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October 20, 2004 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-10-20

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8A - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Continued from page 1A
among the IFC presidents, and they expressed outrage," he said.
"Once the presidents are on line, it's just a matter of getting the
general Greek population."
Other members of fraternities and sororities would not com-
ment on the allegations, including Panhel spokeswoman Lauren
Herskovic. "I have no idea what's going on," she said. "That is a
very touchy subject that shouldn't be discussed in a newspaper, it
should be dealt with internally."
Nobody has reported being seriously injured as a result of hazing
to the University this year. During an incident that resulted in the
permanent expulsion of fraternity Sigma Chi last fall, a pledge suf-
fered kidney failure after having water withheld and being forced
to perform physical endurance exercises. "Fortunately nobody has
been seriously physically hurt at this point," Eklund said. "But it
feels only lucky that there hasn't been physical harm."
She said multiple organizations are investigating the inci-
dents, including the University's Department of Public Safety,
AAPD and OSCR, which investigates and determines appropri-
ate responses for violations of the Statement of Student Rights
and Responsibilities. The Greek system has its own disciplinary
mechanisms and national fraternity and sorority organizations
may also take action against local chapters.
Other parts of the Division of Student Affairs such as Coun-
seling and Psychological Services and the Sexual Abuse Preven-
tion and Awareness Center are extending outreach and support for
those involved in these incidents.
A Michigan anti-hazing law that went into effect in August
will also affect any person committing hazing activities. The law
defines hazing as an intentional, knowing or reckless act that puts
the individual's physical health and safety at risk and applies to any
activity "done for the purpose of pledging, initiation, or to gain or
maintain membership in an organization." Violations can result in
misdemeanor charges when hazing results in physical injury or fel-
ony charges if the outcome is serious bodily impairment or death.

Continued from page 1A
Ann Arbor resident Ivan Zamperla said,
"My criticism is that Democrats attack and call
people names. It is not good to call a sitting
president dumb, especially when Democrats are
concerned with political correctness."
Many viewers also commented upon the visu-
al depiction of the figures. Christina Morales-
Hemenway, a filmmaker, said, "The use of light
and dark colors, and shadows allows for the
viewer to make up their mind."
Sarah Soebbing, a senior at Eastern Michi-
gan University, described the paintings as
amazing and powerful. "Beautiful and sick-
ening ... it exposes their flaws, especially
Bush," she said.
The exhibit was first displayed in New York
City, coinciding with the Republican Nation-
al Convention. After passing through Ann
Arbor yesterday, the exhibit is now moving
on to Chicago; Crawford, Texas; Little Rock,
Ark.; Selma, Ala.; and finally culminating in
Washington the weekend before Election Day
on Nov. 2.
"There were certain logistical places. We
wanted to get to Texas and wanted to go to the
Midwest and south," Wilson said.
Wilson said he and Hollenshead were trying
to get their art into rural and suburban com-
munities in order to capture the sentiment that
exists there.
He added that he painted the specific figures
because they "represent all the facets of for-
eign policy" that have created a shift in the way
America interacts with the world.

Continued from page 1A
is a major diversion from existing Amer-
ican policy," Stockton said.
"(We) have to work with the Israelis
as well as the Palestinians, so I do think
(Kerry) would be more active in engag-
ing both sides," he said.
Stockton added that Bush was too
close to Sharon to enact policy satis-
factory to both parties. "He basically
endorsed Sharon's building of the barrier
and his involvement in Gaza," he said.
Kerry has been somewhat inconsis-
tent in his proposals for resolving the
Mideast conflict, especially with regard
to the security wall. While he has voiced
support for the security wall, he also told
the Arab American Institute last year
that the building of the wall was "coun-
"I know how disheartened Palestin-
ians are by the Israeli government's
decision to build a barrier off the 'Green
Line,' cutting deeply into Palestinian
areas," Kerry said last year. "We do not
need another barrier to peace."
For this reason and others, Evans said,
"the best hope for the conflict is under
While sensitive issues such as the ref-
ugee problem, construction of the wall in
the West Bank, the status of Jerusalem
and Israel's pullout from the West Bank
and Gaza remain to be solved, the pri-
mary issue that must be settled is how

negotiations will begin and proceed.
Despite Kerry and Bush both express-
ing pro-Israeli sentiments, support for the
Security Wall as well as a need for new
Palestinian leadership, Evans represents
Republicans who fear that Kerry may
take a Clinton-esque approach of getting
Arafat on the negotiating table, sending
mixed signals to "terrorists," and under-
mining the importance of reforming Pal-
estinian politics before embarking on the
roadmap to peace.
This roadmap is the official docu-
ment approved by the United States,
United Nations, European Union and
Russia in 2002 to implement peace
within the region in three steps: trans-
formation of Palestinian government,
transition to democracy and finally Pal-
estinian statehood.
Although the original plan scheduled
the third step to be underway by this year
and completed by 2005, in reality the
peace process has been stuck at step one
with experts predicting that it will stay
that way until Arafat is unseated, allow-
ing more moderate politicians to rise to
power and reform Palestinian politics.
But opponents argue that the United
States, along with th rest of the interna-
tional community needs to play a more
dominant role in transforming Palestin-
ian politics.
Another point on which Kerry will
be strong is enlisting the help of other
countries to deal with the problem,
Stockton said.

However, Bush supporters feel this
may be a sign of weakness.
"I've learned the only one thing that
terrorists respect is power, and if you
show signs of weakness they will use
terrorism as a negotiating tool," Evans
said. "I think Kerry will make terrorism
a civil rights problem like Clinton did.
Kerry's policy would jeopardize the war
on terrorism and security of America by
redefining the war on terrorism as a civil
rights problem."
Ray Tanter, a member of the Council
on Foreign Relations as well as a former
member of the National Security Coun-
cil under President Ronald Reagan,
added that the solution was to reform
Palestinian institutions with the rise of
new leaders after the death of Arafat.
"Arafat stands in the face of reform,"
said Tanter, describing Arafat as
Tanter also criticized Kerry's plan,
saying, "If Kerry were to become presi-
dent, he would pay more attention to the
peace process and the road map with
less attention to reform of the Palestin-
ian institutions. He would not make any
progress and would eventually come
around to the same policy as President
Partisan fears that Democrats may
take too loose an approach in dealing
with Arafat or that Republicans may be
too closely tied with Israel are height-
ened by the two men who will be advis-
ing Bush or Kerry on Israeli policies in
the next four years.
If Bush wins, Elliot Abrams will
most likely continue to be senior direc-
tor for Near East and North African
Affairs. Abrams, a longtime supporter
of Israel, who was appointed to the
position in 2002, was an assistant Sec-
retary of State in the Reagan admin-
Stockton said Abrams has little
experience in the Middle East affairs
and his "strange partisan" views and
support for Israel's right wing Likud
party make him unfit for the job.
Arab American leaders have also
pointed to the appointment of Abrams
as a setback to Palestinian interests.
President of the Arab American
Institute James Zogby said Abram's
appointment in 2002 was "a very dan-
gerous message to the Arab world" and
adds to the "lock that the neocon set
now has on all the major instruments
of decision-making..."
But inside Israel, it seems that most
citizens of Israel are happy with the
policies put in place by Abrams and
President Bush. Last week 10 news-
papers from as many countries con-
ducted "elections" to see whether their
countrymen would vote for Bush or
Kerry if they were voting in the Amer-
ican election. Israelis were one of the
two citizenries supporting a Bush win,
with only 24 percent voting for Kerry.
Evans, who has traveled many times
to Israel and for the last 30 years has
maintained personal relationships with
Israeli prime ministers, said he attri-
butes this to the fact that the Israeli
people feel the war on terrorism -
specifically, the war in Iraq - makes
them safer in their country.
From the Republican side, fears that a
Kerry administration would favor a pol-
icy of negotiations between Israelis and
the current Palestinian administration
are also heightened because of Kerry's
point man on Israel: Jay Footlik.
The former advisor to the Clinton
administration played a role in the
signing of the Oslo Accords as well as
the 2000 Camp David talks. His role in
the past is everything Republicans are
against: negotiating with the current
Palestinian authority instead of defeat-
ing them with a show of power.

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