4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 7, 2004 OPINION 4 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 Ii z £ i&d&f u11gtothedaily@michigandaily.com EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 JORDAN SCHRADER Editor in Chief JASON Z. PESICK Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other pieces do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. NOTABLE QUOTABLE I guess he forgot the time we sat next to each other for a couple hours about three years ago." - Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards, noting that he has met Vice President Dick Cheney, despite Cheney's statement that they had never met, as reported Tuesday by the Associated Press. I E COLIN DA.LE 4 : Voting with a vengeance JOEL HOARD 01H YEAH? ontinuing their remarkable streak of inanity for a 21st straight year, The Michigan Review came out against the recent "endless obsession with voting" and complained that the phenomenon "is not helping Democracy." Only the Review could find a negative in urging apathetic Americans to exercise their most fundamental of rights. They claim that in the rush to register as many previously apathetic voters as possible, we are creating a mass of uneducated and under-informed voters. Apparently if you don't watch at least 20 hours of Fox News a week or read The Wall Street Journal every morning, your vote shouldn't count. Maybe it's time we bring back poll taxes and literacy tests, too, just to make sure certain unsavory groups aren't allowed to vote this year. Let's just spit on the Constitution some more. What we really should be looking at in this election is the reasoning behind our votes. It's one of the sad truths in the modern American democracy that we vote for all the wrong reasons. But it's not because of a lack of education or concern, as The Michigan Review suggests. The real problem is the complete lack of progressive, independent thinkers as candidates. Can you really blame people for not caring? Now I considered myself well-educated, informed and concerned, but my reason for supporting John Kerry isn't a good one. In fact, it's a pretty bad reason: I'm voting out of spite. It's not something I'm very proud of. I don't particularly like Kerry or think he'll make a very good president, and chances are he'll only be a one-termer. Like so many mil- lions of other disillusioned Americans, I hate George W. Bush so much for the evil he has perpetrated in the last four years that I'm vot- ing for his opponent just to stick it to him. You better believe when I pound on the Kerry button on my Optech voting machine next month, I'll do it with a sneer on my face. There are plenty of other bad reasons to vote for one candidate or another, and it's certainly nothing new in 2004. In 2000, we had people voting against Al Gore because his running mate was Jewish and his former boss got a blow job under a desk and lied about it. Others voted against Bush because he couldn't pronounce "nuclear" and read at a fourth-grade level. This year, some of us are basing our decisions on our blind alle- giances to our respective parties, others on what Bill O'Reilly or Michael Moore told us we should do and still others on our archaic political beliefs. They're all terrible reasons when you get down to it. The only thing that separates us anybody-but-Bush people from the rest of the populace is that we're willing to admit that we're voting for Kerry for all the wrong reasons. Personally, I find the most frustrating group of voters this year to be the values voters, those who could care less about the much more important issues of Iraq, the faltering economy and America's tarnished image worldwide. Instead, they focus on such issues as abortion and gay marriage, as if those are somehow the most important obstacles standing in the way of American greatness. We see this type of logic at its worst in the heartland states, which without fail will cast their votes for Bush this year. Even though Bush's economic policies heav- ily favor the rich, the poor heartland voters will continue to support him. The reason, of course, is that Bush's values are more in line with their own. They would much rath- er see their children growing up in poverty and attending fourth-rate schools, so long as women can't get abortions and gay people can't get married. Something needs to come along and shock the system, to breathe new life into our nation. We need to be reminded why we were instilled with the right to vote in the first place. The solution isn't Kerry, and it certain- ly isn't Bush. Maybe it'll take some cataclys- mic event, or maybe some heroic third party candidate will emerge to completely under- mine the two-party system. Whatever it is, let's hope it comes soon. I Hoard can be reached at j.ho@umich.edu. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Chirumamilla's column ignores the facts To THE DAILY: Sravya Chirumamilla's column I don't stand with Israel and I'm not anti-Semitic (10/06/04) goes beyond distorting the facts, it simply ignores them. Unfortunately, I only have room to respond to a few of her falsehoods. First, while I commend Palestinian efforts at democratization and reform, all of these efforts must be conducted open- ly and honestly, with positive intentions. Unfortunately, this is not the case right now. The elections, initiated by Palestinian head of state Yasser Arafat, are inherently undemocratic: Arafat reserved the right to set the final date of the election. Arafat, who has been discarded by world leaders as a terrorist who is unfit for peacemaking, has begun campaigning for his position. Imagine the outrage that would arise in the United States if President Bush campaigned indefinitely, and when his polls peaked, he called for immediate elections! Democrat- ic? Hardly. The Palestinian people, as well as the Israeli people, deserve a "democra- cy" better than this. Secondly, Chirumamilla's column slyly slipped in a jab that is as baffling as it is offensive: "Even beyond (Israeli spokesman Raanan Gissin's) mistaken premise of Jeru- salem being a part of Israel ... " How come I never got the memo that Jerusalem moved to Venezuela? Or maybe Chirumamilla con- veniently ignored all history and accepted fact that Jerusalem is not only a part of, but the cultural, spiritual and historical center for Christians, Jews and Muslims alike. Imagine that someone sympathetic with the Native American cause wrote a column including the line "Colin Powell, whose mistaken premise that Washington, D.C. is a part of the U.S. ... " This would simply be laughed at, as should Chirumamilla's deceptive phrase. In addition to internation- al recognition of Jerusalem as part of Isra- el, history doesn't lie: During the Six Day War in 1967, Israel recaptured Jerusalem in response to Jordanian shelling. Jerusalem is unambiguously and proudly part of Israel. If Chirumamilla's intent in such a distortion is to protest Jerusalem being a part of Israel, or rather Israel existing altogether, she should come clean with her allegation. Sol Adelsky yet rational words, she framed the prob- lematic nature of blindly standing by Israel. She made clear the importance of not only understanding the many facets of this issue, but also the dire consequences of labeling people on both sides of the division. My request to the members of this university as well as the citizens of this country is to really take the time to understand this issue from all of its angles. I have found lots of insight in the writings of Noam Chomsky, the documentary "Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land," and websites such as www.ifamericansknew.com. I urge you to take the time to educate yourself, so if you do decide to wear a T-shirt or pin, you will be wearing them with an understanding of their implications. I have tried to do this as best as I can, and I stand with Chiruma- milla. Brendan Kirwin Music senior Comments reveal 'U' is not taking sexual assault seriously enough To THE DAILY: Department of Public Safety spokeswom- an Diane Brown's comments in the Daily's DPS sees drop in crime (10/6/04), combined with last year's dismantling of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center very clearly demonstrates a University- wide insensitivity to the problem of sexual assault on campus, and the existence of a campus environment in which sexual assault is minimized or dismissed altogether, and thus tacitly accepted. Brown states thatd"all nine forcible rapes or assault with an object involved acquain- tance situations. So that type of thing is hard to equate to the campus environment, but it certainly is an unwanted situation." I would beg to differ. Having students who rape other students on campus, regardless of whether they are acquaintances, speaks very strongly to our campus environment. Our "campus environment" is created by the students who live here, and if these stu- dents are sexually assaulting others, it is a clear indication that the atmosphere at our school leads some students to believe that sexual assault against acquaintances and friends is acceptable. Brown goes on to say that out of the -17 harassment, stalking or intimate partner violence is very real in its action and in its long-term consequences for the victim. Brown goes on to state that "any time any DPS officer encounters a sexual assault or even a domestic violence situa- tion, he always refers them to the appropri- ate service providers - including SAPAC - even if it's an acquaintance situation." This use of "even" to qualify the validity of acquaintance assault seriously undermines the gravity of sexual assault, especially by those that we know and are supposed to be able to trust. This sort of minimizing of sexualized violence by those DPS officers who are supposed to protect students is seriously disturbing and frightening. Across the country, acquaintance assault is more common than stranger assault. This does not, however, in any way diminish the validity of it as a serious form of invasion and assault. Acquaintance assault is just as traumatizing, dehumanizing and depraved as any assault by a stranger. The same goes for forms of assault such as fondling and verbal harassment. It is a very invasive and painful experience, making the victim feel powerless and out of control of her own body. It is most definitely a serious form of sexualized violence that cannot in any way be tolerated on our campus, most especially not by our own law enforcement officers. The fact that all types of crime on cam- pus have decreased except for sexual assault is a very clear indication that something is indeed wrong with our "campus environ- ment." At what type of school, on what type of campus, does sexual assault continually increase, do friends rape each other and does the spokeswoman for those who are sup- posed to protect us as students dismiss and minimize acquaintance rape and unwanted fondling? If we cannot rely on DPS to seri- ously understand, advocate for and pro- tect all students from all forms of sexual assault and intimate partner violence, what kind of "campus environment" do we really have? One in which rape between friends is ignored and physical and verbal harass- ment are dismissed unless they fit the ste- reotypical idea of "rape?" Please. Women make up over 50 percent of our campus, and are 99 percent of sexual violence victims. To trivialize any form of sexual assault dis- plays a complete lack of compassion and understanding of the trauma that goes along with it. We are human beings too, and we deserve to be treated as such a 6