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October 07, 2004 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-10-07

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Thursday, October 7, 2004
Opinion 4A Joel Hoard says think
before you vote

Sports IOA

Minnesota's two-
headed ground game
should test Michigan's

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One-hundred-fourteen years ofedtoriadfreedom
www.michigandaziy.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 7 ®2004 The Michigan Daily

By Aymar Jean
Daily Staff Reporter





The University plans to build a new
hall with academic offices and resi-
dential suites on the Frieze Building's
current location, President Mary Sue
Coleman announced yesterday.
The Frieze Building, which Coleman
and most other administrators acknowl-
edge is so dilapidated that renovations

Hall will combine academic
"This is what we need to do. This
is what students have been asking
for," Coleman said.
While design plans have not been
set and a name for the new hall is
up in the air, many administrators,
including Coleman, have posited the
name "North Quad." The hall will
most likely feature suite-style rooms
and common lounges, holding at least
500 students and towering about six
or seven stories.


with residential living

are unfeasible, will be
2006 under the plan.
departments housed in
cated to various parts
during construction.
The new hall should
open in 2008.
"I want this building
to be a new gateway for
the University," said
Coleman, who wants
the building to house
both academic and
residential life. "It's in
a great location, so that
students from all over
the campus can come
and utilize the space."
The announcement
is a product of years of
administrative plans to
build a new residence
hall, mostly for upper-
classmen. The Univer-

torn down in
The academic
it will be relo-
of the campus

'North Quad'
Vision for new hall
Frieze Building will be
torn down in 2006 and a
new hall should be built by
The hall will house at
least 500 beds, many in
suite-style rooms
During construction
academic departments will
be moved from Frieze to
various locations around

The Carnegie
Library - an archi-
tectural "treasure,"
next to Frieze, Cole-
man said - will
also stay intact and
may be renovated to
become "a digital
library for the new
The hall will have
one distinct dif-
ference from other
residence halls - it
will house academ-
ic departments from
LSA. The concept is
directly in line with
Coleman's desire to
integrate academics
with residential life.

sity has not built a new
residence hall in 30 years. The Univer-
sity undertook the task of renovating
on-campus housing partly because of
an increased demand for upperclass-
men housing.
In December, University Housing
administrators plan to present the Uni-
versity Board of Regents with a con-
cept, budget and architectural firm to
construct the new hall.

"For me that's part of what's so
unique about it," Vice President for
Student Affairs E. Royster Harper
said. "It will open up the space for
other people that have that (academ-
ic) passion as a hobby."
Administrators discussed the possi-
bility of a screening room for Film and
Video Studies, a video production lab,
See HOUSING, Page 9A

EU' -N' RSON/Daily
A student walks by the Frieze Building last night. The University announced yesterday the building will be demolished starting in 2006 to make space for a
new residence hall.

'U' lawyer leaving for Rutgers position
By KristinOstby Alger helped defend the University's admissions policies
Daily Staff Reporterhepd eenvwestsolc s

A key legal coordinator for the University
admissions cases will be leaving the Univer-
sity for a position as vice president and general
counsel at Rutgers, the State University of New
The president of Rutgers, Richard McCor-
mick, announced yesterday that Jonathan Alger
will take his new position in January. Alger
said he is going to Rutgers because it is a great

Alger has been assistant general counsel and
taught interdisciplinary courses at the Universi-
ty for four and a half years. Most notably, Alger
helped coordinate the University's defense of its
race-conscious admissions, in which the U.S.
Supreme Court eventually ruled in favor of the
Law School policy but struck down the LSA
point system.
He was also central in organizing a Universi-
ty brief filed with the Supreme Court that joined

75 amicus, or "friend of the court" briefs that
were signed more than 500 corporations and
"A lot of legal observers believe that the
amicus briefs were a significant
factor in the University's victory because the
justices cited them prominently in the majority
opinion," University spokeswoman Julie Peter-
son said.
"I'll certainly miss the University of Michi-

gan," Alger said. "It's been a great place and a
tremendous time to be here, and I feel honored
to have been part of the affirmative action cases
and the University's efforts in that area."
Alger is also an adjunct faculty member for
the Law School, School of Education, School
of Information and School of Public Policy. He
currently teaches a course on higher education
law for the Schools of Law and Education.
See ALGER, Page 9A

Proposed changes to
Greek system dropped

By Justin Miller
Daily Staff Reporter
Nine months after they were pro-
posed, the University has dropped its
requests for controversial changes to the
Greek system. Vice President for Stu-
dent Affairs E. Royster Harper decid-
ed to remove her proposals after talks
with students this summer, said Susan
Eklund, interim dean of students.
The proposed changes included
moving rush from fall semester to win-
ter semester, mandating live-in advi-
sors and implementing substance-free
housing in all fraternities and sorori-
ties. Harper said these policies would
help to curb hazing and allow time
for students to become "grounded" at
the University before committing to a
Greek organization.
At last week's meeting, the Interfra-
ternity, Panhellenic, Multicultural and
National Pan-Hellenic councils and the
University focused on improving com-
munication between the Greek system

and the University.
Eklund, who is working with student
organizations, said the proposals were
dropped because Harper wanted a new

"She's with-
drawn those
- we're starting
from scratch,"
Eklund said.
"I think she just
thought this would
be a more produc-
tive approach than
the one expressed
last spring, feel-
ing that issues

Vice Presid
Student Af
E. Royster
decided to
her propos
talks with
this summ

councils' heads was one of many the
University has convened with various
student groups. The result of all those
meetings is the formation of the Student
Organization and
lent for Recognition Advi-
sory Committee.
ffairs SOAR will use
sub committees to
rper tackle issues rang-
remove ing from funding
to liability issues.
sals after Any student can
students apply for sub com-
mittee positions
er. and will be chosen
by Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly and the University.
"We hope to get student member-
ship on all the sub committees," Eklund
The sub committees and SOAR will
have to submit their proposals to the
University by February.
MSA will be working with the Uni-
See GREEKS, Page 9A

John Klausmeyer, exhibit preparator at the Museum of Natural History, describes the renovations he made to the
Native American dioramas.
Native Aierican exhibit
undergoes renovations

that she was discussing about the Greek
community also existed in other student
groups," said Eklund. "It seemed like a
better idea to address things together."
Lauren Herskovic, spokeswoman for
the Panhellenic Association, said she
heard the proposals had been dropped,
but did not comment further.
Last week's meeting with the Greek

By Michael Kan
Daily Staff Reporter
Frozen in time, figurines of Potawatomi Indi-
ans prepare for the harvest on a clear autumn day,
while Chippewas graze the riverside, storing their
winnowed rice. These historic images of Native
Americans have persevered within the dioramas of
the University's Exhibit Museum of Natural History,

museum's Native American exhibits have undergone
a revolution of sorts, updated with active participa-
tion from the Native American community.
But as the exhibits change, some people still ques-
tion if exhibits like the dioramas do more harm than
good for Native Americans.
This issue was brought to the national spotlight
with the opening of the National Museum of the
Americans Indian in Washington on Sept. 21. What

Students asked to leave West
Quad after power outage

By Aymar Jean

ment of Public Safety confirmed
th nntayv .at 17.-45 nitnhiav. av

to leave the residence hall and then
beingescorted1 back into the dorm



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