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November 08, 2004 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-11-08

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The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday - November 8, 2004 - 78

M' rower
to coach
By Jack Herman
Daily Sports Writer
Nine years ago, Vita Scaglione
was a walk-on member of the Mich-
igan woman's rowing team. With
hard work and dedication to her
sport, she is now back coaching at
her alma mater.
"I love it," Scaglione said. "I'm
coaching at one of the top universi-
ties and top programs in the coun-
try. And I get to coach with my own
former coaches."
She is back at Michigan as coach
of the novice rowing team after four
years away from the school. Fol-
lowing graduation from the school,
Scaglione volunteered for one year
at Michigan as a coach for the Wol-
She then took a year off before
coaching three years at Washing-
ton State University. This year, she
rejoined the coaching staff at Mich-
igan and says she is delighted to be
Scaglione relates well to members
of her novice team, many of whom
are in the same position she was in
when she first came to Michigan.
Rowing is different then most
other sports because the program
has a novice team that competes in
a non-scoring capacity.
Although there were no official
results from Saturday's novice row-
ing meet between Michigan and
Eastern Michigan, it is clear that
with the extra experience the teams
gained, Scaglione was happy to be
"Any opportunity we have to
(race against a team with) different
color jerseys is fantastic," Scaglio-
ne said.
The two teams competed in five
races, each consisting of five min-
utes of rowing. The race between
Michigan and Eastern Michigan
has been held the past few years
as a way of giving novice racers a
taste of competition before the team
starts training indoors.
"It keeps the team happy going
into the winter months," Scaglione
said. "It gets hard because we're not
The team was pleased with its
performance, which it feels was
an improvement. For the row-
ers, it was the first time they were
able to compete at Belleville Lake
- Michigan's home course - and
the last time anyone will race there
until March.
"Everyone did very well," fresh-
man coxswain Kim Garieski said.
"It's a great way to end water prac-
One reason the team feels it has
performed well early in the season
is coaching. The team members said
they feel fortunate to be coached by
"I think she makes all the dif-
ference," freshman Marin McCabe
"I can't imagine someone else as
coach. There's such a big learning
curve. It's nice to have someone

who is understanding and patient."
The respect is mutual, as Scaglio-
ne is impressed with the way many
of the younger rowers - especially
those new to the sport - are han-
dling the work that comes with
She lists "discipline, organiza-
tion and commitment" as the three
keys to success.
Scaglione said rowing is a diffi-
cult sport to train for, as it involves
not only a technical ability but a
level of fitness comparable to that
of a runner or swimmer.
She knows her team is more than
willing to do what it takes to suc-
"This is an excellent group of
young women who are all commit-
ted to the sport," Scaglione said.
"There's a lot of young talent."
Senior Chelsea MacMullen also
understands what many novice rac-
ers are going through. After sitting
out her freshman year, MacMullen
joined the rowing team her sopho-
more year and competed as a nov-
ice until moving up to varsity her
junior year.
MacMullen felt her year spent
rowing on the novice squad was
very beneficial for her, even though
she had previous rowing experi-
"It kind of eases you in to it,"
MacMullen said. "Especially since
,, there are no morning practices."

Blue narrowly avoids loss

By Stephanie Wright
Daily Sports Writer

The Michigan volleyball team was in trouble.
After losing six of its last seven matches, Michigan found
itself down 2-0 on the road against a solid Purdue team.
It looked like the Wolverines were going to drop another
tough loss.
But this time, Michigan came back.
Sparked by senior Jennifer Gandolph, Michigan won the
next three games to defeat Purdue 3-2 on Saturday. Gandolph
recorded six kills, three digs and a block in the third game to
ignite Michigan's comeback.
"If we could get through the frustration (of the past few
matches), I thought we would be a lot stronger," Michigan
coach Mark Rosen said. "We knew Purdue was going to be a
battle, and it was all that and a little more."
Ironically, Rosen believes it was an injury to Wolverine
senior Sarah Allen that swung the momentum in Michi-
gan's favor.
"Purdue's momentum just stopped," Rosen said. "It hap-
pened with two points left in game two, so it didn't have an
impact right away. But it changed the dynamic of our lineup,
and I think we played a lot looser after that. Momentum's a
crazy thing - it can change at the drop of a hat, and I think
that's what did it for us."
Freshman Stesha Selsky replaced Allen and notched a
career-high 24 digs, leading the Wolverines' defensive surge
in the final three games. The Wolverines edged Purdue 30-25
in the third game while holding Purdue to a .085 hitting per-
centage in the third game. Michigan also recorded five of its
eight blocks in games four and five.
Trailing two games to one, Michigan (7-7 Big Ten, 17-
8 overall) took an early 9-3 lead in the fourth game, with
strong offensive play from Gandolph and Bruzdzinski. Pur-

due fought back - scoring 11 of the next 16 points - until
sophomore Erin Cobler recorded three kills and a service ace
to spark the Wolverines. Leading 24-18, Michigan went on a
6-1 run, culminating in a decisive service ace by Gandolph to
win the game.
After taking the fourth game 30-19 to tie the match 2-2
Gandolph started game five with a strong kill to give Michi-
gan a 1-0 advantage. Purdue responded with two quick points
to take its first lead since the beginning of the third gamer
The two teams traded points, until the Boilermakers pulled
ahead, 8-6, on an out-of-bounds call that Michigan deemed
But then Gandolph took control, scoring three of the nexl
four points, including a decisive kill to the outside. The game
resumed its back-and-forth pace, until freshman Lyndsay
Miller recorded a solid block to break the 13-13 tie. Fresh-
man Katie Bruzdzinski served an ace to give Michigan a 15
13 win.
"We had been on a learning curve (over) the last few weeks,"
Bruzdzinski said. "Last week we worked on everything in
practice, and tonight our work really paid off. We were put in
a pressure situation in game five, and picked it up a level."
Bruzdzinski recorded a career-high 23 kills - including
three in the final game - to lead Michigan offensively. Senior
Lisa Gamalski added 10 kills, 17 digs and a season-high 68
assists for the third triple-double of her career.
"During the whole match, we were more consistent - our
hitting, our passing, our defense - and we made fewer mis-
takes," Selsky said. "In the last three games, we didn't give
points away, and it enabled us to break them."
Michigan committed just three attack errors - while
notching 31 kills - to hit .414 in the final two games. In cony
trast, after hitting .469 in the first game, Purdue (5-9, 12-12)
finished the match hitting just .266, with 16 errors in the lash
three games alone.

Freshman Stesha Selsky, right, had a career-high 24 digs In Michigan's come-from-
behind win against Purdue yesterday.

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