8 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 NEWS MSA Continued from page 1 tion stops short of showing any support or disfavor for Moore's own beliefs, Foley said the assembly's funding of the event could cast a partisan light on MSA representatives' ongoing efforts to register students to vote. "If MSA ends up funding Moore while they are holding voter registration drives, I definitely see a link. Howev- er, if they fund an event spotlighting a politically charged speaker of the right then it would be acceptable." But MSA Treasurer Anita Leung, an Engineering senior, said bringing Moore to the University is not equiva- lent to supporting him politically. "Enabling Moore to be brought to campus does not mean that we agree with what he says, Leung said. Mironov also said, "We encourage groups from the right to come and ask for funding (as well)." Beginning Friday the Voice Your Vote Commission of MSA will dispatch rep- resentatives to the residence halls with voter registration forms, at the permis- sion of the Residence Hall Association. Voice Your Vote is dedicated to register- ing all students to vote and getting them to the polls, and says it is concerned with presenting both sides of political issues. Students can find more information about Voice Your Voice on the group's website: www.mgovote.com. Also in last night's assembly meet- ing, Mironov expressed his eagerness for what he hoped would be a strong year of action for MSA. The assembly received 500 signa- tures at last week's Festifall - more than has been collected in recent years - and anticipates a high turnout at its open-house meeting next week. MENINGITIS Continued from page 1 lately there has been an increased fre- quency of infection among first-year residents. At the University, the disease is not common. The last reported case of meningitis was in 1995, yet other college campuses recently have been experiencing reports of several cases each year. Winfield added that the rate of students across the nation who are infected ranges from three to five per 100,000. Surveillance data from the website of the Centers for Disease Control suggested the number of bacterial meningitis cases for all undergraduate students ranges from 0.7 to 1.5 cases per 100,000. For freshmen living in residence halls, the rate is 4.6 cases per 100,000. Michigan is not one of the states requiring the inoculation for protec- tion against meningitis, yet follow- ing the Centers for Disease Control's recommendation, the University is administering the shots. It has not been made a mandatory vaccination because of the low fre- quency of the disease and the vaccine's high cost and imperfections. The vac- cine creates immunity for 70 percent of the population, yet cannot protect against one strain of the bacterial form of the disease. The shot has few side effects, includ- ing tenderness and swelling, but does not hurt more than shots usually do, LSA freshman Kamali Sripathi said after her vaccination in the Mosher Jordan Residence Hall Monday. After reading notices sent from UHS during the summer, she said she decided to get the vaccination when arriving on campus. She said she wanted the protection from the disease because she now feels "more secure living in the dorm," although it will not stop her from prac- ticing good hygiene like washing her hands. The turnout of students so far for vaccinations has been "well over the expected number" said Angie Malo- ney, a scheduler for the Flu Clinics of Michigan Visiting Nurses, which assists UHS. "Students that come in seem informed about the disease and why they are getting it. Besides, they do not have to worry about how to pay." Immunization is covered by health insurance or charged to the student account for $85. LSA freshman John Maxwell said this service is convenient for him. He was not vaccinated before leaving home because the clinics were out of doses in his area. Even though Maxwell said he is pretty confident most of his friends are already vaccinated, he added that he wants to know that he can live in his dorm without getting sick. The University's precautions of' sending reading materials, provid- ing resources and giving warnings to the community have helped inform students of the necessity to keep resi- dence halls germ-free and practice proper hygiene. Although literature from the Uni- versity has been sent out to the stu- dent body, students like Engineering freshman Merry Shao said they did not realize meningitis was such a sig- nificant threat on college campuses. After hearing that shots are given on campus, she realized how dangerous the disease is and decided to receive her vaccination. PRAHALAD Continued from page 1 Suthrum said. "I witnessed, first hand, his work and his unique perspective." In reaction to Prahalad's lecture, LSA senior Brian Gallagher said, "It changed my outlook, it makes me much more aware of what is going on in the world." Other students also expressed similar sentiments. LSA senior Justin Singer echoed that he was inspired by Prahalad's message that social change and profit can be pursued at the same time. "I think it's a good outlook to have, to look at the poor as more than just welfare (candidates) - there is money everywhere," Singer said. "If you can make money while doing a good job, it shows you don't have to be charitable to be beneficial." Not only were the students inspired, but also many of the faculty said they were fascinated by Prahalad's speech. "You can tell he really believes in his project. His heart comes through," said Audra Asher, an assistant to Business School Dean Robert Dolan. She said she hopes the students understand Pra- halad's message that business "doesn't always have to be about money." Even though many members of the audience said Prahalad's message was groundbreaking, some said they were not as impressed. "He was good, but not revolution- ary," Indian native Sunita Mudaliar said. "Being a businesswoman (in India), I've seen these kinds of programs in India for a very long time. He needs to stop export- ing, and reiterate his message here in America, while branching out to India." But Mudaliar, who traveled from Bombay to attend Prahalad's lecture after reading his book, added that the world could nevertheless improve in many ways if "more people would lis- ten to him." -Daily Staff Reporter Victoria Edwards contributed to this article SOCIAL CHANGE FOR A PROFIT ISRAEL Continued from page 1 hand, one could immediately see evidence of segregation, Davis said. "There's no such petty distinction in Israel," he said. "There are no benches for Jews and benches for non-Jews." Instead, Davis described Israel's apartheid as a veil that while illegal by U.N. standards is still tacitly endorsed by law- makers. The real segregation lies in buried laws, Davis said. He cited loopholes in Israeli laws that permit Jewish communities to prevent non-Jews from residing in their neighborhoods. "Each family should have the right to choose where they are living and not be forced to live where they don't wish to reside," he added, referring to what he calls unofficial restric- tions on where non-Jewish families can settle in Israel. Davis also cited parks in Israel which, although open to all citizens, were built over the ruins of three Palestinian settle- ments. Not only is this an example of Israel's alleged racist policy, it's also a war crime, he said. Ultimately, Davis said only Jews enjoy democracy under Israel's apartheid. He urged his listener's to take responsibility. "What about the responsibility of the people in this room who are not speaking out against the huge financial support the U.S. is giving to Israel?" he said. "It should be acted upon by this university and other universities." LSA sophomore Feras Sleiman said Davis's lecture shed light on the myth of Israel democracy, and that she wishes other stu- dents would listen to more pro-Palestinian arguments. "I see a pro-Israeli slant at this University which gives the illusion that the University supports Israel's policies. It makes the illusion that there are no other viewpoints. Making the other viewpoints on campus is essential," he said. But Risch says lectures like Davis' present a bias viewpoint, which should be disregarded. "Hopefully in the future all campus discourse can be raised beyond slanderous and baseless attacks and worked toward discussing a peaceful resolution," Risch said. - Daily Staff Reporter Michael Kan contributed to this article o ( ( r r ere r r f r i -br www.fordvehic I es .com/col legegrad ------------------------------ o get tere Here's the deal: one price, no haggling, cash in your , pocket for more important things! £...x.s.q.... This "student discount" offers substantial savings on new - - Fod dMytord sCmpny vyehiclebased on set prices estab- There's no catch - it's a unique offer, exclusive to select e' schools like yours. 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