Friday, January 21, 2005
News 3 SOLE works on
new campaign
Opinion 4
Sports 9
Elliott Mallen: King
was no moderate
Women's hoops
loses 9th in a row
C ie t aY t gi
LOW 12
One-hundredfourteen years ofeditorialfreedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXV, No. 64
02005 The Michigan Daily
'Ending tyranny in our world'
10 percent
By Aymar Jean
Daily Staff Reporter
Hoping to reverse last year's precipitous drop
in applications, the University has cause for
optimism this year. So far, with the applica-
tion deadline just
over a week away, "We're
it has received
more applications certainly
overall and from
underrepresented on track to
minorities than it
had by this time receive more
las ear applications
The Office of
Admissions has
received 18,561
applications as
of Jan. 17- a 13
percent increase
from last year. The
office has received
1,420 from under-
represented minor-
ity students, a 10.5
percent increase
from the same date
last year. Admis-
sions staffers would
this year
than last
- Ted Spencer
University Director
of Undergraduate
Clockwise from top left: David Braun, Vietnam veteran and member of Veterans for Peace, stands along fellow protestors on the Diag during an anti-inauguration rally on Jan. 20, 2005 (MIKE
HULSEBUS/ Daily); President Bush and first lady Laura Bush attend The Constitution Ball at the Washington Hilton following his inauguration (AP PHOTO); Luke Williams, Nasser Abouelazm
and Ty Brooks sit on the road at 14th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue in front of a wall of riot police monitoring an anti-Bush protest during the inauguration (ALEX DZIADOSZ/Daily).
Bush kicks off second
term in inauguration.
Protesters in D.C.,
voice opposition
not release information on what specific minor-
ity groups saw an increase but said the numbers
were consistent across racial lines.
First-year applications from international
students also rose 13.7 percent from last
year, despite continual restrictions placed on
immigration and shaky world opinion of the
United States.
"We're certainly on track to receive more
applications this year than last-year," Director of
Undergraduate Admissions Ted Spencer said.
"Right now, it looks like we are doing better
than we were last year, and that's about all that
you can assess from the data that we have right
now," he added.
Last year, the University received a total of
21,293 applications, a number that was 4,650
less than the year before. Before that year, the
number of applications received had been rising
steadily. The University had also received 25
percent fewer applications from black students
last year. Administrators hope that last year was
an outlier in admissions trends.
"These are things that we have not seen in
the past," Lester Monts, senior vice provost
for academic affairs, has said about last year's
This year's numbers, Spencer said, should fol-
low the trend of increasing applications seen in
the years previous to last year.
From 2001 to 2003, the University received
over 24,000 applications each year. So to
return to those trends, the University would
have to collect about 6,000 applications in the
next few days.
Whether that will happen is difficult to gauge.
Likening admissions season to tax season,
Spencer noted that many applications come in
on the last day before the deadline. "We don't
know what that trend may be," he said. "I think
the good news is that it's up."
The University is not alone in its desire to
rebound from a steep decline in minority appli-
cations: After the 2003 U.S. Supreme Court
cases rejecting the University's point system but
affirming the principle of affirmative action,
several schools of comparable size saw a simi-
President Bush embarked on an
ambitious second term as presi-
dent yesterday, telling a world
anxious about war and terrorism
that the United States would not
shrink from new confrontations
in pursuit of "the great objective
of ending tyranny."
Four minutes before noon,
Bush placed his left hand on a
family Bible and recited 39 tra-
dition-hallowed words that every
president since George Wash-
ington has uttered.
With .150,000 American
troops deployed in Iraq at a
cost of $1 billion a week and
more than 1,360 killed, Bush
also beseeched Americans for
"Our country has accepted
obligations that are difficult to
fulfill and would be dishonor-
able to abandon," the president
declared in the first wartime
inauguration in more than three
U.S. Chief Justice William
Rehnquist, 80 years old and frail
with thyroid cancer, adminis-
tered the oath in his first public
appearance in three months - a
gesture Bush called "incredibly
moving." Rehnquist's ill health
may give Bush a second-term
opportunity to nominate the
Supreme Court's first new jus-
tice in nearly 11 years.
It was the first inaugura-
tion since the terrorist attacks
of Sept. 11, 2001, and the capi-
tal was enveloped in a security
blanket of thousands of police
and miles of metal barricades.
Snipers lined rooftops, while
bomb-sniffing dogs toiled down
Bush spoke before a shiver-
ing throng at the West Front of
the Capitol, the monuments of
American government - Wash-
ington, Jefferson, Lincoln -
stretched before him on a snowy
landscape. Sen. John Kerry (D-
Mass.) who had battled Bush for
the presidency, watched along
with other lawmakers.
The nation's 55th in'ugura-_
tion celebration began with a
40-minute morning prayer ser-
vice at St. John's Church and ran
See BUSH, Page 7
By Justin Miller
and Kim Tomlin
Daily Staff Reporters
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Students
who traveled to Washington to pro-
test President Bush's second inaugura-
tion were in the company of protesters
from around the country who spoke out
against Bush and, in some instances,
resorted to more drastic measures.
One violent clash occurred during an
evening demonstration near the Penn-
sylvania Avenue parade route. A group
of protesters were angered by the long
wait to enter the parade route - an area
into which they said they had been told
they would be allowed.
After the line extended several blocks,
some protesters began to push, lift and
even break the eight-foot steel fence that
separated them from police.
To push them back from the fence,
police began firing pepper spray. Some
protesters left the scene red-faced, cry-
ing with bloodshot eyes.
"It felt like I stuck my face in acid,"
LSA junior Scott Cottrell said. "I don't
even know how to describe it. It's like
your face is on fire. Even after an hour
and a half of medical care, it felt like I
was still crying."
Some that were sprayed through the
fence doused themselves with water
while professional medics came to the
aid of others like Cottrell.
With his eyes still closed from the
pain, Cottrell had to be led by other pro-
testers back to the subway station, onto
See PROTESTS, Page 7
Collage Concert to bring 'U'
musicians together
By Alexandra Jones
Daily Arts Writer
Tonight at Hill Auditorium, the School
of Music will present the annual Collage
Concert. Since 1977, faculty and students
have come together each year to create a
sparkling, fast-paced display of some of the
school's most impressive and unique talents.
A typical Collage Concert - if there
is such a thing - looks and sounds just
as the name would imply. In an ordinary
classical concert, a group or soloist would
perform four or five full-length pieces
cert so unique has as much to do with
the visual aspect of the performance as
the musical. Each performer is centered
around the chorus and band or orchestra,
but the imposing grandeur of Hill Audito-
rium's stage is blacked out. A spotlight illu-
minates only the group or soloist playing at
that moment; immediately after that flashy
snippet of a piece is finished, the light
jumps to the next act. Aside from one inter-
mission in the middle of the concert (after
which applause for the first half's perform-
ers is allowed), no breaks or applause are
built into the Collage format.
"The concept is so exciting because
the yearly performance. "As the conducting
faculty is preparing, we're seeing students we
don't know and students we do know. We're
seeing the overall body of talent that makes
the School of Music so great," said Prof.
Michael Haithcock, the school's director of
bands. Each of the large ensemble conduc-
tors will lead the band, chorus or orchestra
in an excerpt at the concert. Haithcock will
conduct "Overboard (Prologue)" from Asst.
Prof. Susan Botti's composition Cosmosis.
"It's a great showcase for the entire School
of Music - back to back to back, the best
See COLLAGE, Page 8
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