2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, December 1, 2004
Election compromise bid ails NEWS IN BRIEF
Ukrainian lawmakers canrl 191
decision to overturn results of
controversial elec
KIEV, Ukraine (AP) - Ukraine's
shivering but determined political
opposition dug in its heels in Kiev's
frigid central square yesterday, reject-
ing an offer of the prime minister's job
from the declared
presidential elec-
drawing from
talks aimed at
reaching a com-
The election
dispute sparked
a struggle at
Ukraine's par-
liament, with
throngs of
opposition sup-
porters trying
to storm inside
after lawmak-
ers tentatively
approved a reso-
lution that would
winner of disputed
tion and with-
"If this elec
brings a sp
in the cou
... I'm read,
drop my b
along with
- Viktor
Ukrainian Pr
election brings a split in the country
... I'm ready to drop my bid along
with him," Yanukovych said.
Yushchenko ignored the proposal.
He also rebuffed the offer of the prime
minister's post under a Yanukovych
presidency, saying it fell far
short of a solution
tion to Ukraine's crisis.
"The election was
)it rigged," he said.
"People are asking
ntry whether this coun-
try has a political
y to elite capable of
id upholding a fair
him." Yushchenko has
led the opposi-
tion for years and
Yanukovych was long seen as
ime Minister its candidate in
RMALLAH, est Bank
End to anti-Israel broadcasts proposed
The interim Palestinian leader has ordered government-controlled media to halt
broadcasts of material that could incite hatred against Israel, Palestinian officials
said yesterday.
The directive by Mahmoud Abbas meets a key demand by Israel, which has long
accused the Palestinian media of fomenting hatred, and adds to the tentative signs
of goodwill that have emerged since the death of Yasser Arafat on Nov. 11.
Radwan Abu Ayyash, head of Palestinian radio and television, said that at the
request of Abbas, widely known as Abu Mazen, he has instructed all departments
to make sure they don't broadcast inflammatory material.
"Abu Mazen asked us to be sure that the material we broadcast does not contain
any material that could be considered incitement," he said.
Israel has long complained of incitement in the Palestinian media, citing fiery
anti-Israel broadcasts by Muslim preachers and programs praising the killing of
Jews. It blamed Arafat for the objectionable content.
A senior Israeli official cautiously welcomed the reported gesture but said the
government was waiting to see changes in the Palestinian media.
U.S. treatment of terror suspects criticized
The International Committee of the Red Cross said yesterday it has given theO
Bush administration a confidential report critical of U.S. treatment of terror sus-
pects detained at the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
But the Red Cross, which is the only independent monitor allowed to visit the
facility, refused to confirm or deny a New York Times account that the ICRC report
described the psychological and physical coercion used at Guantanamo as "tanta-
mount to torture."
A prominent New York attorney working closely with Defense Department law-
yers who have seen the report, however, confirmed the characterization and said it
raised new concerns about doctors violating medical ethics in pointing out prison-
ers' weaknesses to interrogators. "The military lawyers by and large don't agree
with the conclusion that it's tantamount to torture," said Scott Horton, chairman of
the international law committee of the New York City Bar Association.
But, Horton told The Associated Press in a telephone interview, the military
lawyers "think it's correct for the ICRC to be aggressive.
T E HRAN, Iran
Iran claims it still has right to enrich uranium
Iran claimed victory in its nuclear dispute yesterday, saying it has isolated the
United States while preserving its right to enrich uranium.
Iran said it has not abandoned its right to enrich uranium, in spite of U.S. pres-
sure, noting the agreement it struck this week with the U.N. nuclear agency will
OTO only suspend processing for several months.
Speaking to reporters, Iran's top nuclear official, Hasan Rowhani, hailed the
resolution passed by the International Atomic Energy Agency on Monday autho-
rizing IAEA head Mohamed ElBaradei to monitor Iran's commitment to freeze
uranium enrichment activities.
Such enrichment can produce either low-grade fuel for nuclear reactors or the
r% raw material for atomic weapons.
cancel Saturday's nonbinding decision
to declare the election results invalid.
Protesters - some crawling on each
other's shoulders - got as far as
the lobby before police pushed them
The government, which is sup-
ported by powerful neighbor Russia,
pushed ahead with offers that sought
to placate or isolate Ukraine's popular
opposition leader, Viktor Yushchenko,
who favors closer ties with the West.
Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych,
whose victory in the Nov. 21 presi-
dential runoff has been challenged
as fraudulent, suggested he could
agree to outgoing President Leonid
Kuchma's proposal for a new election
- but that both he and Yushchenko
should bow out if one is held. "If this
the election in a
country where
millions are yearning for change after
Kuchma's 10-year rule. By contrast,
Kuchma anointed Yanukovych as his
favored successor just last spring,
hoping his prominence and publicity
as prime minister would attract votes.
Yesterday, Yanukovych pleaded
for an end to round-the-clock-pro-
tests, which he said would ruin the
economy, but the opposition prom-
ised to tighten its blockade of official
The political crisis has led to fears
that Ukraine, which has the fast-
est growing economy in Europe but
where millions live in poverty, could
plunge into economic turmoil. Many
Ukrainians have waited in long lines
to exchange the national currency,
hryvna, for U.S. dollars.
Ukrainian opposition presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko, left,
and the current head of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe Jan Kubis meet in Kiev, Ukraine, Friday, Nov. 26.
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HP l id h w i Bush seeks to mend strained ties with Canada
vv~run i n (ir)- nmeianu
Security Secretary Tom Ridge, whose
name became synonymous with color-
coded terror alerts and tutorials about
how to prepare for possible attack,
resigned yesterday.
Ridge submitted his resignation in
writing to President Bush yesterday
morning but indicated he will continue to
serve until Feb. 1. "I will always be grate-
ful for his call to service," Ridge said.
Ridge said for the future he intends to
"raise some family and personal matters
to a higher priority," including attending
his son's rugby games.
In an e-mail circulated to Home-
land Security officials, Ridge praised
the department as "an extraordinary
organization that each day contrib-
utes to keeping America safe and
Tree. ne aiso saa ne was privi-
leged to work with the department's
180,000 employees "who go to work
every day dedicated to making our
country better and more secure."
Among those mentioned as possible
candidates for Ridge's replacement are
Bernard Kerik, interim minister of the
interior for Iraq and former New York
City police commissioner, former Fed-
eral Emergency Management Agency
Director Joe Allbaugh and Environmen-
tal Protection Agency Administrator
Mike Leavitt and White House home-
land security adviser Fran Townsend.
Others are also believed to be inter-
ested in the job, including Asa Hutchin-
son, undersecretary for border and
transportation security in the Homeland
Security Department.
Ridge is one of six Bush cabinet members
who have announced their resignations
since the president won re-election.
Six other Bush cabinet figures are
leaving, including Attorney General
John Ashcroft, Commerce Secretary
Donald Evans, Education Secretary
Rod Paige, Agriculture Secretary Ann
Veneman, Secretary of State Colin,
Powell and Energy Secretary Spencer
Bush has chosen national secu-
rity adviser Condoleezza Rice for the
State Department, White House coun-
sel Alberto Gonzales for the Justice
Department and Carlos Gutierrez for
In October 2001, Ridge became the
nation's first White House homeland
security adviser, leading a massive under-
taking to rethink all aspects of security
within the U.S. borders in the wake of the
terror attacks of September 2001.
Congress subsequently passed leg-
islation establishing the Homeland
Security Department, merging 180,000
employees from 22 government agen-
cies. Ridge became the department's
first secretary in January 2003.
President Bush tried yesterday to repair U.S.-Canada relations strained by years of
bickering over trade and Iraq, although he stood by policies that have irritated Canadi-
ans. He did promise Prime Minister Paul Martin to work toward easing a U.S. ban on
Canadian beef.
Even as thousands of Canadian protesters thronged the streets to protest his visit,
Bush brushed aside suggestions that his decisions had damaged U.S.-Canada ties.
Asked about polls that show Canadian opposition to his policies runs high, Bush
pointed to his own re-election this month as the survey that mattered.
"We just had a poll in our country when people decided that the foreign policy of
the Bush administration ought to stay in place for four more years," Bush said.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports
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DOW JONES 1,428.02 - 47.88
NASDAQ 2,096.81 - 10.06
S&P 500 1,173.82 -4.75
Record 74-game run
in jeopardy' blown
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NEW YORK - "Jeopardy" whiz
Ken Jennings finally met his match after
a 74-game run who made brainiacs cool,
beaten by a woman whose own 8-year-
old daughter asked for his autograph
when they first met.
As someone who always has prepared
his own tax returns, Jennings was tripped
up in Final Jeopardy by this answer: Most
of this firm's 70,000 seasonal white-collar
employees work only four months a year.
The correct reply: "What is H&R
Block?" But Jennings guessed Federal
Express, ending his remarkable run as
the biggest winner in TV game show his-
tory with a haul of $2,520,700.
Having an accountant-friend who's
nearly impossible to reach at tax time
paid off big-time for his conqueror, Cali-
fornia real estate agent Nancy Zerg, who
ousted the baby-faced killer competitor
in the episode airing yesterday.
During his streak that began June
2, Jennings usually had opponents so
thoroughly beaten that the Final Jeop-
ardy question was meaningless to the
outcome. But Zerg was within striking
range at that point, with $10,000 to Jen-
nings' $14,400.
The champion had to think; out of the
corner of his eye, he noticed Zerg had
quickly written her reply.
"I was pretty sure before the music
ended that was the ballgame," he said in
an interview with The Associated Press.
Her correct reply gave Zerg $14,001 to
Jennings' $8,799.
Even before that, she had needed an
unusual display of Jennings fallibility
to stay in the game. He twice answered
wrong on Daily Double questions, which
give contestants a chance to make big
wagers and increase their leads.
Maybe that's why he paused, ever so
slightly, when asked in the AP inter-
view yesterday whether he had lost or
been beaten. He then graciously gave
Zerg credit. "I would have dwelt on it if
I missed something that I knew or didn't
phrase it in the form of a question," said
Jennings, a computer software engineer
from Salt Lake City. "It was a big relief
to me that I lost to someone who played a
better game than me."
Zerg, a former actress who lives in
Ventura, Calif., told the AP that she
psyched herself up before the game
by repeating to herself: "Someone's
got to beat him sometime, it might as
well be me."
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In this video frame grab provided by Sony Pictures Television, "Jeopardy!"
contestants Ken Jennings, left, and Nancy Zerg hug after Jennings ended
his 74-game winning streak on the show, taped Sept. 7.
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Baby Killer
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