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October 28, 2004 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-10-28

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Thursday, October 28, 2004



Opinion 4

The Daily endors-
es regents.

Arts 8 Fatalities and gore fill
the world of "Mortal
Kombat: Deception."

e it ~j~ut~aiW

° 59

Sports 10

Gutierrez undergoes
shoulder surgery

One-hundredfourteen years ofeditorialfreedom

www.mic/dgandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 20 ©2004 The Michigan Daily

SBC sponsored matchup

By Josh Holman
Daily Sports Writer

Apparently, the soul of Michigan ,
athletics is not for sale, at least not'
for the price SBC offered.
Officials from both Michigana
and the Ohio State University
decided against allowing SBC
to sponsor the annual football
matchup between the two schools
and lend its name to the game.
"We were excited about the posi-
tive impact the agreement would have
New staff
to lobby
or recor
By Kristin Ostby
Daily Staff Reporter
To promote the Michigan Difference fundraising
campaign's goal of $2.5 billion, the University hired a
number of new staff members in the past year, each of
whom has significant experience in fundraising.
Perhaps the most significant hire was the appoint-
ment of Todd Baily as assistant dean for development
and alumni relations for the Law School. Baily has
spent several years learning how to attract prospective
For the last four years, Baily worked at the Mayo
Clinic in Rochester, Minn., where he was responsible
for fundraising programming for the entire clinic.
Before that, Baily worked in the University's Office for
He is one of 17 people hired throughout the Uni-
versity to assist in fundraising in the last year, said
Jerry May, vice president for development at the
"It's really important to have a great campaign staff
and help bring in some of these big gifts," May said.
May coordinates the University's 100-member team
that provides fundraising services for the University. He
also runs the Michigan Difference campaign, which
has a goal of raising $2.5 billion by 2008. In order to
reach its goal, the University needs to raise another $1
The campaign formally began in May and will run
until 2008. The University has been counting fundrais-
ing money toward the campaign since 2000.
May said the University is always looking for
donations, but this campaign will last longer than
past campaigns to compensate for the downturn
of the economy and the change in leadership from
President Lee Bollinger to President Mary Sue
Coleman in 2002.
May oversees the effort of the University's individual
schools, colleges and non-degree granting units, each of
which has its own development programs and fundrais-
ing goals.
Coleman said she also works closely with prospec-
tive benefactors. "I'm working with lots of donors for
the next four and a half years," she said. "I'm absolutely
confident that we're going to be able to (accomplish our
May also said the University is in discussion with
several people to develop their gifts for the University.
Gifts are not donated overnight, but typically after sev-
eral months, or even years, of careful planning, he said.
"The Michigan Difference campaign is the Univer-
sity campaign. It is all-inclusive," said Baily. "We here
at the Law School work only for the Law School objec-
The Law School's campaign is called 'Building On,'
whose objective is $135 million. So far, the Law School
has amassed nearly $71 million, about 44 percent of its
goal, Baily said.
Margaret Leary, director of the Law Library, was
chair of the search committee for assistant dean of devel-
opment and alumni relations. She said they were seek-
ing "someone with a successful track record in major

on the Department of Athlet-
ics, the University and the
community" OSU athletic
director Andy Geiger said
in a written statement.
"But as we attempted to
move forward, it became
apparent that this agree-
ment could detract from
the great tradition of the
game itself."
Michigan athletic direc-
tor Bill Martin said the main
point of contention between

the two schools and SBC was the addition of a
titled sponsorship. SBC, a regional telecommuni-
cations company, wanted to call the game "The
SBC Michigan-Ohio State Classic" for the next
two years. Each school was slated to receive over
$500,000 dollars for the two contests.
"The bottom line was that we simply weren't
able to work out the deal on all the points as a part
of it," Martin said.
SBC is a long-term corporate sponsor of both
Michigan and Ohio State. It also already spon-
sors two college football games - "The SBC Red
River Shootout" between Oklahoma and Texas and
"The SBC Cotton Bowl Classic."

Michigan has never been agains
sponsorship in general. It has a wel
relationship with Nike that supplies ath
with uniforms and apparel. Last yea
received $5.1 million from corporates
alone, enough to support nine non-reve
But those close to the athletic program
cerned about letting a sponsor take su
nent role in perhaps the biggest rival
A first statement was released M
ing that the universities and the telec
tions company were close to a deal. A
Martin, SBC wanted to move ahead on

t corporate details of the contract.
-publicized The University Board of Regents and Univer-
hletic teams sity President Mary Sue Coleman first learned
r, Michigan of the proposed details of the contract when the
sponsorship original statement was released. After discussions
enue sports. with Coleman and other officials, the athletic
s were eon- department decided to back out before the deal
ch a promi- was finalized.
ry in all of "If the fault for this lies any place, it lies with
me," Martin said. "I didn't focus enough on the
onday stat- titled sponsorship. I didn't recognize that and sit
ommunica- down and discuss that with Mary Sue, and that's
wcording to why it came up late."
n__ee ~w n_1_gr_

n marketing

See SBC, Page SA

This age group has the highest
rate of substance use because of life-
style changes that they are faced with.
They live away from their parents, are
unmonitored are not married, Bach-
man said.
"Twenty-one to 24 is the peak age
in general for substance abuse. It goes
down after because people's lifestyles
change. Most importantly, they get
married and substance use goes down,
and if they have kids it goes down even
more," Bachman said.
Just as cocaine use across the nation
rose overall for college students, Steve
said the increased prevalence of cocaine
coincided with the decrease of ecstasy
use on campus.
"It happened that time 'cause the
rave scene stopped. It tapered off in
2000 or early 2001, a lot of people
who I knew did coke had raved," Steve
With the ecstasy-fueled rave scene
dying, Steve said he was looking for
another high. He wasn't interested in
heroin or crack, however. Heroin was
a one-way street and crack was a drug
he was never exposed to because of its
stigma as a drug for the lower class.
Instead, he turned to cocaine, a sub-
stance that is often connected with the
upper class, he said.
To find a new high, he looked to the
social network that he was closest to
- brothers in his fraternity.
The Cocaine Scene
Steve illustrated how his social life
was involved with his first cocaine
experience. "I was in my fraternity
house. I was a freshman. I didn't want
to do it in my dorms, and it was the

easiest place to do it because that is
where I socialized," Steve said.
Steve's best friend Trevor, who
also requested to remain anonymous,
rationalizes that the Greek system's
involvement in drugs such as cocaine
is not coincidental. With 40,000 stu-
dents attending the University, com-
munities like the Greek system make
large universities more intimate, and
bring otherwise hard-to-get drugs and
people that would want to use them
into one location, Trevor said.
But Steve denies that his fraternity
brothers knew about his cocaine use in
the house. And he pointed out that the
Greek system in general does not sanc-
tion such activity.
"No one else knew that we were
doing it. Most people in frats don't do
it, or know their brothers are doing it,"
Steve said.
Jared Stasik, executive vice presi-
dent of the Interfraternity Council,
echoed Steve by saying there is noth-
ing inherent to the Greek system or the
people in it that encourages cocaine
abuse. He said members of the Greek
system are more educated about sub-
stance abuse because of programs set
up in the fraternities.
"I think if you're in the Greek sys-
tem you'll be in a lot more seminars
about alcohol and drug abuse than
the average student. Every member
of the Greek system has to go to (an
educational) presentation ... (that)
focuses on alcohol," Stasik said.
But despite the education, Steve
chose to try cocaine - but was not ini-
tially taken with it. When comparing
cocaine to ecstasy, cocaine fell sadly
See COCAINE, Page 5A

,UU3LNL x ,L , I .U1' LJOI
Steve, an LSA senior, talks about his struggles with cocaine addiction and how he fought back to
regain his life.

Mich. women second-most


Nationwide study considers vot
By Abby Stassen nifer Granholm as our governor helped us
For the Daily considerably, and so did having a female
state senator (Debbie Stabenow)," said
According to a study by the Institute Anne Doyle, the communications council
for Women's Policy Research, Michigan for the Nokomis Foundation, which funded

women are the second-most politically
active women in the United States. The
study, released on earlier this month, was
based on women's voter registration and
turnout and the number of women elected
to office, among others things.
The composite score for women's pogiti-
cal participation in Michigan also Pose
from a C+ to a B since the study was last
conducted in 2002.
"The big change of getting that compos-
ite score and being second in the country
is because of women in office. Having Jen-

the report.
Women in Michigan are 13th in voter reg-
istration and 11th in voter turnout through-
out the nation.
Women outnumbered men at the polls in
the last presidential election by more than
200,000 voters, Doyle said. "The women's
vote will determine the electoral vote in
this election if they turn out in the num-
bers they have consistently in the past," she
Some say the more prominent issues in
this year's election will influence women's

ing stati
participation at the pc
"Women have been
campaign this year,"
chair of College R
Bush's stance on p
and equality really h
women. A lot of wom
child care and health
strong Head Start p
women are going to s
Others noted the po
president naming a
justice, potentially c
make-up of the curre
"I think that wome
the difference in this
at stake, especially co
Court," said Jenny N,

poiticall active
1** *
stics, female politicians
olls. of the Michigan Student Assembly.
n very involved in the "I think it's going to be really crucial that
said Allison Jacobs, we elect a president that's going to appoint
epublicans. "I think justices that will continue to support our
artial-birth abortions rights," added Nathan, who is also the for-
hits home for a lot of mer chair of the College Democrats.
en have concerns with However, not all numbers for women's
h insurance. Bush has participation are as encouraging. Accord-
rograms, and I think ing to Inside Michigan Politics newsletter,
ee that." the number of female county commission-
ssibility of next term's ers shrank for the third successive elec-
new Supreme Court tion in 2002. The total of women county
hanging the political commissioners in Michigan is 133, which
nt court. is as low as it's been at any time in the past
n will absolutely make decade.
election with all that's "There's not such great news on the hori-
nsidering the Supreme zon in the state House," said Jean Doss, a
vathan, vice president See WOMEN, Page 7A

Bill in U.S. Senate proposes
. to standardize state IDs

By Christina Hlldreth
Daily Staff Reporter
Working to close security loopholes
identified by the Sept. 11 commission, the
U.S. House of Representatives on Oct. 1
passed a bill that, if approved by the Sen-
ate, would reform the process of issuing
state driver's licenses.
Drafted by Michigan Rep. Candice
Miller (R-Harrison Twp.), the license

"This bill will allow officials to have a high level of
confidence that this person is who he says he is."
- Sean Moran
Legislative director for Rep. Candice Miller (R-Harrison Twp.)

of 17 acceptable documents, and one
secondary document - either another
primary one or a document from a list
,n4 aia, an rntharc.

ciation of Motor Vehicle Administra-
tors maintains an interstate database,
yet Michigan and Wisconsin are not in


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