2B - The Michigan Daily - SportsWednesday - October 20, 2004
Traditions keep fencei
By Jack Herman
Daily Sports Writer
"I felt my dignity lowered to a new level, but I
was willing to make the sacrifice for my team."
These were the words of Drew Ahrroun, a mem-
ber of the Michigan club fencing team, describing
his participation in the choreographed dance com-
petition at the yearly formal dance the team holds.
He was part of the men's foil squad that defeated
the long reigning champion men's epee team by
performing a dance to Sisqo's "Thong Song."
Memories like these help the members of the squad
- which will compete at the Remenyik Open in Evan-
ston this weekend - succeed as a team.
"It's an individual sport, but you still have to work
together to improve," fencer Diane Fiander said.
Despite the fact that "working together" means
hitting your teammate with a sharp metal object,
the team gets along very well.
"They are so much fun to be around," first-
year member Sandhya Kirshnam said of her older
teammates. "It's because of them that we get our
Kirshnam is not the only member who feels this
way. Ask any other member of the team and you'll
get a similar response - it's the people, not nec-
essarily the sport, that keeps them coming back
week after week.
"These are the friendliest people you'll ever
meet," Christina Brewton said of her teammates.
It's not just the time together inside the gym that
the team cherishes; it's also those special moments
outside of the sport which help them bond and ulti-
mately make the team successful.
"It's a good thing to hang out with your team-
mates after you're exhausted from practice," Fian-
der said.
Two traditions have held up particularly well for
the Wolverine - the formal dance and, of course,
the road trip.
The dance is held at the end of every year, and
gives the team an opportunity to have some fun
with each other as well as embarrass themselves.
The other tradition is the naming of the "Paper
Plate Award" winners. As one can infer, the team
gives out awards in the form of a paper plate to
different teammates.
For example, club president Josh Jacques was
the winner of the "Pretty Pretty Princess" award,
which he earned for spending the most time in the
The team also has a few traditions that it employs
on every road trip.
One custom of the team is to go to Outback
Steakhouse before every away match. Of course
this becomes twice as fun when they're in the mid-
dle of Columbus wearing all of the Maize and Blue
paraphernalia they can get their hands on. No mat-
ter where they may be, they will find an Outback.
At times they have had to travel more than an hour
away just to continue this tradition.
Another tradition is the "Foil Fixing Party"
before every away match. Because equipment is
very expensive and breaks easily, it is often more
efficient to try to fix it rather than buy more. So the
S laughing
team gets together to fix all its equipment before
the big match.
Practical jokes are also the norm. Team mem-
bers fondly recall staging a fencing match inside of
a hotel lobby before a meet at Northwestern, scar-
ing many women who were attending a convention
at the hotel. But as Meg Nisch can tell you, practi-
cal jokes are not only reserved for people outside
the team.
Nisch recalls a joke from last year, when the
team was making the trip to New Hampshire for
a national competition (in which it would finish
fourth overall). Teammate George Kiwada was in
another one of the team's vans and called Nisch to
tell her he had been stopped by Canadian border
Kiwada then told Nisch he was being detained
by the "police" - her teammates - who then got
on the phone to ask Nisch questions about Kiwa-
da's status as a U.S. citizen. After answering the
questions, Kiwada informed Nisch of the practical
joke and had quite a laugh.
"I was worried about George," Nisch said. "But
there will be payback."
Sean O'Brien sums up what he loves about fenc-
ing for the team and why he thinks everyone, no
matter their skill level, should try it.
"It's not just a sport," O'Brien said. "Everyone
comes in here clumsy. People who have been doing
it here started out the same way. It's as much about
having fun and enjoying yourself as it is fenc-
ing. Fencing's a lot of fun, but its just good being
around fun people."
Athlete of the Week
Name: Rebecca Walter Team: Cross Country
Hometown: Beverly Hills, Mich. Class: Junior
Why: Walter was named Big Ten Athlete of the
Week after placing fourth at NCAA Pre-Nationals
over the weekend. The junior finished with a time of
20:20.1 in the event held in Terra Haute, Ind. Walter's
finish led the Wolverines to a second-place showing
in the White Division, 15 points behind Colorado. Walter
Date Event
Ice Hockey at Lake Superior State
M Tennis at Midwest Regionals
W Tennis at Midwest Regionals
M Tennis at Midwest Regionals
W Tennis at Midwest Regionals
Field Hockey vs. California
W Soccer at Michigan State
W Cross Country at EMU Classic
M Cross Country at EMU Classic
Volleyball vs. Northwestern
M Soccer at Wisconsin
Field Hockey vs. Ohio State
Football at Purdue
Volleyball vs Wisconsin
Ice Hockey vs Lake Superior State
M Tennis at Main Draw
W Tennis at Main Draw
Sault Ste. Marie
Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor
East Lansing
Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor
West Lafayette
Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor
7:30 p.m.
3 p.m.
4 p.m.
4 p.m.
7 p.m.
8 p.m.
2 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
12:33 p.m.
2 p.m.
Oakland, Seattle
finalize Rice deal
10/24 W Rowing at Head of the Charles
10/24 M Soccer at Northwestern
6 V9
golfers with 215 (70-70-75) strokes,
and her team led the entire time.
- Max Kardon
ALAMEDA, Calif. (AP) - Jerry
Rice is leaving the Bay Area, where
he quickly developed into the great-
est receiver in NFL history with a
relentless work ethic that still defines
him today.
Disgruntled for weeks at a lack of
playing time for the struggling Oak-
land Raiders, Rice got his wish, when
a trade sending him from Oakland to
Seattle was finalized and announced
yesterday. The move reunites him
with Seattle coach Mike Holmgren,
Rice's former offensive coordinator in
San Francisco.
The Raiders received a conditional
seventh-round draft pick in 2005 in
return for Rice. The Seahawks will
owe Rice the remainder of his $1.35
million base salary this season.
The 42-year-old Rice, in his 20th
NFL season, said goodbye to his
teammates Monday, even signing
autographs for some before leaving.
Women's golf rallies
for sixth-place finish Strong final day not
enough for men's golf
A trophy and his belongings
remained in his locker.
"Yeah, we knew," fullback Zack
Crockett, one of Rice's longtime
friends, told the AP in a phone inter-
view. "Right now, everything is so
fresh. This is a real sad day. You lose
a lot of close friends as well. We'll
definitely miss him."
In one dramatic day, the last of the
Oakland's old guard was swept away.
Earlier, injured quarterback Rich
Gannon announced he won't return
to the field for the Raiders this season
because of a broken vertebra in his
Gannon acknowledged that with
longtime receiver Tim Brown already
gone and Rice virtually out the door
- and his own football future uncer-
tain - this could mark the end of a
special era for the Silver and Black.
"You could look at it that way," Gan-
non said. "Obviously, when you hire a
Jerry Rice holds up his new Seattle uniform, during yesterday's press conference.
The No. 17 Michigan women's
golf team hauled its clubs to Rogers,
Ark., over the weekend to compete
in the Lady Razorback Invitational
at Pinnacle Country Club.
The Wolverines saw mixed suc-
cess, battling strong winds in
Monday's second round to post a
disappointing score of 315.
Despite the second round struggle,
Michigan managed to finish near the
top of a strong field yesterday with
a three-day total of 923 - placing
sixth in the 19-team tournament.
Sophomore Brianna Broderick post-
ed an impressive score of 225 (74-
77-74) to propel herself to seventh
place, her fourth consecutive top-10
Junior Amy Schmucker claimed
ninth place with a 228-stroke total
that would have improved the Wol-
verines' standing, but she competed
as an individual entrant.
Iowa State dominated the field,
taking home the toiirnameiint trophy
with 905 combined strokes. The
Cyclones' Lisa Meshke posted the
lowest individual total, leading all
Even with a tournament-best final
round score of 297, the Michigan
men's golf team placed 13th out of
14 teams at this weekend's Cola-Cola
Duke Golf Classic.
The team got off to a rough start,
tallying rounds of 310 and 305 the first
two days of the tournament. The Wol-
verines redeemed themselves in the
final round, but their tournament total
of 912 was not enough to push them
past Virginia Tech, Charlotte or Drake,
who claimed 10th through 12th.
Junior Christain Vozza was tied for
fifth at the end of the first day with
two rounds of even-par 72. But after
some less successful rounds on the
final two days, Vozza dropped back
to a tie for 21st place overall.
Other highlights included a 2-
under-par round of 70 by sophomore
Kevin Dore, as well as another even-
par 72 round from freshman Brian
Fifth-year seiior RobTighe (34th)
and Ottenweller (49th) were the only
other Wolverines to place in the top 50.
- Ellen McGarrity
new coach there are some changes. I
want to think of it as a beginning of
an era."
Rice asked last week to be traded
before yesterday's deadline because
he knew his role the rest of the season
would continue to be minimal in new
coach Norv Turner's offense.
"I would think it would give any
team a boost, but really it's up to the
Raiders," Holmgren said. "It's really
their call."
Holmgren was Rice's offensive coor-
dinator from 1989-91 with-the 49ers,
and Holmgren was San Francisco's
quarterbacks coach starting in Rice's
second season with the team in 1986..
Seattle was a logical destination for
Rice because he knows Holmgren's
offense and Seahawks could use some
help at receiver.
The University of Michigan
Department of Recreational Sports
Intramural Sports Program
I .
Entries due:
Wed, 10/20
4:30 PM
IM Building
Entry Fee:
$35.00 per team
Manager's Meeting:
Thur, 10/21
6:00 PM
IM Building
Tournament Dates:
taken online 10/23, & 10/24
Mitchell Fields
Pre-Season Football
' ,
Entries due:
Wed, 11/03
4:30 PM
IM Building
Entry Fee:
$180.00 per team
Manager's Meeting:
Thur, 11/04
6:30 PM
IM Building
Tournament Dates:
11/7- 11/18
Yost Ice Arena
Ice Hockey
s '
Entries taken:
Mon, 10/25 ONLY
IM Building
Entry Fee:
$88.00 per team
Manager's Meeting:
Wed, 10/27
6:00 PM or 9:00 PM
IM Building
Play begins:
Thurs, 10/28
Mitchell Fields
Pinar Innhn I
Entries taken:
Mon, 10/25 ONLY
11:00 AM - 5:30PM
IM Building
Entry Fee:
$55.00 per team
Manager's Meeting:
Wed, 10/27
7:15 PM
IM Building
Play begins:
Thurs, 10/28
IM Building
1: ILJ 4
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