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January 19, 2005 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-01-19

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 - 3

Women's center
to hold career
The center for the education of women
will be holding a workshop, Job Search
Club: Career Decision Making, today
from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Center for
the Education of Women. The event is
free, but registration is required by call-
ing 998-7080.
Classical concert
features famous
There will be a faculty and guest recital
tonight at 8p.m. in the Britton Recital Hall
in the E. V. Moore Building. The concert
will feature Music Profs. Christopher
Harding and Thomas Lowenheim.
The program will consist of Chopin's
"Sonata in G Minor for Piano and Vio-
loncello, Op. 65," Cassado's "Sonata in
A Minor for Piano and Violoncello,"
Saint-Saens's "Sonata No. 2 in F Major
for Violoncello and Piano, Op. 123."
Lecturer to speak
about the limits
of solar wind
The physics department will be host-
ing a colloquium today from 4 to 5 p.m.
in room 340 of West Hall. Physics Prof.
Edward C. Stone, a speaker at the col-
loquium, was director of the California
Institute of Technology jet propulsion lab-
oratory from 1991 until 2004. Stone will
speak on the two Voyager spacecrafts, 94
and 75 AU, which are racing outward in
their search for the outer limits of the solar
wind that marks the edge of space.
East Quad resident
cited for pot, knife
The Department of Public Safety
arrested a subject in Prescott House in
East Quad Residence Hall early yes-
terday morning for possession of mari-
juana and issued the subject a minor
in possession of alcohol citation. The
subject also had possession of an illegal
'knife, which is a violation of article five
of the University's weapons ordinance.
He was released pending authorization
of a warrant.
Sink clogged with
TP causes plethora
of problems
DPS said a subject reported that a
sink in a men's restroom in Stockwell
Residence Hall was clogged with toi-
let paper on Monday morning. The
clogged sink caused water to overflow
onto the floor, damaging ceiling tiles
and kitchen equipment in the room
underneath the restroom.
Illicit narcotics

on 'U' property
A facilities supervisor found sus-
pected illicit narcotics in the Thomas
Francis Jr. Building on Monday morn-
ing. DPS recovered the narcotics and
submitted them as evidence.
In Daily History
'U' considers
new code of
Jan. 19, 1984 - The University
considers adopting a new code of
student conduct and a judicial sys-
tem that would allow it to punish
students who commit violations of
the code, such as the vandalism of
campus property or the selling of
illegal drugs.
The University currently has no
code of conduct for student behav-
ior outside the classroom. Normally,
arson, harassment, vandalism and
other such crimes are handled by the
civil courts. Under the new system,
the University would be able to deal
with these through an internal court
headed by a facultv member.

Informing parents
will not curb teen
sex, survey says
Notifying parents when teens
obtain birth control could cause
many girls to engage in unsafe sex

CHICAGO (AP) - Laws that
would require parents to be notified
when teens seek birth control would
do little to curb underage sex and
could cause a troubling number of
girls to engage in unsafe intercourse,
a survey of teens in Michigan and 32
other states suggests.
Nearly one in five teen girls sur-
veyed at federally funded family
planning clinics nationwide said
they would either use no birth con-
trol or unreliable methods, and only
seven percent said they would stop
having sex if parental-notification
laws were enacted, according to
the study by The Alan Guttmacher
Institute, an advocacy group that

would avoid birth control or would
use the rhythm or withdrawal meth-
ods during sex, which are far less
reliable than contraceptives.
The result likely would be an
increase in unplanned pregnancies
and sexually transmitted diseases,
Jones said.
Forty-six percent of girls said
they would use over-the-counter
methods such as condoms instead
of prescription birth control if such
laws were enacted.
Parental-notification proposals that
would affect federally funded clinics
have been repeatedly introduced in
Congress in the past few years.
Local laws requiring at least

supports reproduc-
tive choice.
The results,
based on responses
from 1,526 girls
under the age of
18 whowere given
anonymous ques-
tionnaires, echo
smaller, more local
The study
appears in today's
Journal of the
American Medical
Obtaining con-
traceptive pre-
scriptions was the
most common rea-
son for the girls'
visits to the clinics,
but other reasons
included pregnan-
cy testing and Pap
tests, said Guttm-
acher researcher
Rachel Jones.
Sixty percent said

side effects
Nearly one in five girls said
they would either use no birth
control or unreliable methods.
Seven percent of girls sur-
veyed said they would stop
having sex if parental-notifi-
cation laws were enacted.
Eighteen percent would
avoid birth control or use the
rhythm or withdrawal meth-
ods during sex.
Forty-six percent said they
would use over-the-counter
products, such as condoms,
instead of prescriptions.

some minors
seeking pre-
scription con-
already are
in place in
Texas, Utah
and at least
one county in
Illinois, Gutt-
macher Insti-
tute research
Wright of
Women for
America, a
group that
supports absti-
nence and
parental noti-
fication, called
the study mis-
leading and
"an attempt
to manipulate

Granholm heads to D.C. to

re orm M
LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Gov.
Jennifer Granholm is among a dozen
governors heading to Washington
this week to begin working on a plan
to reform Medicaid for Michigan and
other states struggling with skyrock-
eting health care costs.
The Democratic governor said she
wants more flexibility to operate the
state-federal program that currently
provides health care for one out of
seven people in Michigan. She also
will push to keep Medicaid cuts out
of a plan to reduce the federal defi-
"We also need some indication from
Washington that they will assist us and
not make this part of the budget process
... because that's going to give all the
cuts to the states," she told reporters yes-
terday during a presentation on the state's
Medicaid program.

The governors hope to agree on a
health care reform plan and submit it to
President Bush and Congress today.
Granholm is looking to the fed-
eral government for some help as she
finalizes her budget proposal for the
upcoming fiscal year, which could
be up to $1 billion in the red without
any changes. She also is working on
a plan to resolve a projected shortfall
of about $400 million in this year's
$8.8 billion general fund.
The state is spending $7.5 billion for
Medicaid in the current budget year, and
there is little wiggle room. More than 70
percent of Michigan's 1.4 million Medic-
aid cases must be covered under federala
guidelines; the others are covered under
state guidelines.;
Meanwhile, the federal govern-
ment is sending less to the states to
help with Medicaid, creating an esti-i

r states
mated deficit of between $500 mil-
lion and $600 million in next year's
Medicaid budget.
Granholm said new flexibility is the
only way to keep from kicking people
out of the program while keeping down
costs. She pointed to federal restrictions
on co-pays for prescription drugs and
other services.
"We would like to be able to offer
some populations a more commercial
type of package, fewer bells and whis-
tles, fewer benefits, in exchange for the
ability to keep them covered," she said.
State Department of Community
Health Director Janet Olszewski
pointed out the need for reforms in
Medicaid, noting that it's difficult to
get a waiver to bypass certain federal
rules. She also said federal officials
do not treat all states and proposals
the same.

their parents

knew about the visits, and 59 percent
said they would continue to seek con-
traception at the clinic even if paren-
tal-notification laws were enacted.
However, 18 percent said they

public policy."
Abstinence is more effective than
birth control at avoiding "all the
problems" associated with teen sex,
including disease risk, pregnancy
and too-early emotional attachment,
Wright said.



Tues., Jan. 25

who withdraw will be responsible for the $80 registration fee and $50
disenrollment fee.

---------- i

Tues., Jan. 25 LAST DAY TO DROP CLASSES-with a reduction in tuition.
Wed., Jan. 26 Web registration no longer available for WINTER TERM.
Authorization required to drop, add, or modify.
BEGIN fifty percent reduction of tuition for complete withdrawals
from winter term. The $80 registration fee will not be cancelled. This
fee adjustment applies only to complete withdrawals from the term
and not to a reduction of credit hours.
Tues., Feb. 15 LAST DAY for fifty percent reduction of tuition for complete
withdrawals from winter term. The $80 registration fee will not be
Wed., Feb. 16 WITHDRAWING FROM WINTER TERM results in no reduction
in tuition or fees.
Sat., Feb. 26 Break begins 12:00 p.m.
Mon., Mar. 7 Classes resume 8:00 a.m.
Sun. Mar. 20 Honors Convocation
NOTE: Some units (Law, Medicine, Dentistry and Social Work)
begin classes on a different academic calendar and these dates will
vary for those units.

Classes End:
Study Days:
Final Examinations:

Tuesday, April 19
Wednesday, April 20
Saturday, Sunday, April 23 - 24
Thursday - Friday, April 21- 22
Monday - Thursday, April 25 - 28


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