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October 13, 2004 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-10-13

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8A - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 13, 2004


Continued from page 1
in these areas are mostly older visitors,
alumni and parents, Brown said. Most
lots also require expensive permits.
"It ends up, because the way the
geography is laid out, that the stu-
dents end up partying at their houses,
and then the older people are the ones
doing the tailgating," Brown said.
"The level of intoxication - while
there is some of it in the golf course
area and in some of these parking
lots - is well under control."
Brown added that many people given
citations are not affiliated with the Uni-
versity. She also said most citations
issued are for minors in possession and
urinating in public.
Compared to the week before,
Michigan State officials reported
a slight decrease in the amount of
alcohol-related citations given at
their Saturday home football game
against Illinois - the first home
game since the enactment of new
tailgating rules and restrictions.
Sgt. Florene Taylor of Michigan State's
police said 66 citations were handed
out during the game Saturday. Of these
citations, Taylor said most were MIPs.
Eighty-five citations were distributed
during Michigan State's football game
against Notre Dame on Sept. 18, and 43
Continued from page 1
their vote."
As evidence for their allegation
that Republicans plan to disenfran-
chise minority voters, Democrats
also cited remarks by state Rep. John
Pappageorge (R-Troy), who said in
a July interview with the Detroit
Free Press that, "If (Republicans) do
not suppress the Detroit vote, we're
going to have a tough time in this

citations were handed out at the game
against Central Michigan University on
Sept. 11.
In comparison, at the Michigan
football game against Minnesota
Saturday, DPS distributed 22 cita-
tions - 16 for alcohol in the stadi-
um, five for urinating in public and
one for possessing another's ID.
DPS also made eight arrests - six
for MIPs, one for disorderly conduct
and one for nonaggravated assault.
At Michigan State there were
also 15 arrests made at the Illinois
game last weekend, but they were
not related to the new regulations.
"No one was arrested as a result of
drinking games," Taylor said.
Last football season, 432 inci-
dents were reported in seven games.
So far this year, including Satur-
day's game, 194 incidents have been
reported in three games.
Some Michigan State students
said they were dissatisfied with the
new rules. Junior Mike Mieszcak
said the new regulations seemed
reasonable when first announced,
but he saw an increase in police
presence at a tailgate he attended
this Saturday.
"When we got there I saw three
people get MIPs at 7 a.m. - the
first girl wasn't drinking anything,
but they stopped her, asked for her
Detroit is overwhelmingly Demo-
cratic and along with its surround-
ing area contains the majority of the
state's black population.
Pappageorge, who was serving in
the Bush campaign at the time of his
remarks, was widely criticized for
his statements and later apologized.
Greg Malivuk, president of the
University chapter of the American
Civil Liberties Union, said he wel-
comes the Democrats' plan. He said

ID, searched her purse, found a beer
and gave her an MIP. Cops were
walking around in groups of nine,"
he added.
Michigan State juniors Lauren
Vanderworp and Kathleen McDon-
ald said many students stayed away
from the on-campus lots.
"Most people either left early or
stayed home and tailgated. Overall, tail-
gating wasn't nearly as crowded as it had
been last time there was a home game,"
Vanderworp said.
"People stayed and tailgated at
their houses and played drinking
games," McDonald said.
Mieszczak also said students
"feel helpless" under the new poli-
cies. "We're represented, but they
just hear what we have to say. They
don't listen to us," he said.
But Taylor said DPPS does not
want to prevent students from drink-
ing altogether.
"We're not trying to get people to
stop drinking. We just want them to
drink more responsibly and to abide
by the laws. If you're 21, you cer-
tainly can drink, but you need to do
so responsibly," Taylor said.
"It's a health and safety issue first
and foremost," Denbow added. "The
bottom line is we're trying to protect
the tailgating traditions at Michigan
State and not threaten them."
one concern for student voters is that
they might be told at the polls that
they need a Michigan driver's license
to vote, when in fact they do not.
"If there's somebody there who
knows what the rules are, and is will-
ing to make sure that you're allowed
to vote if you're supposed to vote, that
would definitely be a positive thing,"
said Malivuk, an LSA senior.
- Daily News Editor Andrew
Kaplan contributed to this article.

Continued from page 1
vative and will be able to leverage tech-
nology to create better products.
With respect to the current court
battle in Delaware, Oracle is trying
to repeal PeopleSoft's "poison pill"
provision, which states that People-
Soft customers may seek a refund
Continued from page 1
"We wouldn't want them to weak-
en the multicultural Greek family.
As a whole, we wouldn't want to
weaken ourselves by dividing when
we are already a minority," Nguyen
Latino organizations on cam-
pus have had a history of oppos-
ing Michigamua. In the past, many
of them supported the Students of
Color Coalition, a group formed to
protest Michigamua, and the Native
American student groups, who
in 2000 took over Michiguama's
tower space in the Union in order
to bring attention to Michigamua's
controversial practices.
These included housing Native
American artifacts and using offen-
sive names like "squaw" to refer to
"Throughout history there has
been something consistently wrong
with (Michigamua's) discrimination
against Native American culture.
They really offended, injured and
scared the Native American com-
munity in Michigan. ... (Because
of this) we didn't feel comfortable
having a Michiguama member rep-
resent us," Ramos said.
Soni would not comment on her
decision to join Michigamua. But
William Marquez, alumni adviser
to Sigma Lambda Beta, the only
Latino fraternity that stayed in the

from the company after takeover.
Under the provision, customers can
receive more money back than they orig-
inally paid for PeopleSoft's services.
The provision, which was implement-
ed by PeopleSoft's Board of Directors,
would make an acquisition very costly for
Oracle, potentially costing the company
S2 billion.
University Law prof Vikramaditya
multicultural council, said Soni's
decision to join Michigamua is in
fact an honorable one, because she
is trying to bring change from with-
in the organization.
"Jaya is well aware of the history
of Michigamua. But it's either put
up or shut up. She's very brave to go
against the grain and make a differ-
ence. It says a lot about a person's

Khanna said that the use of poison pill is
common in hostile takeovers and Oracle
will have a tough time trying to get rid of
this provision.
The judge can force the repeal of this
poison pill provision "if (he or she) feels
that the Board has violated its fiduciary
responsibility." Khanna said.
If the judge were to repeal this provi-
sion, Oracle would be able to purchase
individuals had the same objectives
and have not been able to change it,"
Ramos said.
Nguyen of Alpha Kappa Delta Phi
said that in the wake of the contro-
versy surrounding Soni and Mich-
iguama, her sorority remained loyal
to Soni.
"We trust in her as a person. We
decided she was qualified as a presi-

personality," Mar-
quez said.,
He added that
all fraternities and
sororities have
shameful elements
of their history, and
that it is up to indi-
vidual members to
join and try to bet-
ter them.
"Jaya decided to
join an organiza-
tion with a shame-
ful history. She
joined to alter it.
People need to give
her the opportunity
Marquez said.
Ramos countered

'Jaya decided to join
an organization
with a shameful
history. She
joined to alter it."
- William Marquez
Alumni adviser,
Sigma Lambda Beta

dent. That's what
we based it on,
not her affilia-
Nguyen added
that Soni has
actually gone
above and
beyond her duty
as president of
the council. She
said she has
made an active
effort to work
with other coun-
cils and raise the
potential of the

to change it,"
that because

Michigamua is a secret society, it
is impossible to keep these indi-
viduals who advocate change, as
well as the organization as a whole,
"Certain individuals like the pres-
ident of MGC say they joined it to
change it. They claim they want to
change it from inside. But numerous

MGC as a whole.
Neal Pancholi, president of Alpha
Iota Omicron, an Indian fraternity
in the multicultural council, said
his organization remained neutral
during the conflict.
"We believe that Jaya is not
embodied by one organization. She
represents a few things. She can't
only represent one. Although she is
the leader of MGC, it is not the only
thing she is," Pancholi said.


Continued from page 1
said during last Friday's meeting.
Bush defended his fiscal policy in last
week's debate.
"I'm concerned about the deficit. But
I am not going to shortchange our troops
in harm's way. And I'm not going to run
up taxes, which will cost this economy
jobs," he said.
The tax cuts have also been highly
regressive. The bulk of refunded money
has gone to wealthy taxpayers.
Kerry vows to reverse this trail of red ink
by repealing the tax cuts for Americans who
make more than $200,000 each year.
But much of this additional revenue
will pay for Kerry's ambitious health
care plan, which would expand health
care coverage to nearly all Americans

by first rolling back parts of the Bush
tax cuts.
Bush has also made a promise to halve
the deficit in the next five years. But
his actions while in office - he hasn't
vetoed one Congressional spending
package, according to The New York
Times - could make it more difficult
to practice fiscal conservatism.
With the debates reaching a wider
audience than any other public appear-
ance of the candidates - including
their parties' nominating conventions
- their effect on the nominees' public
image certainly is important.
When John Kennedy beat Richard
Nixon in the 1960 presidential elec-
tions, his victory was attributed in part
to the collected and confident image
he projected during the first televised
presidential debate.

Bush now holds a lead
in most major polls
and is tied with Kerry
in a few others.
Bush holds a lead in most major polls
and is tied with Kerry in a few others.
A plurality of registered voters in an
ABC News Poll conducted after the first
debate said Kerry won.
But Bush and Kerry were in a statis-
tical tie when the same poll was con-
ducted after the second debate.
The format of tonight's debate will
be the same as the first meeting, with
the candidates standing behind podiums
and responding to questions posed by a



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