4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 28, 20041 OPINION Qij+ i+bipu Ig 420 MAYSAPID STREET ANN ARFoR, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.com EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 JORDAN SCHRADER Editor in Chief JASON Z. PESICK Editorial Page Editor NOTABLE QUOTABLE I've stopped try- ing to assess which storm is worse than the other. " ,.f COLIN DALY T M <'A Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other pieces do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. I -Florida Governor Jed Bush, speaking from an emergency response center in Indian River County, Fla., as reported yesterday by the Associated Press. ~rMUST BE ThE CHAQE YOU WISH I'D SEE. IN THE. NORIJ). -NV&HATh N GAND'HI Sharing one house JASON Z. PESICK ONE SMARL VOICE uring the Repub- lican convention, the introduction to "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" noted the irony in the Republican Party having its national convention in such a lib- eral, cosmopolitan city. Stewart even asked the party's chairman, Ed Gillespie, why the Republicans were holding their convention in New York, seeing as the value systems in Manhattan and in middle America have a tendency to diverge on par- ticular issues. U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay even toyed with the idea of renting a cruise boat for the delegates and other attendees to stay on and be entertained on during the convention. The purpose of this plan was to ensure these Republicans would not have to live in New York and risk some sort of osmotic transfer of the city's inherent moral backwardness. Eventually, the ship idea was scrapped. But now that so many unwitting Repub- licans were going to be exposed to the vices of the nation's largest city, acceptable forms of entertainment needed to be found. The New York Times's cultural columnist, Frank Rich, wrote a column detailing how the party was selecting musicals for its del- egates. None of the chosen musicals have an openly gay character. And that require- ment can be quite limiting on Broadway. The delegates couldn't see "The Producers" or "Hairspray," despite their wild popular- ity. Rich quips that at least they didn't try to avoid Jews on Broadway. But enough fun. Republicans from across the country were coming to New York, and the party probably felt a need to pre-empt the inevitable culture shock as much as possible. The Republicans held their convention in New York this year for one reason: to capitalize on the positive effects Sept. 11 had on the presi- dent's relationship with the American people as much as possible. Otherwise, it would have been somewhere else, somewhere the presi- dent has a chance of winning in November. The Republican Party's politics are the pol- itics of division. They've tried to become the party of middle America by pointing out and ridiculing the differences between middle America and much of the Democratic base. This means attacking cities (it's no acci- dent the president criticizes Washington and spends so much time in the Texas boondocks), intellectuals, gays;*Yankees, atheists, liberals, Hollywoodjournalists, lawyers and when the situation becomes desperate, minorities. Before attacking The New York Times in his convention speech earlier this month, President Bush assailed Hollywood. Taking on John Kerry at the same time, Bush said, "If you say the heart and soul of America is found in Hollywood, I'm afraid you are not the candidate of conservative values." Nevermind that Hollywood tracks and preserves for the future American culture, making the town uniquely American, but Bush is charged with representing the peo- ple of Hollywood, not singling them out for condemnation in front of the entire country. However, southern California is not going to vote for Bush, so for him, this strategy is addition through division. Bush continued, "If you voted against the bipartisan Defense of Marriage Act, which President Clinton signed, you are not the candidate of conservative values." Gays are becoming in 2004 what blacks were in 1964 - the new darlings of the Republican Party. Republicans sure appreciate their existence, even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes. Before passing a budget, the Senate took up an amendment to the Constitution that would ban gay marriage. Bush supported the amendment, even going so far as to mention it in his State of the Union address. It's not important business, but someone calculated it would work, and that's good enough for this party with no shame, with no qualms about encouraging Americans to hate other Americans - encouraging us to hate ourselves. The House recently passed a bill that would prevent federal courts from hear- ing cases questioning whether the phrase "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional. This summer, the Senate Judiciary Committee also passed a consti- tutional amendment that would ban burn- ing the American flag. These issues are not pressing; three wars, a record budget deficit and the health of the economy are pressing issues. But cultural issues bring the nation's acrimonious cultural debate to the surface right before an election. The Republican Party has not been the party of Lincoln for decades, maybe lon- ger. During the Civil War, Lincoln empha- sized what the people of the two halves of the country had in common. He wanted to appeal to "the better angels in our nature" because he understood that "A house divid- ed against itself cannot stand." He believed in a unitary America, not two Americas. And he made sure that that belief, that desire for unity, remained a reality. There is more to America than apple pie and barbeques. If you don't like the people who live on America's coasts, the intelligen- cia, Hollywood, the people who live in big cities, the minorities,;the gays, the Yankees, the lawyers, the Jews, the feminists, the lib- erals, the atheists, the civil libertarians, the Arabs, The New York Times and Broadway, then even a diet of all ribs and baked beans won't make you like America. 6 6 Pesick can be reached at jzpesick@umich.edu. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR MSA's promotion of Michael Moore is Inappropriate TO THE DAILY: I am very upset to hear that Michael Moore has been invited to give a presenta- tion on our campus, and I am disappointed. in the Michigan Student Assembly for per- mitting him to do so "MSA Offers to Pay for Moore Visit", (09115/04). I understand that MSA wishes to provide students with a chance to sample ideas from a wide politi- cal spectrum, but Moore is an exception. Moore's movie, Fahrenheit 9/11 (fea- turing a mastery of cut-and-paste scenes distorted to Moore's wishes), is not only extremely offensive to fair-minded people, but it also has become a propaganda film used by enemies of the United States. Once released internationally, Fidel Castro aired the movie daily on Cuban National Televi- sion, and Al-Jazeera broadcasted the film to terrorist operatives of al-Qaida and Hez- bollah. These terrorist organizations used the film to garner support for their cause and recruit more militants to fight against our troops in Iraq. Moore propagates his ideas based on lies and distortions, while his movie has put our brave troops in Iraq in greater danger than they would be otherwise. It is irresponsible for MSA and members of the Peace and Justice Commission to encourage Moore by providing a medium by which he can com- municate with large audiences. His ideas are dangerous. Moore's appear- ance on our campus will tarnish our University's reputation in the eye of the fair-minded public. This is not an issue of being liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat. This is an issue of honesty versus dishon- esty, honor versus dishonor, and patriotism versus anti-Americanism. MSA is doing a employees at Borders bookstores. Lee implies that this alleged misconduct has something to do with the Borders union. Leat's set the record straight. The online Borders union forum to which Lee refers can be found at www.bordersunion. org. While the name is certainly confusing, it is not the official web site of the soon-to- be two-year-old union at the Liberty Street Borders store. Rather it is an activist-run web site, now owned by the UFCW Local 789 in Minneapolis, designed to give Bor- ders employees around the country a forum to express their dissent against management and to share ideas for organizing themselves. Anyone, including Lee, can make a post on the web site by simply creating an account. As such, it should be clear that it does not represent the official viewpoint of UFCW 789, and certainly not of the hardworking employees of Border's flagship store on Lib- erty Street (which, incidentally, is represent- ed by UFCW Local 876). Lee's column attempts to make a larger point about the polarization of the American electorate, but that it does so via unfounded (and apparently unchecked) allegations is unfortunate. Don't allow his thinly veiled attempt to discredit these union workers to mislead you; go talk to the workers at Store 001 yourself. IRFAN NOORUDDIN Alum The letter writer is a professor of political science at Ohio State University. Supreme Court authority on pledge matter limited TO THE DAILY: I write to address the factual inaccuracies in your editorial Pledge politics (09/27/04). Whether or not Congress is pandering to a spe- cific group, which the editorial implies, is a dif- ferent debate all together. stated in the Constitution, which the editors are clearly and wrongfully presenting that it is. Secondly, I would encourage the editors to review Article III. The Constitution estab- lishes the Supreme Court and the judicial branch; however, the powers of the Supreme Court and lower courts are derived from "the Congress [which] may from time to time ordain and establish" the judicial power. If the Constitution grants Congress the power to "from time to time ordain and establish" judicial power, certainly that must include Congress's power to ordain and establish statutes that curb, judicial power and rein in activist judges and judi- cial activism. When the judicial branch oversteps its powers and exhibits judicial activism, it is the Congress's constitutional duty and obligation to check the powers it has ordained and established to the Supreme Court and lower courts. Certainly everyone should be concerned and skeptical of an elite, black-robed, nine-mem- ber oligarchy determining the ultimate policy of a nation of 280 million. Does the Supreme Court have the final say and unchecked power? Should we allow an elite appointed court, instead of elected representatives, decide another battle in America's ongoing culture war? JEREMY HOLTSCLAW Rackham LETTERS POLICY The Michigan Daily welcomes letters from all of its readers. Letters from University students, faculty, staff and administrators will be given priority over others. Letters should include the writer's name, college and school year or other Uni- versity affiliation. The Daily will not print any letter containing statements that can- not be verified. Letters should be kept to approxi- 00. jM41 v E !G