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September 27, 2004 - Image 17

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-09-27

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The Michigan Daily - SportsMonday -- September 27, 2004 - 78
Blue still undefeated in season

By Matt Singer
Daily Sports Writer
Eight games. Zero losses. The No. 16
Michigan women's soccer team is simply on
a roll.
The Wolverines (4-0 Big Ten, 7-2-1 over-
all) have outscored their opponents 18-5 over
their unbeaten streak, including shutouts in
their last three games.
"I think that it shows from how hard
we've been working in practice," freshman
Jamie Artsis said. "What (our coaches)
have been teaching us. we take it onto the
field when we play."
Artsis spearheaded Michigan's latest vic-
tory - a 4-0 drubbing yesterday at Iowa
(0-3-1, 0-6-2). After countless scoring
opportunities in previous games, the mid-
fielder finally put in her first collegiate goal
... and her second ... and her third. Artsis's
hat trick was Wolverines' first since Abby
Crumpton poured in three goals against
Wisconsin in 2002.
"That was huge for (Artsis)," Michigan
coach Debbie Rademacher said. "She's typi-
cally someone who can score goals, and
she's been working so hard all year. Finally
the floodgates opened for her."
It didn't come easy, however. As has often
been the case this season, the Wolverines
dominated the first half but had nothing to
show for it. Although Michigan's 10-1 shoot-
ing advantage didn't translate into a halftime

advantage, Rademacher knew that the goals
would come.
"We didn't need to change anything."
Rademacher said.
Ten minutes into the second half, the
Hawkeyes fouled Artsis outside of the 18-
yard box. Senior captain Laura Tanchon
served one to the front of the net, and Art-
sis took it off the deflection and tapped it
past the keeper to give the Wolverines a 1-
0 advantage. Soon after, Artsis created her
own opportunity, dribbling down the middle
and blasting a 25-yard strike to the upper
left-hand corner of the net.
Even with a two-goal cushion, Michi-
gan never stopped attacking. In the 86th
minute, junior Katie Kramer took a pass
from sophomore Judy Coffman and popped
in her first goal of the season. With time
expiring, Artsis sealed the hat trick and the
final margin when she headed in a perfect
Tanchon corner-kick.
Michigan's combination of offensive
aggressiveness and stellar defensive play
contributed to the lopsided final score. The
Wolverines outshot Iowa 24-3 and earned 10
corner kicks, while Iowa earned none.
"Our defense is amazing, they are so
physical and so strong - they never let
down," Artsis said. "They are just very
aggressive, if someone gets beat, which is
very rare, someone will go 110 percent to
make the play."
The victory over Iowa came after an emo-

tionally draining double-overtime victory
on Friday in Minnesota. The gritty Golden
Gophers (0-4-0, 3-6-0) were hyped for their
Big Ten home opener, and they gave the
Wolverines all they could handle.
"They played a real physical, kind of a
long ball game," Rademacher said. "The key
for us was to be able to stand tough and hang
in there and put a ball in the net."
Both goalies were stellar throughout.
Michigan sophomore Megan Tuura made
five saves, while Minnesota's Molly Sch-
neider turned away 10 Wolverine shots.
"I thought the defense was put under a
lot of pressure on Friday based on the style
of play of Minnesota," Rademacher said.
"I thought they hung tough, and (Tuura)
made some key saves."
But the scoreless stalemate didn't hold.
Early in the second overtime, the Wolverines
earned a corner kick. Tanchon's boot ended up
in front of the net and after a flurry of activi-
ty, freshman Kandice McLaughlin drilled the
ball past Schneider for the game-winner.
After coming up with two wins on the road,
Michigan can't afford to relax. Big Ten powers
Penn State and Ohio State roll into town next
week, and the Wolverines will be ready.
"I think every weekend is so important,"
Rademacher said. "It just imposes a dif-
ferent type of opponent. It's not hard to
keep the team focused, because in the back
of their mind they want to win a Big Ten

Freshman Jamie Artsis scored her first three collegiate goals against Iowa yesterday. She Is the first
Wolverine to record a hat trick since 2002.

No love
for Selig
up north
MONTREAL (AP) - Hundreds of
Montreal Expos fans held a rally near
Olympic Stadium on Saturday in the
faint hope of dissuading baseball from
moving their hometown team.
Several speakers, including Jacques
Doucet, the club's longtime French
broadcaster, and Michel Filteau, who
organized the rally, addressed a crowd
of approximately 500 people in a park-
ing lot adjacent to the Pierre Charbon-
neau Centre.
Doucet told the crowd he was
"proud and disappointed" to be speak-
ing to them.
"I said I was proud because of the
support that these fans showed about
keeping the team here, and I was disap-
pointed because of the reasons that we
were there," Doucet said Saturday night
just before the first pitch of Montreal's
game against Philadelphia.
Following the 30-minute rally, the
group marched along the grounds of the
Olympic Park to gather again outside
Olympic Stadium.
"I think the fans could be the
spark for the renewal or the rebirth
of the Expos," Filteau said. "It will
pass by the fans first. They have to
take the leadership in that cause.
Like with Minnesota, when they
decided to contract the Twins the
whole community got behind sav-
ing the team, so we have to do the
same thing."
One of the many signs displayed
during the rally read: "Selig is not
my Bud."
The Expos have three home games
remaining this season, and Wednes-
day night's game against Florida
could be the last big league game
at Olympic Stadium. After years of
dwindling attendance in Montreal,
baseball is expected to relocate the
team - which has been owned and
operated by Major League Baseball
for the last three seasons - for the
2005 season.
Washington D.C. is the leading can-
didate. Nearby northern Virginia; Las
Vegas; Monterrey, Mexico; Norfolk,
Va.; and Portland, Ore., have also been
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