cbr iutou &igail GRADUATION EDITION 2004 www.michigandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan m Vol. CXIII, No. 138 02004 The Michigan Daily SPLIT June 24, 2003 By Jeremy Bekowitz and Tomislav Ladika Daily Staff Reporters WASHINGTON - Considering a college applicant's 'race' is constitutional ruled the Supreme Court of the United States in a 5-4 deci- sion last Monday. But in a 6-3 vote, it struck down the University of Michigan's College of Literature, Science, and the Arts' policy of granting points for race. The two judgments, which gave the University guidelines for how race can be used in its admis- sions systems, were the culmination of a six-year legal battle between the university and the reject- ed white applicants who sued it. The court accepted the university's argument that the need for a diverse student body justified affirmative action. DECISION Supreme Court upholds affirmative action, rejects admissions poit system The scene outside the courtroom was reminis- cent of the one two months ago when oral argu- ments were heard in Grutter v Bollinger and Gratz Bollinger. Civil rights leaders and university officials held impromptu press conferences expressing their delight. University students and alumni, living in Washiigton, D.C for thesumieir gathered to find out about the decision, and some waited in long lines to obtain copies of the opinions. "This is a victory today," said Theodore Shaw, associate director-counsel of the National Associ- ation for the Advancement of Colored People. "This leaves the doors of opportunity open for minority students." The decision was fortunate, given the current conservative makeup of the court, he said. Seven of the nine justices received their appointments from Republican presidents. Writing for the majority in the Law School case, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor said the need for diversity justifies using race as an admissions factor, thus rejecting the claims made by the plaintiffs that race should never be considered as an admissions factor. "Because universities, and in particular law schools, represent tietraining ground for a large number of the nation's leaders ... the path to leadership must be visibly open to talented and qualified individuals of every race and ethnicity," her opinion states. O'Connor wrote that the Law School policy "engages in a highly individualized, holistic review of each applicant's file, giving serious consideration to all the ways an applicant might contribute to a diverse educational environment ... The program adequately ensures that all fac- tors that may contribute to diversity are meaning- fully considered alongside race." But writing for the majority in the LSA case, Chief Justice William Rehnquist wrote that "the only consideration that accompanies the 20-point automatic distribution to all applicants from under-represented minorities is a factual review to determine whether an individual is a member of one of these minority groups ... The LSA's 20- point distribution has the effect of making 'the factor of race ... decisive' for virtually every minimally qualified underrepresented minority applicant." O'Connor and Rehnquist have a total of 53 years of experience on the court, in which they have gained reputations as a pragmatic swing vote and a consistent conservative, respectively. They are both rumored to retire in the near future, having waited long enough to have a voice in a landmark case for which they possess enormous passion for. O'Connor faced enormous discrimination in the 1950s when very few women graduated from law school. Rehnquist has repeatedly opposed affirmative action policies since his 1971 entrance onto the court and voted against the constitutionalitf'otracial 'quotas in the 1978 Regents of the University of(alifornia v. Bakke case. Despite the p it ecision, Jniversity president Mary Sue Coleman called the ruling "a tremen- dous victory" for the University and all institu- tions of higher education. "The court sent a clear message today that affirmative action may be used in our admissions policies," she said during a press conference by telephone. "The court has provided two important signals. The first is a green light to pursue diversity in the college classroom. The second is a road map to get us there;' Coleman said. LEO negotiations end with no finalized agreement Tech Center inflames April 8, 2004 By Alison Go Daily Staff Reporter Shortly after 4 a.m., the Lecturers' Employee Organization and the University administration cut off negotiations for the evening, ensuring that the planned LEO walkout will occur today. "Because it came so late in the night, we did not make any tentative agreements," LEO President Bonnie Halloran said. "We do not have a new contract and will be holding the walkout as planned." The "strike central" on campus is Haven Hall, facing the Diag, the LEO website said. Picketing was to begin at 5:30 a.m. "We definitely made progress on job security and salary," Halloran said. "The walkout will go on to ensure progress con- tinues." The administration, however, is still opti- mistic that an agreement will be reached. "The University bargaining team feels they are making headway," University spokeswoman Julie Peterson said. Both sides have no plans for the immedi- ate future, aside from more talks that will restart tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. The University has yet to meet the demands of LEO. There have been 36 bar- gaining sessions, which have resulted in agreement on 18 contract articles, since the inception of the talks on August 19. The last article that was passed regards how the University posts its available job positions. "The lecturers are an important group on campus, and they do a good job in terms of creating a wonderful and intellectual envi- ronment," University President Mary Sue Coleman said. The negotiations, which began at 1 p.m. at the Wolverine Room in the Michigan Union, mostly revolved around salary and job security issues, Peterson said. The negotiations were scheduled to last until 5 p.m., but bargaining sessions were restarted at 5:30 p.m. and extended into the early morning at the Administrative Services Building near the Wolverine Towers. The two sides did not sit down at the bar- gaining table until around 10 p.m. Before that, the lead negotiators for the two bar- gaining teams made "conceptual presenta- tions" of their perspectives on the issues. Each presentation was followed by ques- tions from the opposing group. And while there has been little move- ment in talks, both sides say they have been able to remain civil throughout the bargain- ing sessions. "The negotiations have always been very professional," Halloran said. -Al OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW Bollinger leaves for Columbia; Lee Bollinger received his Bachelor's degree from the University of Oregon and law degree from Columbia University, where he was editor of the law review. He served as dean of the Michigan Law School from 1987 to 1994, provost of fl nnrtmrn,,th ('nIbcarpfrn~m 1 QA 4to 1(MQ Coleman is first female president. Mary Sue Coleman was a member of the biochemistry faculty for 19 years and a Cancer Center administrator at the Uni- versity of Kentucky in Lexington. Her research at the University of Ken- tucky at Lexington focused on the immi ma* ,cx ~rctom and4 ry -aiic rnnrnr. ac n.n,. I I I I