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January 18, 2005 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-01-18

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Tuesday,January 18, 2005
News 3A South Quad holds
cultural carnival

£ i ilrn1au


Opinion 4A

Sam Singer discusses
Social Security reform

Ea 18

Arts 8A "House of Flying
Daggers" is a brilliant,
colorful display of
martial arts

One-hundredfourteen years ofeditorialfreedom

www.michigandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 61 @2005 The Michigan Daily
Proposed code change voted down

Committee recommends


reject proposal to allow legal counsel

By Anne Joling
Daily Staff Reporter
The University's Student Relations Advisory
Committee voted Friday not to recommend an
amendment to the Statement of Student Rights

neys are not allowed to represent a student or to
cross-examine witnesses.
Legal counsel at hearings was one of 18 amend-
ments to the code proposed by the Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly in November.
SRAC - the board responsible for review-
ing the code - makes recommendations on the
amendments, which then go before University
President Mary Sue Coleman, who makes a final
decision on whether the proposal will be adopted.
Also at Friday's meeting, SRAC members
voted to recommend a proposal that would require

and Responsibilities, also known as the student
code of conduct, that would enable a student to
have legal representation during hearings that
would lead to a student's expulsion.
Currently, students are allowed to have an
attorney present during code hearings, but attor-

Coleman to give a rationale for MSA-proposed
amendments that she decides to reject. SRAC is
scheduled to vote on the rest of MSA's proposed
changes to the code this Friday.
Vice President for Student Affairs E. Roys-
ter Harper, a member of SRAC, said the com-
mittee decided not to recommend the proposed
amendment on legal representation because the
code is meant to be an educational document,
not a judicial one.
"We're not trying to have another system in
place of the legal system the University already

has," she said. "Instead of having students who
violate the code thinking about their behavior and
talking about their behavior, you have attorneys
doing it, and there's a place for that, but it isn't in
this process."
SRAC chair and Physics Prof. Carl Akerlof said
another reason the committee voted not to recom-
mend the amendment was because some students
might not be able to afford legal representation.
"There was a considerable concern that you don't
really want to get heavily involved in a situation (in
See CODE, Page 7A


S peaker: Cities
key to achieving
racial equality

By Christina Hildreth
Daily Staff Reporter
Students and educators from across
southeastern Michigan gathered in Hill
Auditorium yesterday to hear Henry
Cisneros deliver the Rev. Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. Symposium Memorial
Lecture. Cisneros, who held the office of
secretary of housing and urban develop-
ment under the Clinton administration,
was the keynote speaker for the year's
Cisneros, who now serves as chairman
of the urban development organizations
American CityVista and CityView, said
America must develop and revitalize its
major cities in order to realize King's
dream of "living together like brothers."
This quote, taken from a collection of
King's sermons, serves as the theme for
this year's symposium.
Echoing University President Mary
Sue Coleman, who provided opening
remarks, Cisneros also encouraged
yoters to strike down the Michigan
Civil Rights Initiative, a proposal
expected to appear on the state bal-
lot in 2006, which would ban affir-
mative action polices throughout the
state of Michigan.
Cisneros presented connections
between King's words and current
civil rights issues such as affirmative
action. Cisneros said upholding King's
values includes empowering Ameri-
ca's poor, regaining a public spirit of
values and embracing the economic
vitality of our cities.
Cisneros emphasized that the best
way to serve King's memory is to apply
his ideas to "modern challenges."
"Dr. King taught us these things,
and it is our job to interpret his basic
beliefs and values in the modern con-
text," he said.
These challenges include addressing
the issue of homelessness in major cit-
ies across the nation and ensuring health
care for an aging American population,


Ronald Brown's "Evidence" is performed by Brown's dance company In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day at the Power Center yesterday.
Students I arch on a

he said.
"Eight hundred thousand people live
on the streets every night," he said, add-
ing that 3.5 million people fluctuate in
and out of homelessness every year.
The solution to this problem, he said,
lies in increasing affordable housing
available to the poor and minorities.
"For most Americans, their net worth
is in the equity in their home," Cisne-
ros said.
He added that while 68 percent of
Americans own their home, there is
marked disparity between racial groups
- 74 percent of white Americans own
their homes, compared with only 48
percent of black Americans.
Cisneros pointed to the importance
of rebuilding inner-city neighborhoods,
saying this in turn will enable the growth
of the minority middle class.
This rebuilding must start by
strengthening urban schools, he said.
"We will not begin to build our cities
without building our schools," he said.
See SPEAKER, Page 7A

By Victoria Edwards
Daily Staff Reporter

Marchers participated in a rally yesterday that was
aimed at both commemorating the principles of Martin
Luther King Jr. and protesting the Michigan Civil Rights
BAMN - an activist group that supports affirma-
tive action - organized the rally, which attracted 150
* participants and started at noon on the corner of South
University Avenue and South Forest Street. Marchers
continued down to State Street and eventually ended at

the Natural Science Building.
Students from Detroit middle and high schools
showed up by busloads in the morning to support the
rally. BAMN leaders continually stressed the impor-
tance of utilizing high school leaders to oppose MCRI
- a ballot initiative that would end affirmative action
in the state.
Due to the weather conditions, BAMN organizer and
School of Education graduate student Kate Stenvig said
the rally was held in the auditorium of the Natural Sci-
ence Building instead of the Diag, which was the origi-
nal plan. Stenvig also said the weather led the marchers

to go through their route faster than planned.
"We didn't want people to freeze to death,"
Stenvig said.
The march was the kickoff to a day that BAMN
devoted to developing a strategy to battle MCRI, which
recently turned in over 500,000 signatures to the state
- a number that will place the initiative on the 2006
statewide ballot if the signatures are verified by the
Michigan Secretary of State.
National BAMN co-chair Shanta Driver said BAMN
is now targeting those very signatures to contest their
See BAMN, Page 7A

Coleman reaches
out to black students
in Detroit church

By Julia Homing
Daily Staff Reporter

DETROIT - With only two weeks
remaining until admissions applications are
due, University President Mary Sue Cole-
man reached out to the young black com-
munity in Detroit on Sunday in an effort to
increase the number of minority applica-
tions to the University.
Wolverine Day, an event held to encour-
age minority students to apply to the Uni-
versity, was held at Hartford Memorial
Baptist Church one day before the Univer-
sity's celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.
-Oay. Speakers included Coleman and San-
4ra Bulger, a University alum and attorney
Ior the General Motors Corporation.
The event gave high school juniors
end seniors an opportunity to explore
the different options for academic study
t the University. Admissions officers,
professors and students from the Univer-
Atv~~~~~ er.,l., to. ia on Quit hi

versity had 25 percent fewer black appli-
cants than in the previous year. While some
accusations were made about the Univer-
sity's new application alienating minority
students, the University has maintained that
similar minority application patterns were
seen at other universities like Northwestern
University and Ohio State University.
David Middleton, a junior at Detroit
Country Day School, said he was definitely
going to apply to the University, but that
he could understand why other minorities
would not.
"The way people see African Ameri-
cans as getting into the school just because
of their skin color and not because of their
abilities would make some people not
apply," he said.
Coleman spoke about the impor-
tance of diversity within the academic
"Diversity, in all its forms, is a crucial,
central ethic at the University of Michigan,"
chP ca

Car fans come
to Detroit auto
show to dream
DETROIT - When Mark Pelkey trucks 4 1/2 hours
from Buffalo, N.Y. each year for the North American
Auto Show, it's to dream.
Sure, he glances at the cars he can afford and the ones
he sees on the highways already. But the 47-year-old
engineer comes for the motors, the power, the lines and
the legends of vehicles that for most people are little more
than fancy names.
This year, he lingered on the European side of Detroit's
Cobo Center, at Porsche's $440,000 Carrera GT, at the
pair of Maybachs and at the little blue-and-white BMW
Formula One racing machines.
"That BMW engine is just an amazing piece of machin-
ery," Pelkey said. "Looking at a lot of these machines is
kind of a technical exercise for me, but all this is really
just entertainment."
Even when he heads over to the domestic side, his
attention remains on the least-practical of the more
attainable vehicles.
"I spend most of my time looking at the dream cars,"
he said. It's his seventh or eighth year at the show.
Dreams blended into reality Saturday all over the con-
vention center as the 2005 show opened to the public.
Car lovers paid $12 admission to climb atop power-


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