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October 07, 2004 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-10-07

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 7, 2004 - 3A


Official praises Bush environmental plan

Coming Vut WV
o events make a
splash on cam


By Genevieve Lampinen
and Kim Tomlin
Daily Staff Reporters

As part of National Coming Out
Week, there will be multiple events
today geared toward members of
the gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans-
gender community on campus. The
"Color Splash," billed as "a social for
LGBTQ and same gender loving folks
of color and their allies," will be held
from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. tonight in the
LBGT Affairs office on the third floor
of Michigan Union. The event will
include food and music.
The LGBTA lunch will be in East
Quad Dining Hall from 11:30 a.m. to
1:30 p.m. at the table with the rain-
bow on it.
From 10 p.m. to midnight, the LGBT
Commission for the Michigan Student
Assembly "Gender F*** Game Night"
will feature a mix of board games and
drag dress. The game night will take
place in the Pond Room of the Michigan
Students can get
free mental health
The University of Michigan Depres-
sion Center is offering a free, confi-
dential screening for depression and
bipolar disorders today at Briarwood
Mall from 4 to 7 p.m. The screenings
mark National Depression Screen-
ing Day and will be available to all
University faculty, staff, students and
members of the Ann Arbor communi-
ty. Participants will fill out a test and
then discuss the results with a mental
health professional.
Sex art curator to
get it on today at
Michigan Theater
Robin Kahn, who curated the con-
temporary art exhibition "Get Off!"
at the Museum of Sex in New York
City, will speak today at 5 p.m. in the
Michigan Theater. "Get Off!" fea-
tured pieces of varied media inspired
by the age-old art of sexual stimu-
lation. She has also published an
"artist's book" called "Sexual Love-
making for Dummies."

John Turner shared fond memories
from his University days, and said he
remembered helping to organize the first
Earth Day activities.
"It all started with T-shirts and
pins," said Turner, a University alum
and the assistant secretary of state
for oceans and international envi-
ronmental and scientific affairs.
But these days, he faces more press-
ing issues than T-shirts and pins.
"Five to six thousand children a
day are dying from lack of sanita-
tion, nearly 40 percent of the world's
population live on less than two dol-
lars a day and 1.1 billion people lack
safe drinking water. Can we toler-
'ate those conditions out around the
world?" Turner asked.
Turner discussed global sustainability,
the use of resources balanced with pres-
ervation, in his lecture yesterday in the
Dana Building.
Sustainability is an integration of
economic development, social enhance-

ment and environmental stewardship.
The White House has 20 partnership
initiatives, including plans to address
the issues of health care, clean water,
fresh water, basic energy and climate
change, said Turner.
"We are engaging with more
resources than ever before. I think
it has had an impact on the global
community. There are many issues
where the U.S. leads the world,"
Turner said.
He said among other conservation
efforts, the United States has recently
pledged $48 million toward the larg-
est conservation effort in Africa's
history, the preservation of the cen-
tral African forests. The preserva-
tion initiative is part of the Congo
Basin Forest Partnership, which cov-
ers 11 landscapes across six coun-
tries, Turner said.
Turner said the government also
has initiatives underway concern-
ing carbon dioxide emissions, which
have increased by 14 percent over
the past decade, contributing to the
greenhouse effect.
But some students said the Bus

administration has failed to put forth
immediate effort that is necessary to
protect natural
resources. "W e are eng
"I think
a lot about with more r
global change
because it than ever b
seems like
in the press ... There are
there are only
two sides of issues wher
the issue, but leads the w(
really there is
one side," said
SNRE student
Dan Cantor. Assistant S
"All the lead-
ing scientists Oceans and
say the same ronmental a
thing, that
there is defi-
nitely global change and we need to
do something about. ... We need to
do something right now."
Another student said the Bush
administration needs to address energy
alternatives more intensively.
"I think (The Bush administration)

has failed to put enot
renewable energy alt
e the U.S.
- John Turner
ecretary of State for
d International Envi-
nd Scientific Affairs
an important issue t
Bush administration
as a top priority.
"It's not a very sali
percent issue whicho
what he wants with it.
cies pander to big busi

ugh emphasis on the environment for economic success.
ternatives. (like) said SNRE and Public Policy graduate
wind., hydro- student Jose Garcia.
gen. hybrid He added that Bush and Demo-
vehicles. ... I'd cratic presidential candidate John
like to see the Kerry share similar positions on the
administration environment and neither of them
look at reports has made environmental issues a
and implement big enough part of their campaigns
some changes because they are not forefront issues
to better man- for most citizens.
age and con- "Kerry has kept quiet. I don't think
serve ocean either candidate has paid enough atten-
resources." said tion to the environment." Garcia said.
SNRE graduate The University also has established
student Rebec- a Center for Sustainable Systems
ca Nadel. which researches several sustainabil-
Another stu- ity systems including energy-efficient
dent thought residential buildings and personal
that because transportation, the U.S.food system,
environmental the U.S. energy system, solid waste
policy is not and wastewater treatment systems,
*o the public, the said Jonathan Bulkley, the center's
does not treat it co-director.
"Countries want to emulate our way

ent issue. It's a 2
allows him to do
Most of his poli-
ness and sacrifice

of life, (and) conservation of energy
is needed for them to raise their life
standard. It's an issue for all genera-
tions to come.

Smaller Mich. share
of security money
raises questions

The Associated Press
Michigan got an undersized share
of federal antiterrorism dollars during
the Department of Homeland Securi-
ty's initial budget year, according to a
report issued yesterday.
Only four states - Indiana, Penn-
sylvania, South Carolina and Wiscon-
sin - received less per capita from
the department than Michigan in Fis-
cal Year 2002-03, the Census Bureau
Officials said Michigan was short-
changed by a formula that favored
smaller states in the competition for
funds covering everything from Coast
Guard salaries to devices for detecting
the presence of lethal germs.
"When you use
a formula like But based
that, it does get
skewed," said states esti
Mark Wesley,
_~~~ _u ~n laflnn

the funding amounted to just $15.60
per resident - 46th nationally. Wis-
consin, which ranked last, got $12
per person.
The biggest per capita recipi-
ents were the District of Columbia
($3,152.87), New York ($221.29) and
Virginia ($229.46). But Michigan also
lost out to states that aren't obvious
terrorist targets, such as Rhode Island
($26.46), North Dakota ($40.68), and
Mississippi ($57.33).
Homeland security funding dis-
tribution has been hotly debated
in Congress. Less populated states
have done well, per capita, because
the federal government divided sig-
nificant portions of the initial money


Malicious phone
calls prompt
police report
A caller from East Hall reported
to DPS yesterday afternoon receiv-
ing harassing phone calls. The vic-
tim told DPS that the calls were
coming from an acquaintance.

homeland secu- P p
rity grant coor- over 10 mi
dinator for the
Emergency Man- funding an
agement Division to juSt $ 15.
of the Michigan
State Police. resident -
"Things should nationally.
change as they
start basing the
funding more on where the threats
really are."
The numbers also show the federal
government isn't making homeland
security a big enough priority, said
Liz Boyd, spokeswoman for Gov.
Jennifer Granholm.
"That's particularly unfortunate in
Michigan because we have some of the
most heavily used international border
crossings in the nation," Boyd said.
"And we have critical infrastructure of
national importance - bridges, tun-
nels, nuclear facilities - that need to be
A study last year put Michigan's
equipment needs at $1.4 billion, Wes-
ley said. Boyd said the overall price tag
for "fully protecting" the state could
reach $2.7 billion.
Michigan's funding in three cru-
cial homeland security categories
- grants, contracts and salaries
- totaled $157,263,000 during the fis-
cal year that ran from Oct. 1, 2002, to
Sept. 30, 2003.
The Department of Homeland
Security was established midway
through that budget year -in Jan-
uary 2003. The Census Bureau's
Consolidated Federal Funds Report
includes some money spent before
then by some of the agencies
absorbed into the department, such
as the Immigration and Naturaliza-
tion Service.
The report is an annual study of fed-
eral expenditures and obligations that
breaks down where nearly $3 trillion
in tax dollars are spent.
Michigan's total homeland secu-
rity funding ranked 21st among the
states and the District of Columbia.
But based on the state's estimated
population of just over 10 million,

into equal pieces
on the
of just
illion, the
.60 per

for distribution to
all states.
from urban areas
say the govern-
ment should
focus more on
states and cities
where the risk of
attack is greater.
The U.S. Sen-
ate this week
approved home-
land security
funding for the
next fiscal year
some of the for-
compensating for

"that will remedy
mula inequities by

In Daily History
Law School
weighs boycott of
state of Colorado
Oct. 7, 1993 - The Queer Law
Students Alliance proposed to Law
School Dean Lee Bollinger that the
University's Law School boycott
the state of Colorado by refusing to
allow recruiters from that state to
use campus facilities. The boycott
would not extend to any recruiter
from a firm which was actively
attempting to overturn Colorado's
Amendment 2, which banned legis-
lation protecting homosexuals from
discrimination. New York Univer-
sity and its law school had a ban in
place similar to the one proposed by
the student alliance.

the extra security measures that larger
states are required to provide, and by
making a portion of the new formu-
la risk-based," said Tara Andringa,
spokeswoman for Sen. Carl Levin (D-
Michigan has received about $210
million in federal homeland security
grants since 1999, including funding
from the Centers for Disease Control
for bioterrorism preparedness, Wes-
ley said.
The state's first priority has been
helping all areas of Michigan meet
basic needs for emergency response,
such as having personal protection
gear for firefighters and police. Fifteen
regional teams have been established to
assist local agencies if needed.
A continuing need is to improve
communication facilities so different
agencies can talk to each other in an
emergency, Wesley said.
Manistee County, which has a Coast
Guard station, led Michigan counties
in per capita funding with $340.30, for
a total of $8,617,606.
Wayne County, which includes
Detroit, had by far the most overall
homeland security funding - $77.9
Ingham County, including Lansing,
received $19,339,517. Sheriff Gene
Wriggelsworth said his department had
purchased high-tech radio and protec-
tion gear. But more help is needed for
advanced training, said Sgt. Michael
Perez, the county's emergency servic-
es program manager.
"The equipment is fine, but if the
time ever comes when it's needed,
people should be familiar with it,"
he said.
The Vietnam Protestors
Yung Krall, author of A Thousand
Tears Fallina. wa the dauahter

I . - ... L.1 .j .J -

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