Friday November 5, 2004 ARfTSwDi 5 Courtesy of Activision Oh no, someone let Michael Moore loose. ANIMATION GIANT TAKES FLIGHT WITH SUPERHERO COMEDY Courtesy of Activision Shuffle up and deal. Latest 'X-Men' game almost legendary By Zach Borden Daily Arts Writer Known for single-handedly creating the genre of computer-animated mov- ies with the groundbreaking "Toy Story" nine years ago, The Pixar has had a considerable Incredibles rise since Buzz and Woody I I took the world by storm. Now At Quality 16 a recognizable brand name and Showcase associated with spectacular Disney family films, it would seem nearly impossible for the stu- dio to craft a worthy follow-up to its beloved, Oscar- winning smash "Finding Nemo." Somehow Pixar outdid itself again. The studio's latest offering, "The Incredibles," is a consistently entertaining effort that not only ranks as one of the studio's best, but as one of 2004's top movies. Mr. Incredible, whose secret identity is Bob Parr (Craig T. Nelson, TV's "Coach"), used to be one of the most popular "supers" (superheroes) around. With a fervor for fighting crime and help- ing the innocent, Mr. Incredible's life - as well as the lives of his powered peers - came to an abrupt halt after a series of lawsuits from the public. Forced into a witness protection program by the govern- ment, these once admired heroes had no choice but to become regular, ordinary citizens. Fifteen years after hanging up his supersuit for good, Bob leads a boring life in the suburbs with his family and works as an insurance claims adjuster. Despite the support from his wife Helen (Holly Hunter) and their three children, Bob can't help but feel disappointed that the glory days are gone. However, Bob soon begins to receive secret messages that give him the chance to fight crime again. Written and directed under the sharp eye of Brad Bird ("The Iron Giant"), "The Incredibles" gets it right by refusing to stray from Pixar's well-tested formula. The movie's most important elements are its unique, well-developed characters and an intri- cate, original storyline. Bird ensures that the film flows smoothly, as each scene means something in relation to the characters' lives or the plot as a whole. From the brilliant prologue to the incred- ibly engrossing finale, Bird hones a consistent tone throughout that is filled with humor, excitement and a pure heart. Surprisingly, "The Incredibles" represents an evolution of Pixar's conventions and the animation genre in the best possible sense. This is clearly Pix- ar's most mature film to date. Other than the jaw- dropping, brilliantly staged action sequences that rival live-action blockbusters, "The Incredibles" doesn't shy away from more adult material that will fly right over the heads of kids. Other than the sub- tle sexual innuendo, the more human problems the Parrs face probably won't register with younger audi- ences. Thankfully though, the story offers universal themes such as the importance of family without being preachy or overbearing. Moreover, the laughs are clever and fit organically into the film's story. It's very refreshing to have an animated movie where the humor isn't just pop culture references. One of Pixar's trademarks is casting distinct voice talent with actors are able to disappear into their roles, instead of having well-known voices that are recognizable and distracting. Nelson fits the bill per- fectly as Bob. Embodying the character's strength and confidence when he becomes Mr. Incredible, Nelson also makes the protagonist melancholy and vulnerable when he's just a regular guy. Holly Hunt- er's warm, distinct voice works remarkably well as Helen; and Jason Lee is an inspired choice to play Syndrome, nailing the villain's voice with much passion and enthusiasm. At nearly two hours, "The Incredibles" is Pixar's longest film yet. Unfortunately, the time goes by way too fast - it's impossible not to get sucked in by what the film has to offer. What makes "The Incred- By Adam Rottenberg Daily Arts Editor Marvel's beloved "X-Men" finally get the videogame treatment they deserve in Activision's "X-Men Leg- ends." While pre- vious attempts to electroni- X-Men cally capture the Legends mutants have met PS2, Xbox and with varying suc- Gamecube cess, no title has Activision ever captured the feel of the comic book. By combining hack-and-slash action with role-playing elements, "X-Men Legends" encapsulates the teamwork and storylines that make the comics so memorable. Rabid fans will be pleased to know that 15 of their favorite superheroes are selectable for play. From Iceman to Gambit, almost everyone is there. The player controls a team of up to four mutants into battle, primarily controlling one hero while executing commands over the rest. Each X-Man features his trademark mutant abili- ties and specialized skills - Wol- verine heals and is stronger in melee fighting, whereas Cyclops shoots optic blasts and has superior leader- ship skills. The framework of the game cen- ters around a new mutant named Magma. Players take her through the X-Mansion, where she encounters the various team members, takes les- sons in the Danger Room and meets in the war room to go on missions that propel the game's storyline. The story itself, written by for- mer "X-Men" writers Joe Kelly and Steven Seagel, features an unfolding mystery that involves almost all of the principal villains and locations. Ever wanted to brawl through the Morlock tunnels? Fight against Sen- tinels in the streets of Manhattan? It's all in there. The most satisfying missions for longtime fans occur during conver- sations with teammates in the man- sion. One character will begin to tell young Magma about an old battle, but instead of simply listening to the story, the gamer gets to relive the fight. To enhance the authenticity of the classic tales, the X-Men team in the flashback wears its old uniforms. Unfortunately, the design of the X-Men in "Legends" is borrowed from the "Ultimate X-Men" line of comics - a stripped down version of the team that bears a striking resem- blance to the design of the films. So instead of the classic uniforms, the X-Men wear nondescript, leather outfits. Furthermore, though the combat and puzzle-solving can be fun, it grows tedious if played for too long. The RPG aspects - leveling up, col- lecting gear - increase the replay value, but some characters become so powerful, it becomes unnecessary to rotate team members. The worst offender is Wolverine, whose heal- ing factor makes him almost unstop- pable. Activision's take on the "X-Men" mythos incorporates the best aspects of the source material. Fans take to the heroes not only because of the action, but also because of the story. "Legends' " emphasis on plot and character creates a three-dimen- sional version of the world so often depicted in the comics. Technology has finally caught up with the X-Men, and the inevitable sequel should be able to work out the final kinks. Super-sized. ibles" so satisfyin is that it really has something for everybody, anchored by a meaningful narrative that is always exciting and never drags. While the holi- day season is a competitive time for family movies, it is hard to imagine that there will bea more engag- ing, fun and creative film for all ages this year. Court rulings explored in 'Black' By Jo Sasota For the Daily "A Black and White Case" presents a relatively complete account of the lawsuits challenging the University's use of race-con- scious admissions, A Black and and how they led White CaseBy to two landmark Greg Stohr U.S. Supreme Bloomberg Court decisions. The book focuses on the events and people involved, the cases themselves and the effects the rulings had on the admissions policy of other educational institutions. Greg Stohr wisely splits the book into four temporally divided parts. In this way, he provides a chronologi- cal account of events leading to the landmark cases. The first three parts of "A Black and White Case" feature former University President Lee Bol- linger, the rejected applicants who sued the University and their lawyers, the judges of the lower courts and the Supreme Court justices. The final section explains the court's rulings on Gratz v. Bollinger and Grutter v. Bollinger, which upheld affirmative action while striking down the LSA admissions system. Despite its length, the book is a fast read. Stohr's is an interesting account even for those who already know the story. Stohr presents the narra- tive plainly and exactly. With experi- ence as a judicial clerk and Supreme Court reporter, Stohr deftly maneu- vers through court documents and interviews, integrating these with his own prose to give a direct, abridged account of the court cases. His sharp writing reflects his background Stohr does not use this book as springboard to express his own opinions about the events or future repercussions implementing the use of affirmative action. He should be praised for his evenhandedness in dealing with the facts. But, while cre- ating a captivating reconstruction, he could have added more. As anyone would ask advice for buying a car from a mechanic, a sepa- rate section about his beliefs would have added valuable commentary. The only glaring flaw is his presentation of some lawyers and justices in an overly positive light. His partiality toward some of the people involved is at times Do you have a unique catchy look to be a MODEL? Talent R US representatives would like to meet you on campus - Sunday November 14th in the Union from 11:30am-3pm Talent R US will hold an open casting call for a chance to feature in the nationally distributed Amtex Spring 2005 Sportswear Catalog * Casting call will take place in the Union on Sunday 11/14 from 11:30am until 3pm. " Selected models will be compensated a flat $200 for a two hour photo shoot. ' " Professional Pictures will be taken, please look your best. " Personal composite cards can be ordered if desired. A No modeling experience is required. * This is a great opportunity to get started in the industry. Casting will be done on a first-come first serve basis, unless you are pre-registered. We encourage participants to do so immediately. For priority service, please pre-register as soon as possible at For questions or more information, please visit Talent R US at This event is organized and sponsored by Talent R US Corporation in collaboration with the University of Michigan chapter of the Lamda Theta Alpha sorority. Talent R US is a full service Talent Management company providing valuable service to talents and employers alike. For more information, visit us online at