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November 05, 2004 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-11-05

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Friday, November 5, 2004
Opinion 4 Police still want to
arrest pot smokers
Sports 9 Cagers open
with a win

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www.michigandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan * Vol. CXV, No. 26 ©2004 The Michigan Daily

Dean of
By Tomislav Ladika
Daily News Editor
University administrators yesterday extended interim Dean
of Students Sue Eklund's term for 18 more months, a move
that administrators say will make it easier for the Division of
Student Affairs to implement some of the new ideas it is cur-
rently debating.
Eklund, who was originally hired on an
interim basis over the summer to replace
the departed Ed Willis, will remain as dean
of students while the University continues
to search nationwide for someone to fill the
position permanently.
"I'm just truly an old Michigan per-
son," said Eklund, who graduated from
the University with an undergraduate and
law degree. "I'm just happy to be able to
help out."
Eklund's extension comes at a time when Eklund
Student Affairs is implementing several new policies and dis-
cussing a wide variety of other ideas.
For example, in response to vocal student protests last
semester over proposed cuts to the budgets of numerous stu-
dent organizations, a student advisory committee was created
last semester to give input to the department's decisions.
Additionally, Eklund announced two weeks ago that the
University is investigating hazing allegations within the Greek
community, and she said she is interested in working more
closely with them. The Office of Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs
is also seeking student input for possible changes to its pro-
grams, which seek to foster a sense of community among
minority students.
Eklund said many of the committees that have been set up
to evaluate such ideas will finish their work at the end of this
year, and due to the extension she will still he around to help
them implement any changes.
"If a newcomer came in and had to implement the recom-
mendations with no background, it could be a lot more dif-
ficult," she said.
University spokeswoman Julie Peterson added, "One of the
benefits of appointing her to the actual dean position ... is that
it allows her in a more stable role to oversee to their conclusion
some of the really important projects that are going on."
While Eklund did not offer specific plans or ideas for
changes to the Greek system, she said she will continue to
work with Greek leaders to plan events and implement stu-
See DEAN, Page 7

LEFT: in March, 512 Packard St. was home to a lucrative drug ring. RIGHT: The house, repainted, sits empty yesterday. Brazel Gardenhire, leader of the operation, was
sentenced Wednesday for the delivery of controlled substances and being engaged in a continuing criminal enterprise.
Local drug ring leader sentenced

By EkJyot Saini
Daily StaffReporter
Seven months after police raided a house
on Packard Street minutes away from Cen-
tral Campus, one of the leaders of a local
drug ring was sentenced Wednesday.
Brazel Gardenhire, an Ann Arbor resi-
dent and one of two leaders of the drug ring
operating from 512 Packard St., just east of
Thompson Street, pleaded guilty last month
to the delivery of controlled substances and

to being engaged in a continuing criminal
Circuit Court Judge Archie Brown sen-
tenced Gardenhire Wednesday to 40 years in
prison, according to Chief Assistant Washt-
enaw County Prosecutor Joe Burke. Garden-
hire will be eligible for parole after serving
two and half years, which would be deter-
mined by the Michigan Parole Board, Burke
Gardenhire was arrested in April,
shortly after police began investigating

the death of a woman who overdosed on
drugs in March. The Ann Arbor Police
Department had already received
numerous complaints about the house
where Gardenhire lived, and he was
identified as the supplier to the woman,
AAPD Detective William Stanford
"An active investigation (against Gar-
denhire) was going on at the time of her
death," he said. The house was raided and
shut down shortly afterward.

Gardenhire is currently being held in
Washtenaw County Jail awaiting trans-
port to another facility. Neither Garden-
hire nor his attorney could be reached for
At the time of Gardenhire's arrest,
police had issued three drug-related
arrest warrants. The police were also
seeking charges against individuals
who were associated with the house.
Those included 21 charges of deliver-
See DRUG RING, Page 7

Honoring the past
Native American Heritage Month events
The Fall Feast symbolizes the start of the month-
long celebration. Students may eat both Native and
non-Native American food and listen to Indian drum
music, tomorrow at 4 p.m. in the William Monroe
Trotter House.
Listen to acclaimed Native American jazz musician
Derek Miller perform Nov. 12 at 8 p.m. in the
Michigan Union Pendleton Room.
Native American contemporary artist Jeoc will
perform a blend of pop and Native American music
8 p.m. Nov. 20 at the Trotter House.
For more information about other events go to

Month honors Native American heritage

By Michael Kan
Daily Staff Reporter
Rooted on a pathway between the Chemistry and
Natural Science buildings lies a symbol of the founda-
tion of the University - a plaque titled "Native Ameri-
can Land Gift."
Etched in bronze and framed on marble, the plaque com-
memorates the 1817 grant of lands from the Three Fires
- an Indian confederacy that comprises of the Ojibwe,
Odawa and Potawatomi tribes - which led to the begin-
ning of the University.
Almost two centuries have passed since the historic
event, yet it was only two years ago that the University
finally erected a tablet in honor of the Native Americans'
gift. While it's a great step forward, said Matt Stehney,
Native American Student Association co-chair, it seems
that only in recent years have people begun opening

their eyes and recognizing the many contributions Native events and lectures.
Americans have made to the United States. Over the decades, the United States has seen a sweep-
"I think a lot of the times people just accept things and ing change in its relationship with the Native American
not even question where they community. Where once native
came from," added Stehney, W here once native peoples peoples were given a few pages
who is from the Taino tribe. in the country's history books,
But this month, students were given a few pages in the now institutions like the Uni-
will have an opportunity country's history books, now versity have established Native
to learn more about native . American studies departments
peoples' contributions as institutions like the University and are also holding Pow Wows
November marks the annu- have established Native annually.
al Native American Heri- Native American Heritage
tage Month. American studies departments. Month was first declared in 1990
Beginning with the Fall by President George H.W. Bush
Feast tomorrow, the month-long celebration attempts to further overcome the centuries-old dearth of recogni-
to broaden awareness of Native Americans' lives by tion of America's native peoples.
commemorating their achievements and immers- For Stehney, through the years, both the University and
ing outsiders in their culture with a series of cultural See HERITAGE, Page 7

may leave
general post
WASHINGTON (AP) - Attorney Gen-
eral John Ashcroft is likely to leave his post
before the start of President Bush's second
term, senior aides said yesterday.
Ashcroft, 62, is described as exhausted
from leading the Justice Department in fight-
ing the domestic war on terrorism since the
Sept. 11,,2001, attacks. Stress was a factor in
Ashcroft's health problems earlier this year
that resulted in removal of his gall bladder.
. Ashcroft is expected to resign before
Bush's Jan. 20 inauguration, said aides who
spoke only on condition of anonymity.
They said there is a small chance he would stay
on, at least for a short time, if Bush asked him.
The attorney general has not officially
informed his staff of his future plans, spokes-
man Mark Corallo said.
At a news conference, Bush said he hasn't
made any decisions about his Cabinet.
Ashcroft, a former two-term governor and
senator from Missouri, has long been a favor-
ite among Bush's base of religious conserva-
tives. He also is a lightning rod for Democrats
and other critics on issues ranging from the
anti-terrorism Patriot Act, which expanded
rules for eavesdropping, to abortion rights

Hundreds questioned
in hazing investigation
Three fraternities suspended by national
chapters; one group dropped from query
By Melissa Benton people being forced to compromise their
Daily StaffReporter moral or religious values, and not just physi-
cal harm, which could lead to prosecution
Three fraternities at the University have under the state's new hazing laws.
been suspended by their national chapters "The need for proof beyond a reasonable
for their parts in the alleged hazing inci- doubt is stronger in the criminal law system,"
dents which the University began investigat- she said.
ing two weeks ago, said Dean of Students Eklund added that seven chapters were ini-
Sue Eklund. tially being investigated, but one of those has
Suspension policies vary from one national been withdrawn because she said it wasn't
chapter to another, but a suspension usually worth pursuing.
does not lead to a fraternity being kicked off OSCR,however,has yettotake actionagainst
campus. any students.
Members of the Interfraternity Council were "They'resintending to wait until they get
unable to comment on the suspensions. through with these interviews. At that point,
Although the Ann Arbor Police Depart- they will decide how to pursue any disciplinary
ment said earlier this week that it had found or sanctioning processes," Eklund said.
no evidence to support the hazing allegations, Eklund said OSCR can suspend or expel
the University said yesterday it continues to students, but such harsh punishments are
investigate hazing incidents at six fraternities relatively rare.
and sororities through the Office of Student "It's much more frequent that people are put
Conflict Resolution. on probation and have educational sanctions,
"(OSCR) have interviewed over 200 peo- she added.
ple and have another 100 people to go," said The University began the investigations
Eklund who was promoted from interim dean because they received a number of allegations
yesterday. from students, Eklund said.
Eklund added that the University's inves- "We only had reports that came in from stu-
tigation of hazing is broader than that of the dents and staff and, in one case, an advisor from
AAPD, because administrators are looking one of the Greek chapters," she added.
for effects of hazing such as humiliation or See HAZING, Page 7

U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft speaks at the eighth annual Canada-U.S. Cross Bc
Crime Forum in Ottawa on Oct. 22.

and gun control.
Names that have been floated in recent weeks
as a possible replacement include Ashcroft's
former deputy, Larry Thompson, who would
become the first black attorney general. Oth-
ers include Marc Racicot, who was Bush's
campaign manager, and White House general
counsel Alberto Gonzales, who would give
Bush a notable Hispanic appointment.
Also sometimes mentioned is former
New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, but his

spokeswoman said he's not interested. "Rudy
Giuliani is not taking John Ashcroft's job,"
Sunny Mindel said.
Mindel said Giuliani is committed to the
success of his business and government con-
sulting firm.
Giuliani, a former prosecutor, is consid-
ered a possible presidential contender in
2008. Those political aspirations could be
hampered by the controversies inherent in
the top Justice Department job.

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