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September 17, 2004 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-09-17

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 17, 2004 - 7 ,

A rllt t tiThMchanDiy-Fda.Stebr1.20 -7

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New WB teen show not
up to Kennedy standard

two brothers and their relationship
with an overbear-
ing mother. The Jack and
futuristic premise Bobby
is original, and at
a time when a real Sundays at 9 p.m.
presidential elec- WB
tion is seemingly
on every channel, the program is a wel-
come change.
The drama, revolving around the
McCallister brothers, intertwines the
present-day boyhood saga of the pair
growing up without a father with clips
of the future President McCalister
showing off his presidential courage
in the White House in the year 2040.
Initially, the premiere leads audiences
to believe that Jack (Matt Long), the
older, more popular brother is the one
who becomes the president. After all,
he is the brother who plays varsity
sports and the one who questions the
domineering demeanor and pot smok-
ing habits of his mother Grace (Chris-
tine Lahti, "The Book of Ruth). His
brother Bobby (Logan Lerman, "The
Patriot), however, seems weak in the
shadow of his older and cooler brother.
He is teased for having asthma and
being interested in science and video-
"Jack and Bobby" is promising and
the first episode managed to shock
* audience expectations. Bobby, not
Jack, is revealed through future inter-
views as becoming the president. Fur-
thermore, a 2040 interview with the
former first lady, Courtney McCallister
(Jessica Par6, "Lives of the Saints"),
reveals that Bobby will eventually
marry Jack's first love. In an even more
outrageous twist, Jack is revealed as
eventually dying at a young age.
The drama's suspense is created

By Puja Kumar
Daily Arts Writer

Courtesy of WB
So mom and dad do that, like, a lot?
through the mystery of deciphering
how Bobby will transform from an
insecure boy to a confident leader,
overcoming societal and familial pres-
sures along the way. Coinciding with
these issues, the program will follow
Jack as he falls in love with Courtney,
negotiates a hostile relationship with
his mother, and serves as a role model
to his impressionable brother.
"Jack and Bobby" combines the
WB's traditional structure of teen
drama with the more sophisticated
style of narration through character
recollection. The only foreseeable dan-
ger, however, lies within the audience's
knowledge of character outcomes.
Viewers may be disappointed and jaded
to already know that their charismatic
star loses the girl, as well as the elec-
tion. For now, though, viewers would
be wise to vote this into their Sunday
night schedule.

"At the end of the night ... you will not
be wearing a hot pink Scissor Sisters shirt.
You will thinkhot pink.You will be Scissor
Sisters ... Are you ready for this, mother-

fucking Detroit?"
Singer Ana
Matronic yelled
Tuesday night at
St. Andrews.
Detroit was
ready. The city
had on its dancing

Tuesday, Sept. 14
St. Andrew's

Paddy Boom carried, in 4/4 time, the New
York-based quintet (plus tour keyboard-
ist) through an hour and a half of explod-
ing, bombastic '70s-styled tunes. "Laura"
- which was dedicated to the first lady
- "Tits on the Radio" and "Take Your
Mama" were energetically received; it was
surprising how many people were sing-
ing along to songs that were released so
recently. The first few seconds of the cover
of Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb," a
disco revision that was the band's first song
to reach the charts in the United Kingdom
were drowned out by almost-cacaphonous
cheers of recognition and delight. "Filthy/
Gorgeous," an homage to transvestites,
could only be more perfect if mid '70s star
Divine was strutting around the stage.
There were a few lulls during the night
when the band switched gears from floor-
breaking, synth-pounding dance-pop
to soulful piano balladry. Songs such as
"Mary" and "Return to Oz" were good
showcases of the band's vocals and instru-
mentation, but the crowd wanted to dance,
not sway, and were not convinced. During
"Return to Oz," a lone fan took out his
lighter, waved it for 12 seconds, looked
around and promptly returned it to his
With swank attire, outrageous theatrics,
campy jokes and flashy lighting, Scissor
Sisters delivered a holistically stimulating

show. All members had a distinguish-
able dynamic; singers Jake Shears and
Ana Matronic were the most flamboyant,
mobile and visible members. Jake and
Ana, who met at a Halloween party (Ana
was dressed as an Andy Warhol factory
reject and Jake as a late-term back-alley
abortion), continually played off each oth-
er's vocal and sexual energy during songs.
Jake, a former go-go dancer, is never
static - bare-chested, drenched in sweat
and suited in dangerously tight and low-
cut black leather pants, Jake gyrated up
and down the stage like a robot made out
of Jell-O.
"Thankfully, Jake fills the sex object
role so well," Ana said after the show. Pre-
ferring Debbie Harris over Madonna as an
iconic influence, Ana declared, "I would
rather use my brains than my booty to get
anywhere in this business."
Despite what-would-your-mother-think
antics (Ana licked Jake's stomach and
played with his nipples during "Filthy/
Gorgeous,") and cheeky lyrics, Scissor
Sisters are, when it comes to bare-bones
music-writing, a very traditional pop band.
"We like to explore songwriting within a
certain formula," Shears explained. "With
albums there is a template. There is a for-
mula that worked for a long, long time that
people have really kind of gotten away
from. They make 70-minute albums with

The Scis-
sor Sisters
perform at
Borders on
East Liberty
lots of filler. And there's no need for that.
We made this album as a piece of vinyl.
There's only 45 minutes on it; there's a side
A and a side B."
The band's self-titled LP was first
released in the United Kingdom on
Polydor Records, the only label that
would pick up the New Yorkers. "Eng-
land is still a very progressive pop mar-
ket ... It was the only market that knew
what to do with us," Shears comments.
He compares British pop radio to '70s
radio, which channeled different kinds
of sounds.
The good word of Scissor Sisters has e.
successfully leaked to the United States -
and the band's schedule is packed with
tour dates. Shears doesn't want the band
to tour indefinitely, though. He loves
playing shows, but recognizes the long-
term benefits of returning to the studio
soon to record a second album.
It's no small task to bring together
West Hollywood types, middle-aged,
Hawaiian-shirt-clad men playing air
guitar and trendy teenage girls, but
Scissor Sisters managed to pull it off
Tuesday night. With distinguishable,
crowd-pleasing music, and the insinua-
tion of a new album in the near future,
Scissor Sisters should have relative ease
carving out their own territory on the
pop turf.

shoes. And what an array of shoes it was
- high heeled pumps, sneakers, leather
boots, loafers. The dark and suffocatingly
hot floor of the former church hosted a
refreshingly heterogeneous cross-section
of the metro Detroit community, united by
a sweaty, booty-shaking plea for pulsating,
colorful and charismatic pop music.
The audience was answered, over-
whelmingly so, and their gratitude was not
just heard in applause and cheers; praise
was felt underfoot as fans jumped and
swayed, sashayed and moved their bodies
so hard that the wooden floor seemed as
though it would collapse any second.
The bass drum could be felt, too, as

Anti-Bush Dance Party brings legenddrummer to Ann Arbor

By stowe Cotner
Daily Arts Writer
Politics has a new party in town: the Regime Change Dance
Party, a dance party dedicated to removing President Bush from
office. It doesn't ask much of its constituents - only that they give
a small donation and get down to local drummer Maruga Booker
and the Global Village Ceremonial Band.
Tomorrow's event, sponsored by MoveOn.org and 70 local
donors, comes on the heels of a similar event in May, which drew a
full standing-room-only crowd at the Arbor Brewing Company. Its
goal is to bring progressive locals and students together for a night
of good music and drinks, and to raise funds for MoveOn, a liberal
political group.
Roger Kerson, a local co-sponsor and organizer of the Regime
Change Dance Party, is enthusiastic about the night's entertainment:

"Number one, it's a chance to dance for a really good band. Maruga

Booker has played with Jimi Hendrix and
Dave Brubeck and Jerry Garcia, and a lot of
great musicians. And to have a resource like
that in town ... he's playing for free, because
he supports the cause and our involvement,
so that's a really great opportunity for us."
The party, which will feature a buffet and
cash bar, is the result of a collaborative effort
between local residents and MoveOn, which
encourages grassroots participation in the
election process. "They're encouraging
people to have yard sales, bake sales, dance
parties, walkathons, talkathons, whatever
people think of,'says Kerson.
In the spirit of political action groups all

Dance Party
Sat. Sept. 18,
7:30. 11 p.m.
$10+ suggested
Ann Arbor First Unitar-
ian Church, 4001 Ann
Arbor-Saline Rd.
across the country,

MoveOn uses the Internet and word of mouth to raise awareness
and involvement. "A lot of times elections are cut off, you feel like
it's out of your hands. Those ads on TV are done by consultants you
never see, so there's no way you can engage and be part of it, and
this is a way where you can be."
The money raised will go to MoveOn, which is sending volunteers
to canvass battleground states, including Michigan and Ohio. But it
also helps MoveOn to remain a force in politics after the election.
Kerson explains that even if Sen. John Kerry were elected
and tried to "improve health care and stand up for the rights
of workers and get better environmental policies, he can't, just
because he's president, do all that." MoveOn would aim to be
"an ongoing presence" in advocating such policies.
Regardless of one's political views, the success of MoveOn
cannot be ignored, a success due in part to its courting of polit-
ical artists and musicians. The Vote for Change Tour, which

features a long list of rock, pop, hip-hop and blues performers
- including Bruce Springsteen, Dave Matthews Band, Pearl
Jam, R.E.M., the Dixie Chicks, John Mellencamp, Ben Harp-
er, Jurassic 5 and Keb' Mo' - is scheduled to play 40 shows
in 30 cities (all in nine battleground states over the course of
10 days).
Organizers of the dance party ask for a donation of $50, but
since that might be prohibitive to students, Kerson adds that "last
time, we had people give everything from $10 up to $1,000.
People kind of have a personal regime change budget, and they a
should figure out what fits in that."
This accommodating attitude is what made the event popular
last time around. The local chapter of MoveOn has even offered
to give rides to the dance party, which may be too far away for
students and locals without transportation. Requests can be sent
to aamoveon@comcast.net.

the michigan daily

long-term help with house maintenance, mi-
nor repairs, filing, entry of research data
stored at house. Good computer skills
needed. Pleasant walkout basement
bdrm./bath with windows and garage prkg.
near Matthaei Gardens could be part of the
package. No smoking/drugs. Salary depen-
dent on duties and qualifications.
Contact Prof. John Heckenlively:
763-2280 or email jrheck@umich.edu
Fri.; 3:30-10p.m. Don't get stuck behind a
counter or waiting tables. We have campaign
$5085/Day. 734-222-6469.
For pre-school thru high school classes.
Days, evenings, weekends. Gymnastics and
experience with children necessary.
Gym America 734-971-1667.
HAVE YOU EVER been diagnosed with or
sought help for depression? If so, you may
qualify to participate in a study on depres-
sion. Participants will receive $50 for their
participation. This work is funded by the Uni-
versity of Michigan Department of Psychol-
ogy. If you are interested, please email:
HAVE YOU EVER had same-sex desires or
engaged in same-sex sexual behaviors? Do
you think of yourself as lesbian, gay, bisex-
ual, queer, or non-heterosexual? If so, you
may qualify to participate in a study on sexu-
ality. Participants will receive $50 for their
participation. This work is funded by the Uni-
versity of Michigan Department of Psychol-
ogy. If you are interested, please email:

PART-TIME CUSTOMER SERVICE posi- TUTOR NEEDED, 10TH grade subjects, in- P/T BABYSITIER NEEDED in A2. 2-8 hrs.-
tion. Flex. schedule. Free coursepacks for cluding Spanish. $25/hr. 3 days/wk. after /wk. Need Car. 734-761-9322.
classes. Apply at Dollar Bill Copying. 611 school. Minimum 3 hrs./wk. Must have own
Church. Or call 665-9200. transportation. Send inquiries to PROFESSIONAL COUPLE SEEKS student
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or aexpenencnuuru rur rur h A aro me


male law student. Pay neg., well trained, call
Chris at 734-761-9551.
boys (11 and 15) to and from Hebrew School
in Ann Arbor from Dexter, Mondays and
Wednesdays. Time: 3:00-6:30 p.m. $65/wk.
tions of local stores, restaurants and theaters
Flexible hours, email required. Call
1-800-585-9024 ext. 6281.
START AT $9.50/HR. and make new friends
while supporting your University. MICHI-
GAN TELEFUND now hiring students for
flexible night and weekend schedules. Awe-
some Resume Builder! Work Study / Non-
Work Study.Apply online:
www.telefund.umich.edu. 998-7420.

wanted Kellogg Eye Center, 15-20hrs./wk.
for data entry, preparation of study materials,
courier charts, assemble information for web.
Work study position. Contact Mrs. Jill
Oversier, 763-2280 orjillo@Umich.edu

or experienced adult for child care, some
transportation, and dinner preparation in our
home near central campus. 4:00 p.m. to 7:00
p.m. Mon-Fri. Must be extremely reliable
and provide own transportation. Phone:
994-3674. Position begins immediatley.

me logos at www.2THUMBZcom
VOIP..THE "NEXT BIG Thing"! Attn: U of',
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HELP WANTED 20 hr./wk. Inventory assis-
tant. Bring resume to Two Wheel Tango
3162 Packard, A2, MI 48108.
SEARCH STUDIES: The Pfizer Research
Clinic in Ann Arbor is seeking healthy males
or females, ages 18-55, for participation in
upcoming drug research studies. Studies last
approximately two-four weeks. Payment for
study participation ranges from $500-$1000.
You must not take daily prescription medica-
tions or have any chronic illness. A pre-
screening process is required. For more infor-
mation, call the Research Recruiters at
1-800-567-8804. Pfizer Research Clinic 2800
Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
Early Childhood Center needs a lunch assis-
tant for preschoolers beginning as soon as
possible and ending June 10. 11:30 - 1:30
Mon. - Fri. or Mon., Wed., Fri. Duties incl.
setting up lunch, supervising lunch, and
cleanup. Contact the director at
CandidatsNeeded To Poe

BABYSiTTER FOR 2-YR. old, flex. time, 6
hrs./wk. & occas. wknd. eves. Near North
Campus. Email terribrod63@aol.com
BABYSITTER PREF. WITH child care exp.
References required. 10 to 20 hrswk. with
flexible schedule. Call Su at 313-570-2833.
CHILD CARE NEEDED for 5, 8, & 11 yr.
old. Tues. & some Thurs.. 3-7:30 PM. Own
transportation & refs. req. 761-9379.
CHILD CARE, BURNS park family needs
mature grad. stud. to supervise 11 yr. old girl
and 15 yr. old boy after school. Flex. sched.
and hrs. Transportation desireable. Call
CHILD CARE, BURNS Park. Mother's
helper, 10-15 hrs./wk. Afternoons and eves.
Fun. exp., refs. wanted. Corry 734-327-7066.
CHILDCARE, P/T, MAINLY Eves., for our
2 adorable & fun children. Non-smoker. 2 re-
f(s). Flex. sched. Call 9-10 p.m. 332-1339.

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