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October 14, 2004 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-10-14

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Thursday, October 14, 2004

Opinion 5A

Impediments to
student voting

Arts 1OA "NBA Live 2005"
nails a slam dunk

One-hundredjourteen years ofedtorilfreedom


LOW 43

Sports 14A

Notre Dame avenges
NCAA loss last year,
wins 3-0 in South Bend


Ann Arbor, Michigan

Vol. CXV, No. 12

02004 The Michigan Daily

C Otgk)s 04


last stand

Phony calls ask
A voters to
give up ballots

By Anne Joling
Daily Staff Reporter
A statement released by the Ann
Arbor City Clerk's Office yesterday
alerted citizens about fraudulent phone
calls in which the caller asked the
recipient for information on whether
they were voting by absentee ballot.
The callers
falsely claimed "A caller m
they represented
the City Clerk's suggested
Office or the
Michigan State the persoi
Election Com-
mittee, and asked them an u
for ballots to be absentee b
returned to them.
Police Depart-
ment received Ann Arbor Cii
one complaint
from a woman who
received such a call and the clerk's office
received six or seven reports from resi-
dents who received the suspicious calls.
In the case reported to the AAPD,
the caller asked the resident whether
she had received an absentee ballot.
"The woman then asked the caller
for her name and the (caller), who
identified herself as being from the.
Michigan State Election Committee,

refused to give her name. The woman
asked her a couple more times and the
caller hung up," AAPD Sgt. Pat Ouel-
lette said.
In one particular case, "a caller
may have suggested that the person
send them an unused absentee ballot"

according to
clerk's office.
nay have
n send
Statement fro
ty Clerk's Offi
it doesn't kn
"We have

the statement from the
The mayor's
office was also
alerted by several
concerned voters
who had received
such calls.
"We're going
to do our best to
inform the pub-
lic about this so
they can protect
m themselves," Ann
ce Arbor Mayor
John Hieftje said.
The AAPD said
ow who is behind the
no idea who might be

making these phone calls, we're ask-
ing anyone who has any information
or has received a similar phone call to
contact us," Ouellette said.
Residents with any information can
call the AAPD's anonymous tip line at

LSA seniors Lauren Homes, left, and Christen Johnson, right, watch the presidential debate in the MLK lounge of Bursley Residence Hall at an event hosted by
the fraternity Omega Psi Phi last night.

Infinalpresidential debate,
candidates touch all the bases

Whom to call
The Ann Arbor Police Department, the Mayor's Office
and the City Clerk's Office have all received reports of
phony phone calls made by people claiming to repre-
sent city and election officials. The callers have asked
voters to turn in their ballots to unauthorized locations.3
* Persons who have received such calls may contact the
AAPD at 99-39.
Ho-me schooled
students ex3cel

By Donn M. Fresard
and Jameel Nagv
Daily Staff Reporters

President Bush and Democratic nominee John Kerry
clashed for the third and final time in last night's debate,
focusing on domestic issues and broaching foreign policy
as well.
One of the major points of contention in the debate was
fiscal discipline, with each candidate accusing the other
of being more irresponsible with government spending.
Kerry criticized Bush's tax cuts as "unaffordable" and
said his spending increases have contributed to unaccept-
able deficit levels.
"We're going to restore the fiscal discipline we had in
the 1990s," Kerry said. "Every plan that I have laid out
- my health-care plan, my plan for education, my plan
for kids to be able to get better college loans --I've shown
exactly how I'm going to pay for those."
Bush responded that Kerry's "rhetoric doesn't match

A CBS poll showed 39
percent of responders said
Kerry won while 25 percent
said Bush won the debate.
his record" in the Senate, claiming that the Mass. sena-
tor has voted to increase taxes 98 times and that Kerry's
spending proposals will cost $2.2 trillion.
College Republicans member Kevin Olson watched
the debate at a bipartisan event hosted by the American
Movement for Israel at the University Hillel. Olson, an
Engineering freshman, said he did not blame the president
for the record-breaking deficit.
"Any president in office during 9/11 would face the
same problems," he said.
The two candidates presented a clear contrast on health

care, with Bush promoting his health savings accounts
- which would allow individuals to save tax-free money
toward health-care costs - and Kerry defending his plan
for expanded federally funded health care from Bush's
Continuing the theme of his recent attacks against Ker-
ry's plan, Bush characterized it as "federally controlled
health care" and said it would lead to rationing and less
choice. Bush also depicted Kerry's plan as over-ambitious
and expensive.
Kerry argued that his plan is optimal and gives Ameri-
cans more choices, adding that Bush's characterization
of his health-care plan has been called incorrect by two
major television news networks. Bush dismissed that line
of argument, saying, "In all due respect, I'm not so sure it's
credible to quote leading news organizations about - oh,
never mind."
According to Factcheck.org, a nonpartisan website
run by the University of Pennsylvania, Bush's depictions
See DEBATE, Page 8A

By Alexa Jenner
Daily Staff Reporter

Consultant to advise on SAPAC changes

By Aymar Jean
Daily Staff Reporter
Seeking to ease a contentious transi-
tion in sexual assault services, the Divi-
sion of Student Affairs has brought in a
University-employed consultant to gath-
er information and report to the division
on the progress of the changes.
Over the summer, the administration
made changes to the University's sexual
assault services. Under the plan, Counsel-
ing and Psychological Services received
two full-time sexual assault counselors
from the Sexual Assault Prevention and

Awareness Center.
The move relieved


SAPAC of its F______
counseling burden,
allowing the office to focus on education
and advocacy, administrators said.
But some students and assault sur-
vivors are still wary of these changes.
By moving sexual assault counseling to
CAPS, the administration is fragmenting
services to the detriment of survivors of
sexual violence, they say.
Under these conditions, Lisa Schei-
man, a certified nurse for more than a
decade, midwife at University Hospital

and coordinator of
TR ATON the Sexual Assault
Nurse Examiner,
will try to ensure
that the transition goes smoothly. For the
next few months, Scheiman will talk to
staffers at SAPAC and CAPS, as well as
student leaders to assess how the tran-
sition is going between the two offices.
She will also keep working full-time for
SANE - a program of nurses providing
emergency services to survivors.
"One of my purposes is to be a sound-
ing board for people that have continued
questions about the transition and how it's

going. And I want to provide a confiden-
tial place for students and staff to go to
discuss ways that they think the transition
might not be going well," Scheiman said.
Scheiman will be paid a fee for her
She has already met with SAPAC's
advisory board and administrators at
Student Affairs.
SAPAC director Kelly Cichy said
Scheiman has extensive experience with
sexual assault, both from a medical and
survivor perspective. With Scheiman's
work at SANE and the Washtenaw
See SAPAC, Page 8A

At a young age Peter Schriemer,
now an LSA senior, adapted to the
life of learning at home because
his local elementary school in Ann
Arbor was overpopulated.
"I was a very active kid, so my
mom decided to home school me
that year, and she loved it so much
that I was home schooled up through
high school," Schriemer said. As the
oldest child, Schriemer set a fam-
ily trend: His three younger siblings
were also home schooled.
Now, as he prepares for graduation
in the spring, Schriemer is working
with the Discovery Channel and
PBS to develop his wildlife special,
"Beyond Your Doorstep" which won
him a People's Choice Award from
the National Religious Broadcasters
in California at the age of 17. "Home-
schooling taught me that education is
life and life is education, and that's
what inspired this special. I wanted
to teach kids," he said.
Schreimer is one of the few stu-
dents at the University who were

home schooled from kindergarten
through high school.
Yet Michigan has one of the high-
est rates of home schooled students
per capita in the country. Nation-
wide, these students rival their peers
on standardized tests, according to
University admissions personnel.
In this year's freshman class there
are only four students - all from
Michigan-that were home schooled
through high school, according to the
Nick Cudney, a graduate student
in the Dental School, was home
schooled from fifth to eighth grade
because of his dyslexia.
"By the time I reached fifth grade
I was three years behind in reading
and writing, and my mom decided
to home school me," Cudney said. It
only took a year of home schooling
for him to catch up with his class,
Cudney said.
Cudney took his high school class-
es at a community college and then
went to Wheaton College, outside
Chicago. Now, at the age of 20, Cud-
ney is ahead of his peers, already in

Forum offers students MIP tips

-- -----------

)y Kelly McDermott
Paily Staff Reporter
Students had the chance to ask a University lawyer
how to avoid minors in possession of alcohol violations at
a discussion in the style of a town hall meeting last night.
This meeting is the first in a series called "Know Your
Rights" that the Michigan Student Assembly is hosting
in an effort to inform students of their rights when facing
i alcoho1 infractions.

Understanding the law
The Michigan Student Assembly is sponsor-
ing a series of forums to inform students of
their rights on issues such as signing hous-
ing leases and alcohol law violations.
Stuient I aal ServicesD irector Doug Lewis

Doug Lewis,
director of
Student Legal
from students
on how to
avoid getting
a minors in
possession of
citation at




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