Monday, October 4, 2004
News 3A Center for Education
of Women turns 40
Opinion 4A
deserve better
'."x .56
LOW: 26
Arts 8A Will Smith steals the
show in "Shark Tale"
One-hundredfourteen years of editorialfreedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXV, No. 4
02004 The
Michigan Daily
Ibm m Dc)) um<o) libv3 cH
steps up
anti- assault
Bruce Springsteen, left, sings a verse from REM's "Man on the Monn" as lead singer Michael Stipe joins in. The rockers paired up during the
"Vote for Change Tour" in Cobo Arena yesterday. Concerts on the tour took place around Michigan in opposition to President Bush.
By Aymar Jean
Daily Staff Reporter
It is often assumed that sexual assault issues
relate only to women. For this reason, Johnny
Atorino and the University's center for sexual
assault services are seeking to mobilize men in
the fight against these unthinkable acts of violence
towards women.
Even as it reorganizes its counseling services,
the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness
Center is moving forward, expanding its services
and reaching out to new communities. SAPAC
is breathing life into its men's activism program
- which formally started last year but is in full
swing this semester.
The program addresses a nationwide need to
get men involved in these issues, SAPAC Direc-
tor Kelly Cichy said. While some men have been
active in preventing sexual assault, men's activ-
ism programs are scarce, which makes the Uni-
versity's program fairly cutting-edge, she said.
"We're starting it small, but we're starting it
mighty," Cichy said. The program is important,
she added, because "men are survivors and men
are also impacted by the women in their lives
that are survivors."
The program, coordinated by Atorino, a
SAPAC staff member, is a multi-pronged
approach to engage men. It includes a fly-
ering campaign, a peer education program,
campus discussions, working with resident
advisors and helping the advocacy group
Men Against Violence Against Women.
In the "toilet bowl" flyering campaign, Atorino
and SAPAC will place quarter-sheet flyers above
urinals in men's bathrooms. The campaign was
adapted from a similar one from Haverford Col-
lege in Pennsylvania.
Atorino has spoken to resident advisors, hall
directors and the custodial staff to get permission
for the flyers. The program officially started in the
winter in residence halls, but this term the flyers
will be laminated and located in more halls. By
the winter, he hopes the program will also include
academic buildings. "It's been well-received,"
Atorino said "We got a lot of applicants to the
men's activism program because of it"
The flyers will include information on why rape
is a men's issue, some myths and facts about rape,
how to get involved in preventing sexual assault or
how to be an effective bystander when harassment
happens at a party or other social event.
Another major component of the campaign
are the men's workshops run through the peer
education program, where both male and female
volunteers facilitate discussions. The workshops
are performed upon request, and some fraterni-
ties have already requested them. "It's a com-
pletely proactive stance," he said, adding that
"we don't blame men at these workshops at all.
"It is a gendered crime, just because women
are often the ones perpetrated, but by no means
is the prevention and awareness aspect of it gen-
dered; It is a community effort."
The objective is to get to the root ofthe issue of
"why rape is so gendered," he said. The groups
will talk about traditional views of masculinity
and gender roles. Workshops will include dis-
cussion on society's expectations of men, why
power seems so vital to masculinity and what
causes some men to beat women.
Campus discussions will also include movie
showings of the documentary "Wrestling with
Manhood," among other films. Such films would
involve a discussion on traditional masculinity.
The program will also work with resident
advisors who request informational bulletin
boards for their halls, which will offer materials
on assault prevention and awareness.
From Detroit to K-Zoo,
anti-Bush concerts rock Mich.
By Trevor Campbell
and Alex Wolsky
Daily Arts Writers
DETROIT - It's an extraordinary mes-
sage: Vote for Change. It's a nearly unprec-
edented event: the Vote for Change tour hit
Michigan last night as the Dave Matthews
Band, R.E.M, Bruce Springsteen and 13
other artists played to six sold-out crowds
simultaneously throughout the state in an
effort to mobilize voters for the upcoming
All of the artists involved with Vote for
Change hope will be a catalyst for positive
change throughout the United States. Adult-
rock icon Matthews, who played at the Pal-
ace of Auburn Hills, has stated on MoveOn.
org's website that "a vote for change is a
vote for a stronger, safer, healthier Ameri-
ca. A vote for Bush is a vote for a divided,
unstable, paranoid America. It is our duty
to this beautiful land to let our voices be
The concerts themselves weren't as polit-
ically charged as they could have been.
There were no banners declaring support
for Kerry hung in the either the Palace of
Cobo arena, and despite people registering
voters outside the two halls, no billed artists
made direct endorsements of Democratic
presidential candidate John Kerry, despite
making direct attacks at President Bush.
"For me, when you mislead the country
and put our sons and daughters at risk,"
said Springsteen, who played with R.E.M.
and folk-rocker John Fogerty at Cobo, "you
What: Vote for Change tour
Where it was: Cobo Arena and Fox
Theater in Detroit; Palace of Auburn
Hills; DeltaPlex in Grand Rapids; Whar-
ton Center in East Lansing; State The-
ater in Kalamazoo
lose your job."
Springsteen appealed to the Michigan
crowd by spouting politically charged facts
about the soldiers from Michigan fighting
the war in Iraq, and said Bush needed to
get those troops home safely and as soon
as possible.
He talked about how Michigan is important
in the election and urged everyone to get out and
do their civic duty in the upcoming election.
Policies leave room
for stereotypes
Students aim to repair public view
of Islam in weekiong program
By Michael Kan
Daily Staff Reporter
It can be a look, an expression or their entire
attitude, but nonetheless LSA freshman Brad-
ley Johnson says he gets the impression from
some of his classmates that they think he lacks
By Michael Kan
Daily StaffReporter
In a brief instant, LSA junior Amjad Tarsin
turned from a regular American citizen to a sus-
pected terrorist.
"I was going to Saudi Arabia and I had an Arab
name. Fit two and two together and you can figure
it out," he said.
Waiting in line among dozens of other passen-
gers, Tarsin expected to go through the ordinary
routine of airport security, before getting on a plane
to visit his parents in Saudi Arabia. But before he
cleared the metal detectors, a guard escorted him
out of the line into a different detector with no wait-
ing line - it was opened only for him.
He said, "It felt like I was a criminal."
Though Tarsin still made his flight, the event lin-
gers in his mind and reminds him how difficult it is
to be a Muslim in the United States.
Starting today, the Muslim Students' Associa-
tion hopes to counteract those difficulties with this
year's annual Islam Awareness Week.
Having originated in 1994, the week has the goal
of informing the University community on Islam
and dispelling misconceptions about the religion.
The past few years have seen the importance of
that goal increase dramatically as the stereotypes
have multiplied.
Since Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, many Muslim
students at the University like Tarsin say they have
watched their religion become linked to words and
phrases such as "terrorism" and "holy war" by
non-Muslims uneducated about Islam.
Furthermore, the media portrayal of Muslims
only provides mainstream America with a slanted
view of Islam, said Lubna Grewal, who is co-chair
MSA Islam Awareness Week along with Tarsin.
"I think there is a complete misrepresenta-
tion of Muslims in general. The Muslims that
are in the news are extremists and are only 5
See ISLAM, Page 7A
What's going on
Civent's @?7:3O p.n. in IZO Hutchiis
Hat!, unless othewise noted.
Mon: Documentary, "Muhammed,
Legacy of a Prophet"
Tues: Lecture, "Roots of Islam in
Wed: Roundtable discussion, "Women in
Thurs: Lecture, "Islam and Social Issues
in America"
Fri: Film and lecture, "By Dawn's Early
Light", in Angell Hall, Aud. D
the credentials to be
at the University.
"It's not anything
that you can really
explain, but it is
something that I
tend to notice - this
aloofness that they
might have in their
demeanor," he said.
"There's even a bit
of arrogance toward
But to Johnson,
the reason for this
uneasiness is not
that he lacks the
"We know tha
lot of students
diversity, but it
does not mean
won't be sterec
Director, O
conducted by the National Research Center
for College and University Admissions
Ironically, the underpinnings of the stereo-
typing Johnson faces appear to result from the
University's race-conscious admissions, the
very policies that were meant in part to curb
such preconceptions.
Since implement-
t a ng its race-conscious
admission policies, the
value University has been
leading the charge to
still promote diversity in the
country's education sys-
Stheretem and affording edu-
cational opportunities to
Otyping. disadvantaged minority
John Matlock, Yet for students like
ffice of Academic Johnson, the admis-
sions policies have had
cultural Initiatives an unspoken side effect
- causing some non-
minority students to
believe minorities are getting a free pass into
one of the nation's top universities, regardless
of their qualification.
Specifically it's the term, "affirmative
action" which leads to the stereotype says
Michael Fleischer, spokesman for the research
center that did the study.
qualifications, but rather the fact that he is
black, making him a target of a stereotype
that labels some minority college students as
unworthy to attend the University.
The stereotype may be exacerbated by the
fact that many high-school seniors say race-
conscious policies affect the way nonminori-
ties perceive minorities, according to a study
Gandhi's legacy kindles nationwide volunteer day
By Ekjyot Saini
and Katie Schaufelberger
Daily Staff Reporters
Saturdaymorn ings in collegearetra-
ditional ly reserved for sleeping late but
this Saturday, 180 students rolled
out of bed bright and early to volun-
teer their time to communities across
southeast Michigan.
The first Gandhi Day of Service
occurred on Oct. 4, 1998 at the
University. It was then expanded
in 1999 to 20 universities and
2,000 students nationwide, and by
last year grew to 200 universities
and organizations and more than
7,000 volunteers.
IASA Community Service co-
chairs Heeral Sheth and Ryan Ham-
LSA sophomore
Neal Uppal,
left, and Eddie
Gwost, 78,
right, play bingo
at the Veterans
Medical Center
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