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November 05, 2004 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-11-05

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 5, 2004 - 3

Free showing of
movie educates
on identity theft
Several information technology
offices at the University are sponsoring
a free showing of"The Matrix" today in
order to raise awareness about identity
theft and information technology secu-
rity. Anyone with an Mcard can watch
the movie for free at 8 and 11 p.m.
Information Technology Central Ser-
vices will be handing out information at
the film showings.
Lecture discusses
Greek hip-hop
The University's Modern Greek
Program will host a talk today by
Franklin Hess of the University of
Iowa titled, "Interiority in Greek
Rap, Television and Film," examin-
ing Greek identity in various forms of
culture, especially hip hop.
The lecture will be held in Angell
Hall Auditorium C at 5 p.m. It is co-
sponsored by the Hellenic Student
Association and the Foundation for
Modern Greek Studies.
Event provides
information on
Burmese society
A "Free Burma" day will be held
Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. in East
Quad room 126 to raise awareness
about the country, which is ruled by one
of the most repressive military regimes
in the world.
The event will include movies, music,
a Burmese Bazaar and an informational
presentation at 2 p.m.
Student gives
credit card info
through e-mail

Rivals compete off the field to raise blood

By Abby Stassen
For the Daily
A football game isn't the only thing Michigan and Ohio State
University compete in every year.
The 23rd annual Blood Battle begins Monday and lasts until Nov.
19. The contest, organized by co-ed service fraternity Alpha Phi
Omega, pits the schools against each other to see who can donate
the most pints of blood to the American Red Cross.
The winning university gets a trophy in the shape of a blood
drop. Michigan has won about half of the past Blood Battles but
lost by about 92 pints last year.
Despite losing the Blood Battle, Michigan won the football game
against Ohio State last year. "We call it The Curse," said LSA junior
Stephanie Taylor, the Blood Battle chair of Alpha Phi Omega.
"Whoever wins the football game always ends up losing the blood
battle. We are trying to break that this year."
Erin Ferris, the Washtenaw County blood services volunteer
coordinator for the Red Cross, said, "That is just something that's

been floating around for years past: Obviously, we want to win the
game and the Blood Battle."
Ferris added that the donation goal this year is 1,800 pints
for each university for a combined total of 3,600 pints. One
person donates about one pint of blood. "That's fairly close to
how many people donate every year. We always try to increase
the number."
LSA freshman Kia Sweeney said she is considering donating
blood. "I feel like you should do it to help save someone's life,"
she said.
Blood donation sites will be in most residence halls, as well
as the Michigan Union and other University buildings. To be
eligible for transfusion, donors must be healthy, at least 17
years old, at least 110 pounds and cannot have donated blood
in the past 56 days.
For more information or to make a donation appointment, stu-
dents should visit www.givelife.org or www.umbloodbattle.org.
All appointments for blood donations are between 2:00 p.m. and
7:45 p.m.

Big Ten showdown
Nov. 8: Mosher-Jordan, Bursley residence halls
Nov. 9: Cheseborough Auditorium in Chrysler Center
N. Nov. 10: Michigan League, Alice Lloyd residence hall
Nov. 11: Markley, West Quad residence halls
Nov. 12: Stockwell, East Quad residence halls
Nov. 14: St. Mary's Student Parish
Nov. 15: South Quad residence hall
Nov. 15-19: Michigan Union
Nov. 17: Pierpont Commons
Nov. 19: East Hall

Regents' winners focus on
tuition, same-sex benefits

By Kristin Ostby
Daily Staff Reporter
After officially winning a tight election for positions on
the University's Board of Regents, Democrats Olivia May-
nard and S. Martin Taylor are already presenting specific
ideas to handle pressing issues for the University's future,
including keeping tuition down and fighting the gay mar-
riage ban proposal.
Maynard and Taylor, both incumbents who held off
Republican challengers Patrick Anderson and Carl Meyers
in Tuesday's election, said they were
honored to be chosen by the residents
of Michigan to serve another eight- y
year term as regents.
Maynard and Taylor received 25h
and 23 percent of the vote, respec-
tively, while Anderson and Meyers
claimed 23 and 22 percent. Taylor's
lead remained too small to declare him
winner until yesterday.
Maynard and Taylor's victories
mean that the Democrats will retain a Taylor
six-to-three majority on the board.
Taylor of Grosse Pointe Farms, executive vice presi-
dent of DTE Energy Co., said one of the main problems
the University faces is that its budget is in "real crisis."
He advocated engaging with other universities across
the state in an aggressive lobbying effort to draw more
funding from the state government.
"We can't continue to suffer from these declining state
revenues. We've just got to turn that ship around," he said.
"We need to go there, show our books, show what we're
doing to reduce costs."

"We need to go there, show our
books, show what we're doing
to reduce costs."
- S. Martin Taylor
Regent (D-Grosse Point Farms)
Maynard emphasized that the University must continue
to defend the benefits it grants to same-sex couples. She
said attorneys have told the University that the election-
night passage of Proposal 2, which amends the state con-
stitution to ban gay marriage and similar unions, will not
affect these benefits.
"I want to make sure we go on
the record as a policy-making board
that our policy is a policy we honor,"
said Maynard, who is from Ann
Arbor and is president of Planned
Parenthood in Michigan. "I think
it's helpful for the regents to make a
public statement."
University President Mary Sue
Coleman has said the University will
defend its policy of granting same-sex
benefits in court if necessary. Maynard
Numerous third party candidates,
including Green Party candidate and LSA senior Nathan-
iel Damren, ran in the election, receiving between 1 and 2
percent of the vote.
- Daily News Editor Tomislav Ladika contributed to
this report.


Roberto Kant de Lima, professor at the
Niteroi, in Rio de Janeiro, addresses Brai
A student living in South Quad Resi- "Human Rights, Political Violence and th
dence Hall reported to the Department
of Public Safety that he had received an
e-mail asking him to verify his credit S p e ak1 rs
card information. He responded to the 3 e i e s 4
e-mail with the requested information,
and on Wednesday his credit card com- )
pany notified him of an unauthorized women S r
cahadvance taken from his account.
Employee with developing
swollen hand
seeks medical help By Elizabeth Belts
seek medcal elp Daily Staff Reporter
DPS reported that a caller from South The University has a reputation for
Quad requested an employee in the progressive social policies, including
residence hall be escorted to M-Works, a race-conscious admissions policy
a part of the University of Michigan and providing same-sex partner ben-
Health System focused on disability efits, which makes it a perfect place
management. The employee requested to develop a dialogue around interna-
to be escorted because he or she was tional human rights issues, said Daniel
suffering from a swollen hand. Herwitz, Director of the Institute for
the Humanities.
Yesterday, the Institute sponsored
Caller rushed to "Human Rights, Political Violence and
the Global South," a daylong confer-
hospital ftence examining the aftermath of recent
cutting finger human rights violations in Africa and
Latin America.
Conference In Pakista
A caller reported to DPS that his fin- speakers included
ger was cut when it was crushed in a academics, politi- women a
doorway in Mary Markley Residence cal figures and m
Hall. The caller was taken to the Uni- human rights activ- man of c
versity Hospital's emergency room. ists from the United rape and
States, Rwanda, rp
Peru, Argentina to provei
and Pakistan.
While panel- is then ch
In Daily History ists discussed the
transitional pro- with adul
cess from military
regimes to demo-
Dean: Average cratic states, a recurring theme of the
conference was the role of women's
woman needs to rights.
redefine role In a morning lecture, Florence
Kayiraba, mayor of Rwandan district
Kicu Kiru, described how women
Nov. 5, 1959- In apanel discussion, contracted AIDS and HIV through
Dean Deborah Bacon said the average forced sexual acts, which were used
woman must find a new role in society, during the genocide against ethnic
because at 32 years of age her children Tutsi women in the 1994 massacre
have already started school. in Rwanda.
"How can the woman catch up on the Attheclosingpanel,MamadouDiouf,
vocational or professional techniques professor of history and Afro-American
which may have evolved during the 12 and African Studies, described sexual
years of her life centered in the home?" violence in Africa as an example of the
Bacon asked the panelists. discrepancy over public and private
"Sexual violence goes beyond the
C ORRIIECRI N idea of rape, but includes forced mar-
riage and female sexual mutilation,"
Diouf said.
A column on Page 10A of Thursday's Javed Nazir, the former editor of a
Daily should have said Charles Wood- pro-democracy newspaper in Pakistan
son was one of two Wolverine wide who is now a human rights fellow at the
receivers to win the Heisman award. Institute, said in Pakistan, if a woman
An article on Page IOA of Monday's accuses a man of committing rape and
Daily should have said Ted Leo is from is unable to prove forced sexual contact,
New Jersey. she is then charged with adultery and
Please report any errors in the imprisoned.
Daily to corrections@michigandaily. Nazir added that while human rights
com. violations occur during massacres or

Universidad Federal Fluminense,
zilan legal equality issues at the
e Global South" forum yesterday.
'i it in


genocides in Latin America and Africa,
investigating "what happens on a daily
basis is just as important."
"The reason we're here is to present
a global, comparative perspective on
human rights," Herwitz said. "Ameri-
can universities have the resources
to bring people from across the world
- therefore it is our mission."
Jean-Herve Jezequel, visiting profes-
sor of history, said in many discussion
of human rights, "there is a discrepancy
between the discourse of human rights
and the way human rights are imple-
To explain these discrepancies,
Jezequel suggests an examination
of the histori-
in, if a cal cycles of
violence and
ccuses a revolution,
referring to the
)mmittlng revolutions in
is unable Europe during
is unthe enlighten-
t, she m'ent
The day's lec-
iarged ture series closed
with a roundtable
tery. discussion com-
paring human
rights efforts in
Africa and Latin America.
The conference was celebration
of the induction of the Global Fel-
lowship Program, a joint venture of
the Institute for the Humanities and
the International Institute, Herwitz
said. It was funded by the Andrew
Mellon Foundation, an organization
that provides grants to humanities
programs in higher education.
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* get ahead of m
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