Challenges ahead in the next four years Weighing in on the campaign bY D FANIELVAICHNEY instrument at his disposal: the al government. He must also a A dramatic and historic presiden- the dramatic increases in thec tial election has drawn to a close. higher education, acting to ma Amid high turnout and a tense mood lege affordable for all Ame in contested states, the new execu- The nation's quality of life de tive seems to have received a major on it. mandate. Now, more than any other In order to remain credible time in recent history, the pressure eyes of his electorate, Bush n of the election will follow Bush into guarantee full transparency a the White House when he inevitably closure concerning issues ofna wins. Indeed, the heat will intensify concern. The days of secrete as he re-affirms his responsibilities. task forces and closed-door m In order to successfully live up to his with handpicked lawmakers mandate, Bush must face up to the end. Concurrently, Bush shoul failures of the past four years and to dismantle the curtailment of rebuild consensus and credibility at cy rights enacted by the USAF home and abroad. Act. The fundamental freedo Before anything else, the president the American community - f must reward voters for their unprec- zens and resident immigrants edented turnout by fighting with full - are at stake. earnestness to guarantee that all votes Speaking of fundamental are fairly and competently counted. doms, Bush faces the treme The triumph of the 2004 election responsibility of protecting should be the triumph of democratic rights of two major sectorsc suffrage. With dedicated steward- American population: wome ship, it can be exactly that. the gay community. He mu Following closely with this respon- affirm through direct actio sibility is the need to restore consen- judicial appointments a wo sus. During the past four years, the fundamental right to an ab president, his administration and his He must also take a stand a party have acted with impunity. They the rising tide of exclusionar have done so at home by excluding icy against gay marriage and Democrats from important politi- unions. cal debates and refusing to admit Along these lines, and forn errors spanning a wide gamut bridge between the natio from budget deficits the international to intelligence. munity, is th They have for intell one so x reform interna- Bec ou nat tionally intel by refuse .gence ing to prop- ture ha erly negotiate sufficiently feder- address cost of ke col- ricans. epends in the eeds to nd dis- ational energy eetings must d move priva- Patriot ims of or citi- s alike free- endous g the of the n and ist re- n and Oman's ortion. gainst y pol- d civil ruing a n and com- e need igence 1. ause ur What a long, strange presidential race it's been. Howard Dean's pop- ularity and President Bush's "Top Gun" photo-op are faint memories. But now that the votes have been cast, it's time for the Daily's edito- rial board to reflect on the past campaign season. MOVING PAST BITTERNESS Beyond the bitterness, the par- tisan squabbling and the vicious political attacks, the presidential election of 2004 will be remem- bered as one that made people care about politics again. Both parties registered a record number of new voters, often from the ranks of young people and minorities, two groups with a politically apathetic history. Maybe it was because people just saw more at stake than usual. Embodying such wildly differ- ent ideologies, the two candidates had opposing stands on just about everything from how to fight the war on terrorism to how to improve America's schools. Maybe the bitterness lay in the personal nature of the election and its issues. Having a son or daugh- ter in the military, losing a job or knowing someone who is gay, among a plethora of other topics, can help the politics to really hit home. For whatever the reasons, this was an election that split families down the middle, and pitted father against son, generation against generation. It was as though an entirely new culture was created. Terms that had once been reserved to the most political among us, like "Gallup," became household buzzwords, while elephants and don- keys were emblematic of much more than safari or petting zoo attractions. -Mara Gav out-of-state students they were ineli- gible to vote in Ann Arbor, and some Detroit residents received letters on their doors telling them, incorrectly, that their polling location had been changed. Empowerment v. Intimi- dation. Reason v. Religion. The Enlightenment v. The Dark Age. Left v. Right. Dare I say, Kerry v. Bush? -- Sara Eber HOLLYWOOD POLITICS Prior to this election, I had the naive notion that mudslinging was a sacred ritual that would only make its comeback if there were a third installment of Woodstock. I guess we were all treated with an early Christmas present this election with both Democrats and Republicans resorting to unprecedented lows with distasteful attacks and utterly ridiculous endorsements. Holly- wood celebrities and the Swift boat veterans should be admonished for their incessant attempts to spin the facts to convince undecided, impres- sionable minds to vote their way. The celebrities whose faces grace our movies suddenly found a way into our television sets as a part of a slew of Kerry endorsements. A per- sonal favorite of mine was Rebecca Romain-Stamos's picking up a mid- dle-aged man in the mid- die of the des- ert and convinc- ing him to vote N utilized entertainment programs as well as celebrity supporters in order to connect with the college- aged voting demographic through their most favored source for news. During his campaign, Kerry has made appearances on "The Daily Show with John Stewart" and "The Tonight Show" and has spo- ken with MTVNews on five sepa- rate occasions. In addition, Kerry received celebrity endorsements and included a few, Bruce Spring- steen for example, in his campaign to further appeal to young voters. Kerry's concentration on the enter- tainment media outlet has proven his care for Americans of the young demographic and has subsequent- ly resulted in a voter registration surge among such youth. -Katherine Cantor DEAN: PAVING THE WAY FOR KERRY Remember Howard Dean? What a remarkable story his campaign was until falling apart in the Iowa caucuses. Dean represented "the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party" and by doing so dragged most of his opponents farther and farther to the left as they sought votes from Democrats around the country. First, by making Sen. John Kerry break federal spending caps, then by moving him to the left in order to gain votes, much ofthe Dean campaign lived on in Kerry's campaign for the presidency. This resulted in some of the instances of Kerry's "flip flopping," which may have cost him the general election as more Americans believe Kerry says what people want to hear. With his Iowa scream, Dean handed Kerry the nomination, but he also gave him some ideals and positions that Kerry has never seemed to be quite comfortable with. - David Russell gay marriage and womens' rights are being halted for religious rea- sons. America can do better, had the chance to do better, and gave it up in last night's election. This time, there was no discrepancy. It was clear on the map that Kerry's small blue states would not be enough to win him the election - America wanted George Bush. Perhaps more disturbing is that nothing changed in the amount of young voters who went to the polls. Contrary to the prediction that the 18-24 age range could sway the election due to mass turnout, once again our age group failed to step up to the plate. Exactly the same as in 2000, young voters made up just 17 percent of the vote. The Democrats put up a good fight, but it was not enough to over- come the fear of change that per- vades this country. Here's to four more years of war, a struggling economy, and waiting with bated breath to see if our rights will be taken. Here is to four more years of George W. Bush. --Whitney Dibo OHIO SUX I wasn't at all surprised when the GOP decided that it would single out homosexuals for political oppression and abuse; in recent years, the Repub- lican party has often fallen back on demonizing whole groups of Ameri- cans in order to stabilize its religious base. What is truly shocking, how- ever, are the millions of fiscal conser- vatives that pulled the lever for Bush and others in spite of this nationwide campaign of hate. If being fiscally conservative means voting economically con- servative and socially progres- sive, those of you who voted for Bush have a lot of explaining to di Millin of clf nn tion's Ili- struc- s not pro- with our allies and withdrawing from major trea- ties. Bush, must work immediately to heal the rifts caused by the past four years of his bad policy decisions. He must invite both allies and dis- senters to the bargaining table to realize policy in a sensible and cred- ible manner. Now more than ever, our leadership - and the nation - can- not afford to act alone. Unfortunately, Bush faces a world of trouble, the legacy of his first term. He faces the double-headed dragon of domestic and international cri- ses. He must act quickly to address the failures and neglect of the past four years in order to guarantee the safety and prosperity of the nation and the world. This means dramati- cally reversing and revising policy in a variety of areas. Domestically, Bush must act immediately to stabilize the bud- get and reduce the nation's stagger- ing deficits. This means permitting bipartisan cooperation concerning taxation and spending policy. It also means Bush must reassess the tax code and reverse the tax cuts for the wealthy. Fiscal competence is funda- mental to guarantee the solvency of the economy, and once again, Bush must restore it after four years of destroying it. Bush must work simultaneously on a variety of other issues facing the nation. He must admit that the price of private healthcare is jeopardizing the health of the economy and avert the impending crisis caused by the inefficiency of the present system. He must do so with the most powerful tected us, Bush must act deliberately yet decisively, with the full consent of Congress, to restructure the intelligence system in order to guarantee its effective func- tioning. Bush has not only inherited a nation in trouble - he has inherited a world in crisis. The most pressing policy front, and the principal failure of the past four years of foreign pol- icy, has been the war in Iraq. Bush has no choice but to work tirelessly toward a multinational commitment to keeping the peace there. At stake is the future of stability of the Middle East - and the global community - as whole. Bound up in the need for interna- tional stability is the importance of re-affirming the strength of Ameri- ca's alliances. Bush must reverse the country's drift away its European allies and elsewhere and resume rea- sonable diplomatic discourse. Along these lines, he must also reverse the precedent of the past four years of national withdrawal from interna- tional treaties. He must work to con- tain global nuclear proliferation. He must act on the principle that Ameri- can interests are interdependent with global interests. Domestically and internation- ally, Bush has inherited tremendous responsibilities. He must rise to the challenge and act wisely. Americans have turned out in high numbers to decide their leadership, and Bush must live up to this mandate. The prosperity and safety of the nation - and indeed the world - depend on it. Sy w Kerry ... WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? This election has occupied ny mind daily for the past ear, and all I can consistently lo is give some shrug-exasper- ted hand gesture-jaw dropped- notion. What is left to say? This 00 I uo. ivnons of seu pro- fessed fiscal conserva- tives pulled the lever for ... Bush yesterday, despite an economic agenda that is hardly conservative, and a social agenda that is laced with intolerance. I suspect that it was this issue, gay marriage, that really helped carry the day for Bush. Certainly the war played a- huge part, but I think we y d a nI is the biggest election in history? We've seen the ads for months - the Swift boats, the Wolves, the Ameri- can flags and smiling babies - and if the ads weren't enough, the debate and news coverage on the ads. Yet these campaigns, though glossy and glorious, missed how utterly dire and direction-changing the results of this election will be. There are no words to express this. The election brought out the best and worst in our country. More people participated in the dem- ocratic process - thousands of new registered voters - and "November 2" was burned on people's brains for weeks. Yet yesterday, we also wit- nessed disgusting incidents of voter intimidation: people still tried to tell just ridiculous. But then who could forget veterans who weren't even on Ker- ry's Swift boat that tried to convince us Kerry was a disgraced soldier? Hopefully politics will regain some ethics before we see the Libertarians or Greens getting into the mix. - Dan Skowronski TURNING TO ENTERTAINMENT Certain factors that have never been prevalent in past elections have proved integral in this year's pres- idential campaign. Sen. John Kerry HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? So much has changed in this country, but nothing changed in the way Americans voted. Despite a new war, controversial social issues, and pressing economic problems - this country seems to have opted for the same decision as 2000: George W. Bush. How did we let this happen? Shouldn't the state of the country be enough to insti- gate a change in government? The economy is struggling, 1,121 troops have died in Iraq, and progressive ideas regarding science research, all underestimated just how pow- erful hatred is as a political tool and just how much America hates homosexuals. I know I certainly did. I also know that as the polls came rolling in - as Michigan and several other states voted to ban gay marriage, as the GOP increased its stranglehold on the U.S. Senate and as the Kerry campaign died some- where in rural Ohio - that I have never felt this hopeless in America. Maybe I'm just tired. Maybe this is just sour grapes. But ultimately, I think America, and in particular the red states, have an awful lot of growing up to do. - Daniel Adams