8A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, September 13, 2004 NEWS CONFERENCE Continued from page 1A rage" to consume them and drive them into supporting an unjust military con- flict. "We got hit and we needed to hit back." Unrelenting in his criticism of the Iraq war, Ritter accused the Bush administration of exaggerating pre-war intelligence regarding Iraqi possession of weapons of mass destruction to gain popular support from a terror-stricken American public. Ritter also criticized the Bush Administration for encouraging foreign anti-American sentiment by arrogantly defying U.S. treaty obligations and vio- lating domestic and international law by waging a war on Iraq without the approval of the U.N. Security Council. Ritter said this type of unilateral con- duct indirectly encourages acts of ter- rorism against the U.S. "He has permanently stained the rep- utation of the U.S. around the world," he said. "There will be no United Nations unless it is united." Allison Jacobs, president of the Uni- versity's College Republicans, said she felt that Ritter left a lot of important evidence out of his speeches and turned the conference into a politically charged event, rather than an academic one. "There was definitely a liberal lean- ing on it," she said. "I didn't think it was necessary to put blame on the Bush Administration when we should be dis- cussing the commission's report and more importantly 9/11." Jeffrey Toobin, CNN legal analyst and best-selling author, delivered the second keynote address, opening his lecture with a moving account of his personal experience in lower Manhat- tan on the day of the attacks. "We have a name for this type of weather in New York," Toobin said, refer- ring to the tranquil warmth of the sunny Ann Arbor afternoon that called to mind the fair skies before the attacks three years ago. "We call it September 11 weather." Toobin also presented an in-depth analysis of GOP strategy following the terrorist attacks three years ago, lead- ing up to the current 2004 presidential election season. "The Republican Party is unusually dominant right now," he said, pointing to GOP control of the three branches of federal government and most of the state governorships in the country. He drew comparisons to the administra- tion of Democratic president Lyndon B. Johnson of the 1960's, which had simi- lar party dominance, and committed the U.S. to an ill-fated war in Vietnam. Political science profs. Mark Tes- sler and Lawrence Green led breakout sessions on the roots of terrorism and the 9/11 Commission Report. Other sessions were facilitated by Michael FESTIVAL Continued from page 1A acid tablets to simulate the physics of rocket explosions. At another, the Uni- versity of Michigan Solar Car Team exhibited their latest vehicle, with three female members of the team serving to demonstrate a fun and interesting way for young women to be involved in engi- neering. The New Detroit Science Cen- ter also contributed a booth equipped with a simulation telescopes for safe sun-gazing. The event also marked the launch of TOYchallenge 2005, a competition where teams of children can design and build their own toys. At least one half of these groups of aspiring engineers must be female. The girls at the event varied greatly in their scientific interests. Twelve-year-old Mia Barma said she especially enjoyed the event. "I'm interested in science and math and I want to be an engineer when I grow up," she said, adding that she is specifically interested in electrical engineering. Both her mother and her teachers have encouraged her to excell in studying those subjects. Ride's first trip on NASA's Chal- lenger STS 7 rocket in 1983 marked the beginning of women's involvement in the American space program. During her keynote address, Ride shared with hundreds of young girls her experiences of traveling in space. As Ride spoke about her travels through space, the girls were anxious to ask her questions. From inquiries on what she ate to the view from space, Ride enthusiastically told them of her experiences. Ride's first flight to space lasted seven days. "We basically lived off peanut but- ter sandwiches and dehydrated food," she said. It was a week where even the simple task of taking a shower became impossible. As Ride spent much of her time fielding questions from the assem- bled girls, she stressed that curi- osity is a trait that all young girls have and it should be encouraged. "After all, that's what science is - curiosity." WILLA TRACOSA S/Daily Scott Ritter, the former chief weapons inspector for the U.N. Speciai Commission in Iraq, gave a keynote address in the 9/11 Conference at Hale Auditorium on Saturday. 4w Feldschuh, creator of The September 11 Photo Project, and Noel Saleh of the Michigan Chapter of the ACLU, who worked on post-Sept. 11 civil lib- erties restrictions and discrimination against Arab Americans. The sessions were informal and gave participants the opportunity to exchange ideas. Christy McGillivray from Mount Clemens spoke out in the ACLU forum against the use of racial profiling in counterterrorism practices. "I think people are (too) nervous," she said. "People do bad things because they are people, not because they are a member of a certain race." LSA senior Kimberly Washington, who attended the conference, explained that the Sept. 11 attacks were quite personal for her. "My best friend was actually right by the tower when it got hit," she said of her colleague, who suffered second-degree burns from being struck by hot debris fall- ing from the flaming World Trade Center. "It was a very frightening moment." MSA Vice President Jennifer Nathan explained that the student organization began planning the conference over the summer in conjunction with a booking agency. She said the organization felt the event would be a significant and rel- evant event for University students. "This is a horrible tragedy that has shaped our college experience," said Nathan, who was a freshman at the University the year of the attacks. MSA Reps. Stuart Wagner and Jesse Levine emphasized the social impor- tance of holding the conference in order to encourage discussion and debate on critical issues. "I think it's important to go beyond the classroom and hear dif- ferent opinions," Levine said. Scott Ritter echoed similar statements. "Our generation has failed you," he said. "You don't have the luxury to transfer these problems onto the next generation. There may not be a generation." U K Jews fir Jesus presents Forbidden Peace The Story Behind the Headlines Guest Speakers 0l Moran was an Israeli soldier. Taysir was a Palestinian PLO fighter. Together they grapple with the question: "Is there any hope for peace between Israelis and Palestinians?" Israeli Moran Rosenblit and PalestinianTaysir Abu Saada have found a path of peace. It came in a way they weren't expecting. The peace that ended their long and bitter hatred towards their neighbors came through one person - Y'shua (Jesus) of Nazareth. Whether you are completely skeptical or genuinely curious, Jews for Jesus invites you to come and hear FIRSTHAND the stories of Moran and Taysir.. . Atj