COLIN DALY T iimMICHIGAN DALY OCTOBER 10, 2003 , _ *7 COMMENTARY NOTABLE QUOTABLE t I am not interested in responding to a set of demands where no real discussion can take place." The Michigan Daily - New Student Edition - Fall 2004 - 5B II L;,, a «~ 'wre . .. ... - ... BEETS ve°ro s w'1 4 xLJ4 I - University President Mary Sue Coleman, in an open letter to students, printed April 1, 2004 in The Michigan Daily. RicI PF: FOP, succ SS? 'Members-only' diversity JOHANNA HIANINK PARLANCE OF 0.U R TIMES SEPTEMBER 22, 2003 n the early weeks of bly would have been more than sympathetic to the when it comes to minority issues. She was shocked last year's boycott boycotters' cause. and insulted that a white student had asked her against The Michigan So what were the leaders of these communities how she styled her hair. Daily, the organizers of the so afraid of? Would white people necessarily have It's very likely that this student asked her in a boycott logically held caused problems, and would the students of color less than sensitive way, but, at the same time, are many meetings with inter- all necessarily have agreed with - and kept secret we supposed to come to the University knowing ested members of the Uni- from the Daily staff - everything that went on? everything? Where I live, at Telluride House, there versity community to (They certainly did not.) Was this compatible with exists one of the most comfortably diverse and discuss the issues sur- University philosophy and policy, and if not, why amazingly engaged communities on this campus. rounding the boycott. was it OK? Every year, each student is expected to prepare a However, one of these meetings, scheduled to This kind of situation pops up every once in a one-hour "pubspeak" about any topic that they take place in a University residence hall, was while, and when it does it usually sparks a few wish to speak on. Two years ago, a black student designated as a "minorities only" meeting; in debates, enrages a few students and is soon forgot- presented to the group about African-American other words, whites were not welcome. ten. A friend of mine who graduated last year had hairstyles and hair care. In situations like that, I'm not sure how the meeting worked - I have tried - with the utmost sincerity - to join when we acknowledge our ignorance and someone a friend who looks "white" enough, but her grand- HEADS, a black male student group at the Univer- steps up to help eradicate it, the goal of a diverse mother is Lebanese. Would she have been allowed sity. Not being a black male, he was turned away, learning environment is most successfully realized. into the meeting? I know another person - again, no question. The impetus behind this column was the story unequivocally "white"-looking, but he had enough Student groups who exclude others based coming out of California that a student from Oak- American Indian in his blood to claim minority entirely on those others' non-minority status may ley wishes to begin a Caucasian club - and so far, status on graduate school applications - although have a sound justification; if there is, I would be she's collected about 250 supportive signatures. only at some schools, not all. Would he have been very interested to hear it. The University tolerates According to The Associated Press, this girl, who turned away at the door? Would the organizers this, even if the argument it makes in favor of this promises that all people will be welcome to attend, have demanded a certificate of tribal affiliation? behavior is an argument from silence. As a white- said that she and her friends feel "slighted" by the When I first read the e-mail announcing the as-white-can-be student who can date her Euro- presence of other minority student clubs. meeting, it evinced a visceral reaction in me - pean ancestors' arrival in the United States to the There's somewhat of a natural reaction behind how, on University property, could a meeting take 1690s, it is admittedly difficult sometimes - and this idea - in talking about the "minorities-only" place at which the organizers could say, in no sub- very probably impossible - to always fully under- meeting, it followed to question whether the Uni- tle words, "no whites allowed?" Is this what multi- stand what is at stake in students of color's issues. versity would have allowed a "non-minorities- culturalism means at this University? Even though This doesn't mean that I don't want to or don't try only" meeting. But it's an instinct that should be I was in a position of leadership at the Daily during - I want an explanation. If you have one, please suppressed: This isn't the path toward the kind of the boycott - and thus was supposed to keep my send it. diversity objective that the University claimed mouth shut - I was outraged enough to write to Exclusion, as easy as it might be, is not the way throughout the course of the affirmative action the hall director (twice) of the residence hall which to build a comfortable diversity at this University. case. The proper response is not to feel offended allowed (in that it did not prohibit) that meeting to Right now, this ideal only exists in small pockets and strike back - it -is to strive for inclusiveness proceed. I received no response. of University life, but where it exists, it's a wonder- even when it is uncomfortable, and to be willing to Why not market the meeting as targeted at ful thing. Last year I read of a University student, teach others even when the lesson seems obvious. minority communities? Caucasians surely would quoted in The Washington Post (At U-Michigan, not have turned out en masse, and those that would Minority Students Find Access - and Sense of have attended most likely would not have been Isolation, 04/01/03) who complained of the Hanink can be reached members of The Michigan Review - they proba- absolute ignorance that white students display VIEWPOINT America needs to re-commit itself to investing in the future APRI 1,2003 BY JAMES DUDERSTADT Foremost on the minds of most university lead- ers these days are the devastating cuts in appropri- ations as the states struggle to cope with crushing budget deficits and the erosion of private support from gifts and endowment income associated with a weak economy. Of course, the optimist might suggest that this is just part of the ebb and flow of economic cycles. In bad times, state governments and donors cut support, hoping to restore it once again in good times. But this time it may be differ- ent. There is an increasing sense of pessimism about the restoration of adequate state support, particularly for flagship public research universi- ties such as the University of Michigan. Yet there is a certain irony here, because soci- ety's dependence upon higher education in general and the research university in particular has never been stronger. Today we are evolving rapidly into a post-industrial, knowledge-based society, a shift in culture and technology as profound as the shift that took place a century ago when our agrarian society evolved into an industrial nation. A radically new system for creating wealth has evolved that depends upon the creation and appli- cation of new knowledge. In a very real sense, we are entering a new age, an age of knowledge, in which the key strategic resource necessary for prosperity has become knowledge itself - edu- cated people and their ideas. Unlike natural resources, such as iron and oil, that have driven earlier economic transformations, knowledge is inexhaustible. The more it is used, the more it mul- tiplies and expands. But knowledge can be created, absorbed and applied only by the educated. Hence schools, in general, and universities in particular, will play increasingly important roles as our societies enter this new age. Yet today the United States, which once viewed education as critical to national security, seems more concerned with sustaining the social benefits (and tax policies) demanded by an aging baby boomer population (and to hell with the kids). The priorities of those of us in this impacted wisdom group are clearly heath care, prisons, homeland security and reduced tax burdens for the near term rather than the education of the next generation and the future. This situation is unlikely to change until a new generation establishes a more appro- priate balance between consuming for our present desires and investing for our children's future. This is particularly important for the leaders of America's public universities. Today, in the face of limited resources and more pressing social priori- ties, the century-long expansion of public support of higher education has slowed. We now have at least two decades of experience that would suggest that the states are simply not able - or willing - to provide the resources to sustain the capacity and quality of their public universities. Most pessimistically, one might even conclude that America's great experiment of building world- class public universities supported primarily by tax dollars has come to an end. It simply may not be possible to justify the level of tax support neces- sary to sustain the quality of these institutions in the face of other public priorities, such as health care, K-12 education and public infrastructure needs - particularly during a time of slowly ris- ing or stagnant economic activity and an aging generation that apparently cares little about the future it leaves for its children. Flagship public universities, such as the University of Michigan, must come to grips with this reality and take those actions, both courageous and no doubt controver- sial, necessary to preserve their quality and capaci- ty to serve future generations in the face of declining state support. Duderstadt served as the University's president from 1988 to 1996 and is currently a University professor of Science and Engineering. Mary Sue and her fight LOUIE MEIZLISH IN PRINT OCTOBER 15, 2003 ourteen months into her tenure as presi- dent of the Universi- E ty, Mary Sue Coleman has an agenda. She spent the first 14 months finishing up where Lee Bollinger left off - lit- erally left off - for an Ivy League presidency. With Bollinger's unceremonious departure, the two scientists Bollinger signed up to head the Life Sciences Institute, Scott Emr and Jack Dixon, decided they didn't want the job with- out Bollinger, and two executive officers - the vice president for development and chief financial officer - figured they'd rather be at Lee C.'s Columbia than stay here. So upon taking over in August 2002, Cole- man had to find renlacements for those nosi- versities as equal as good private universities?" she said. "I think we do." "I want to shift the conversation from people saying, 'What is the cost of going to universi- ty?' and shifting it to, 'What is the cost of let- ting this go?'" Coleman is right in that declining financial support from the states and the feds has meant schools have had to cut back on programs and raise tuition. But tuition raised at rates higher than increases in inflation, as has been the practice, will cause enrollment to drop - and the University will suffer. Recent projections that the state will have to cut $700 to $900 million out of the current 2003-4 budget is bad news for the University, Coleman conceded. State Rep. Mike Pumford .(R-Newaygo), who sits on the House subcommittee charged with recommending state funding for universi- said. "There's no fat left to be cut out there." A deficit of that size guarantees that the University will see some cuts. That means stu- dents can expect higher tuition, larger class sizes, more graduate students and adjunct fac- ulty teaching courses and, oh yeah, some pro- grams might be cut. "It's hard for me to imagine with everything we've gone through to think we can hold everything harmless," if the state cuts Univer- sity funding, Coleman said. As we all know, politicians don't like raising taxes, and taxes will have to be raised on at least some people if the state - and maybe even the feds - are to give more support to the universities. So this is an opportunity for Coleman to "show real leadership," as they say, and she has vowed to do that. One of her ideas is to get corporations to lobby lawmakers for more sup-