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September 24, 2004 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-09-24

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Friday, September 24, 2004


Opinion 4

Coleman should help
MSA get out the vote

Arts 5 This is what happens
when Daily Arts stops
being polite and starts
getting real.

e IcaugY ti

H!: 83
LOW: 52

One-hundred-thirteen years of editorialfreedom
www.michikandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 168 ®2004 The Michigan Daily

' '


renovate Stockwell, MoJo

Housing Overhaul
1. Construction of new hall to last
from 2006 to 2008
2. During year-long renovations to
Stockwell and Mosher-Jordan, stu-
dents relocated to North Campus
3. Dining hall improvements include
new cafeterias with marketplace set-
ting and cafes with flexible hours

By Aymar Jean
Daily Staff Reporter

University Housing officials detailed plans
yesterday to significantly improve on-campus
housing, including plans for at least one new
residence hall, renovations to two existing
dorms and an overhaul to dining services.
The proposals, part of the Residential Life
Initiatives, have been in development for
months. They result from years of University
research signaling the relatively poor condition
of on-campus housing. For more than 30 years,
the University has not built a new residence hall,
even as the incoming classes have increased.

The University expects to begin building the
new residence hall - whose location remains
undetermined - in 2006, and it will not be fin-
ished until 2008.
The University plans to renovate Mosher-
Jordan Hall or Stockwell Hall in 2006, and the
other in 2007, so that both are completed by
2008. During that time some students will have
to relocate to North Campus.
The University also plans to begin construct-
ing two new dining cafeterias in 2006. At the
same time, the University will make fire and
other safety improvements on existing dorms.
Administrators estimate all the new plans will
cost $250 to $280 million, but said that these

numbers are just preliminary. No additional
housing rate increases are expected beyond the
typical 5 percent annual increases.
"Our efforts tie very closely to the president's
initiative to reconnect, renovate and expand
residential life on campus," University Housing
Director Carole Henry said at yesterday's Uni-
versity Board of Regents meeting. University
President Mary Sue Coleman has, administrators
say, staked her presidency on improving residen-
tial life, believing it essential to recruit the best
students and create small living communities.
Despite the comprehensive nature of the hous-
ing plan, several regents at yesterday's meeting
were skeptical of its impact. At least two presenta-

tions proposing radical changes to housing have
been made in the past decade, but progress was
stalled when key administrators like former Presi-
dent Lee Bollinger left for other schools. Regents
approved a resolution in 2001 giving direction to
University Housing to build a new residence hall.
When elected in 1994, University Regent
Andrea Fischer Newman (R-Ann Arbor) made
housing her personal priority. Before her term
expires in 2008, she said she would like to see
"We are putting significant pressure on the
president to move this," she said. "You need to
understand, and people here need to understand,
See HOUSING, Page 3

Server crash
cuts campus
e-mail access

By Alison Go
and Tomislav Ladika
Daily News Editors
Students and faculty were left
without e-mail access for much of
yesterday and throughout the night
due to a malfunction within the Uni-
versity's e-mail servers.
The University's IMAP servers
- which control the mail.umich.
edu website and e-mail accounts of
most students and faculty - mal-
functioned sometime before noon
E-mail for students in the College
of Engineering was not affected.
Teams from the University's
Information Tech-
nology Central
Servicesmanaged University
to briefly bring said they
the servers backy
up for sporadic not certain
service shortly
after 9 p.m. last specific cap
night. However, the server{
further problems
were discovered but they so
and ITCS shut thewas not re]
server down for
the night, saying a compute:
it expects to fix
the problem by
this morning.
University officials said they were
not certain of the specific cause of
the server crash, but said it was not
related to a computer virus.
James Hilton, associate provost for
academic, information and instruc-
tional technology affairs, said a
failure in a component of the IMAP
servers was the cause of the e-mail
malfunction yesterday.
"We don't know exactly why the
component failed," he said, add-
ing, "It's not that we've been hit by
a virus."
Hilton said after the server is
restored, ITCS will begin examining
the service to determine the specific
cause of the failure and to prevent
future problems.


That gives little comfort to stu-
dents affected by the stoppage.
LSA senior Emilio Dirlikov, whose
study-abroad application is due today,
said the e-mail failure hindered his
ability to communicate with his
adviser. Because they could not reach
each other through email, Dirlikov
was forced to skip class to converse.
"I had to do the old-school thing,"
Dirlikov said.
Other affected students had differ-
ent kinds of deadlines to meet.
LSA sophomore Alice Zheng said
a research project that is due today
would not be of the highest caliber.
Without e-mail, Zheng was unable to
have her project read and corrected
by a professor.
"College is a
officials very minute-to-
vere minute life, and it
is important to use
i of the (e-mail) to stay on
uise of top of meetings
and assignments,"
crash, she said.
Hilton said
id it ITCS would be
Lated to unable to get the
servers running
r virus. during the night
because most of
the ITCS techni-
cians were exhausted after working
nonstop for about 12 hours to fix the
server problem. He added that they
were short-handed because half the
staff was sick with strep throat.
Hilton said if the technicians were
not able to repair the servers and
ensure that they were functioning
properly, the University would go
ahead and shut down the operation
until the next morning.
"I don't want (the technicians) to
fix it when they're exhausted, 'cause
that's when you make big mistakes,"
he said. Hilton added that if the server
was left on while not functioning prop-
erly, more problems could surface and
would prolong the repair process.
- Daily Staff Reporter Donn M.
Fresard contributed to this report.

SFaculty shrtage thr~eatens Nursing

By Amber Colvin
For the Daily
Hospitals nationwide have had trouble finding
qualified nurses for years, but now the shortage is
seeping into the academic world - decreasing the
number of faculty available to teach and therefore the
number of students who can attend nursing schools.
At the University's School of Nursing, 40 percent
of tenure-track faculty is older than 60, Associate
Dean Joanne Pohl said. "In five years many of them
could be retired," she said.
Part of the problem is that becoming a nursing
professor requires years of study. At the University,
90 percent of tenure-track nursing faculty hold a
doctoral degree.

"It is more of an investment to become an educa-
tor," said School of Nursing Dean Ada Sue Hinshaw,
who herself plans to retire in two years.
Hinshaw and Pohl also pinned the problem on the
relatively low salaries nursing faculty receive com-
pared to nurses working in the field.
"After a student graduates, the clinical arena can
offer a job starting at $55,000 to $70,000 a year.
Nursing faculty would start at around $60,000 a
year, and that is after four years in a doctoral pro-
gram," Hinshaw said.
Pohl added that numerous cuts to the University's
budget by the state government have prevented the
School of Nursing from being able to pay faculty
what other jobs could offer.
The shortage of nurses means that the University

"Nationally, 16,000 qualified
applicants have been turned
away due to insufficient
numbers of faculty."
- Joanne Pohl
Associate Dean, School of Nursing
will not be able to carry out all of its programs, Pohl
said. The shortage of nurses means that fewer enroll
in graduate schools, and even fewer in the doctoral
See NURSES, Page 3

Research center
seeks cure for
chronic fatigue


Brother Cam
praises Kerry's
personal side
By Leslie Rott
Daily Staff Reporter
While voters know John Kerry for his sharp criticisms
of President Bush and promises to repeal tax cuts for the
wealthy, his brother sees an entirely different side of the
Democratic presidential candidate.
Cam Kerry, brother of Democratic presidential candidate
John Kerry, arrived on campus yesterday to tell students
why the Massachusetts senator deserves to be the next pres-
ident of the United States.
Beyond his stance on the issues, Cam Kerry told students

By Kelly McDermott
For the Daily

Twenty percent of Americans suf-
fer from chronic pain or fatigue but are
never diagnosed, according a Univer-
sity research center.
Since little information is known
about these chronic multi-symptom
illnesses, diagnosis and treatment is
E tvnicallv comnlicated. However, the

Although many have joined the
registry so far, Virginia Leone, one of
the programs' research recruiters, said
they need more volunteers.
The research project consists of
several individual studies focusing on
effects of stress on memory and con-
centration and also the effects of sleep
and exercise on symptoms of the ill-

EM E ~

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