8 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 NEWS 0 Suicide attempts prompt antidepressants warning MONDAY MIX TAPE !"T. Tlt" A t"r% i A TYN f+t_ s s i CHICAGO (AtP) - Shauna Murphy thinks it's a smart idea to put warning labels on antidepressants. She has good reason. Nine years ago, at age 10, she was put on a particular brand of the medication and, shortly after, tried to kill herself. It's the kind of outcome that has prompted the Food and Drug Administra- tion to begin work on writing "black box" warnings for young people who take antidepressants. Some parents have already taken their children off the drugs. Even with the troubles they've had, Murphy and her parents are not speaking out against antide- pressants. Instead, they are of families, doctors The Food a Administra has begunt "black box" on antidepr warning of side-effects among a number and mental health educating yourself as a parent," says Cheryl Murphy, who is Shauna's mom and leader of the southern Nevada chap- ter of the Depression and Bipolar Sup- port Alliance. She found that it took two years and more than one doctor to find a treatment that helped her daughter. Eventually, Shauna was diagnosed with bipolar dis- order, which causes moods to fluctuate between periods ind Drug of depression and high-energy .tion mania. She now to place takes an antipsy- chotic medication. labels "The medi- cation I'm on is ressants working quite possible well," says Shau- na, who's now 19 . and living with her parents in Las Vegas. The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, a Chicago-based organiza- tion with chapters nationwide, provides monitoring tips on its website. In response to the warning-label issue, Massachusetts-based Families for Depression Awareness also is working on a "depression monitoring tool" that will provide guidelines to help parents and patients track symptoms and medi- cation side-effects. They expect to have it done in the next few months. Mental health experts who specialize in young people agree that monitoring a child on treatment is key, as is doing a thorough evaluation. "If a child comes in with symptoms A, B and C, the symptoms should, at worst, not get worse - and, at best, they should start to get better. If not, they're on the wrong medication," says Rich Macur Brousil, director of child and adolescent behavioral health at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Chicago. If medication is deemed necessary, he says children should be started on the lowest dose to see how they respond. He and other mental health professionals also strongly recommend that any psy- chiatric medication be used in combina- tion with counseling. Bela Sood, who heads the division of adolescent psychiatry at Virginia Com- monwealth University, says signs that a medication isn't working might include heightened aggressiveness, unusually bold behavior or a feeling that "you're crawling out of your skin." During an evaluation, she also asks young patients directly if they have thought about suicide. "There's this myth that if you sug- gest suicide to a kid that you might turn someone into someone who's considering suicide - and that's wrong," says Sood. groups who are taking the opportunity to encourage families to get help for young people with depression and other mental health issues. They are particularly focused on teaching parents to monitor their chil- dren and figure out which treatment works for a particular child. "It's a real process and a matter of I I Women banned from voting in Saudi election RIYADH, Saudi Arabia . (AP) - Women may neither vote nor run in Saudi Arabia's first nationwide elections, the government announced yesterday, dashing hopes of progressive Saudis and easing fears among conservatives that the kingdom is moving too fast on reforms. Some women considered the move yet anoth- er indignity in a country where they need their husbands' permission to study, travel or work. But others said they wouldn't trust themselves to judge whether a candidate is more than just a handsome face. The religious establishment had been lobbying against women's participation in the elections, diplomats said. But an electoral official cited administrative and logistical reasons yesterday for the deci- sion to ban women from the municipal elections, scheduled to be held in three stages from Feb. 10 to April 21. The official, who spoke on condition of ano- nymity, said there are not enough women to run women's-only registration centers and polling stations, and that only a fraction of the country's women have the photo identity cards that would have been needed to vote. Many women in Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam, have balked at getting the ID cards - introduced three years ago - because the photo- graphs would show their faces unveiled. Saudi women have limited freedoms. Without written permission from a male guardian, they may not travel, get an education or work. Regardless of permissions, they are not allowed to drive, mix with men in public or leave home without covering themselves with black cloaks, called abayas. The decision was first announced by Interior Minister Prince Nayef in an interview published yesterday. In his terse comment to a Kuwaiti newspaper, Nayef said only: "I don't think that women's participation is possible." His remark was the first by a named top offi- cial on the issue. It settled a question that had been occupying Saudis since the government set the date for the elections in August. When the election law was published, it did not explicitly bar women from voting, which encouraged three women to declare themselves candidates. "I am surprised," said Nadia Bakhurji, 37, the first woman to announce she planned to run. "I was optimistic and didn't think they would ban it." Bakhurji said she hoped Nayef and the elections "I don't thi committee would "rethink their decision" and show women s p transparency by saying why 1-i women have been banned. jS P SSile She said that would give women the chance to "work hand-in-hand with them to Interior Min solve these problems in time for elections," said Bakhurji, an architect and a mother of two. "My concern is if they don't bring us on board now, we will be fighting for something that should be a given right," she said. Not all Saudi women agree. Taking a break from shopping at the food court of a Riyadh mall, Nour Ahmed and her five female friends split evenly on the issue. "Women are capable of voting and making the right choices," said Ahmed, a 22-year-old mar- keting graduate. "Why aren't men and women equal in this issue?" A ink that participation - Prince Nayef ister of Saudi Arabia "We aren't," countered her friend Sarah Muham- mad. "We have so little interaction with men that, we will vote with our emotions, choosing can- didates for their looks and sweet talk rather than for what they can deliver." Rima Khaled, 20, said Saudi women are not used to playing a role in public life, and many social and traditional restraints should first be removed before they can. "What's the point of voting?" she asked. "Even if we did vote, we would go home to the men in our lives who will have the last say in whatever we do." ma And