4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 28, 2004 OPINION +7 + +l420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 atfdtothedaily@michigandaily.com EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 JORDAN SCHRADER Editor in Chief JASON Z. PESICK Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other pieces do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. NOTABLE QUOTABLE 44'And then you'll get depressed because the biggest connection you have with your school is now an SBC high-speed Internet connection." - Detroit Free Press columnist Michael Rosenberg, writing in today's Free Press, about SBC's now-cancelled sponsorship of the Michigan-Ohio State football game. MSb CIOLIN IiIALY i:i >> lxLV DON'- r TYOUR PASSION Dle ON N0VEMbeR Th1lRD.,. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Daily did not include all parties in its debate TO THE DAILY: Thursday's article regarding the Michi- gan Daily-hosted presidential debate, Debate airs views of all candidates (10/27/04), made a critical error in stating that the debate included student representatives from the Socialist Party. Joseph Tanniru, who the article implied was representing the Socialist Party, was in fact represent- ing the Socialist Equality Party, an entire- ly separate political party with a separate presidential ticket. Equally as erroneous was the article's claim that "all (third-party candidates) got to speak their piece." No representatives from the Socialist Party presidential ticket of Walter Brown and Mary Alice Herbert were invited by the Daily to participate in the debate. Inciden- tally, the Socialist Party presidential ticket is on the .2004 Michigan ballot under the label of the now nationally defunct Natu- ral Law Party, whereas the candidates of the Socialist Equality Party did not qualify for ballot access in Michigan this year. I sincerely hope that the Daily will make a greater effort in the future to present accu- rate information about third parties and that future Michigan Daily-hosted debates will include representatives from all candi- dates who wish to present their views to the University community rather than an arbi- trarily selected few. Matt Erard LSA sophomore The letter writer is the chair of the Socialist Party of Michigan and the Michigan coordinator of the Committee to Elect Walter Brown president. Kerry's logic is faulty on the issue of abortion TO THE DAILY: So the Daily is endorsing John Kerry (Vote Kerry, 10/27/04). Surprised? You shouldn't be, unless you haven't been reading its edito- rial page the last four years. Of course, there isn't anything wrong with this, as most edi- torial pages across the nation feature a more "progressive" slant. What I take issue with is some of the content of the endorsement. The Daily's praise of Kerry's reconciliation of his faith and issues like abortion reflects a complete misunderstanding of the issue. Let's put Kerry's logic to a test: If Kerry believes that human life begins at concep- tion (as he has said he does), then he opposes abortion because he thinks that it ends this life. Now, if this is Kerry's genuine belief, and I have no reason to doubt that it is, then he can't take the standard middle ground position of "being personally opposed, but not wanting the government to legislate against it." Why not? If you express Kerry's reason for personal opposition in context, it reduces to him telling the public "I believe abortion takes the life of a human being, and I don't think the government should legislate against that." Put this way, Kerry's debate "reconciliation" not only looks unimpres- sive, but also morally reprehensible. Michael Saltsman LSA senior LETTERS POLICY The Michigan Daily welcomes letters from all of its readers. Letters from University students, faculty, staff and administrators will be given priority over others. Letters should include the writer's name, college and school year or other University affiliation. The Daily will not print any letter containing statements that cannot be verified. Letters should be kept to approxi- mately 300 words. The Michigan Daily reserves the right to edit for length, clarity and accura- cy. Longer "viewpoints" may be arranged with an editor. Letters will be run according to order received and the amount of space available. Letters should be sent over e-mail to tothedaily@michigandaily.com or mailed to the Daily at 420 Maynard St. Editors can be reached via e-mail at editpage.editors @umich.edu. Letters e-mailed to the Daily will be given priority over those dropped off in person or sent via the U.S. Postal Service. Straight from Iraq, a former Daily editor speaks University alum David Enders has spent more than a year reporting in Iraq through freelance articles and his weblog "From Ann Arbor to Bei- rut toBaghdad." He started the Baghdad Bulletin, the first English language publication in post-war Iraq, in the summer of 2003. In September, he was back in Ann Arbor for a day, and Daily col- umnist Steve Cotner caught up with him to ask about his experiences. The complete transcript is available at michigandaily.com. The Michigan Daily: How resistant were U.S. forces to journalists, and how did they respond to your presence? David Enders: The soldiers were very friendly. The actual ground troops were extremely friendly. For better or for worse, the embed phenomenon gave them a lot of respect for reporters, because there were guys hump- ing along with them, same shit, three months without a shower, under fire. And the soldiers initially built up a great respect for reporters. On the other end, at the command level there was a lot of hostility. I got kicked out of military bases for asking soldiers who they were going to vote for. But then on the other hand, when I would be driving somewhere outside Bagh- dad and see soldiers on the side of the road, on a mission, on patrol, you could walk up to them and say, "Hey what's up," and they would be so fucking shocked that you were walking down the road in the middle-of-nowhere Iraq speaking American English, that the instant credibility created instant dialogue. And it was also interesting, too, most of them were my age. I was younger, so I was able to talk to them the way most correspondents can't. And occasionally I would go out on quote-unquote embeds and be with the soldiers officially, and even then I could still ...They went in this market where I'd been many times a civilian, and then I went in with them, wearing a flack jacket with the soldiers. You know, because, on the one hand, I can pass for Iraqi. I can speak enough Iraqi Arabic to get in and out of a taxi, ask questions. But then the minute I'm a sol- dier, I'm very evidently American. But then I can say things in Arabic and ask them to talk to this guy. They'd been tearing down posters of one particular leader in a market, and I said, "Well why don't we ask this guy why he sup- ports this leader?" And you could actually cre- ate weird dialogue with the troops and Iraqis that they wouldn't get otherwise, had they been even out with a reporter who hadn't spent any time as a civilian in Baghdad. So with the actual troops it was extremely friendly, and you know, a lot of them don't want to be there, don't understand why they're there, they've been given virtually no training on this absolutely Dr. Strangelove rant. You know, white man's burden, neocolonialist, we have to bring these people paved roads, and whatever. And the public affairs office was like, after we left, was like "you're not going to print any of that?" I'm like, "Well maybe. You can't stop me. You might not let me back in, request me again to come visit that particu- lar camp." He probably wouldn't let me back in, because I printed a lot of it. It was a fucking bizarre thing for a man in charge of 3,000 peo- ple to be saying, and it's quite disturbing. But that's about the amount of control they have. They can restrict access, following you print- ing something they don't appreciate. And often times they do. I got kicked out of the house Saddam Hussein was captured in ... TMD: In Vietnam, which is of course very different, there would be troops who would speak out about war atrocities, and they'd be told "Don't ever say another word, or you're not going to come back home." But it wasn't that kind of situation at all? DE: No. There's a lot of self-censorship that goes on. We would take CNN to different places, and sometimes they wouldn't follow us all the way through. We'd be like, "Hey, there's some refugees from Fallujah, they're in Baghdad this week." And they would turn back, because the part of town that we were going to would be unacceptable to their secu- rity advisor. And so, a considerable amount of self-censorship, generally based on a percep- tion of danger that wasn't always there. And the military promulgated that on a general level by shooting a dozen journalists in the last year. So, you can't trust the American military not to fucking kill you if you're not in shouting distance to where you can go, "Hey I'm a fuck- ing American." And if they hear that, they're usually very friendly, they'll still point their guns at you sometimes. But, you know: "Don't do that," and they'll stop. Can I bum a smoke? TMD: Yeah. DE: I'm quitting, really. TMD: Me too. It seems like in main- stream coverage we are never allowed to experience Iraq one person at a time - it's always the eye of the military, or some other vantage point, but never on a personal level - whereas you've described, in your blog and your articles, the troops and the Iraqi people as they are in front of you, what they do and say, the things they eat, the prayer mats that they pray on. What do you hope to accomplish by that kind of writing? Is it an appeal to people's common humanity? DE: To some extent, I would say so. You just identified it yourself. This is what we lack in mainstream, or call it what you will, from the reader. But I and a few other jour- nalists who do it, we're trying to close that gap. We're trying-to give a notion ofwhat life is like for these people, before what we did affected their lives and afterward, and how it affects them personally. I've had arti- cles cut from major magazines, because edi- tors will not buy this notion that things are worse now than they were before. And you need to do ground-level, human-level, first- person reporting to get that sense. But it's actually there, and the only way people are going to realize certain feelings exist or cer- tain things are the way there are is by inter- viewing one person at a time and hearing the story they have to tell. It's a long process, but it's very necessary. TMD: On the other side of things, you have many people who aren't getting that perspec- tive. In the sixth issue of the Baghdad Bulle- tin, which came out about this time last year, J. Hannay from Dallas, Texas, wrote in to say "The truth is Iraqis are their own worst ene- mies, not ours. The U.S. can always retreat to Fort Rumsfeld in Free Kurdistan, let Iraq be Iraq with the promise that if the country fol- lows the usual Muslim path we will kick their ass again ... and again ... and again until they get it right." Your paper was printed and dis- tributed in Iraq and published online for the whole world to see. What do this person's words mean to you, and what do you think they mean to the rest of the world reading them? DE: The reason I printed that, and I take entire responsibility - I was the editor of the magazine - is because I got shitloads of letters like that. I felt like, in printing that, I was representing a fairly widespread view held by a fairly widespread number of Americans, a very pejorative, very rac- ist, very frightening, frightening view. But I think that's a big part of what allowed us to get involved in the first place and to invade another country, with very little idea of what happens there. In distributing that to both Iraqis and Americans, and people worldwide, I wanted to highlight that, like in any country - you see people burning down synagogues in France, and you see this in the KKK in America - that there are large movements that are extremely racist and frightening, and that you have to be aware that these exist and that they do occasionally hold influence and precipitate certain things. If there weren't people in the U.S. who thought like this, I don't think an invasion of Iraq would have been possible. People were very willing to write it off as a backward-ass Muslim coun- try, you know, "Fuck the ragheads." You hear this from troops, you hear this from Ameri- 0 0 0