4A - TheMichiganDaily-_Monday,September_27,_2004 _ OPINION ZtIie Mllidt~igtt 420 MAYNARn STREET ANN ARoR, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.comr EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 JORDAN SCHRADER Editor in Chief JASON Z. PESICK Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other pieces do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. NOTABLE QUOTABLE People watch these things more like they are watching "Friends" than the way they watch the Harvard and Yale debate societies." - Chris Lehane, who served as former Vice President Al Gore's press secretary, on the forthcoming presidential debate, as reported by Time magazine. Tke Yoke o o PnOor record Igo rexi} f A - r, 0 k7 Ji a SAM BUTLER T sA: Borders employees, unfit for command D. C. LEE : LACK DIAMONDS AND PEARLS a0 orders bookstore, which recently ended a labor dis- pute with its employees fighting for a "living wage," is now experiencing a new problem stemming from the same source. On Sept. 15, the online forum for Borders employees encour- aged union members to deliberately hide, damage and forget to stock John O'Neill's New York Times best-selling book "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry." Naturally, the Borders union disclaimed responsibility for the posts, which have since been deleted from the union's online forum. Respond- ing to nationwide inquiries into the whereabouts of "Unfit for Command," Borders headquarters explained that people are not having a hard time finding the book because politically overzealous employees are hiding it, but because it's been on back order for weeks. Both the Borders union and its headquarters spin a plausible, if not likely, explanation. Of course, as anyone who's been to Borders in the last three years can tell you, it's just as likely that self-proclaimed "progressive" employees are in fact hiding, damaging and refusing to stock O'Neill's best-seller. Politicking as usual, surely, but shouldn't the politicking take place in the mar- ketplace of ideas, not the actual marketplace? If Borders employees are in fact hiding, dam- aging and refusing to stock "Unfit for Command," this conduct would amount to an egregious breach of political, ethical and corporate standards. The unilateral blacklisting of O'Neill's wildly popular book cannot he reconciled with any amount of progressive thinking. Moreover, even if Borders employees could reconcile the unilateral black- listing of "Unfit for Command" with the absurd notion that they know what's best for other peo- ple, the consequences of their actions would be, in all likelihood, counterproductive. Once word gets out that Borders employees are unilaterally hiding, damaging and refusing to stock a certain book, news of this egregious breach of political, ethical and corporate standards creates a buzz. In time, more people are purchasing and reading the ideas these employees seek to suppress. Again, though, it's also possible that the Borders union and headquarters are right. In other words, there may still be a conspiracy -just not one orga- nized by Borders employees. Borders as a company has an interest in selling as many books as possible, and perhaps people aren't finding copies of "Unfit for Command" because there really aren't enough copies to go around. Alternatively, the lack of cop- ies could be an issue of local preference. According to Borders Customer Care, "Our inventory is based primarily on what Borders shoppers have shown they are interested in purchasing - only 50 per- cent of the titles in our stores are common to every store and the other 50 percent is driven entirely by the shopping habits of our customers." As a result, inventory varies greatly from store to store. This policy likely explains why the Borders on East Lib- erty has four of five liberal bestsellers on its racks, but only one of four conservative bestsellers, "Unfit for Command," on the same displays. Additionally, the Borders union might be tell- ing the truth when it claims that the poster boast- ing about hiding, damaging and refusing to stock O'Neill's book is not a Borders employee. Until the Sept. 15 debacle, the union did not moderate the Borders employee online forum. Thus, the union concludes, the poster could have been a troll attempting to make Borders look bad while generating buzz for the book. Forget hippie book- sellers, they say - this is another vast right wing conspiracy. Possible? Sure. Likely? Who knows. All we know for sure is that the Borders contro- versy speaks to the larger issue of how heated the presidential election has become. With new cam- paign finance laws in place, agitators are looking for new and innovative ways to sling mud. Forget sug- gestions that the Democrats have given up on'04 and that they're setting their sights on '08. This election, Democrats from John Kerry to Borders employees are doing their damnedest to beat George W. Bush. And regardless of whether the Borders controversy was caused by Borders employees or members of the vast right-wing conspiracy, with Kerry's poll numbers steadily falling, Democrats can ill afford to let O'Neill's book gain any more traction. Lee can be reached at leedc@umich.edu. 9 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Tactless supporters of the war fail to show respect for human life TO THE DAILY: After watching our football team defeat the Hawkeyes on Saturday, I was surprised - make that disgusted - by the sight of people holding signs stating "War On," which were meant to look like the "No War" signs that frequent our Ann Arbor community. I encourage the free expres- sion of all political viewpoints, but I urge those people who flaunted their signs to go visit their nearest military recruiter if they want to stand behind their witty catch- phrase. Our courageous men and women in Iraq, Afghanistan and other posts around the world having their tours extended are putting their retirement on hold so that the "war" can go "on." There are many in our University com- munity who have my respect and admiration - those who, unlike myself, have enough courage to step up and put their lives on the line for our country. I support our troops andtthe sacrifices that they make everyday, and I also support our glorious country, but I will not ignore the sanctity of the lives of those that we send to fight our wars. I may be overreacting to a few signs held by a dozen or so people, but I value life, namely the 1,048 American military in Iraq, the 157 foreign contractors in Iraq (www.icasualities.org/oif), and the 12,927 or more Iraqi civilians (www.iraqbodycount. net) who have died during the war. Wear your Bush-Cheney stickers with pride if you believe in President Bush, but please stop and think for a second before display- ing signs that playfully undermine the seri- ous nature of war. God bless our troops and our country. STEVE WARNICK Medical student Anti-Semitic verbal assaults have no place in Ann Arbor or on campus TO THE DAILY: Last Wednesday night I attended a vigil honoring the two soldiers murdered and the numerous citizens injured in yesterday's suicide bombing attack in Jerusalem. Grow- Israeli flag, there was no doubt as to our sen-t timents. A moment later, a tall, older-look-t ing man walked by very quickly and aftert passing us turned and screamed, "Sharon should tear down that fence, that dirty Jew bastard!" I was in utter shock. I simply had no words. After coming from such a mean- ingful ceremony honoring people who had died protecting the citizens of their country, I was stunned by this first direct, vitriolic anti-Semitism that other than on a visit to Poland, I have never experienced before. Before I am a Jew, before I am an American, before I am a female, I am a person. And no person, regardless of race or ethnicity,t should be subject to such irrational behav- ior, such senseless abuse, particularly on thet grounds of an institution that prides itselfl on its democratic values.I ARIELLA GOLDFEIN4 LSA senior Prof's statements on medical marijuana are not founded in reality TO THE DAILY: Prof. Lloyd Johnston's statements about medical marijuana laws are simply false (Medicinal pot use on A2 ballot, 09/23/04). Johnston asserts, "There has never been a real implementation of laws (to legalize medical marijuana) because the federal law always trumps the state laws, and state laws in turn trump local laws." In fact, not only are nine state medical marijuana laws in force and being implemented every day - protecting tens and probably hundreds of thousands of patients from arrest by state and local police - but federal courts have' put severe limits on federal government attempts to undermine such laws. For example, the Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana, a patient-run co-op in Santa Cruz, Calif., was raided by the fed- eral Drug Enforcement Administration in September 2002. It now operates under the protection of a federal court injunction bar- ring further DEA raids. The state of Oregon alone has over 10,000 registered patients in its medical marijuana program. Johnston further claims, "Federal authori- ties made it clear that physicians prescrib- ing marijuana risked losing their licenses to prescribe all controlled substances, includ- misinformation that coincidentally happens to track perfectly with federal opposition to medical marijuana. BRUCE MIRKEN Director of Communications, Marijuana Policy Project Reader questions limitations imposed by the Patriot Act TO THE DAILY: In her article (My litmus test reads more acidic than alkaline, 09/22/04), Sravya Chi- rumamilla states, "I have been incensed by the Patriot Act, which clearly limits my rights." I would like to ask Chirumamilla how exactly the Patriot Act has limited her rights since it was first introduced. Please clarify how your life has been affected. Thanks. MARK YANACHIK Alum LETTERS POLICY The Michigan Daily welcomes letters from all of its readers. Letters from University students, faculty, staff and administrators will be given priority over others. Letters should include the writer's name, college and school year or other Uni- versity affiliation. The Daily will not print any letter containing statements that can- not be verified. Letters should be kept to approxi- mately 300 words. The Michigan Daily reserves the right to edit for length, clarity and accuracy. Longer "viewpoints" may be arranged with an editor. Letters will be run according to order received and the amount of space available. Letters should be sent over e-mail to tothedaily@michigandaily.com or mailed to the Daily at 420 Maynard St. Editors can be reached via e-mail at editpage.editors @umich.edu. Letters e-mailed to the Daily will be given priority over those dropped off in person or sent via the U.S. Postal Service. DAILY OINN a I-- - ------------ - - -