Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Opinion 4
Elliott Mallen sees
flaw in B-School's
Missouri's finest - Nelly returns with double LP ... Arts, Page 9
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Sports 12 San Diego State's star
back sits out game
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One-hundred-thirteen years ofeditoridfreedom
www.m:chigandai/ Ann Arbor, Michigan n Vol. CXIII, No. 161 x2004 The Michigan Daily
MSA offers
to pay for
Moore visit
By Mary Doyoe
Daily Staff Reporter
While not directly affiliating itself
with any political side, the Michigan
Student Assembly is considering allo-
cating funds toward bringing to cam-
pus filmmaker Michael Moore - one
of the most controversial and outspoken
liberal figures in popular media.
The Peace and Justice Commission
of MSA presented a resolution last night
that would set aside $12,000 in assem-
bly funds to attract Moore to speak in
Hill Auditorium, on a date tentatively
scheduled in late September. MSA will
vote on the resolution next week.
Commission co-chair Ashwini
Hardikar said although the plans with
Moore are still "in negotiation," he has
expressed his interest in coming to the
University and has requested a relatively
small speaker's fee for his appearance.
If an agreement is reached, Moore
- who spoke at the Power Center last
year for the peace movement Anti-War
Action - will address a crowd of up to
35,000 people in the auditorium, which
MSA would rent for $10,000. If plans
materialize, the commission would
charge $5 for student admission and $7
for non-students. Commission members
said they are confident that they will see
a large turnout for the event.
The MSA budget is funded by fees
which every student is required to pay.
Concerning the possible potential
conflict of the student government pro-
viding funding for a speaker who stands
very strongly on one political side, MSA
president Jason Mironov said "MSA is
not allowed to lobby or endorse a can-
didate, but it is within our rules and
statutes to fund political events from all
sides," based on how the political group
is covered under the tax code.
Scott Foley, a Business School senior
and chair of Students for Bush at the
University, said he would see no prob-
lem in the assembly's accommodation
of Moore so long as an equally promi-
nent proponent of the right gets an
opportunity to address the University
community later on.
"If they in fact sponsor his speech, it
would be absolutely ridiculous for them
to not sponsor a conservative speaker,"
he said.
While the text of the proposed resolu-
See MSA, Page 8
tment of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, prepare to
separate their two membranes. By looking at proteins specific to
ve diseases.
City seeks feedback
Consultants to reveal
* tonight at forum
By Anne Joling
and Leslie Rott
Daily Staff Reporters
A new school year means more traffic and
more headaches for students, faculty and com-
munity members. But Ann Arbor city leaders
are considering making substantial changes to
streets on and around campus to improve condi-
tions for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Tonight, students and community members
will have their final chance to voice their concerns
about the city's traffic problems. The forum will
be at 7 p.m. at Community High School, located
on North Division and Catherine. At the meeting,
a consultant group will recommend changes to
improve campus and surrounding streets.
University Planner Sue Gott said the Univer-
sity has been involved in these meetings in an
effort to encourage more students and commu-
nity members to use nonmotorized transporta-
tion, specifically walking and riding bikes.
"The hope is that there will be a reduction in
dependence on private vehicle use, which will
reduce congestion in our roads and reduce pres-
sure to build more parking structures," Gott said.
for e
The city has large-scale plans for the prospec-
tive road improvements.
City Planner Jeff Kahan said the city is look-
ing at projects such as making some four-lane
streets into three-lane streets, as well as adding
islands in the middle of roads so pedestrians and
cyclists can cross half way and wait until traf-
fic clears. Kahan said both changes would make
pedestrian and bicycle travel safer.
"This is a very important effort due to the
number of people who depend on nonmotorized
transportation," Kahan said.
One of the areas that the city is concerned
with is the corner of State and Liberty streets.
The University is already attempting to con-
trol and improve traffic flow. For example, it
to campus streets
has built a pedestrian bridge over Washtenaw
Avenue and added more sidewalks to North
More bus services are also being offered as an
alternative to student driving, Facilities and Oper-
ations spokeswoman Diane Brown said.
Nevertheless, many students voiced concern
in response to the traffic flow around campus.
"I've seen a lot of near-accidents between
pedestrians, cyclists and cars before, and some-
thing should probably be done about it," LSA
junior Kristina Nyland said.
Some students said the city should make more
improvements to the safety of travel for pedes-
trians and cyclists. "I think any measure that
supports 'walkability' will be positive for the
community.... Right now the cars and students
are in a constant struggle," LSA junior Audrey
Vesota said.
Other students do not see traffic improve-
ments as a necessity for the University commu-
nity. LSA junior Trisha Boyd said, "Changing
the roads will cause more of a problem because it
will take so long for the city to redo the roads."
The University will base its plans on what is
revealed tonight at the meeting by the consultant
group, which will make suggestions regarding
the most effective way to improve traffic around
"We would really appreciate student input at the
meeting because it will be valuable in determining
what improvements are made," Gott said.
Prof Social
change, profit
can be combined
By Jackie Howard
and Amy Kwolek
For the Daily
Where others see poverty, C.K. Pra-
halad sees opportunity. Prahalad, a
Business School professor, yesterday
highlighted various corporate projects
ranging from educating women to fit-
ting prosthetic limbs, which he said
give impoverished people opportunities
to earn a living while allowing compa-
nies to still make money.
Prahalad, who is known globally for
his work consulting companies, spoke to
500 University students, staff and faculty
at the 38th William K. McInally Memo-
within a day for only $25, compared to
the average $10,000 cost in the United
Both are projects which allow compa-
nies to help impoverished people while
still making a profit, Prahalad said.
"The lecture was very informational.
It showed that there are ways other than
philanthropy to help the impoverished,"
LSA sophomore Natasha Motwani said.
Prahalad also sponsored a project
that sent 10 students from the Univer-
sity's Business School to developing
countries to research and observe the
changes that took place after new tech-
nology, advances in health care and lit-
eracy programs are
ve implemented.
Praveen Suthrum,
image a Business School
graduate student,
from took part in the
"Transaction Gov-
ernance Capacity"
o research project in
to Hyderabad, India,
rs ?" for several weeks.
Along with Prahalad,
he interviewed poli-
C.K. Prahalad ticians, businessmen
hool professor and poor people to
. .
By Amber Colvin
and Karl Stampfl
For the Daily
For Jewish anthropologist Uri Davis,
apartheid still exists - and not in South
Africa, the country most infamous for
the practice. It is present in Israel, he
Last night in Angell Hall, Davis
compared Israel's policies toward Pal-
estinians living in Israel to that of apart-
heid South Africa, arguing that Israel's
democracy is guided by racism.
"Racism is not unique to Israel polity,
racism is commonplace," Davis said.
Also a co-founder for the Movement
Against Israeli Apartheid in Palestine,
Davis is a native of Israel and has writ-
ten and edited more than 15 books and
articles commenting on the effect of the
Jewish state on the Arab world. Hoping
to foster awareness, Davis came to the
University and spoke on his criticism of
Israel's democracy from his most recent
book, "Apartheid Israel: Possibilities
and the Struggle Within."
Yet pro-Israeli supporters say Davis's
comments only hinder the effort to find
a peaceful resolution to the Mideast
conflict. "Israel is a vibrant democracy
that provides equality for all - regard-
rial Lecture at the
Business School's
Hale Auditorium
The major focus
of his lecture was
the topic of his new
book, "The Fortune
at the Bottom ofthe
Pyramid: Eradi-
cating Poverty
Through Profits,"
in which he regards
the poor not as vic-
tims, but as con-
sumers. "How can
"How can w
change the
of the poor
people who
are pitied t
LSA , esa~n" deChelsa" Appleby receives a meningitis shot from University nurse Sally Bowers Monday at Masher
Jordan Residence Hall.
'U' off erng vaccinations for
sbacterial meningitis this week
By Ann BeIsch
For the Daily
Business Sc
Although the typical freshman might not realize it, he or
she could be sleeping in bedrooms and walking in hallways
that are breeding grounds for bacterial meningitis, a dis-
ease with a 10 percent fatality rate.
Protect yourself
Vaccination locations on campus
Today - Bursley and Mary Markley
residence halls, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
study the effects of
technology in the community.
we change the image of the poor from