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January 19, 2005 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-01-19

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Wednesday,January 19, 2005

Opinion 4
Sports 12

Suhael Momin on
pharmaceutical greed
Men's hoops takes
on road struggles
at Indiana




One-hundredfourteen years ofeditorialfreedom
www.mckiandaily. con Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 62 2005 The Michigan Daily
: minority appicants increase

Overall applications





By Aymar Jean
Daily Staff Reporter
As it rebounds from last year's disappointing
admissions cycle, the University is receiving an
increased number of applications this year -

released this week
both overall and from underrepresented minori-
ties, officials said.
Specific numbers will most likely be
released later this week. The University would
not comment on how many more applications
it received or which specific racial groups saw

an increase.
The higher number of minority applicants may
be the result of a recruitment campaign seeking
to reverse the figures from last year, when the
number of black applicants dropped 25 percent
from the year before and overall applications fell
18 percent. Over the past few years, the percent-
age of blacks as part of the overall undergraduate
population has declined.
As part of its intensified recruitment efforts,
the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, work-

ing with various organizations and student
groups, has used a slew of strategies to spark as
much interest in the University as possible, espe-
cially among blacks and Hispanics.
"We're definitely trying to get people excited
about Michigan," said LSA sophomore Darla
Williams, who works in the admissions office
and is a member of the Division of Student
Affairs Advisory Board. The University is
focusing "not just on getting the numbers up, but
getting quality applicants," she added.

This year, University President Mary Sue
Coleman has taken a greater role in the
recruitment process. The admissions office
has strengthened its ties with student groups
like the Black Volunteer Network and La Voz
Latina. It has also reached out to areas outside
of southeast Michigan and solicited help from
But some of the University's approaches
have caused unease among students.

New formula will change aid distribution
By Justin Miller
Daily Staff Reporter ' -

Last year LSA junior Jessica Somerhausen lost the $2,000
grant she had been using to pay her University tuition last
year, leaving her with loans to finish her college career.
"It was a pretty bad scenario for my mother," Somer-
hausen said. "Her salary increased a lot, but (the cut) was a
pretty substantial amount."
Her mother's salary increased enough that the federal
government determined Somerhausen was no longer eligible
for a Pell Grant.
Many students will find themselves in a similar situation
soon when the Department of Education recalibrates its eli-
gibility formula.
The new formula, set forth by the Bush Administration,
will increase the amount received in a Pell Grant but will
decrease the number of students who qualify for them.
The department said that it will most likely determine that
about 80,000 to 90,000 students' families are earning too
much to receive grants. But unlike Somerhausen, the stu-
dents who have their grants cut will be the ones who receive
the smallest grants of $400.
Another 1.3 million students may see their grants reduced
by $100 to $300, according to a preliminary analysis of the
changes by the American Council on Education.
After making these cuts, the Department of Education
expects that many new students will be able to receive
grants next year, resulting in an estimated net increase of
25,000 students receiving Pell Grants.
Pell Grants are need-based awards given to undergraduate
and some post baccalaureate students by the federal govern-
ment. Eligibility is primarily determined by a family's dijs
posable income - which is the amount left over after taxes.
On average, families with children that receive Pell Grants
make an average of $35,000 a year, according to the Depart-
ment of Education.
The current eligibility formula uses state and local tax
rates from 1990 - which in most states were higher than
they are now - and as a result artificially depresses the esti-
mated disposable income. The new formula will use 2002
tax data and as a result will likely show that families have
more disposable income available for tuition, resulting in
cuts in financial aid for some.
Despite an estimated net increase in the number of grants
awarded next year, Pamela Fowler, the University's direc-
tor of financial aid, said she is opposed to the new formula
because some students will lose their grants.
"I don't like to see anyone's grant cut for any reason,"
Fowler said. "Just because they're cutting them doesn't mean
(the families) have the money."
Fowler also said those losing the smallest grant may have
to work and borrow more or take a lighter course load.
It is too early to know approximately how many students
will receive Pell Grants after the changes are made.
Some students who already receive financial aid said
making ends meet can be tough.
"It's definitely difficult because on top of school you have
to work," said LSA sophomore Chelsea Malter, who is using
loans to help pay for college. Malter said she did not believe
the increased number of Pell Grants would help because her
family makes too much money to be eligible for the grants.
She added that assistance with rent payments and other
expenses would help make things easier.
However, the size of the largest grants may increase if
President Bush gets his way with Congress. In an address
to Florida residents last week, Bush said he would push to
increase the size of the largest grants, as part of his plan to
expand the program.
"Pell Grants make it possible for people to go to school
who otherwise won't go to school," Bush said. "We want to

By Amber Colvin
Daily Staff Reporter
After getting her bachelor's degree in engineer-
ing, Jessica Moreno made the transition from col-
lege student to career woman at Eaton Corporation
in Southfield. Speaking at the Michigan League last
night, she recalled, "I am a college graduate sitting
in my first group meeting and I see all Caucasian
males over 50."
Intimidated by the lack of diversity at her work-
place, Moreno turned to her mother, a first-generation
Mexican American, for advice.

Her mother urged her to
"It's not just
about what
ethnicity you
are, if you're
female or
male. It's about
personality and{
to pursue
what you want
to pursue."
-Jenny Morikawa
University alum
and engineer

stick with the job and
give back to the south-
west Detroit commu-
nity she came from.
"She reminded me that
I did have the strength,"
Moreno said.
Moreno persisted in
the job and is now back
in school working on her
master's degree.
Moreno was joined by
other women in science-
and engineering-related
fields for a discussion
titled Diversity in the
Workplace, which is
part of this month's Rev.
Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. Symposium.
The discussion
focused on women over-
coming the intimidation
and pursuing their pas-
sion for science regard-
less of the shortage of
women in the field.
Debbie Taylor, direc-

LSA junior Jessica Somerhausen looks at her loan information on Wolverine Access in her apartment yesterday.
She lost the Pell Grant her freshman year.

tor of Women in Engineering at the University, iden-
tified this insecurity as "imposter's syndrome," the
feeling women often get when they are in a classroom
full of men and immediately infer that "I don't know
as much as everyone else does." Much of the audience
nodded in agreement.
Taylor said that on average, women were actually
getting better grades in college than men, and there
was no reason for their insecurity.
The panelists and keynote speaker, Moreno, were
determined to share their success stories and rid
women of the idea that they are not capable of being
"It's not just about what ethnicity you are, if you're
female or male. It's about personality and determina-
tion to pursue what you want to pursue," said Jenny
Morikawa, a University alum and engineer for Gen-
eral Motors Corporation.
Groups for women and minorities in engineering,
such as the Society of Women Engineers, Women in
See MLK, Page 7

increase the Pell Grants by ... $100 per year over the next
five years."
Congress responded to the president's $823 million bud-
get request for Pell Grants last year by allocating $400 mil-
lion to the program. In his 2000 election campaign, Bush
pledged to bring the maximum grant allowance to $5,100. So

far, the administration has fallen short of that goal, raising
the maximum from $3,300 four years ago to $4,050 today.
Since 2001, the administration has helped add 1.3 million
new students to the program.
The Pell Grant payments have seen explosive growth since
See GRANTS, Page 7

Students attend internship
fair in hopes of future success

By Abby Stassen
Daily Staff Reporter

Hundreds of hopeful students flood-
ed the Michigan Union Ballroom yes-
terday for the Career Center's annual
Internship Fair.
The fair, which was co-sponsored by
the Borders Group, allowed students;
and alumni to meet face to face with
potential employers from a broad range

ship services at the Career Center, said
the center maintains relationships with
companies throughout the year and
searches for employers that students
might be interested in, as well as find-
ing employers interested in hiring Uni-
versity students.
Hoag added that the center invites
employers to the University every Jan-
uary to search for new interns.
Bess Bowers, a program associate

strong candidates available to us."
Hoag said the University has a good
reputation with employers across the
country. "Employers rave about interns
(from the University) they've had in the
past," she said. "Employers comment
all the time about how qualified our
students are, how mature our students
are and how prepared they are for the
internship experience. They really con-
sider (the University) to be one of their


-~ I-

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