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November 03, 2004 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-11-03

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 3, 2004


Kolb clinches final term in House NEWS IN BRIEF

By Kristin Ostby
Daily Staff Reporter

Democrat Chris Kolb was re-elect-
ed to represent Ann Arbor for a third
term in the state Legislature yesterday,
surpassing Republican opponent Erik
Sheagren with a majority of the vote.
"It's always very rewarding to be
re-elected in Ann Arbor," Kolb said
last night at a gathering of the local
Democratic Party at Ann Arbor's Cav-
ern Club on 210 S. First St.
The final vote totals were not avail-
able last night, although officials said
Kolb claimed about three-fourths of
the ballots.
This will be Kolb's final term serv-
ing the 53rd district,
which encompass- T
es Ann Arbor. W really1
Given the large-
ly Democratic tO COnCenlt
constituencyofhis trying to j
district, Kolb'a vic- tyn
tory did not come Michigan's
as a surpnse to
many. In August's
primaries, he
won 78 percent of Democrati
the vote against tative ft
Sheagren. In fact,
Sheagren said he
ran against Kolb primarily to give voters
a choice on Election Day, and he did not
have high expectations of winning.
Kolb said he plans to make the state
budget, higher education and the environ-
ment the focus of his two-year tenure.
"I think we really have to concen-
trate on trying to jumpstart Michigan's
economy," he said. "It's been impact-
ing our ability to make adjustments
in education, health care, higher edu-
cation, life sciences - sectors of our


economy that we have not been able to
make the investments we need."
For the past two years, Kolb has
worked on the House Appropriations
Committee to prepare the state budget.
He voted for a proposal drawn up by
Gov. Jennifer Granholm to cap tuition
costs last winter.
Kolb has also said he would like to
see the number of college graduates in
Michigan double in the next 10 years.
"That's part of the governor's plan
to make sure we have the workforce
Michigan's going to need," he said.
He also said he would like to work
on creating a transit system from Ann
Arbor to Detroit by rail or bus to give
students an easier way of getting to and
from the airport.
Since taking
have office four years
ago, Kolb has
rate on strongly support-
impstart ed environmental
policies nuch an
economy." the Ann Arbor
Greenbelt pro-
gram to protect
- Chris Kolb the city's parks
c state represen- and other green
rom Ann Arbor spaces from urban
sprawl. He spon-
sored the Water
Legacy Act, a package of bills outlin-
ing ways in which the Great Lakes can
be safeguarded from water diversion.
Kolb said he plans to keep working
on a long list of environmental issues.
"We're going to continue to push to pro-
tect the Great Lakes, basically our greatest
resource inthe state of Michigan."
He added that the, removal of mer-
cury and other toxic chemicals was of
high importance to him. He also said
he would like to increase the use of

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Chris Kolb, Ann Arbor's representative in the state House of Representatives,
celebrates a clear-cut victory at the Cavern Club yesterday.

renewable energy in Michigan.
Kolb said he is concerned that Pro-
posals 1 and 2 passed yesterday, both
of which he opposed.
Proposal 1 will add an amendment
to the state constitution to require voter
approval for any new form of legalized
gambling in the state, excluding proj-
ects started within casinos operated by
Native American tribes and those cur-
rently functioning in Detroit. Proposal
2 makes gay marriage and civil unions
unconstitutional in the state.
"Proposal 1 will have a negative
impact on the Michigan lottery to pro-

vide needed funds for our education
system," he said.
Kolb, Michigan's first openly gay
legislator, said the passage of Proposal
2 will hurt same-sex families in Mich-
igan. "It sends a bad message about
Michigan to our country," he added.
He said he believes the issue of gay
marriage will resurface in courts,
especially because of the proposal's
vague wording. He said he also expects
its supporters to try to use the propos-
al to prevent the legal recognition of
domestic partnerships and the benefits
provided for them.

N. Korea, Iran clarify nuclear stance
Challenged by the U.N. nuclear chief to prove their atomic programs are
peaceful, North Korea said it would scrap its "nuclear deterrence" if the United
States ended its hostile policy and Iran said negotiations with three European
countries may "bring fruit."
North Korea's deputy U.N. ambassador Kim Chang Guk on Monday totally
rejected the International Atomic Energy Agency, calling it "a political tool of
the superpower." He also accused Japan of allowing U.S. nuclear weapons on its
soil and South Korea of nuclear ambitions.
Iran's deputy U.N. ambassador Mehdi Danesh-Yazdi was less strident, but
stressed that Tehran "is determined to pursue its inalienable rights to develop
nuclear energy for peaceful purposes." He also criticized the international com-
munity for targeting Iran's nuclear program while saying nothing about Israel's.
IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei challenged both countries in his annual report to
the U.N. General Assembly, urging Iran to suspend its uranium enrichment program
"as a confidence building measure" and North Korea to dismantle itsnuclear weapons
program oratleast allow inspections to ensure it is "exclusively peaceful"
Attacks mount as major U.S. assault looms
Car bombs killed at least a dozen people in Baghdad and another major city
yesterday as pressure mounted on interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi to avert
a full-scale U.S. attack on the insurgent stronghold Fallujah.
There was no word on an American and two other foreigners abducted Mon-
day night in Baghdad, although the kidnappers freed two Iraqi guards also cap-
tured in the bold attack. Some diplomats speculated the foreigners may have
been seized to pressure the Americans against a Fallujah attack.
In northern Iraq yesterday, saboteurs blew up an oil pipeline and attacked an
oil well, violence that is expected to stop oil exports for the next 10 days, Iraqi oil
officials said. Iraq's oil industry, which provides desperately needed money for
reconstruction efforts, has been the target of repeated attacks by insurgents.
At least eight people, including a woman, died early yesterday when an explo-
sives-laden car slammed into concrete blast walls and protective barriers sur-
rounding the Education Ministry and exploded in Baghdad's Sunni Muslim
district of Azamiyah.
NABLUS, West Bank
Israeli army destroys suicide bomber's home
. The Israeli army destroyed the home of a teenage suicide bomber yesterday
despite his mother's public and impassioned criticism of the group that sent
her son on the deadly mission.
Israeli military officials acknowledged the woman's grief, but insisted the
policy of demolishing bombers' houses is necessary to deter more attacks.
The militants who sent the teenager said they would try to rebuild the fam-
ily's home.
The incident focused new attention on an Israeli policy that has drawn criti-
cism from Palestinians and human rights groups, which say tearing down homes
amounts to collective punishment.
After the demolition, the bomber's mother, Samira Abdullah, backed off her
criticism of her sons' handlers, saying her anger had subsided and praising the
teenager as a hero.
U.N.: Sudanese forces surround Darfur camps
The Sudanese security forces surrounded several camps in the war-torn region 4
of Darfur yesterday, relocated refugees against their will and denied access to
humanitarian groups, the United Nations said. Sudan denied closing off the camps
but said angry Arab tribesmen gathered in the area.
The U.N. World Food Program said several camps were surrounded - appar-
ently in retaliation for the abduction of 18 Arabs by Darfur rebels - and that the
world body was forced to pull 88 relief workers from other areas where there has
been an upsurge in violence in recent days. The World Food Program fears the
government may start forcing people from the camps back to their home villages.

Back for 26: Dingell holds onto seat

By Margaret Havemann
Daily Staff Reporter
John Dingell won a 26th term in Congress last
night, retaining his seat in the U.S. House of Repre-
sentatives' district that includes Ann Arbor.
In a 72 to 26 percent victory lastnight, the Democrat
easily defeated Republican Dawn Reamer of Huron
Township. Mike Eller of the United States Taxpayers
Party and Gregory Stempfle of the Libertarian Party
each received about 1 percent of the vote.
Dingell, who has been in office for 49 years, is
the longest-serving member of
the current House of Represen-
tatives - and the fourth longest-
serving ever. The 77-year-old .
Dingell is known on Capitol
Hill as "the Duke" because of
his long tenure and powerful
Dingell is a traditional Dem-
ocrat on most issues - he is a
vocal opponent of the war in
Iraq and voted against President Dingell
Bush's tax cuts - but splits with
the party in his opposition to gun control laws.
He is also a supporter of the auto industry, saying
he would like to reduce the outsourcing of jobs, and.
he counts health care as his top priority, he said.
Dingell applauded the U.S. Supreme Court's
decision last year to uphold the University's use of
race-conscious admissions' in the Law School, and
he spoke out against the Michigan Civil Rights Ini-
tiative to end all considerations of race in the state's

The Duke' is longest-serving U.S. rep.
public sector. ing after almost a half-century of winning."
Dingell has said he would like to end the No Child Dingell took over his father's position as Mich-
Left Behind Act, a broad education initiative enact- igan's 15th district representative when he died in
ed by President Bush in 2002 to link school funding 1955. After 25 re-elections, Dingell has long held the
to standardized test results. support of his district, which now includes parts of
Dingell also has called on Bush to actively pursue Wayne County, all of Monroe County and the Ann
peace in the Middle East. Arbor and Ypsilanti areas in
Two years ago, Dingell was U.S. House of Washtenaw County.
not afforded the luxury of such Thisyear'scampaignwasmuch
an easy victory. For the 2002 Representatives different than his first. Other than
congressional election, Michi- his district shifting and expand-
gan Republicans redrew the JOHN DINGELL, DEMOCRAT ing, Dingell says that he ran this
state's district lines, forcing year as a ranking member of the
Dingell to run against fellow important Committee on Energy
Democrat Lynn Rivers, who and Commerce, whereas in the
now teaches a political science o/ 1950s he ran "merely to be seen,
course at the University. 7 2 f not heard."
In what became the most If he stays in the House until
expensive primary race in 2009, Dingell will become the
Michigan history, Dingell beat DAWN REAMER, REPUBLICAN longest-serving House mem-
Rivers 59 to 41 percent. Ding- ber in U.S. history. Last night,
ell went on to beat competitors four hours before knowing for
from other parties in a clear F]1 1certain whether he had won, he
victory in the general election admitted that it was a distinct
of November 2002. 58 percent of precincts reported possibility that he'll stick it out
This year, his seat in the that long.
House was not as hotly contested, and most Ann "If I can do it, I will. There are a lot of people
Arbor voters expected an easy victory for him last who have a say in what I do, the people and my
night. "I voted for him, and most of my friends did wife being some of them. And if the good Lord
too," said LSA sophomore Alyssa Fetini, who is says come up here with me, then I guess I will
enrolled in Rivers's class. "I can't really see him los- have to," he said.

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