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September 28, 2004 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-09-28

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Tuesday, September 28,2004


Opinion 4

Jason Z. Pesick says
Bush divides America

Sports 10 Avant contributes
despite few catches

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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Vol. CXIII, No. 170

02004 The Michigan Daily

gay marriage
ban on ballot

at U
By Melissa Benton
and Ashley Dinges
Daily Staff Reporters

By Tom Szczesny
For the Daily
In an increasingly partisan elec-
tion, an issue has landed on the
Michigan ballot that may polar-
ize debate even further. After a

decision by the
Michigan Court of
Appeals earlier this
month, voters will
now decide if the
state constitution
should be amended


to ban same-sex marriage.
Three laws currently ban same-
sex marriage within the state.
However, these are open to judicial
interpretation - the new amend-
ment would prevent judges from
ever allowing same-sex marriage
to occur in Michigan -and linit
those eligible for business and gov-
ernment benefits.
Although existing benefits pack-
ages and contracts would not be
affected, the amendment would not
guarantee their inclusion in future
* negotiations or collective bargain-
ing sessions.
"This amendment does three

things it does not say it does,"
said Julius Zomper, communica-
tions director for the Coalition
for a Fair Michigan, an advocacy
group opposing the amendment.
He claims the amendment would
interfere with labor unions, public
universities' ability to offer ben-
efits and deprive children of health
Marlene Elwell, chair of the Cit-
izens for Protection of Marriage,
an advocacy group in favor the
amendment, calls accusations of
lost benefits "absolutely not true"
and downplays their impact, saying
the amendment will not affect pri-
vate business.
LSA senior Andrea Knittel, co-
chair of a lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender political activist group,
Stonewall Democrats, defines
the argument over benefits as the
central issue in the entire debate.
Her claim is that the amendment is
simply "a business and civil issue."
Others believe there are more
pressing moral issues at stake.
"The amendment will protect
traditional marriage as it has stood

New commercial
features wo rid-
Lclass" reputation

When one Eastern Michigan University stu-
dent returned to his University Towers apart-
ment Sunday, he was surprised to find his trash
had been emptied' while he was away over the
But he was even more surprised to find about
$6,500 in electronics missing.
. He later learned that two other apartments on
the same floor were robbed.
Ann Arbor Police Department deputy police
chief Greg O'Dell confirmed that three apart-
ments on the same floor of University Towers
were broken into over the weekend.
Perhaps most surprising of all, the EMU stu-
dent said, was the fact that only one apartment
appeared to have experienced forced entry.
"The police officers said it was quite clear
there was no forced entry," said the resident, who
wished to remain anonymous.
The resident added that the doors to the apart-
ments automatically lock when the door is shut.
"It had to have been somebody with a key."
The resident speculated maintenance workers
broke into the apartments because they recently
have been doing a lot of work on one of the apart-
ments that was robbed.
The case is still under investigation.
No one from the front desk at University Tow-
ers has approached the resident to discuss the
break-in or to apologize for the incident, he
Although the resident will not lose any money
because he has homeowners' insurance, he said
the break-in still bothers him.
"It kind of pisses me off that you're living here,
and the people that work here can break into your
apartment," he said.
See THEFTS, Page 7

By Omayah Atassi
For the Daily

Hoping to emphasize what it con-
siders a world-class reputation, the
University has developed a new com-
mercial that is airing this year during
the halftime break of college foot-
ball and basketball
games. " u t
The school decid-
ed to take on the move O:
project of develop-
ing a new commer- our spir:
cial after several
alumni complained with the
about the old public
service announce- U
"PSAs usu- service
ally have about a
three- to four-year life span before
they become outdated," University
Marketing Communications Direc-
tor Brett Ashley said. "It's been about
four or five years since we've made the
last one, so we thought it was time."
Part of the initiative for the new
commercial resulted from criticism of
the former advertisement.
University President Mary Sue
Coleman said she received several e-


mails from alumni asking her to "do
something" about the ad.
After viewing the older version for
the first time this past year, Coleman
agreed that a more modern announce-
ment should be produced.
"It's what people expect at Michi-
gan," she said.
The new ad
dents begins with a
shot of Earth
1, but from outer space,
and the names of
its stay astronauts Col.
,, David Scott, Maj.
im. Alfred Worden
and Col. James
i.versity public Irwin appear
on the screen.
Announcement These names
are followed by
the words "Apollo 15: An all U of
M crew," referring to the University
alumni who made up the entire crew
of NASA's 1971 mission to the moon.
Then, "The Victors" plays in the
background, followed by the spoken
message, "Our students move on, but
our spirits stay with them."
Ashley said when administrators
decided to make the new commer-

Neighbors prevent church construction

Residents of University Towers enter the building yesterday evening. The building was the site of three recent
apartment break-ins during the weekend.

By Ann Beisch
For the Daily
New Life Church, with its lively music and real-
life stories, has experienced skyrocketing atten-
dance since 1995, and the group has pushed to
expand by building a new auditorium. However,
neighborhood resistance has inhibited the con-
struction of this auditorium.
The church has had trouble getting approval for
the project from city planners.
In order to accommodate increased attendance,
New Life purchased the former Delta Zeta soror-
ity house on Washtenaw Avenue and Hill Street in
August 2002.
Since buying the property, New Life has attempt-
ed to build an auditorium in the acre behind the
10,000-square-foot building, said Joel Vander-
Schel, an administrator with New Life.

But New Life's ambitions hit a snag when city
leaders rejected the group's plans for the site.
After hiring an architect who drew up the site
plan, New Life sent the proposal to the Depart-
ment of City Planners at the Planning and Devel-
opment Services. There, a nine-member planning
committee voted to postpone deciding on the proj-
ect three times.
VanderSchel said New Life was required to
obtain a site plan as well as a special exception
plan because of its proximity to surrounding resi-
dences, such as sororities, fraternities and co-ops.
Nearby residents have caused the city to turn
down the church at the planning-commission
level, said Larry Pickel, the building official for
the Planning and Development Services.
The proposal has yet to get to the point at which
the members could apply for building permits, he

Permits are required for any new construction,
alterations and additions that are larger than 200
square feet, or any repairs whose estimated cost is
more than $600.
Groups applying for permits must have their
overall site plan approved, which takes into
account neighborhoods and surrounding inhabit-
ants, Pickel said.
VanderSchel said he thought the- many "vocal
neighbors" who have vehemently opposed the
construction and complained of increased traffic
and size of the construction site contributed to the
city's decision.
"The planning commission seems to be taking
the complaints of the opposed people weightier
than any other side," he said.
Matt Turner, a sophomore at Washtenaw Com-
munity College and resident of the co-op, "Truth
See NEW LIFE, Page 7

Diag safe from unfriendly
fertilizers and pesticides

By Naila Moreira
Daily Staff Reporter
Students lounging or playing on the Diag's lush
green grass may wonder whether herbicides and pes-
ticides used on University grounds expose them to
health risks. A team of University groundskeepers
said students will not experience harmful effects from
lawn chemicals.
Although chemicals are used to maintain grass,
plants and trees at the University, precautions are in
place to protect students and the environment, said
Grounds and Waste Management Director John Law-
ter. He said non chemical methods of caring for plants
and trees are also emphasized.
Safety precautions include placing flags around
recently treated areas, posting groundskeeping per-
sonnel to redirect foot traffic and using only highly

Turf Talk
The University says it takes many
precautions when using plant
chemicals on the Diag
All products used on the Diag can be pur-
chased at local stores.
Only licensed staffers apply products
Flower beds, trees and turf are specifically
selected to be resistent to pests and insects in
order to reduce the need for pesticides
fertilizer (and pesticides), and we go about it in the
least harinful way possible."

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