2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 5, 2004 NATION/WORLD Eb r i a conservative agen NEWS IN BRIEF Bush to push major tax and Social Security chanres with or without De flsm J -Z7 - -v. - v r vv vvr vv wv Lr yr 1 e.V WASHINGTON (AP) - Contend- ing Americans have embraced his conservative agenda, President Bush pledged yesterday to aggressively pur- sue major changes in Social Security, the tax code and medical malpractice awards, working with Democrats if they are receptive and leaving them behind if they're not. "I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it," Bush said a day after a deci- sive victory that made him the first president in 68 years to win re-election and gain seats in both the House and Senate. "I'll reach out to everyone who shares our goals," said Bush, who 24 hours earlier had promised to try to win over those who voted for his Dem- ocratic opponent. Buoyant and relaxed yesterday, Bush cracked jokes at his first post- election news conference and said he had not decided on any changes in his Cabinet for the second term. He took congratulatory calls from world lead- ers from Russia, Poland, Iraq, Afghan- istan, Israel and Italy before flying to Camp David for four days of rest after the grueling campaign. As U.S. forces inIraqmobilize for an all-out offensive in Fallujah and other Sunni militant strongholds, the presi- dent refused to say how much the war would cost or whether he planned to increase or cut troop strengths. "I have yet to hear from our commanders on the ground that they need more troops," the president said. He is expected to ask Congress early next year for up to $75 billion for Iraq, Afghanistan and operations against terrorism. The president was unapologetic about the unpopularity of his deci- sions in many world capitals, such as his commitment to spread democracy in the Middle East. "Listen, I've made some very hard decisions: decisions to protect ourselves, decisions to spread peace and freedom." The war on terror would remain a priority, he said. Bush said that at home, he had set an unmistakable direction for the country and he emphasized anew he does not foresee the need for any tax increase CLAMART, France Hospital: Arafat struggling for life Yasser Arafat was reportedly fighting for his life yesterday at a French mili- tary hospital after losing consciousness, as anxious Palestinian officials transferred some of their 75-year-old leader's powers to Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia. Doctors at Percy Military Training Hospital outside Paris, where Arafat was airlifted last Friday after more than two years of confinement in the West Bank, quashed a swirl of reports that he had died. But the French doctors would not say much else, and confusion ruled as Palestinians issued conflicting reports about Arafat's condition and how close to death he was. Outside the hospital, some 50 well-wishers held a vigil late into the evening. Some held candles, others portraits of Arafat. A large Palestinian flag hung from the hospital's outer wall. "It tears your heart up," said Mahmod Nimr, a 36-year-old unemployed Palestinian. "I can't see someone taking his place." In an emergency meeting in the West Bank town of Ramallah, the PLO executive committee empowered Qureia to deal with urgent administrative and financial mat- ters in Arafat's absence, said committee member Qais Abdel Karim. Qureia also will meet with security chiefs in the Gaza Strip today to ensure that no internal conflict erupts in the volatile area at a time of uncertainty, a Palestinian official said. UNITED NATIONS U.N.: Anarchy may reign soon in Darfur The top U.N. envoy to Sudan warned the Security Council yesterday that the vast region of Darfur could easily descend into anarchy with warlords in control unless African Union troops deploy quickly and peace negotiations speed up. The 20-month conflict in the western region is changing in character, with the government not fully in control of its forces and a leadership crisis within the rebel movements, Jan Pronk said. The envoy accused both sides of violating an April cease-fire agreement and seeking more territory in Darfur, which is about the size of France. While there was slow progress on the political front in October, Pronk said, violence and insecurity increased and in recent days "the situation deteriorated and tension rose to a level unprecedented since early August." "Fighting is breaking out in more and more places. Parties are provoking one another. Militias are ganging up. Governmental authorities are not able to exert a moderating influence, or they respond with untimely and even counterproduc- tive measures," he said. KABUL, Afghanistan Karzai to crack down on warlords, drug trade Hamid Karzai pledged yesterday to use his five-year term as Afghanistan's first elected president to crack down on warlords and the country's booming drug economy. Accepting his victory in the historic Oct. 9 ballot, Karzai also appealed to his rivals hours after they conceded defeat despite lingering fraud allegations. "The Afghan people have placed their trust in us, for which we are very grate- ful," Karzai said at his Presidential Palace, flanked by his two smiling running- mates. "It will be hard to live up to, but we will do our best." Karzai has said smashing Afghanistan's opium and heroin smugglers will be his top priority and the key to reining in warlords resisting the feeble authority of the central government. WASHINGTON Single molecule may cause nicotine addiction A single molecule may be partly to blame for nicotine's addictive allure, a finding that researchers say could lead to potential therapies to help millions of smokers quit a life-threatening habit. More than 4 million people around the globe --440,000 of them Americans - die from smoking-related causes each year. And, the nicotine-laced smoke dam- ages more than just their lungs. The California researchers not only pinpointed a molecule responsible for nicotine addiction, they also created specialized mice to make it easier to search for other molecules affected by nicotine addiction. The research team started by fiddling with a single gene to create mice that were hypersensitive to nicotine. - Compiledfrom Daily wire reports DAVID TUMAN/Daily The White House in Washington will be home to President Bush for another four years after he defeated Democratic challenger John Kerry. Bush said yesterday he will push his agenda with or without Democrats. despite big budget deficits. Coming from a campaign that offered clear policy choices, Bush said, "When you win, there is a feeling that the people have spoken and embraced your point of view, and that's what I intend to tell the Congress." He urged lawmakers to show discipline on spending bills and to enact an intelli- gence reform bill when they return to town later this month. On Capitol Hill, Democrats were stunned by some unexpected losses in the Senate and the defeat of their leader, Tom Daschle, an 18-year vet- eran. Republicans also gained seats in the House. Democrats promised to challenge Bush's priorities. "What the president is doing in fis- cal policy is weakening the country, making us more vulnerable. It's so strange," said Sen. Kent Conrad of North Dakota, top Democrat on the Senate Budget Committee. "There's no free lunch, and at the end of the day our country will have a tremendous price to pay for this profligacy." Said Bush, "I readily concede I've laid out some very difficult issues for people to deal with. And I would hope to be able to work with Democrats to get this done." In setting priorities, Bush said some issues would be at the front of the line simply because they have been at the center of the political arena before. Capping medical malpractice limits, a prized goal of Republicans, will be one of his first proposals because it "had been debated and got thwarted a couple of times," the president said. U.S. prepares for attack on Fallujab BAGHDAD, Iraq(AP)-Insurgents a vehicle and that the British check- attacked British troops at a checkpoint point also came under mortar fire. in central Iraq yesterday, killing three The deaths bring the number of and wounding eight in a suicide bomb British troops killed in Iraq to 73. It and mortar barrage aimed at soldiers was the worst single combat loss for sent to the high-risk area to free U.S. the British since three Royal Military forces for an assault on the militant Police were killed in the southern city stronghold Fallujah. of Basra in August 2003. U.S. troops pounded Fallujah with A suicide car bomber also targeted airstrikes and artillery fire, softening up a U.S. Marine convoy near Ramadi, militants ahead of the expected assault. 70 miles west of Baghdad, but only Loudspeakers at Fallujah mosques the attacker died in the explosion, U.S. blared out Quranic verses and shouts of officials said. "Allahu akbar," or "God is great," dur- British Prime Minister Tony Blair ing the assault, residents said. agreed to a U.S. request to move Brit- The three British soldiers were from ish troops to central Iraq despite con- the Black Watch regiment, which was siderable opposition at home, even moved last month from relatively quiet within his Labour Party. southern Iraq to the dangerous area Scottish Nationalist Party spokes- just south of Baghdad. man Angus Robertson warned that the An Iraqi interpreter also was killed deaths would have "profound implica- in the attack, British officials said. tions" for public opinion in Scotland, Britain's armed forces minister, Adam where the Black Watch regiment is Ingram, said in London that the attack recruited. was carried out by a suicide bomber in U.S. and Iraqi officials want to clear US Marines of the 1st Division pass by a wall painting of an Iraqi Army soldier during training in a former Iraqi army barrack outside Fallujah, Iraq, yesterday. MARKT UPDATE THURS. CLOSE CHANGE DOW JONEs 10,314.76 + 177.71 NASDA 2,023.63 + 19.30 S& 59 161.67 + 18.47 www.michigandaily.com The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Mondays during the spring and summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $110. Winterterm (January through April) is $115, yearlong (September through April) is $195. University affiliates are subject to a reduced subscription rate. Yearlong on-campus subscriptions are $40. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press. EDITORIALSAF Jordan Schrader, Editor in Chief NEWS Tomislav Ladika, Managing Editor 763-2459, news@michigandally.com EDITORS: Alison Go, Carmen Johnson, Andrew Kaplan, Emily Kraack STAFF: Farayha Arrine, Liz Belts, Melissa Benton, Adrian Chen, Amber Colvin, Mary DeYoe, Ashley Dinges, Adhiraj Dutt, Victoria Edwards.Chloe Foster, Donn M. 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Lee, Elliott Mallen, Zac Peskowitz, Jordan Schrader SPORTS - Gennaro Filice, Managing Editor 764-8585, sportsmlichgandallycom SENIOR EDITORS: Danill rem,,Chris Burke, Bob Hunt, Shared Mattu, Brian Schlck NIGTt EDTORS:EricAmbinde,Gabeadlso,lanoHerbet,JoshtHolmeganooodEllt. Mcliarrity STAFF: Gaby D'Jaen, James V. Dowd, Seth Gordon, Tyler Hagle, Jack Herman, Brad Johnson, Jamie Josephson, Max Kardon, Melanie Kebler. Katie Neimeyer,Jake Rosenwasser, Chastity Rolling, Steven Shears,MattSinger, Ryan Sosin, Anne Uible,Matt Venegoni, Stephanie Wright ARTS Jason Roberts, Managing Editor 763-0379, artapage@michIgaadaIly.com ASSOCIATE EDITORS Adam RttenbrgA eWoisky WEEKEND MAGAZINE EDITORS: Alexandra Jones, Niamh Sievin SUe-EDIT~OSAdrewM.DGaerig,DZacPeso, SPetrson, MelissRuntom,Dog WenVr STAFenniedlewRachelBerrteoestCkaseyauench anen ing,LyHassl brth, Mary Hillemeier,Joel Hoard, Kevin Hollifield, Andrew Horowitz, Ua Izenberg, Megan Jacobs, Michelle Kijek, Matt Kive EmilyLiu, Dawn Law, Evan McGarvey,Vanessa Miller, Jared Newman, Christopher Pitoun,Archana Ravi, Ruby Robinson,JayaSon Abby Stotz 4 q I 700 arrested to prevent election attack WASHINGTON (AP) - More than 700 people were arrested on immigration violations and thou- sands more subjected to FBI interviews in an intense government effort to avert a terrorist attack aimed at disrupting the election. As with past unrealized al-Qaida threats, law enforcement officials said yesterday they don't know for sure whether any of those arrests or interviews foiled an attack. "It's very hard to prove a negative," Michael Garcia, chief of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said in an interview yesterday. "We did cases and opera- tions for people we thought posed national security concerns. We didn't arrest anyone who had a bomb." For example, ICE agents arrested a 23-year-old Pakistani man in late October who had illegally entered the United States through Mexico in 2000 and was working as a fuel tanker truck driver with access to a major U.S. seaport. The man, who was not further identified, is charged with making false state- ments about how he entered the country and remains under investigation for any links to terrorism. He was one of the 237 people arrested in October alone on immigration violations, for a total of more than 700 since the enforcement effort began last year, Garcia said. "It was a broad approach that led us to have a very disruptive effect, we believe," he said. Although the election season passed without an attack, officials say al-Qaida remains a dangerous foe intent on striking the United States again. The day after the election, Attorney General John Ashcroft told his senior staff to not let their guard down. The Jan. 20 presidential inauguration heads the list of upcoming high-profile events that officials say In October alone, 237 people were arrested on immigration violations. could draw terrorist interest. Others include the Feb, 6 Super Bowl in Jacksonville, Fla., and the Decem- ber holiday travel season, which last year saw sev- eral threats against trans-Atlantic flights. There still is concern the Osama bin Laden video- tape aired last week could be a signal for an attack. And despite asking for help from the public, the FBI still has not identified a man calling himself "Azzam the American," whose lengthy videotape aired last month promised attacks that will make U.S. streets "run red with blood." I University of Michigan IT Security Services Presents Location: Michigan Theater Date: Friday, November 5,2004 Admission: Free with U-M ID (Bring a friend!) Time: 8:00 PM. & 11:00 P.M. Co-sponsored by Michigan Student Assembly, IT Central Services, MAIS, ResComp, Department of Public Safety ®@WARNER BROS RECORDS & USED CDS Upstairs from Subway Paying $4 to $6 for top CD's in top condition. Also buying premium LP's and cassettes. 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