4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 19, 2004 O PINION
139 7d to thedaiy@michigandaily.cm QUOTABLE
EDITED AND MANAGED BY Editor in ChiefG 1 01d ag eIl i1STDNSATH^
.........I'lSINCE 1890 Editorial Page Editor sB1t. i
S currenty configured is . " a*"
Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority|
of the Daily's editorial board. All other pieces do not incapable of protecting
necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily.
America against r
another Vioxx.I
Dr. David Graham, the associate
A r 1 .:'..S; director for science in the Food and Drug
Administration's Office of Drug Safety, as
WB-schoo1l. t 1ad opts ne ad issions rgi ereported yesterday by CNN.com. f
siy' tehe . os cholWats oedepteth lamstataarier not better
:of I BusinesI h as nnuned its kN"toiMo ngVycrcuuM, Iwill expand
beginawqetig fesmean sph - ltheedu atioase of usipessst- SOWMYA KRISHNAMURTHY AUIALTERA M PAR TEMI
mors in the1fa- of2{006. I 6- vt, et, te ropoedwhagesare at-
' h f aC lty f th Buies Shodm-alyvkeytopOVIe a disint ief tarting in fall 2006, worth of experience under the Business School's ability to succeed within a particular industry
,ntatdfIry resouningsPPSrtefr stuns #ooi to hake Pb 'nes the Stephen M. modus operandi, which does little to quell the and functioning in the real world as a whole are
th newprora. P, pnens ag?'th CI lsse. TeCaryaplication" S Ross School of transition of sophomore entrants. not one and the same. 1
for-ea crrcuumwil 1v3bsies ystem Qwou3df re tet t o makeb Business plans to employ More importantly, by admitting candidates ear- Perhaps the greatest challenge the Business
studel, 1 nt r iet purse oter aca- a4, 1ommitnt thait mst end upques new admissions policies tier, the program encourages students to choose School faces will be the admissions process itself.
de o ndevrs and h Verwhelingtion Igatsoepmt*du_ g hI r s for its Bachelor of Business their majors too prematurely. Due to the lack of Currently, students must display a variety of apti-
suportfro te fculy eemten u - yar fcAlg. ah R Vtha ha Administration program. application-based learning in high school cur- tudes in their BBA applications through a series
agin. BthoEvI er uct taqui1yth igh aiity to e it the? t wt i Rather than requiring stu- riculum and the overwhelming number of major of essays, resumes and transcripts. Those selected
1ew prga wlrngt hesho's the Coiege firtur, SCiene, n dents to apply for admit- options, few 18-year olds know exactly what they display strength in both college academics and
had- 17 gbsiness cncntators te:heArsstdets wi 1be lokdi. "A tance as juniors, the new want to do for the rest of their lives. And why extracurricular activities. For the class of 2006, I
uninende conequncesmay e grverstudnt i thenewsystm wilbees pilot will accept freshmen and sophomores into should they? The purpose of freshmen year in assume that admissions criteria will be similar but
thn dmnitatrsinti y atcPated1 key tifldw a uexeted iteres a three- or four-year program. college should be intellectual exploration, study- relate solely to the high school years. The predica-
n loi"ingtheir-sPpotfo, h cag ue ,It wil require tra1fer ingfutThese reforms are intended to create an array ing an array of disciplines before settling down ment that subsequently follows aligns with that of
e, admitr1tatorslie ssciteDen f o _gean9sar 01 wl bein o of benefits for both students and administrators. with one, especially at a university that offers such University undergraduate admissions as a whole:
GeeAndrsnhaearud ht;nerLA euieen; Students can acclimate to the rigors of busi- a multitude of quality academics. I myself have How do we account for obvious incongruities
the ,ewsystm students wiL hbeab5 to Pe ap m t mrt1atit i lie y ness earlier, therefore alleviating post-transition taken advantage of this as a BBA student. Prior between schools, socioeconomic backgrounds,
purue C bradetunergadte1 c0"oure-tht" hecne s 1 c ou aetheito stress, and they will be enabled to pursue minors to junior year, I contemplated a number of profes- etc., yet retain the fairness of the process?
lod.Rahe ha hvig ocoplete a1 om' The pres tilg theBuinS chooQ and study abroad. From the administration's sional pursuits from political science to communi- The former admissions protocol easily miti-
Bahr nBus;stA xinstraien itslf.T uhsrucurk t ,wIII me standpoint, expansion will improve the Business cations before finally deciding on marketing. But gated such inconsistencies by the sheer fact that
two ste u yer,studets, will no oslyreem etheTnierst f Penn School's overall competitiveness against other only via introductory "trial and error" courses was only University experiences were considered.
hae,,f ,furyer drig hchthy syla ia' W aton Shooad ther1 top undergraduate business institutions like New this conclusion made. The uniqueness of the old By no means was there total equality, but at
a expandtherhoios ih obe si ious trainiggrunsfor{the nextcYork University's Stern School or the University admissions scheme was the feasibility of enrolling least on campus everyone had similar exposure
the x1 ie fracadm iorforeigngen to's b ines Wet iint- of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, which offer in a school like the College of Engineering, and to resources and opportunities; the playing field
M g gsan tuyabid prrM s.#ngtetoya rcSs fwedng tv four-year p rograms immediately upon entrance. later switching during third year, creating an edu- was more equalized than before.
The, Da l u"e, Adrsassyguul fEd1 app lIcans [trgh1, m For those students confident on pursuing a busi- cational duality of sorts. Quite possibly my most It is still too early to fully gauge the success of
tht the ch a "chevs btr a pettive rere tiite% curss,a ."r ness career, the abity to gain acceptance into rewarding class, English 239 with Buzz Alexan- the Business School's new admissions policies.
ant Ye tw era ar s an bsies."yearCurrilu may aCtually ditete the Business School from the onset of college der, was taken because I was in the Honors Pro- Although there are causes for concern, there is
But$ dept nesnsotmsteqaiyo h plcn ol iliProves the quality and quantity of applicants. gram prior to the Business School. also ample potential for improvement. With
ttus qo sem1s t ?poAid a very sim I- los e i l #nmbrT f iy u Theoretically it's a win-win situation, although Even those purists that from the day of growing student demand and increased visibility
>?ar, ifntbteblnefrP pctv ,idaplcns h oudohews realistically it could prove otherwise. The first birth have set their minds upon studying only within academic circles, the Business School is
bui sssudnt,, ae ak at asiwo er{f ore potential problem is the usage of a tiered admis- accounting can take advantage of a holistic edu- correct in taking a dynamic view toward enroll-
Cu rretly', pef ranc uig h ihn h olee oeChos IIot ions process, where undergads begin their cation. College is meant to create well-rounded ment, and it will be interesting to see how imple-
firttwoyersofl ege.s tema-n to tanfr, thent t tingaeped BBAs either as freshmen or sophomores. This people as much as professionals. No matter mentation proceeds.
factrtht detrmE Os whe "ther stu Though tUnrIty shou} see t0 will inherently cause a discrepancy between the what field one chooses, th' "e is something to be
dentsare ewrdd it avpt nthexpad tudy abrad1progamsfandpreparedness of the two groups; those who start said about possessing a multidimensional skill Krishnamurthy can be reached71111c Cle , " Ir iow % 0,Stralerhvtesemnadaagofayr'stofE lsmteaisitrec.Tetswykumheu , "
t,,prospectivesut i l camptethse'mpo mts anbe made itr-
hih"h -' uhestling "e "rntt *ye curc En nsednding the information wefare state: a sailre
Wf wIr etiTh Is m ake te um ess f-1- kmgfor ayst at~t an extra
Sc1o1 sscible to thBaeamstwomr er ftut eeu n ZACKERY DENFELD -Bi.. ITC
Aity.SUdens0 ppyigr,"et hghnesIcholshouald cnt i ineto f usan
schoo lwll gaa n l fai r avatag watt does bestatrnlIng Iglyquali he cycle of infor- Commercial radio plays about I percent of the not reproduce. Good information and good jour-
ovr es rv eedap 'catsincld- id apl icantito the buines wod' mation poverty music ever recorded. We can't even do musical nalism are positive externalities, and it is clear by
ing 4tnderrresented Inor ..e,.wo fture 'eders - i oyers needs to be broken. diversity in this country! our totally spineless mainstream media to ask and
U1 Adults, one of our most The information-rich, and those with strong report on tough questions that the market can't
~valuable natural resources, information drives, have spent the last century handle it.
lll U Ill 1 11 U are quickly floating to their creating their own alternative forms of electronic . On the other hand some people believe that
1111 brain deaths on a stew of TV media, but for those stuck in the information ghet- prosumer is a combination of the words profes-
G O p ecsle d rfo Klnyc ar e news, muzak and radio car- tos of the commercial airwaves, it may be hard to sional and consumer. This definition of prosumer
commercial voices. Do you break their dependence on narrow corporate media is someone who is an amateur in a field like pho-
3 rae dtansp, aet at f 13tGS"a attetinto C3thellt1ro have what it takes to save and start working on information of their own. tography or video, but has enough skills that they
hyorsti ek .HT uset lPs f emctic eaer1t te .im, them? Blog away young sol- Too many Americans consume a very narrow want "professional level" features in their tools.
ReA 1pubians maechngest h Huleader'"s'were1rquir E ose Idw dies; the infrastructure is in place for dismantling band of media and produce very little of their own However, there is also a more insidious view of this
paty' r5s inrdrkept heirmmjor-romIl-adrsippoiosfthywr the information welfare state as we know it. information in return. 'There are alternatives, and definition: The digital revolution has only sped up
ityleder Tm D~a ofTeasinhisinictd n fdeal r tacagfr From cradle to grave, we are bombarded with the web has helped, but the cycle of information the process of planned obsolesce. (Pro)fessional
pgt. A' Repblica comittee'dcide cimes uthacared a ssble seteile of slick, sexy, pre-packaged media to take care of all poverty is only perpetuated by the continued sub- con(sumers) spent much of the 1990s continu-
to 1eWite the, ruf e, )wich rosl o Ae ersi rio.Btt e ay ,our information needs. Where is the incentive to sides that corporate media receives. Large media ously updating computers that they were using as
sttdta os dr utitauoma t i-halh e u ct t esodto whtca work and create one's own media? conglomerates take up almost all of the airwaves, glorified word processors, or as video game con-
caly sep ownfro thir eadrshp nlybe alld batat hpocisyon heAs citizens, we have allowed commercial inter- and the visual space of our info-gorahy with sumers and not even distributing their work. The
poiin fte reidce nct. ato i elwHueRpbiasb ests to live nearly rent free on our airwaves and billboards of all sizes. On top of all that, commer- information welfare state perpetuates information
Ths cin eesakdb h hea aig eulcnlw aes"ie don't ask for these organizations to work for us cial interests steal our best cultural ideas and sell poverty by encouraging electronics consumers to
afDem beingforedt acte his ot theruls hteDecrts annt1u in return. This is the most sickening handout in them back to us! continuously upgrade on newer, faster and sexier
b asefreeT= cagsaansMi u uesaantu. our society. Liberal Democrats and conservative How many people have a diet of information equipment instead of focusing on how equipment
for sin ilega mony t hep Rpubi- Uderthenewrul, ar inictd lad-Republicans alike try to protect helpless corpora- limited to 24-hour news stations, sitcoms and can be best designed and implemented to produce
caswn ea saeleiltiercs n e cnkephspoiinWhiOhE k ions from being taken advantage of by overzeal- commercials? When you travel the web, do you and distribute personal media and not just con-
200. hedeciinI5 hage 1her1e, pa3 y edesreie te hrges.Th ous citizens. take the same paths over and over? Where is the sume information resources.
1aeb1p es rnpaeta ehd at cm ite il eiw tefln The small requests for public interest and civic town green in data space? I am heartened by the citizens' movements that
thn oie oe f atymebrs i ndctet o eerin hehe t a programmuing is thwarted by putting public ser- The history of the word "prsumer" points to have extended the long history of independent
ante eape fte eulia ar oitc y tvae adthe ol vice announcements on late at night and calling this major conflict in our society. Some trace the media into a national network of movie, video and
ty' im ora supor fo it scnda-ri- rcom endposibl acionto e tkencartoons educational. Low-power FM stations are lineage of the word back to the conjunction of pro- web media. How can we dismantle the information
denHose eaerwh soul b foce aaint he eaer shut down because they threaten the "safety" of ducer and consumer. A possibility for our burgeon- welfare state and promote an information society
to stpdwna ajrt eae ve a- hs toshaert y md corporate stations. If ever there were a welfare ing information "economy" is the average citizen that values citizen research and media-making, as
rin a iD ilet yRpbicans an2d Deoct lie state that needed dismantling, it is the corporate- having research interests and producing as well as well as make time for citizens to do so? How do
Thv Hus thcsCo mtte aswar. ose MnortyL deNay controlled media that pervades and oozes around consuming information using ubiquitous digital we make it cool to media DotYourself even if you
admonl~ishdDea svrai nPeoi(D-C , alif)Wasspk t taint our entire lives. technologies recording technologies, pervasive have three kids and a mortgage? How do we stop
GYM 21yas1hth1hssredi h t he chne ay ,"RepublIshveOur TV news wastes time covering the pseu- compting, and yes, a collection of new high-tech giving handouts to commercial interests and break 1,t kt1Gt flCt 0it 1 d-vnsta hi etclyitgae rtrneetoi osmbe htsol ecetdt h yl fifrainpvryta lge u
he. hasseve be1i1th Hose Ern tn ep Chrstphe Say ofCo eti- manufacture. Nepotism at its finest. Commercial increase the ability of citizens to speak freely. society, helping people lift themselves out of the
in the icknmethe "Hamme" o tcaedtehag"msak. media delivers you the viewer to the advertiser, The problem with this view is that socially infoghettos of commercial airwaves?
his k1 t hpotica ItacticsDe a6as TeReulia aryeds ttak abut if you the viewer don't have purchasing power distributed research and journalism works best Q 1t i pI I 1 ct oarntavaiusosmehresnoesnasagfeooyssennteblgngrzDnedcnbeecedt
0ussteamofunthica a I:egaton.,kig ratic moves at the8exp sef to pander to the topics you want to see covered. something market-driven media can co-opt but zcd@uich.edu
agis i.srpttiois ealy tepahitise
De 1ay . mazfccage f sngie1t redEe if h snticd fr
ga mne o el ispat wn tteths rcetscndl, e~yshuL ET TER TO THE EDITOR
painTxswhhgaethei ep b soud ore im t oste ro rI t S time Or a meaning f u outside of the one-sided arguments that flow 106th floor of the World Trade Center on
ianaryfenwsetinheHuesadadstpdwfrmhis0 eaerhi " end *"less from both sides. Set. 11, I reflect on the was in which people
in is ateeto.TeTxspoeu oiin h eu cnPrysol debate, n0Old rh etoric We are college students, in a phase in continue to hold onto arguments concerning
tr haing te cseRoni e , h ant b s qic t potctaeaerwhs which intellectual creativity and individual- their righteousness and that of the people they
a&ed ndce hE1f e: ys oIti-tim asa lade n the Ous aslstdTo THE DAILY: ity should be cultivated, at an institution that most closely associate themselves with. Ter-
1a as iteS. far W 14}1gandWho is vry ikely t? I am writing in response to the recent let- claims to produce leaders. Perpetuation of old rorism is unacceptable and deplorable, but so
Uder th prt'sol3 rl, adoptedinebarsste pryytaan ters written concerning the Israel i-Palestin- arguments, accusing one side and absolving is oppression.
- -° ahv ian conflict. I read the first three letters in the other, only lead to more bickering. It is true It makes me sad to see that even here, at