R E Y E T camps.Fall2005.Call73 2405.
30 Clip seen in a 29 Stimuli F I E S T A A F B A B U 2 BDRM. APT. avail. now-Aug. 825 S.
boardroom 31 Lapses S W A G T O R N U P Main. Rent negotiable. 734-260-3619.
32 WWI landing 33 Stone and A G H A A G U A D U K EFD
ships Stallone 2 BDRM. API., 818 Church, fine older
34 Healthful side 35 HenleyAY Y S M AYL E NOS bldg.,.well-maintained, in the heart of cam-
dish competitors A B DUL STOL EROS .$995/mo.+util.734-761-6536
36 Ambulance 37 "No need to tell S O R T O F O R F F
chaser, e.g. me..." S N O Q U E R E G G A E 3 BDRM. APTS. for Sept. '05 @1600
39 Cavalryman 38 Innsbruck's F O U R M O R E Y E A R S Packard. Call 769-7025,rjmsprop.com
42 More thantears province N I O B E A N O S NUN S
up 39 Green machine UNION IMAC ID10
47 F ench fleet, until 40reated Ne I N L E T L E N 0 E Y E GREAT CENTRAL CAMPUS
recently Wolfe xwordeditor@aol.com 01/20/05 APARTMENT LOCATIONS!
50 Scottish explorer 1 2 3 4 s e 9 10 11 0 13
John608 Monroe (Behind S. Quad)
51 Ten-warhead 14 15 16 Tp rc er
ICBMType Price Term
52 Part of many e- 17 1 Eff. $680 Fall
mail addresses Bi-Level 1 $1111 Fall
54 P aHotelgirl 19 20 Medium 2 $1111 Fall
56 19-, 34- or 39-
Across? Call Mike at 734-717-4276 or Joe at 734-604-8495
60 Aden dweller 26 27 20 29 30 31
62 Not extreme
61 Former UN Secy. no 31 34 1 815 S. State (Between Arbor and Hill)
General Javier _ Type Price Term
de Cud6lar 3s 37 3a Large 2 Bdrm. $1200's Fall
64 Repasts Call Matt at 734-341-9501
6539 4 41 42 43 44 4
SDrop-off point 47 e 49 so 711 Arch
67 They can be
deadly 51 52 53 5a4 55Type Price Term
1 Bdrm. Studio $680 Fall
DOWN 56 57 5e 5s Medium 2 $1000 Fall
1 Leaves holder s 2Large 2 $1050 Fall
2 Suggests, with "to" re 61 62 L
3 What fog comes s3 34 Large 3 $1670 1 May
on, in a Sandburg Call Phil at 734-662-5270
poem on 06 67 Each building overt$100K in capital
4 Five Norwegian improvements. Rent Matches 2004 Prices.
5 Naural detergents n 2 b e I 01/21/05 Call above numbers for Appts. & Showings.
5 Naturaldetergent I lleeO noe MediaServnices, Ito
4 BDRL FURN. hse., John St. Ldry., avail.
Fall. $2250/mo.+ utils. 248-685-9085.
406 N. STATE
Lovely old historic bldg. Spacious 1 bdrm.
ups. High ceilings, hardwood Coo, very
close to CM camlpus. Fall 2005. Call
424 HILL, BEAUTIFUL, well maintained 6
bdrm., 2 bath. house suitable for 6-8 stu-
dents. Prkg. and ldry. on site. Avail. Sept. 05;
$3,300 plus utils. Call (248)740-8409.
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