2B - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 18, 2004
The Michigan Daily -
Random fails her Caic exam
By Doug Wernert
Daily TV/New Media Editor
The Michigan Daily: Hi, is Kelly
Random: This is Kelly.
TMD: Hi Kelly, I'm calling from the
Michigan Daily and you've been selected
to do this week's random student inter-
R: Oh great. How long with this take?
TMD: It was take as long as it takes.
Shouldn't you just be willing to do this?
R: All right, fine.
TMD: Here we go, first question: Are
you excited for Thanksgiving?
R: Yes.
TMD: What are you thankful for?
R: Um ... family, friends, I don't know.
Do you want something interesting?
TMD: Yeah, aren't you thankful for
the Daily?
R: Yeah, of course.
TMD: Why are you thankful for the
R: I don't know ... I don't really read
it, sorry.
TMD: You don't read the Daily? Do
you still want to do this interview?
R: I don't think you want me to do this
TMD: I think I do want you to do this
interview. Do you even know what this
R: No
TMD: It's an interview that appears in
the Daily so maybe if you read it, you can
read yourself doing the interview.
R: OK, well, I'm thankful for dorm
TMD: Why?
R: Because I can eat it?
TMD: Yeah, but then you can be thank-
ful for air, then, so you could breathe.
R: Well, I'm thankful for that, too!
TMD: Are you going to the Thanks-
giving Day parade in Detroit?
R: No, but I was in it a couple years
TMD: What did you do?
R: I danced.
TMD: Were you on a float?
R: No, I walked the whole way. Is that
the end of the questions?
TMD: Of course not. That wouldn't
have been much of an interview.
R: Well, I have a calculus exam tomor-
row so I have to study.
TMD: Well, I understand that, but you
wanted to do this interview.
R: I didn't want to do it! You wanted
me to do it!
TMD: But you agreed! What's the
better grade-school make-out game:
spin the bottle or seven minutes in
R: Spin the bottle. We never actually
did seven minutes in heaven when we
were in grade school.
TMD: Why not? Could nobody make
out for seven minutes?
R: I guess not. I guess I came from a
very innocent town, apparently.
TMD: Or a town that didn't feel like
making out for extended periods of time.
Who's the cooler old guy: the Planter's
peanut guy or the Kentucky Fried Chick-
en guy?
R: The Kentucky Fried Chicken guy.
TMD: Because he's the colonel?
R: Basically. Plus, I don't really know
who the Planter's peanut guy is.
TMD: He's the guy on the cover of the
R: I don't eat Planter's that much.
TMD: Do you eat KFC?
R: Yeah, who doesn't?
TMD: I don't.
R: Well, you're really not cool.
TMD: I'm not cool because I don't eat
R: Well, I have to study for calculus
and you're making me take this survey.
TMD: It's not a survey, it's an inter-
view! Who's the cooler Fred: Fred Flint-
stone or Fred Durst?
R: Fred Flintstone. Because of, you
know, the vitamins.
TMD: I once OD'd on Fred Flintstone
vitamins when I was a little kid. True
R: I believe it. That was last week,
wasn't it?
TMD: No ... I was 6. What did you
want to be when you were a little kid?
R: I wanted to be a doctor.
TMD: Not if you fail calculus.
R: If you don't let me study, I am.
TMD: All right, we'll just keep going
then. What's your favorite Disney movie?
R: "Lilo and Stitch," hands down."
TMD: I guess that's pretty good. I'm a
fan of "The Lion King" myself.
R: Close second.
TMD: Why didn't Hakuna Matata
become a huge mainstream catch phrase?
R: It did! Our senior class this year
voted that as their motto!
TMD: Aren't they about five years too
late on that one?
R: Haha, I don't know.
TMD: That's understandable. If you
had a choice between a Hakuna Matata
shirt and a Buck the Fuckeyes shirt, which
one would you get?
R: Hakuna Matata.
TMD: Awww, that's so nice of you.
R: Well I'm a nice person to be doing'
this survey.
TMD: It's an interview! Are you on
The Facebook?
R: No, I'm a loser. I should be on it.
TMD: Have you heard about the thing
where you can say you're looking for Ran-
dom Play?
R: Yes, I have.
TMD: Yeah, aren't you a little freaked
out by it?
R: Yeah, I tell my friends not to ask
them to be their friends.
TMD: Ouch. But who doesn't want a
little random play?
R: Haha, not really sure.
TMD: Are you a fan of "The O.C?"
R: No, but my hall is.
TMD: So you're not on The Facebook
and you're not a fan of "The O.C."
R: My chemistry group always plans
their meetings right when "The O.C." is
TMD: What kind of group is that?
R: I don't know. They suck! They plan
them during "The Bachelor," too.
TMD: Cool. Do you think old people
ever drag race each other?
R: Oh yeah.
TMD: How fast do you think they go?
Like 30 miles an hour?
R: I'd say 60 would be a safer esti-
TMD: That's how fast I drive nor-
R: But you're not old.
TMD: Well, not yet.
R: Are you really going to put me in the
TMD: I just might.
R: Well, I sound kind of ignorant, don't
TMD: Yeah, but you're perfect. Go
study for your exam.
R: OK, I'll look for myself in the paper
I don't read.
TMD: Yeah, maybe you should read it
this Thursday.
R: OK!
table of contents
The Random
Student Interview
W Icometo
JLJ Wet roltt
Exploring the
Train Station
Music from
House Art: The
Heidelberg story
Detroit 'U' Style
Andrew Gaerig
goes to the
Adam Rosen:
Love, war
and housing
Eating in
the city
be Aiga afitg
Courtesy of Lions Gate
Gross in millions of dollars
1. The Incredibles (50.1)
- Conservative propaganda from
Disney? What's next, "Nemo 2:
Nemo Finds Jesus"?
2. The Polar Express (25.3)
- Tom Hanks plays every character;
what could possibly go wrong?
3. After the Sunset (11.1) -
Selma Hayek wears a lot of bikinis,
and I think there's also something
about heist.
4. Bridget Jones: The Edge
of Reason (8.6) - Renee
Zellweger: the new Oprah.
5. Ray (8.3) - Jamie Foxx's
finest work since "Booty Call."
6. SAW (6.4) - Slightly better
than "Seed of Chucky."
7. Seed of Chucky (6.0) -
Jennifer Tilly finally found someone
who can act on her level.
8. The Grudge (5.9) - Jeff
Daniels and dead Japanese children
equals fun for the whole family.
9. Shall We Dance (3.9) - Or
shall we all sign a legally binding
document agreeing to never again
participate in the making of a
motion picture? You decide!
10. Alfie (2.7) - I've never
cared for Jude Law.
fi it+woredthe f&is time, witthe end esdv j. satt rply the ame g ame&vev
the wbynkn< trjy a an But a few high-pfle failure in tndoe.Th ie av (ed
Seqe I of.eit as y Afiter-.the potenti4l francise dePartinent <turnediithatdieioasah
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it appersK as~ ihuhbthterther ihaM' the donwigonfines otflt alreay4exiin
fiand vi detotaanwindust ies 4Addingjft4lPi i thsevergrnwt g:ame pla.
'areNbe46oinificrefaIngy reliant 4n iei h rlfrt fr :s the&e4ay way'thtithe Tndus
on fanchses.t omi b.o fetrs Whelreas t oW rnirb 'the sehar'rw n
Ths at ume saw the audienes ca rnlytiMe that the trns noru&ey a oga
release of mniy oprigina':films; stuiiiikiiteded to nmaket 6 WVan 4riginaityisn't valued1a highly'
hopwever the' h itet-gr6ssing HeWIng"t filmxs, there'is litta doubt. as prfittere's nu' e&nd n sight.
had rne thig Arcmo:Te vee saptta frachs en 4ti'mt';el as franehis-
were sedueks FrS& "Spider-Maa gt~ ,,okig at. ZQP5,he :end is as sAptawi out, of e ontrol "acro ss
2"t "ShEk 2$"franchises domi- noWbere near as "Btan n the Ainerica an~d the rest of the world.
~nated box-uffite recipts. " Fantasic Four" return t the big ,>The a4ways topica4 "South Prk"
Orgialidasma grnr rii-scee.attbeke&d the pbemed nwih
calsupor, yt teyahways seem* to; 'While 'the finm business -feeLs'isOt 7eisd,"oehn
Ja4I shor -of the ibig-budget btock- ~'the seulburden hi ifs m ar- Wa-atThis> Way Comes.'
b.sters that 'studlids keep pumping 'qutee summer ,tites, 'the' ve-The townV imnmediately falls in
out. Complicatin th iutoti aeidsr a otissense of Jovp "with the 'sdperstor4, but in
new reed 1f ,sequel actw4Wl man- originality entirely. What was &h dime conies to grow weary of its
age dether niaimtain the level of last major re leas e that didti't ttarry si de-e ffect s 'that' 'pre vent smaller
quality associated with the originaL' a numerat or iiolbon in its t itle ? 'bus in esses from ; ompe ting.'
'or evenqmpove upon it. ~A s the holiday s approath, the 'Whi& dbservling the spread of
*The fihum industry 'has akwa'ys' veak season for Widogame sales, 9orporate eitities correlates <not
looked-to cr-eating franchises 4o not a? single~ new title Sits at the 'only wvith AnP Arbor, but also the
generate revenue, but the summenr top of gamert'mo@t wanted lists.' entertdinMeat industry, the prob-
of.2904.sow~s just how. ut' -of. N intendo has its fifth "Maetro id" kem 'offe rs nbo viable solttin.
control, the popgorn -mov ies, have title, Sony baa th e s ixt h "Gran d $e emiu gly thetbest acti og flicks
beeome, studhis are actively mdk~ Theft Aiiro-~ and Microsoft has a 'ad the "best video ames are all,
igfilm's with the solt pnrpose sec ondY-H alo. ,Do none of those seqwels, but they maintain suzch a
of ftureseqels.Drem~ors' ompaiesth ink diat they are high quality that it' difficul t to
tecently released 'hit "Shark Talet capa ble e f'creating a ne w series? c omplain until it's 'too Iate.
had a sequel greenlit even betore the Grtanted, "H1al&, rePresents qne Althougb it may be great topay
iginal arrived in theaters. of the~ few new franchises to gain thet highly touted sequel or sit
Yet for every '"Shark Tale" success popularity in the past'few years, it' through the high-octane franchise,
story, there is a "4Van Helsing" --- a doesn't eamouflage the epidemic blockbuster, something must be'
film .that eitamizes- the crisis. In plaguing' the gaming world. said for "innovation. Originality
place of heart, plot or eVen dialogue, As budgets for games increase needs to be emtbrace d,ifnot biushed
-Stephen Sonimers used glossy corn- and 'pro fit margins decrease, it aside before it's too Iate.
puter effects and set pieces to hype only becomes fenasible to release
the seemingly niarketable hero. what is guaranteed to sell. Desphete is posturing, Adam secret-
'Not only did critics rightfully'Iam- Yet if the industry c ontinues 4t fares "Breakin' 2: Electric Booga-
baste Sommters' ~train wreck, hut down this path, then the COflm too> Ewbhangefanficskrn wilkhhim at
vi'ewers 'were less than, enthused sumers will' be forced to co-aon'en@amichkedu.
... .. .. ..
late night
The best (
in Ann
Subject to change
and availability.
Taxes and other
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included. Fares
include roundtrip
airfare from Detroit.
Prices are based on
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Need abetter
7 nights
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7 nights at the Girasol
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n 7 nights at the Shields Hotel
Writers: Jasmine Clair, Ashley
Dinges, Leah Hangarter, Tian Lee,
Bernie Nguyen, Lauren Smith, Doug
Photo Editors: Elise Bergman,
Tony Ding
Photographers: Trevor Campbell,
Forest Casey, Peter Schottenfels
Cover Art: Elise Bergman
Cover Photo: Forest Casey
Arts Editors: Jason Roberts,
Managing Editor;
Adam Rottenberg, Editor
Editor in Chief: Jordan Schrader
603 East Liberty - For information on shows and times call
(734) 668-TIME or visit www.michtheater.org
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